Submitted by Noor on 27 December, 2007 - 22:30 #2521
buy their new album and then make me a copy please
Submitted by Snoopz on 27 December, 2007 - 22:56 #2522
"Noor" wrote:
buy their new album and then make me a copy please
i cant my dads mashed my laptop up again n i cant burn any cds :twisted:
get on msn
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Submitted by Noor on 27 December, 2007 - 23:07 #2523
i cant! i told you, hotmail on my computer is down :?
Submitted by Ya'qub on 27 December, 2007 - 23:22 #2524
"Snoopz" wrote:
i ordered the 02 simplicity sim today
1000 txt 400min any time any netwrk + unlimted minz to o2 numbs £20 a month and can cancel anytime with 30 days notice
stil got a nokia 6230 tho
WOW that IS mst certainly a good deal.
where did u get it? was it in the sales?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Snoopz on 27 December, 2007 - 23:30 #2525
you can get them in an o2 store, but online you get more & better deals
jazakAllahu khairan Snoopy
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by You on 28 December, 2007 - 03:04 #2527
You know how "they" say that no two finger prints are alike? How do they know that?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 28 December, 2007 - 03:08 #2528
its the same with snow flakes.
but i have no time for such frivolities, I have work 1st thing in the morning and I'm not even sure how/why I've stayed awake this long.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Angel on 28 December, 2007 - 12:45 #2529
"Snoopz" wrote:
i ordered the 02 simplicity sim today
1000 txt 400min any time any netwrk + unlimted minz to o2 numbs £20 a month and can cancel anytime with 30 days notice
stil got a nokia 6230 tho
just remember for your o2-o2 mins fair usage of 2000 mins applies
i had the Sim only before i left for pak, its handy when u dont want a contract, ive now got a contract which means i get a "free" fone every 11 months
I've seen friends. Went shopping. Organised my closet according to colour/size/item of clothing. Visited family.
Watched East is East last night...was watching a foreign film with subtitles the night before....even started getting some research for the next next issue of the mag.
Life of lesiure bores me stiff.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 29 December, 2007 - 00:19 #2531
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I am bored out of my head.
I've seen friends. Went shopping. Organised my closet according to colour/size/item of clothing. Visited family.
Watched East is East last night...was watching a foreign film with subtitles the night before....even started getting some research for the next next issue of the mag.
Life of lesiure bores me stiff.
I LOVE doing nothing. [b]Whenever[/b] I can, I sit at home doing NOTHING.
Trouble is, I'm frequently too busy. So many things and so little time. Sometimes I feel like just quitting my job, quitting my course, quitting my group, quitting this magazine, 'losing' my phone and locking the door to my house.
But I'm sure that feeling would only last a day or two, then I'd wanna get back into the swing of things
But I'm sure that feeling would only last a day or two, then I'd wanna get back into the swing of things
Thats EXACTLY how I feel - but like you I only need two days to be a recluse...and the weekend is good enough for that.
Its the 14day holidays that drive me crazy. I was alright for the first two days.
We're Londoners Guv'ner...keeping busy and feeling rushed is in our blood.
Submitted by Snoopz on 29 December, 2007 - 00:47 #2533
"Angel" wrote:
"Snoopz" wrote:
i ordered the 02 simplicity sim today
1000 txt 400min any time any netwrk + unlimted minz to o2 numbs £20 a month and can cancel anytime with 30 days notice
stil got a nokia 6230 tho
just remember for your o2-o2 mins fair usage of 2000 mins applies
i had the Sim only before i left for pak, its handy when u dont want a contract, ive now got a contract which means i get a "free" fone every 11 months
my sim arrived this morning
i wana keep my old numb tho, how wil it ruffly take to transfer it onto the new sim?
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 29 December, 2007 - 00:54 #2534
"Snoopz" wrote:
my sim arrived this morning
i wana keep my old numb tho, how wil it ruffly take to transfer it onto the new sim?
mine took about 5-8 working days.
well worth it though.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Snoopz on 29 December, 2007 - 01:00 #2535
5-8 days :shock:
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Submitted by You on 29 December, 2007 - 01:34 #2536
Who are you moving from/to?
If it is the same network, it could be done in a number of hours.
If it is cross-network, they are trying to get it down to under 48 hours.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Noor on 29 December, 2007 - 02:26 #2537
o2 - o2.
Submitted by Angel on 29 December, 2007 - 08:21 #2538
From pay as you go (o2) to online contract it would take 48hrs
From pay as you (o2) to offline contract it takes (meaning if you purchased via an o2 shop) 5 working days
From another network provider it takes 5 working days (and you need a PAC code from your previous network provider same applies for offline you need a pac code from o2 pay as you go)
Submitted by Snoopz on 29 December, 2007 - 10:45 #2539
ye 02 payg to the 02 online sim
can they take my balance from my payg off my next bill (or is that pushing my luck)
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Submitted by Angel on 29 December, 2007 - 11:47 #2540
"Snoopz" wrote:
ye 02 payg to the 02 online sim
can they take my balance from my payg off my next bill (or is that pushing my luck)
They can transfer it over but I doubt it will cover you for your next bill maybe the second bill just let them know u want it transferred over.
yeh if pay and go to online then 48hrs
Submitted by Snoopz on 29 December, 2007 - 16:44 #2541
JazakAllah Angel
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Submitted by You on 29 December, 2007 - 16:47 #2542
I have read elsewhere that the smiley should be banned.
