Submitted by Ya'qub on 30 December, 2007 - 22:32 #2551
"MuslimSister" wrote:
Well. The martial arts guys were still madly swinging their swords when I was leaving - so perhaps some heads did get cut off.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by MuslimBro on 30 December, 2007 - 22:51 #2552
Our history lessons didn't consist of learning about the Ottoman Empire (mine didn't) and some people may not know much about Islamic history and the importance of the Caliphate so I thought I would enlighten you by showing you this video.
Please watch the whole of it without forwarding. Preferably with headphones on so you can hear the sounds properly. The video is just under 47 mins long and contains scenes which might make some people cry so have some tissue nearby.
Submitted by Funzo on 30 December, 2007 - 22:55 #2553
I argue with my history teacher everyday why the greatest empire quite clearly isnt taught in history yet we learn about some jacka$$es who funded hitler.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by Beast on 30 December, 2007 - 23:29 #2554
"MuslimBro" wrote:
Our history lessons didn't consist of learning about the Ottoman Empire (mine didn't) and some people may not know much about Islamic history and the importance of the Caliphate so I thought I would enlighten you by showing you this video.
Please watch the whole of it without forwarding. Preferably with headphones on so you can hear the sounds properly. The video is just under 47 mins long and contains scenes which might make some people cry so have some tissue nearby.
You do realise it isn't technically a history lesson if it's political propaganda, don't you?
Submitted by Ya'qub on 30 December, 2007 - 23:41 #2555
"Beast" wrote:
You do realise it isn't technically a history lesson if it's political propaganda, don't you?
I don't think there has ever been a history lesson NOT full of propaganda, since humans are in their nature subjective and not objective beings.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Beast on 30 December, 2007 - 23:44 #2556
But this is so obviously propaganda.
In a history lesson you try to sort the propaganda from the "reality".
Submitted by Seraphim on 31 December, 2007 - 00:05 #2557
"Beast" wrote:
But this is so obviously propaganda.
In a history lesson you try to sort the propaganda from the "reality".
Unfortunately the problem with that reality is that it may not necessarily be the "WHOLE" truth. History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Beast on 31 December, 2007 - 00:14 #2558
"Seraphim" wrote:
Unfortunately the problem with that reality is that it may not necessarily be the "WHOLE" truth. History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
That's true for what most people think happened in the past.
However, history as taught at an academic level is about continually trying to reveal more and more of the "whole truth". History is not set in stone.
History in a short film like this is a "version of past events that people have decided to agree upon". In this case people from HT.
You can in fact find tens and even hundreds of books written on each of the issues covered in this film. You can read those books to find out more of the "whole truth". Or you can get your "history" from short films.
Submitted by MuslimBro on 31 December, 2007 - 00:30 #2559
So Beast, did you find anything in the video to be untrue?
To be honest with you I never did find the subject history (in school) interesting. Also I prefer watching videos or listening to something than reading. I'm assuming you love reading big fat books.
Submitted by Beast on 31 December, 2007 - 00:50 #2560
"MuslimBro" wrote:
So Beast, did you find anything in the video to be untrue?
To be honest with you I never did find the subject history (in school) interesting. Also I prefer watching videos or listening to something than reading. I'm assuming you love reading big fat books.
As for something being untrue, it's difficult to outright lie when your just presenting little snippets of everything. However, the film overlooks the fact that Ataturk fought the British and French to get Turkish independence. The film also appeared to suggest that the UN outright handed Srebrenica over to the Serbs and left. In fact the Serbs were shelling Srebrenica while Dutch peacekeepers were there. The Serbs then entered the camp and threatened to kill the Dutch peacekeepers if the UN used force against them.
Aside from that, the gist of the film seems to be that the Ottoman Empire was taken over by the French and British, Muslims have been suffering ever since, the answer to the suffering is HT. That's not a history by anyone's standard. It's propaganda.
Submitted by MuslimBro on 31 December, 2007 - 01:05 #2561
Thanks for the elaborations.
"Beast" wrote:
the answer to the suffering is HT.
Actually, what I seemed to get is that the answer is to have a Caliphate. You do agree that there should be a Caliphate right?
I seem to think that you got something against HT.
Submitted by Noor on 31 December, 2007 - 01:10 #2562
that's a pure HT video (haven't even watched the video, the title screams HT! msbro, don't get sucked in! lol). that dude who stuck it up is the admin of 7cgen, showats forum. they use that video to make people feel guilty about what’s going in the ummah today and bla bla. i can remember a sister made me watch that video.
