Why is Prince Charles so attracted to Islam?

Omid Safi

Why is Prince Charles so attracted to Islam?

A recent story about Prince Charles learning Arabic in order to undertake a deeper study of the Qur’an has created a lot of hubbub in the British media.

The story has raised rumors yet again about the heir to the British throne’s deep fascination with Islam.

A decade ago, Islamophobes were already filled with dread that Prince Charles might have already converted to Islam.

So what is behind this attraction to Islam?  What about Islam is proving so appealing to Prince Charles himself?   To answer that question, let us listen to some of what he has to say.

It's Easy to have an Affair

Alveena Salim

Networking is a lot of fun. You can catch up with long lost friends, make new friends and even find business contacts. Blackberries, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Bebo, Friends Reunited, Hi5, emails and social networks all make it so much easier to re-connect with people.

It’s also an easy way to start an online affair.

Social networks are a great avenue for meeting ex-boyfriends/girlfriends. You can meet people that you fancied at school or college but never had the courage to admit your feelings. Or people, that you may not have known that well at University, but according to their profiles, you can see that now they are extremely successful and attractive.

Watch The Revival Editor Bungee Jump!


Hats off to Sajid aka The Revival Editor for going through with this.

I found out on the night that he had managed to recruit others into the madness too and mashallah they had raised money for the revival too and would be jumping too.

See how they got on in the video above ^ ^

The Hook to be Extradited

Abu Hamza extradition decision welcomed by UK and US

The UK and US have welcomed a European court ruling that paves the way for Abu Hamza al-Masri and four other terrorism suspects to be extradited to America.


On Monday, the European Court of Human Rights denied the radical cleric and the other men a final appeal.

The Home Office said the extraditions would happen "as quickly as possible".

Meanwhile, it has emerged that the Queen had voiced concerns about the inability of authorities to arrest a man she felt must have broken UK laws.

Filmmaker vows to make more 'Anti-Islam' films...

The man who produced the film, which is said to have led to the deadly protests in Libya and became the reason of death of the US Ambassador Chris Stevens, has gone into hiding, but remains unrepentant for releasing his film, says a report.

Sam Bacile, who wrote, directed and produced the two-hour film ‘Innocence of Muslims’, also reportedly called Islam ‘a cancer’ and vowed to release further films about the religion.

Bacile, who described himself as an Israeli Jew, is said to live in California where he works in real estate.

According to the Telegraph, he claimed the film cost 3.3 million dollars to make and was financed with the help of over 100 Jewish donors.

Imam at the centre of child bride scandal steps down after 'being caught agreeing to marry girl of 12'

A Muslim cleric at the centre of an illegal marriage scandal has stepped down after he allegedly offered to marry a 12-year-old girl to a man in his 20s.

Imam Mohamed Kassamali is said to have told an undercover reporter posing as a father that he could carry out a ceremony for his school-aged daughter.

He allegedly told the Sunday Times journalist: 'If it (the marriage) was not possible, I would have told you straight away... I would love the girl to go to her husband’s houses (sic) as soon as possible, the younger the better.


An Idiot’s Guide to Eid
By Sajid Iqbal
Editor, The Revival

Published in the Oldham Evening Chronicle

What is Eid?
Eid is a festival celebrated throughout the world by all Muslims.

Is Eid just like Christmas?
Eid you could say is similar to Christians celebrating Christmas. Both are religious festivals but the reasons for celebrating them are different.