Just imagine if in real life someone winked at you after every reply. Cree eee py.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Noor on 29 December, 2007 - 16:54 #2543
you've never used that smiley have you admin? well apart from that post! it's the only decent smiley there? anyway, talking of smileys, when are you going to upgrade this thing?
Submitted by Funzo on 29 December, 2007 - 17:28 #2544
"You" wrote:
I have read elsewhere that the smiley should be banned.
Just imagine if in real life someone winked at you after every reply. Cree eee py.
So thats why they run away it explains a lot
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by Naz on 29 December, 2007 - 20:55 #2545
"You" wrote:
Just imagine if in real life someone winked at you after every reply. Cree eee py.
They could have a disability of some sort which causes them to wink constantly.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Ya'qub on 29 December, 2007 - 22:04 #2546
"Naz" wrote:
"You" wrote:
Just imagine if in real life someone winked at you after every reply. Cree eee py.
They could have a disability of some sort which causes them to wink constantly.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 29 December, 2007 - 22:05 #2547
"Ya'qub" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
"You" wrote:
Just imagine if in real life someone winked at you after every reply. Cree eee py.
They could have a disability of some sort which causes them to wink constantly.
Attending a really well organised Islamic event today - well organised, professional, started on time etc...its was great for the non Muslims too.
On bit in the programme made me laugh - this Islamic martial art guy said to the audience repeat after me...'la ila ha illalahoo congratulations, you've all earned a place in Paradise'.
I turned to the non Muslim next to me and said 'congrats ur a Muslim now'.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 30 December, 2007 - 22:29 #2549
"MuslimSister" wrote:
Attending a really well organised Islamic event today - well organised, professional, started on time etc...its was great for the non Muslims too.
On bit in the programme made me laugh - this Islamic martial art guy said to the audience repeat after me...'la ila ha illalahoo congratulations, you've all earned a place in Paradise'.
I turned to the non Muslim next to me and said 'congrats ur a Muslim now'.
when people left the event did anyone get their heads cut off for being an apostate?
buy their new album and then make me a copy please
i cant my dads mashed my laptop up again n i cant burn any cds :twisted:
get on msn
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
i cant! i told you, hotmail on my computer is down :?
WOW that IS mst certainly a good deal.
where did u get it? was it in the sales?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
check: [url= o2 simplicity sim tarrifs[/url]
you can get them in an o2 store, but online you get more & better deals
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
jazakAllahu khairan Snoopy
Don't just do something! Stand there.
You know how "they" say that no two finger prints are alike? How do they know that?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
its the same with snow flakes.
but i have no time for such frivolities, I have work 1st thing in the morning and I'm not even sure how/why I've stayed awake this long.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
just remember for your o2-o2 mins fair usage of 2000 mins applies
i had the Sim only before i left for pak, its handy when u dont want a contract, ive now got a contract which means i get a "free" fone every 11 months
I am bored out of my head.
I've seen friends. Went shopping. Organised my closet according to colour/size/item of clothing. Visited family.
Watched East is East last night...was watching a foreign film with subtitles the night before....even started getting some research for the next next issue of the mag.
Life of lesiure bores me stiff.
I LOVE doing nothing. [b]Whenever[/b] I can, I sit at home doing NOTHING.
Trouble is, I'm frequently too busy. So many things and so little time. Sometimes I feel like just quitting my job, quitting my course, quitting my group, quitting this magazine, 'losing' my phone and locking the door to my house.
But I'm sure that feeling would only last a day or two, then I'd wanna get back into the swing of things
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Thats EXACTLY how I feel - but like you I only need two days to be a recluse...and the weekend is good enough for that.
Its the 14day holidays that drive me crazy. I was alright for the first two days.
We're Londoners Guv'ner...keeping busy and feeling rushed is in our blood.
my sim arrived this morning
i wana keep my old numb tho, how wil it ruffly take to transfer it onto the new sim?
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
mine took about 5-8 working days.
well worth it though.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
5-8 days :shock:
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Who are you moving from/to?
If it is the same network, it could be done in a number of hours.
If it is cross-network, they are trying to get it down to under 48 hours.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
o2 - o2.
From pay as you go (o2) to online contract it would take 48hrs
From pay as you (o2) to offline contract it takes (meaning if you purchased via an o2 shop) 5 working days
From another network provider it takes 5 working days (and you need a PAC code from your previous network provider same applies for offline you need a pac code from o2 pay as you go)
ye 02 payg to the 02 online sim
can they take my balance from my payg off my next bill (or is that pushing my luck)
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
They can transfer it over but I doubt it will cover you for your next bill maybe the second bill just let them know u want it transferred over.
yeh if pay and go to online then 48hrs
JazakAllah Angel
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
I have read elsewhere that the
smiley should be banned.
Just imagine if in real life someone winked at you after every reply. Cree eee py.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
you've never used that smiley have you admin? well apart from that post! it's the only decent smiley there? anyway, talking of smileys, when are you going to upgrade this thing?
So thats why they run away it explains a lot
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
They could have a disability of some sort which causes them to wink constantly.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Attending a really well organised Islamic event today - well organised, professional, started on time etc...its was great for the non Muslims too.
On bit in the programme made me laugh - this Islamic martial art guy said to the audience repeat after me...'la ila ha illalahoo congratulations, you've all earned a place in Paradise'.
I turned to the non Muslim next to me and said 'congrats ur a Muslim now'.
when people left the event did anyone get their heads cut off for being an apostate?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Well. The martial arts guys were still madly swinging their swords when I was leaving - so perhaps some heads did get cut off.