Submitted by Snoopz on 31 December, 2007 - 02:21 #2563
im ready to thump my sister
her snoring is driving me BONKERS!!!! :evil:
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Submitted by You on 31 December, 2007 - 02:23 #2564
remember... when you do thump her thousands of people will on youtube can cheer you along... all you need is to film it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Snoopz on 31 December, 2007 - 02:24 #2565
ive already slapped her but obviously not hard enough :twisted:
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Submitted by Noor on 31 December, 2007 - 04:31 #2566
lol! haha, no light and a snoring sister!
enjoy :twisted:
Submitted by Noor on 31 December, 2007 - 06:40 #2567
whenever i'm away from home, even if its just out of city, my family are extra, extra nice to me. i went to london, and my bro would ring me every 10 mins asking if i was ok and if i needed anything. at home he's a complete dog. i was like what's got into you! same with dad, in bham he would ring me at least 20 times a day to check if i was ok, at home, i go without days without seeing dad.
is it just my weird family or is everyone else’s like that?
woo hoo, fajr time is here!
Submitted by Snoopz on 31 December, 2007 - 12:05 #2568
its just your family.
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Submitted by Beast on 31 December, 2007 - 13:06 #2569
"MuslimBro" wrote:
Actually, what I seemed to get is that the answer is to have a Caliphate. You do agree that there should be a Caliphate right?
I seem to think that you got something against HT.
I don't know about the restoration of the Caliphate. I haven't read any scholarly opinions on it. So I'm open to persuasion.
Bear in mind, towards the end the Caliphate was more or less a symbolic office and was open to political manipulation. A restored Caliphate would also be open to such manipulation.
Whether the restoration of the Caliphate is the solution to the problems of the Muslim world, I doubt it. People aren't about to forget their differences and unite under a single religious authority.
whenever i'm away from home, even if its just out of city, my family are extra, extra nice to me. i went to london, and my bro would ring me every 10 mins asking if i was ok and if i needed anything. at home he's a complete dog. i was like what's got into you! same with dad, in bham he would ring me at least 20 times a day to check if i was ok, at home, i go without days without seeing dad.
is it just my weird family or is everyone else’s like that?
woo hoo, fajr time is here!
My family generally isnt - but my dad usually is. And thats even when Im away from home and he's with me...just so that I dont get homesick. He'll stuff my pockets with cash - he'll buy me icecreams and milkshakes reg (treating me like I'm a baby)...when we went to hajj he shivered in the night but gave me the top part of his ihraam when I was cold in the nights of mina...once when I was ill in pakland he watched over me as I slept and fell asleep on the floor/sofa....he'll take me to all the expensive resturants....and I must have been around 20 in those trips!
He turns into a different man when I'm not at home.
Submitted by Noor on 31 December, 2007 - 14:23 #2571
lol, same here. in pk my dad took me and my sis everywhere, every night he would take us to islamabad, restaurants etc. same with uncles, they treated us like royalty there and back here, they're completely different people!
Its only my dad though - I wish my good for nothing brother had a sense of responsibility on him.
Whenever I asked him to get me something in saudi he'd complain about the heat - whearas dad, without complaining would stand in the long queues, in the midday heat of about 40plus, fighting with the Arabs to get our lunch and told us to wait in the cool hotel.
I dunno whats wrong with teenage Muslim boys though - they have no sense of responsibility.
Submitted by Naz on 31 December, 2007 - 22:09 #2573
Im sure there was a thread for ideas for the revival mag but cant seem to find it….. oh well.
Anyway have you thought about advertising second hand cars like Loot and Auto trader do? You could charge ppl to place an add. Its advantageous to both the magazine and the ppl placing the add, they get to sell their car and you can profit from it.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by You on 31 December, 2007 - 22:51 #2574
Buying/selling cars is a fast market. The giood stuff will go immediately. This does not fit in with our pedestrian pace where it can take a matter of weeks going from design to print, whereas places like Autotrader get rid of the goods within a few short hours. As long as the merchandise is good enough.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Funzo on 31 December, 2007 - 23:41 #2575
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I dunno whats wrong with teenage Muslim boys though - they have no sense of responsibility.
yeah im sure the muslim boys you met have none but you shouldnt generalise like that.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
they use that video to make people feel guilty about what’s going in the ummah today and bla bla.
