BACK TO BASICS: How to Perform Salah

MuslimBro & Imaani Aslam

Islam is a complete way of life. It is based on five basic duties which are known as the five pillars of Islam. Salah is the second pillar of Islam and the most important of all acts of worship. The other three pillars are: Zakat, Sawm and Hajj.

Salah is prayer offered to Allah using specific words and actions as taught by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Allah says in the Quran: “Indeed I created Jinn and human beings for no other purpose but to worship me.” [51:56]

Guardian Angel- Chapter 5: Sanctuary

By Adnaan Adrees

One of the greatest feelings on earth is the realisation that we are not alone. That there is someone equally as weird as you out there... and then you meet them, again and again and again. What are the chances of that?

I could tell by the way she lay across the pillow that she hadn’t slept in quite sometime. It bothered me more than it should. The way her mouth fell slightly open made me laugh; it was hard to believe that she had almost been killed. I could hear her breathing slowly. I didn’t know if I should consider this a blessing or a test; to be able to see her again. Of course I knew how this would end so why should it be anything less than the latter.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Abdullah bin Islam

My friends were due to pick me up from my house at 11am. I'd packed everything the night before (mainly jubbahs and suntan lotion). My passport was in the top draw of my bedside table along with my plane tickets, tucked safely away in a brown envelope. About an hour before my friends were scheduled to arrive, they called me to let me know they were running on time. I calmly went over to open my bedside table draw and... confusion.

There were phone bills, bank statements, some old photos and a passport-sized empty space. Where could my documents be? I had been very careful with them and vividly remembered checking and double-checking the night before. I opened the drawer below: nothing but receipts and warrantee cards. All of a sudden this wasn't looking so good.

Inner Battle

Truth's Razors

So it’s the last period of the day – English – and you’re waiting for everyone else to come into the room. You’ve looked forward to it the whole day, not because you’ve got some crazy obsession with Shakespeare or anything but because he sits in front of you.

You wonder if he thinks you’re pretty, it would be nice if he did. Maybe he talks about you to his friends like you constantly talk about him to yours. It’s weird every time you see him your heart becomes an acrobat and jumps. Ah, there’s a tingling feeling now that you’re thinking about him. Where is he? You look expectantly at the door as everyone spills into the room, and then busy yourself to make sure it’s not obvious that you’re waiting for someone.


By Shamim Miah

Islamophobia, or anti-Muslim prejudice, is increasingly becoming a dominant feature of public discourse and the Muslim collective experience in the UK and the rest of Europe.

In Europe Islamophobia is channelled through draconian policies which have resulted in restrictions on the public display of Islam; as in the case of France with the hijab and veil ban and the banning of building of minarets in Switzerland.

There have also been a number of populist far-right groups such as Geert Wilders Party of Freedom in the Netherlands. This party has called for the banning of the Quran. In the UK, demonisation of Islam and Muslims has led to the emergence of the English Defence League.

Q&A: Halal Meat

Shaykh Salim Ghisa

How do I know my meat I eat or buy is halal? And who are HFA/HMC? As one says stunning animals is allowed and other says it isn’t so what is the correct process of slaughtering animals in Islam?


In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Eating meat which has been slaughtered in a Halal way is obligatory upon every Muslim. The slaughtering of an animal (which is permissible to eat) has to be done in a prescribed method.

Allah Almighty says:

Masturbation in Islam

Shaykh Salim Ghisa

A few of my mates have confessed to me that they masturbate as its the only way they can stay away from entering in to haram relationships; they're too young or not financially stable to get married and some of them are even married- what does Islam say about masturbation and what advice can you offer?


In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful

Masturbation by one’s own hand or self is not permissible in Islam.

Allah (The Exalted) says: “Those who guard their sexual organs except with their spouses or those whom their right hands possess, for (with regard to them) they are without blame. But those who crave something beyond that are transgressors.” (23:5-7)

A Death In The Family

By An older brother

It is like a bad dream which won’t go away. How do you contemplate losing a brother? How do you get on with your life when you’ve lost a piece of it? How?

Every day I miss my little, baby brother. Just looking at the doors in the house remind me of him, thinking he’s going to walk through them any moment or just take a peek inside (he used to do that a lot, he used to stick his head in a room just to see who was in there and whether to enter or not). Or when I’m standing outside my house I think I’ll see him walking up from the park with his friends. How do I even try to describe the pain of losing the youngest member of my family? The only thing that gives me comfort is knowing that he’s in a better place, that he’s with our Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa aalihii wasallam, that’s what gives me comfort.

The Ruling of First Cousin Marriages: A Balanced Perspective

Dr. Asim Yusuf


My question relates to marrying first cousins. Although it's permissible in Islam, I was wondering as regards to arguments against this as many people cite health issues and high rates of disabilities among children. I’m struggling to get my head around a ruling in Islam that potentially puts people or children at risk. I am in no way saying the Islamic ruling is wrong as I would never oppose anything in Islam but rather I would like clarification so as to have a better understanding as non-Muslims often ask why we would have this ruling and always cite particular studies.


Thank you for your question and your concern for supporting the religion.


Cousin Marriage is a massive issue especially amongst Asian Muslims in the UK. It divides the Muslim community like nothing else. You're either dead against it because of cultural and medical reasons or its 'cousin marriage or no marriage' in your parents eyes. Mainly it's parents who favour it and the youth who oppose it. The Revival spoke to the Muslim Youth across the UK to get their views on cousin marriages:

Farzana Patel, 25, Bury

I am all for cousin marriages and I don’t see anything wrong with it. The scientific point that people who marry their cousins have defective children is a load of rubbish, because if it was true all or majority of disabled children would have parents who are cousins.
