Forum Topics

marriage in general

hey just a quick question if two people who would like to get married and are afraid that their parents will reject it i.e the other person is not right for their son/daughter or that their too young ,can they stil go forward and get 'secretly married'???
p.s whats the rulling on a guy getting his body hair trimmed down or waxed, to look good for his wife and a girl going to beauty salons and getting their hair cut and get certain treatments for their husbands?

confused would like to know....

talking to a boy/girl

Hi i'm abit confused well kinda 50/50 on the subject, its regarding talking to the opposite sex,anyway the situation is that most of my mates they talk to girls vice versa but i dont really participate when i do its only when its relevant or that its necessary other than that i dont really chat/talk to the opposite sex, my question is that is it permisable to talk to the other sex as in the situation were its for educational purposes-like your only intention to speak to them was regarding that and that you do not talk about anything else as for distraction wise-because recently i've been havin