But shouldn't we be feeling guilty? The Prophet (pbuh) described the Ummah as a body, so when one part of the body feels pain the other parts of the body feel it too. If a part of our body aches, we're not going to sit there and do nothing.... we're going to do something about it but what are we really doing about the state of the Muslim Ummah today.
Hell there are even Muslims who don't even know where or what the Gaza strip is, let alone making du'a for them.
@ Beast - InshaAllah I'll try and get you some info about the restoration of the Caliphate. I also don't think the Caliphate would be able to get rid of all the problems we face today but I certainly think that we would be living a better life if there was one.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 1 January, 2008 - 05:32 #2577
i attended a short series of talks by a very knowledgeable brother re: the caliphate. He went through all the proofs from the quran, hadith, sahaba and classical scholars a long with the proofs against secular democracy. He basically persuaded me that it is pretty much fundamental to the faith that the Muslim lands collectively should be ruled in this way - of course there hasn't been a true caliphate since the death of Uthman (ra) - all the later rulers we basically kings with long dynastys and all the things that go along with them - corruption, exploitation of the poor, big palaces and inevitable in-fighting and struggles for power.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Noor on 2 January, 2008 - 20:48 #2578
In uni, have been here since 6.15ish and i've only done a paragraphs worth of work.
The way i'm going, i'm probably going to fail :?
Submitted by Noor on 2 January, 2008 - 20:52 #2579
Regarding the Islamic state, there is an excellant book published by the MQ youth team on the Islamic state, taken from the lectures of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. Maasha'Allah it is excellant, need to re-read the book again but, if you can get hold of the lecture (it's in English), i advise you to watch that, it's fantastic. Clears everything up.
Submitted by Noor on 2 January, 2008 - 21:08 #2580
Going home, been pushing my cousin on the chairs for the past hour and having 'rides' lol. We're so childish.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Our history lessons didn't consist of learning about the Ottoman Empire (mine didn't) and some people may not know much about Islamic history and the importance of the Caliphate so I thought I would enlighten you by showing you this video.
Please watch the whole of it without forwarding. Preferably with headphones on so you can hear the sounds properly. The video is just under 47 mins long and contains scenes which might make some people cry so have some tissue nearby.
I argue with my history teacher everyday why the greatest empire quite clearly isnt taught in history yet we learn about some jacka$$es who funded hitler.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
You do realise it isn't technically a history lesson if it's political propaganda, don't you?
I don't think there has ever been a history lesson NOT full of propaganda, since humans are in their nature subjective and not objective beings.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
But this is so obviously propaganda.
In a history lesson you try to sort the propaganda from the "reality".
Unfortunately the problem with that reality is that it may not necessarily be the "WHOLE" truth. History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
Back in BLACK
That's true for what most people think happened in the past.
However, history as taught at an academic level is about continually trying to reveal more and more of the "whole truth". History is not set in stone.
History in a short film like this is a "version of past events that people have decided to agree upon". In this case people from HT.
You can in fact find tens and even hundreds of books written on each of the issues covered in this film. You can read those books to find out more of the "whole truth". Or you can get your "history" from short films.
So Beast, did you find anything in the video to be untrue?
To be honest with you I never did find the subject history (in school) interesting. Also I prefer watching videos or listening to something than reading. I'm assuming you love reading big fat books.
As for something being untrue, it's difficult to outright lie when your just presenting little snippets of everything. However, the film overlooks the fact that Ataturk fought the British and French to get Turkish independence. The film also appeared to suggest that the UN outright handed Srebrenica over to the Serbs and left. In fact the Serbs were shelling Srebrenica while Dutch peacekeepers were there. The Serbs then entered the camp and threatened to kill the Dutch peacekeepers if the UN used force against them.
Aside from that, the gist of the film seems to be that the Ottoman Empire was taken over by the French and British, Muslims have been suffering ever since, the answer to the suffering is HT. That's not a history by anyone's standard. It's propaganda.
Thanks for the elaborations.
Actually, what I seemed to get is that the answer is to have a Caliphate. You do agree that there should be a Caliphate right?
