Filmmaker vows to make more 'Anti-Islam' films...

The man who produced the film, which is said to have led to the deadly protests in Libya and became the reason of death of the US Ambassador Chris Stevens, has gone into hiding, but remains unrepentant for releasing his film, says a report.

Sam Bacile, who wrote, directed and produced the two-hour film ‘Innocence of Muslims’, also reportedly called Islam ‘a cancer’ and vowed to release further films about the religion.

Bacile, who described himself as an Israeli Jew, is said to live in California where he works in real estate.

According to the Telegraph, he claimed the film cost 3.3 million dollars to make and was financed with the help of over 100 Jewish donors.

Imam at the centre of child bride scandal steps down after 'being caught agreeing to marry girl of 12'

A Muslim cleric at the centre of an illegal marriage scandal has stepped down after he allegedly offered to marry a 12-year-old girl to a man in his 20s.

Imam Mohamed Kassamali is said to have told an undercover reporter posing as a father that he could carry out a ceremony for his school-aged daughter.

He allegedly told the Sunday Times journalist: 'If it (the marriage) was not possible, I would have told you straight away... I would love the girl to go to her husband’s houses (sic) as soon as possible, the younger the better.


An Idiot’s Guide to Eid
By Sajid Iqbal
Editor, The Revival

Published in the Oldham Evening Chronicle

What is Eid?
Eid is a festival celebrated throughout the world by all Muslims.

Is Eid just like Christmas?
Eid you could say is similar to Christians celebrating Christmas. Both are religious festivals but the reasons for celebrating them are different.

Save Maryam

I created this by accident. this is how tired I am - wasmeant to be a blog. admin/Ed please delete.


Since comments have been made, this is what I had posted ">]


Do you have many questions about Islam but don’t know who to ask? Don’t worry because you can now have all your questions answered by The Revival. Your questions will be answered by a variety of qualified Islamic scholars.

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Da’wah: An invitation usually to Islam or towards any good

Dhikr: Remembrance of Allah

Fitnah: In the Quran it is used to describe the trials and temptations that may face the believers. Now, it is used to describe the forces that cause mischief, chaos and scandal within the Muslim community, disturbing social peace and order

Hanafi: A person who follows the Hanafi school of thought, founded by Imam Abu Hanifa

Iddat: A period of waiting by a woman, after the death of her husband (four months and ten days) or divorce (three months), during which she may not marry another man and hence must abstain from sexual intercourse

What Is Wrong With Mosques Today?

Serat E Ali

Are you fed up with your local mosque not being the centre point of the Muslim community? Is your mosque catering for the needs of the local community? Are our Imams and committees providing what is really needed for our local Muslim community? The answer in most places is NO! But why is this? Has Islam become an outdated religion? Has culture overtaken the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)?  In majority of densely populated areas in the UK our mosques, Imams and committees are failing to provide for the needs of everyone.

So what do mosques really need to do?

The Family of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Imaani Aslam

What do we actually know about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) when it comes to his family? Who were the Prophets’ grandparents, parents, children and wives? How can we follow or even relate to someone if we don’t know much about their life?

Now let’s talk about the family of the Prophet (pbuh)…


The parents of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) were noble and pious people. They were free from all the evils of their society and never worshipped idols.

Abdullah, the Prophet’s (pbuh) father, belonged to a very famous tribe in Makkah called Quraysh. Shortly before the Prophet's (pbuh) birth while Abdullah was on a trade journey he fell ill and passed away.
