Why is a man allowed to have more than one wife in Islam?

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"naj" wrote:
lol......Very confusing, lol

Another Q. why do these asians add the name Mohammed before each name....but the second name stands the actual name.?

My grandma did that for my dad....then my dad did it for my brother...

its very confusing, coz my brother gets called Mohammed at times at college and sometimes his name lol.

All my dads brothers are called Mohammed something ..

My cousins name is Mohammad Faizan, and we all call him Faizan. Once i went in to his workplace asking for hm and they were like 'no-one called faizan works here!'

My freinds brothers are called Ali Akbar, Ali Haider, Ali... etc its quite funny

"flower" wrote:
If, however, the matter is not like this, but is merely an ascription of the wife’s name to her husband’s that some people have become habituated to doing without her intending to absolve herself of her lineal ascription to her father and adopting someone else as a father, then what is immediately apparent from the words of Imam Nawawi and others is that it is not forbidden and does not fall under the prohibition.

Good link Sis, it makes sense now...if you have the right intention then its a non issue what name you do/don't take on.

Personally, prob cos I'm influenced by the "Western" thinking...I think a woman should take on her husbands name for romantic reasons. :oops:

"MuslimSister" wrote:

Good link Sis, it makes sense now...if you have the right intention then its a non issue what name you do/don't take on.

Personally, prob cos I'm influenced by the "Western" thinking...I think a woman should take on her husbands name for romantic reasons. :oops:

For me personally it depends on his surname, if i dont like it i wont take it on

But for e.g when we have children etc i think its nice to have a common family name,

When letters come round our house we all have different surnames

Me and 3 of my sisters have the same surname, the rest 5 members of my household all have different surnames each

"flower" wrote:
"Augustus" wrote:
lol flower i'm incredibly confused - is that supposed to happen?

Lol, its a long story about name confusion, my dad had three names, a 'home' name, an 'official' name and a 'nick' name (my dad HATED his official name)

but we didnt get any of them and instead got my mums first name because my mums name is one of those surname sounding names i.e begum, bibi, akhtar, kousar etc

lol poor guy must have had some kinda identity crisis when he was a toddler.



Anyway... we are allowed to marry more than one because first and foremost ALLAH SAY SO, no questioning there simple.

Now why??? because AllaH SWT created us in that way..

We men have been created with an instinctual desire/need to have more than one woman whereas women are absent of such instinct.

So by creation we have a right to have a more than one woman and obviously now its unfortunately not widely practised anymore...

I wish it was it'd make my search for a second wife easier??? lol

Where there is a will there is a way..

"LION" wrote:


Speak for yourself.

"LION" wrote:
Now why??? because AllaH SWT created us in that way..

We men have been created with an instinctual desire/need to have more than one woman whereas women are absent of such instinct.

So by creation we have a right to have a more than one woman and obviously now its unfortunately not widely practised anymore...

I wish it was it'd make my search for a second wife easier??? lol

God created men that way - interesting argument.

How many wives did Adam have?

culturally polygomy aint the norm nowadays

and in today's selfish society it wouldnt work any way

lion, for a lawyer u make a lot of spelling/grammatical mistakes... Fool Wink

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

dust its called informal writing no need for precise grammer i did not know everything we wrote would be proof read and marked by you.

for example your comment also has grammatical errors
e.g. lion is a name use capital letters at the start i.e. Lion
you spell u wrong its you

"raf786" wrote:
you spell u wrong its you
Lol raf there isnt anything wrong with writing abbreviations online - as long as they make sense. if u throw some extra 'a's into ur sentence, its unlikely to make sense...

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]


Dusty woman is right.

There is too much dust in sentences.

She is just cleaning up. Thats all.

She must either be a very clean lady, or a cleaning lady.