I seem to think that you got something against HT.
that's a pure HT video (haven't even watched the video, the title screams HT! msbro, don't get sucked in! lol). that dude who stuck it up is the admin of 7cgen, showats forum. they use that video to make people feel guilty about what’s going in the ummah today and bla bla. i can remember a sister made me watch that video.
im ready to thump my sister
her snoring is driving me BONKERS!!!! :evil:
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
remember... when you do thump her thousands of people will on youtube can cheer you along... all you need is to film it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
ive already slapped her but obviously not hard enough :twisted:
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
lol! haha, no light and a snoring sister!
enjoy :twisted:
whenever i'm away from home, even if its just out of city, my family are extra, extra nice to me. i went to london, and my bro would ring me every 10 mins asking if i was ok and if i needed anything. at home he's a complete dog. i was like what's got into you! same with dad, in bham he would ring me at least 20 times a day to check if i was ok, at home, i go without days without seeing dad.
is it just my weird family or is everyone else’s like that?
woo hoo, fajr time is here!
its just your family.
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
I don't know about the restoration of the Caliphate. I haven't read any scholarly opinions on it. So I'm open to persuasion.
Bear in mind, towards the end the Caliphate was more or less a symbolic office and was open to political manipulation. A restored Caliphate would also be open to such manipulation.
Whether the restoration of the Caliphate is the solution to the problems of the Muslim world, I doubt it. People aren't about to forget their differences and unite under a single religious authority.
My family generally isnt - but my dad usually is. And thats even when Im away from home and he's with me...just so that I dont get homesick. He'll stuff my pockets with cash - he'll buy me icecreams and milkshakes reg (treating me like I'm a baby)...when we went to hajj he shivered in the night but gave me the top part of his ihraam when I was cold in the nights of mina...once when I was ill in pakland he watched over me as I slept and fell asleep on the floor/sofa....he'll take me to all the expensive resturants....and I must have been around 20 in those trips!
He turns into a different man when I'm not at home.
lol, same here. in pk my dad took me and my sis everywhere, every night he would take us to islamabad, restaurants etc. same with uncles, they treated us like royalty there and back here, they're completely different people!
Its only my dad though - I wish my good for nothing brother had a sense of responsibility on him.
Whenever I asked him to get me something in saudi he'd complain about the heat - whearas dad, without complaining would stand in the long queues, in the midday heat of about 40plus, fighting with the Arabs to get our lunch and told us to wait in the cool hotel.
I dunno whats wrong with teenage Muslim boys though - they have no sense of responsibility.
Im sure there was a thread for ideas for the revival mag but cant seem to find it….. oh well.
Anyway have you thought about advertising second hand cars like Loot and Auto trader do? You could charge ppl to place an add. Its advantageous to both the magazine and the ppl placing the add, they get to sell their car and you can profit from it.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Buying/selling cars is a fast market. The giood stuff will go immediately. This does not fit in with our pedestrian pace where it can take a matter of weeks going from design to print, whereas places like Autotrader get rid of the goods within a few short hours. As long as the merchandise is good enough.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
yeah im sure the muslim boys you met have none but you shouldnt generalise like that.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
But shouldn't we be feeling guilty? The Prophet (pbuh) described the Ummah as a body, so when one part of the body feels pain the other parts of the body feel it too. If a part of our body aches, we're not going to sit there and do nothing.... we're going to do something about it but what are we really doing about the state of the Muslim Ummah today.
Hell there are even Muslims who don't even know where or what the Gaza strip is, let alone making du'a for them.
@ Beast - InshaAllah I'll try and get you some info about the restoration of the Caliphate. I also don't think the Caliphate would be able to get rid of all the problems we face today but I certainly think that we would be living a better life if there was one.
i attended a short series of talks by a very knowledgeable brother re: the caliphate. He went through all the proofs from the quran, hadith, sahaba and classical scholars a long with the proofs against secular democracy. He basically persuaded me that it is pretty much fundamental to the faith that the Muslim lands collectively should be ruled in this way - of course there hasn't been a true caliphate since the death of Uthman (ra) - all the later rulers we basically kings with long dynastys and all the things that go along with them - corruption, exploitation of the poor, big palaces and inevitable in-fighting and struggles for power.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
In uni, have been here since 6.15ish and i've only done a paragraphs worth of work.
The way i'm going, i'm probably going to fail :?
Regarding the Islamic state, there is an excellant book published by the MQ youth team on the Islamic state, taken from the lectures of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. Maasha'Allah it is excellant, need to re-read the book again but, if you can get hold of the lecture (it's in English), i advise you to watch that, it's fantastic. Clears everything up.
Going home, been pushing my cousin on the chairs for the past hour and having 'rides' lol. We're so childish.