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Mi'raj an-Nabi

'Allama 'Ata-ul-Mustafa Jameel gave a speech some years ago in Leicester. A brother translated it and has kindly offered for it to be placed on

It is about the superlative status of Sayyidina Rasoolallah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam and his miracles, which surpass modern science thousandfold. It is very relevant in this month of Rajab, the month of the Mi'raj.

Please visit to read it.

Website updated

I have updated my website. There are 4 new articles now available to read.

(1) Hadith of Jibra'il and 'Ilm al-Ghayb
(2) Hadith of 'Lawlaak'
(3) The authority of Rasoolallah 'alaihis salam in the Shari' rulings
(4) Isaal al-Thawab in the Qur'an and Sunnah (added today)

Please go to 'New Articles' for more.

Please let me know of any mistakes.