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I know a few short people who were bullies.

The big lads generally minded their own business, but the ones that were shorter had the short mans syndrome, and bullied the people shorter than them.

Bullying is an attitude. Those who get bullied generally ask for it. They have weak minds.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
I know a few short people who were bullies.

The big lads generally minded their own business, but the ones that were shorter had the short mans syndrome, and bullied the people shorter than them.

Bullying is an attitude. Those who get bullied generally ask for it. They have weak minds.

That dont mean if someone is weaker they are askin for it, thats silly, ppl tend to bully those who are quiet and not out-spoken. were u bullied? i have never been maybe cuz i had a lot more confidence bak in the school days.

Its not about being smaller or quiet.

I've known people bigger than me being bullied. I am normally very quiet, so that does not come into it either.

Strength rarely comes into it either. bullies are generally weak; they bully to show they have strength. Its a bluff. Those who have strength generally don't need to get into the argument.

I have never (successfully) been bullied.

Its all about attitude.

If you allow the bullies to succeed even an inch, they will take a yard.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
Its not about being smaller or quiet.

I've known people bigger than me being bullied. I am normally very quiet, so that does not come into it either.

Strength rarely comes into it either. bullies are generally weak; they bully to show they have strength. Its a bluff. Those who have strength generally don't need to get into the argument.

I have never (successfully) been bullied.

Its all about attitude.

If you allow the bullies to succeed even an inch, they will take a yard.

No but thats silly some ppl cant stand up for themselves or they are loners who have no mates and therefore are on their own but i agree bullies generally themselves are cowards which is why they pick on sum1 who is an easy target an generally weaker than them.

Everyone can stand up for themselves.

Its a matter of wether they will or will not.

It may take a bit of guts.

You may get beaten once. But it will spare you of regular bullying.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"angel" wrote:
"Dave" wrote:

Well isn't that judgemental - JUST because I am a big guy you assume I am bullying people rather than setting them straight.

Typical short person.

Typical awkward giant defendin ppl closer to his height, your just defendin seraph cuz he makes you feel better and you dont look as much as a giant normally with "short" guys but somewhat closer to your height!

p.s. what time is in america?

Ah, I can't argue with somebody who has such a splendid profile (about Scotland).

lol presently it is 7:12 PM however when you wrote your post it was 11:13am.

"angel" wrote:
"Seraph" wrote:

Dont worry about it... we wont think 'little' of you if you dont get it.

Sorry shorty but i dont think your entitled to say that! 5'6 and being a guy haha Biggrin

I think i have every right to make fun of people who are short-er. I may not be a lampost (no offense Dave) but i think i have the right to take the mick outta my own ...i wanna say "height-group" but i dont consider myself to be short, and its never been an issue b4 so Blum 3

Bullies are weak pathetic fools, pushing around some1 whose weaker than you doesnt prove your strength. Try pitting it against some1 ur own size... cowards!!!!!

Back in BLACK

"Seraph" wrote:
"angel" wrote:
"Seraph" wrote:

Dont worry about it... we wont think 'little' of you if you dont get it.

Sorry shorty but i dont think your entitled to say that! 5'6 and being a guy haha Biggrin

I think i have every right to make fun of people who are short-er. I may not be a lampost (no offense Dave) but i think i have the right to take the mick outta my own ...i wanna say "height-group" but i dont consider myself to be short, and its never been an issue b4 so Blum 3

Eh you might not consider yourself short but lets face it, you are short for a guy shorty!

watching BBC North West news today........

there seems to be a fuss bieng kicked up about a Muslim woman who has entered the Miss England contest. her parents are backing her, however the community isnt too happy. shes one of the favourites to win....there are 4 others too....but they aint as close as to winning as she is. shes already miss Nottingham

BBC got views from people on whimmy muslim woman said its ok :shock:

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


and another thing....

my mate says he heard Muslim Men shouldnt wear red or yellow. i asked him why, and he says apparently its hadeeth or something, i aint heard it b4 :shock:

me bieng a red devil, im gona hav a problem with not wearing red :evil:

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


the issue is a ruling hanafi madhab, im not sure with others.

By us a male cannot wear red on a major portion of the body, or an entirely red piece of clothing is not permitted which covers a major portion of the body. It is because red and yellow/saffron type colour are feminine and we have been told to MAINTAIN gender traditional roles rather than imitate the oppostie people.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

oh right....1st tym ive heard that.

yellow maybe....but red isnt Sad and what about all the pink shirts in fashion!!

jus gonna hav to get the man united away kit from now on Smile

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.



if u wearing pink then u got some serious issues i think!

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

not me! its jus fashionable these days..........light colours such as pink and yellow.

but i cant see how red is a womans colour Cray 2

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


red is feminine colour by the sight of the shariah. doesnt matter if u or me get it, thats a true fact.

can i assume u wear pink?! That is just strange.

Personally I dont like any other colour except white and last time I wore non-white was about 6 months back and that colour was black. For me its not much of a n issue about red cos i only wear white and have left all other colours so dats me.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

even green? :shock:

colour of the fav colour!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


I love the green dome but dont wear green, not as clothing nor as a turban.

My turbans are either white, black or lunghi imamah (which are one colour with stripes at both ends). I think when my current turbans get worn out then I might buy a green turban but at the moment I have too many as it is.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

yes thats what the Muslim leaders (or something alike) were saying.....but she thinks its ok for mulsims and shes proud of herself

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth Hayder" wrote:
yes thats what the Muslim leaders (or something alike) were saying.....but she thinks its ok for mulsims and shes proud of herself

In the Times she said that she is from a fairly unreligious secular family.

So that's OK then. :?

I suppose it the fault of our own Muslim community for not offering alternatives.

