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Quran Reading® – Full al Quran with Audio Recitation

Quran Reading is a Smartphone application helping Muslims to easily learn Quran from every respect. It comes up with remarkable aspects of Translation, Transliteration and Audio Recital ensuring complete learning. Download this free and comprehensible application of Quran Reading to learn about the instructions of the Holy Quran in the most preferred way.
Download Quran Reading® – Full al Quran with Audio & Translation for iOS

Quran Translation

Now read/recite the Quran with great comfort and ease. Download and install this app to have the entire Holy Quran in the palm of your hands. This app contains all the 114 surahs of the Holy Quran in their correct order along with their city of revelation. It sports a variety of great features and they’re listed below.

Surah Rahman By Shaikh Sudais App (Android and iOS)

Surah Rahman

Out of the total 114 Surahs of the holy Quran, Surah Rahman is among the most interesting Surahs of the holy Quran. In this Surah, Allah tells us about his blessings on both (Insan and Jinn). This Surah has many benefits. Today, life has become very busy, so, Quran Reading Academy has come up with an idea of having Surah Rahman App. Now, you may have the blessings of the holy Quran while keeping it in your cell phone.


PlayStore Link:

Surah Al-Kahf - Read and Listen the 18th Surah

Surah Al Kahf is a learning based application with complete recitation, explanation, and transliteration. This application has been conveyed keeping in view the monstrosity of Surah Kahf for Muslims. Surah Kahf is the eighteenth bit of the Holy Quran with 110 Ayat. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) got the disclosure of al-Kahf in Makkah. This is a faultlessly delineated out application with sound recitation of the Surah Al-Kahf. This application has been passed on keeping in view the essentialness of Surah Kahf for Muslims.

Download Surah Al Kahf mp3 for Android | Download Surah Al Kahf mp3 for iOS

Holy Quran App “Quran Now” for Android is Available on Play Store

Quran Now is a stunning Quran application that improves your presence with the endowment of examining and listening to the Quran is the holiest book of Islam and Millions of Muslims comprehends it step by step. Millions knows it by heart. There are various Quran Apps in Android store that you can download and usage to scrutinize and listenthe Holy Quran In different dialects like Arabic, English and Urdu.listen the Holy Quran in Mp3 Format in this incredible application the audio quality is incredible.Some features of Quran Now application are mention below

Sahih Bukhari - A Complete Hadith Collection

Sahih Bukhari is a smart phone application which provides you complete list of Hadith of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) collected by Imam Bukhari (R.A). The app provides an ease to its users of searching Hadith by just adding a single word, it will provide you list of Hadith related to that query or you can also add a reference number to check the authenticity of the Hadith. Sahih Bukhari in English guides us the right way to increase our knowledge about Islam and also teaches us something new every day with its feature “Hadith of the Day”. The feature provides randomly generated Hadith to its users in their notification with remainder to remind you about reading Hadith. The app has beautiful graphics and is very easy to use. To download this elegant application links are given below:

Noorani Qaida – App to Learn Tajweed (iOS and Android)

In life after death, when the rewards will be weighted and people will less weight will have to go to the hell and those with high weight will go to Jinnah, people will desperately look for rewards but no one even your close relatives will not grant you a single reward. So, it is the time to read and recite the holy Quran and earn more and more rewards which will lead to high position in terms of Jinnah / heaven. There are some kinds of rewards that are continuous e.g. if you help your kid learn how to read or recite Quran. You will get of rewards even after your death for your this act of kindness. So, your kid will be able to learn Quran with the help of Noorani Qaida app, this app may be downloaded from the links below;