Sahih Bukhari - A Complete Hadith Collection

Sahih Bukhari is a smart phone application which provides you complete list of Hadith of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) collected by Imam Bukhari (R.A). The app provides an ease to its users of searching Hadith by just adding a single word, it will provide you list of Hadith related to that query or you can also add a reference number to check the authenticity of the Hadith. Sahih Bukhari in English guides us the right way to increase our knowledge about Islam and also teaches us something new every day with its feature “Hadith of the Day”. The feature provides randomly generated Hadith to its users in their notification with remainder to remind you about reading Hadith. The app has beautiful graphics and is very easy to use. To download this elegant application links are given below:

Download Bukhari Shareef for Android | Download Bukhari Shareef for iOS

Following are the main features of the application:

  • A complete list of Sahih Bukhari book is added in a list of books.
  • A brief introduction of Sahih Bukhari Hadith collection is given.
  • User can bookmark Hadith and make list of favorites.
  • You may share Hadith to your social accounts.
  • Settings allow you to adjust font according to your needs.
  • The person can also share this application with others via email.

Sahih Bukhari is a hadith collection by Imam Bukhari and not "an app".

That you gave that name to your app is a different thing.

Be careful about your advertising practises - some people will consider it spamming.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

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