Fashions shows/beauty pagents etc are so much fun for girls.

I don't blame girls in wanting to be involved in such stuff...which "girly girl" wouldnt?

But cos we don't do stuff like that, Muslim girls want to get involved in the ones shown on TV which is wrong...

the press insist on reffering to her as a Muslim woman tho!!

doesnt do us any favours, she should clearly say im not representing muslim women and would like to dissasociate myself with them

one of the fellow conetestants said, therz nothing wrong with it....shes integrating into our society. i thawt i was integrated, or do i need to pose in a thong? :?

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth Hayder" wrote:
yes thats what the Muslim leaders (or something alike) were saying.....but she thinks its ok for mulsims and shes proud of herself

As for the 'Muslim leaders', since when did any Muslim with any form of authority in any field become a 'leader'?

Media really scraping the barrel for Muslim leaders to comment on this.

"irfghan" wrote:

As for the 'Muslim leaders', since when did any Muslim with any form of authority in any field become a 'leader'?

Media really scraping the barrel for Muslim leaders to comment on this.

As near as I can determine a person is a "Muslim Leader" if they yell the loudest.

i wud be interested in finding out what his eminence shaykh of something zaki badawi has to say?

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Don't be silly.

Schools are Killing Children's Senses

Author attacks school league tables for killing off curiosity and joy

By Caroline Davies - Telegraph 03/09/2005)

The author Philip Pullman has launched an attack on schools that drill children to get good marks rather than awakening in them "a wonder of the world".

"Education should be about lighting a fire in the child's mind, filling it with desire and delight and curiosity and encouraging these human qualities, rather than educating in order to prepare a workforce that will meet the economic challenges of the 21st century," he said yesterday.

He is "dead against" the current emphasis on league tables. Children should not be "going to school in order to get qualifications so that the school doesn't fall down the league table, rather they should be "going to school for something interesting, for a first acquaintance with a delight that will last you a lifetime".

"That is an anti-humane education - an education without curiosity and joy and delight and a wonder of the world, which includes the wonder of poetry."

Pullman, a former teacher who became world-famous after writing the trilogy His Dark Materials, writes in The Daily Telegraph today about his own introduction to poetry and, in particular, Paradise Lost by John Milton, which inspired his own work.

Unfortunately, he said, some teachers butchered poetry in the way they taught it, over-analysing and dissecting because they themselves do not understand it.
Such teachers and student teachers "tend to think [poetry] is something that is written in a fancy way for some sort of secret purpose and they have to try and decode it", he said yesterday.
"My point is that poetry is not a simple thing said in a fancy way - it is something that is inherently bound up in the sound and rhythm and music of the words themselves."
Often, teachers not sure about poetry would merely translate it into prose. "You look at the poem and explain lots of words and look at the footnotes and look up references, and then you've 'done' the poem," he said.
"Except that you haven't. Unless you have listened to the thing, unless you've read it aloud, unless you've steeped yourself in the music and the rhythm of the words themselves, you're not getting it".
Although this method seemed to satisfy government targets, it was a bad way of teaching, he said. It was not necessary to understand the full meaning of a poem in order to love it.
"I was lucky enough to grow up at a time and go to church at a time when the King James Bible, the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, and Hymns Ancient and Modern were the three great texts.
"Week after week, words were put in front of you which you didn't have to understand. You had to say them aloud, you had to speak, and this involved a joining-in. And if you were curious about what they meant, you looked them up afterwards. But, oddly enough, that wasn't the most important thing to do with them. The most important thing was simply to say them.
"It gave you a kind of confidence. It allowed you to feel that you could intone, or recite or sing words which sounded wonderful - and although you didn't understand them initially, that didn't matter.
"Certainly, when you are singing a great English hymn - 'Oh worship the King, all glorious above, Oh gratefully sing his power and his love' - that is easy enough. But when you come to the line 'pavilioned in splendour and girded with praise', you are not sure what it means.
"But it feels lovely and sounds great. And it's a lovely thing to sing. So enjoy that, without having to explain what the words mean. Eventually, you do have to work out what it means. But the right way round is to enjoy it first and get at the meaning afterwards."

Philip Pullman :

Book 24. Clothes And Decoration.
Hadith 5178. (Shahi Muslim)

[b]'Ali b. Abu Talib reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) forbade me to use gold rings to wear silk clothes and to recite the Qur'an in ruku' and sajda (prostration), and to wear YELLOW garments. [/b]

so thats yellow....

Ive searched all of Shahi Bukhari and Shahi Muslim.....and the only thing it says about RED is you cant wear red saddle cloth. not red in general. it said it in quite a few hadith's.

so i can still wear my Man United shirt until some-one else can provide more backup

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth Hayder" wrote:
Book 24. Clothes And Decoration.
Hadith 5178. (Shahi Muslim)

[b]'Ali b. Abu Talib reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) forbade me to use gold rings to wear silk clothes and to recite the Qur'an in ruku' and sajda (prostration), and to wear YELLOW garments. [/b]

so thats yellow....

Ive searched all of Shahi Bukhari and Shahi Muslim.....and the only thing it says about RED is you cant wear red saddle cloth. not red in general. it said it in quite a few hadith's.

so i can still wear my Man United shirt until some-one else can provide more backup

hhmm thats okay i suppose since i have this red shirt which ive only ever worn like once, nop no yellow shirts, does cream count?

Back in BLACK

Chief Justice Rehnquist died...

That's quite unfortunate he was a very good justice - probably going to be replaced by Scalia.

Perhaps Roe might be overturned in this lifetime afterall...

Rehnquist's dissenting opinion in Roe is very popular amongst conservative judges... I suspect in a weird ironic turn it will become the new precedent.


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