FREE: Tayyibun Charity Iftar Gathering (BIRMINGHAM, Rex Centre, 26/07/13) RESERVE NOW

Event Date: 
Friday, 26 July, 2013 - 16:00

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

Tayyibun Institute invites you and your family this Ramadhaan to join us for:

[SIZE=18][B]Tayyibun Annual Charity Iftar Gathering - Birmingham[/B][/SIZE]
[B]Ramadhaan 1434 / 2013[/B]


The Tayyibun Annual Charity Iftar Gathering is an unmissable jam-packed fully segregated event consisting of Emaan boosting lectures, mesmerising Qur'an recitation by Quraa' from Egypt, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, mouth watering three course meal and charity fundraiser with auction. A spectacular event not to be missed consisting of over fifty renowned scholars and teachers enlightening us with their presence and selected passionately moving reminders. The event will host and cater for hundreds of Muslims gathered under one roof to break their fast together in the blessed month of Ramadhaan with a fine elegant luxurious Iftar dinner- creating a sense of brotherhood and Islamic unity.
The event will be fully segregated between the genders and will also house a separate designated area for mothers with children. All in all this should be an exquisite event with the noble aim in building brotherhood, raising awareness and funds for our chosen charitable cause Human Appeal, a non-profit organisation working across the globe to strengthen humanity in the face of poverty, social injustice and natural disaster- with particular efforts at the Iftar concentrating on assisting orphans, refugees and widows in Syria.

[B]Date:[/B] Friday 26th July 2013

[B]Venue:[/B] The Rex Centre Banqueting Suite  
430- 434 Coventry Road, West Midlands, Birmingham B10 0UG

Situated on Coventry Road
[I]Map-[/I] [url]

[B]Time: [/B]5.00pm to Iftar
* Invited guests include several renowned scholars and teachers whom will enlighten us with their presence and noteworthy reminders insha'allaah.
* Short inspiring eemaan boosting lectures
* Live heart melting Qur'an recitation by Quraa' from Kuwait, Egypt and Saudi Arabia
* Charity auction and fundraising in aid of Human Appeal
* Video presentations
* Complimentary mouth watering three course iftar meal (HMC approved)
* Fully segregated facilities between the genders

[I]Free admission- All brothers and sisters welcome (registration required online to book seats).[/I]
[B]Please note- although entrance and food is provided for free, we require [U]all[/U] attendees to reserve their seats online to ensure that bookings do not exceed the hall capacity. Attendees [U]must[/U] reserve their seat prior to attendance (to avoid disappointment) on:[/B]

Wasalaamu Alaikum,
Tayyibun Annual Charity Iftar Gathering- Birmingham, 26/07/13[/B]
[I]* Annual Charity Iftar Gathering is a project of the Tayyibun Institute.
* Tayyibun Institute is a non-partisan organisation, we are not affiliated with any groups, Islamic organisations or Mosques.
* We do not permit any external recording or publicity at any of our programmes.
* Separate designated seating area for sisters with children available.[/I]