I have updated my website. There are 4 new articles now available to read.
(1) Hadith of Jibra'il and 'Ilm al-Ghayb
(2) Hadith of 'Lawlaak'
(3) The authority of Rasoolallah 'alaihis salam in the Shari' rulings
(4) Isaal al-Thawab in the Qur'an and Sunnah (added today)
Please go to www.aqdas.co.uk 'New Articles' for more.
Please let me know of any mistakes.
Does the Isaal al-Thawab link work for you? Some have complained it doesn't.
nah it works fine, and btw correct me if i am wrong but isnt the correct name Imam riZa not riDA brelewi?
Jazak Allah. Others have also said the link works.
In Urdu, they say Raza. In arabic, it is Rida. Both are correct. The Indo-Pak 'ulema will call him Imam Ahmad Raza, the Arab shuyukh will call his Imam Ahmad Rida, such as Shaykh Gibril in his brilliant articles.