Forum Topics

Gaza Under Siege - The 21st Century Chemical Ethnic Cleansing

From The Times
December 5, 2008
Israel rains fire on Gaza with phosphorus shells
Artillery shells explode above Gaza City
(Patrick Baz/AFP/Getty Images)

Israeli artillery shells explode with a chemical agent designed to create smokescreen for ground forces


Gaza Bombarded

News Middle East
Scores dead in Israeli raid on Gaza

The Israeli air raids left a trail of death
and destruction [Reuters]

At least 195 Palestinians, including women and children, have been killed in an Israeli aerial bombardment on Hamas security installations.

Israel launched air attacks across the besieged Gaza Strip on Saturday, threatening that further operations would be carried out.

Emergency services said that at least 200 people were wounded.

Witnesses reported heavy damage as at least 30 missiles were

Al Jazeera News

Press TV

Press TV Sky Digital 515 is a new Iranian non sectaraian media platform that is alot more appealing than al jazeera imo due to the Islamic centric position it takes. There's a fantastic show called Islam & Life which airs Fridays 8pm hosted by Tariq Ramadan.

any views on this channel ?

Forced Mortgage . . .

Assalam Alaikum

No it's not a spelling error, it says forced mortgage. the current financial crisis is big news, mostly self inflicted but a crisis nonetheless. The reason i create this thread is simple, due to the extremely material world that we live in it's been easier than ever to access material wealth - or debt to be precise. In this country and most of the world the requirement of a mortgage is essential in order to buy a house - there are many scholarly opinions on the matter with Imam Abu Hanifa's (r.a) being one used amongst a general consensus- however the issue lies upon the amount being borrowed ; amount borrowed against income.

Chinese Quake

China has now fell victim to a natural disaster wich follows the catastrophic cyclone in Myanmar. This sort of event has been mentioned in the Qur'an Majeed and must make us think, it could happen to us here! May Allah protect us all.

