There is a spider which hides in the tiny space behind my right-side car door mirror and it keeps making a web. I keep breaking it but it simply makes another one. I saw it pop out once but it jumped back into it's tiny space when it noticed me staring. I have washed the car and even used a hose pipe to force the spider out using water but it stayed put.
Is there anyone I can do or am I doomed, I have not resorted to burning the car.... yet.
If it really is the same spider then sooner or later it will shrivel up. If you can't detach the mirror you just need to chill, it doesn't sound important. What car do you drive?
It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens
There is a spider which hides in the tiny space behind my right-side car door mirror and it keeps making a web. I keep breaking it but it simply makes another one. I saw it pop out once but it jumped back into it's tiny space when it noticed me staring. I have washed the car and even used a hose pipe to force the spider out using water but it stayed put.
Is there anything I can do or am I doomed, I have not resorted to burning the car.... yet.
you big wuss
Thats the same exact problem i have with my car mirror. Ive given up. Best bet is just leave it, its not doing any harm just spinning its web and trying to get cosy in your car mirror.
How To Control Spiders
In the United States, there are a few thousand varieties of spiders and very few of them are dangerous. Fear of spiders is a very common phobia but is really unwarranted. Spiders for the most part are not aggressive, and few have the capability of biting through our skin. They are, in fact, beneficial because they feed on pesky insects such as mosquitoes, flies and ants.
Most people don't want spiders in their home. But by allowing them to exist, possibly in out of the way locations, you benefit by the reduction of other insects. If you remove the webs, and their creators, from prominent locations but leave the rest, you may achieve a balance through "out of sight, out of mind".
However, if you must eliminate all spiders indoors, vacuuming is simple and effective. If you want to save the spider, place a cup over the spider and slide a piece of paper under the cup and then release the spider in your garden.
We do not recommend spraying for spiders. First of all, the spray is an added expense, requires about the same effort to use as a hand-held vacuum and finally, who needs more chemical poisons sprayed in their home?
Furthermore, spraying outside, around the perimeter of your home has the serious drawback of killing the spiders that will consume the insects that consume your flowers, fruits and vegetables in your garden. Spiders are good for your garden and spraying for them means more insects in your garden. Then to get rid of those insects you'll have to spray another poison. So the best practice is to treat only inside your home, and with zero-toxicity methods such as using a vacuum.
i havnt read a word of it so if its stupid, dnt blame me, blame naz coz she'z stupid lol
"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."
^^^^ i think you will find that your the stupid one. Who ever posted something without reading it. It could be anything.
While the article does correctly talk about spiders, its referring to spiders within the home mainly. Plus the use of a insect spray to kill the spider could still be used outdoors coz its more ventilated. In conclusion it doesn’t really solve MuslimBro problem in relation to the itsey bitsey spider in his mirror.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by MuslimBro on 5 September, 2007 - 23:40 #65
"Noor" wrote:
get some insect killer spray. that will do the job.
Thing is the spider is right behind the mirror so spraying at the sides might not work.
"Joie de Vivre" wrote: doesn't sound important. What car do you drive?
It is important, every day before going into the car I have to break its web, it's becoming a chore for me. It's not really my car, it's my dads but I drive it. It's a Ford Fiesta Si.
"Naz" wrote:
you big wuss
I'm not scared of it, I just don't like spiders. Now that the weather is warm, I keep seeing spiders in me house. One was inches away from my face when I was in bed :shock:.... now it's trying to get cosy with me in bed
Submitted by Ya'qub on 5 September, 2007 - 23:57 #66
"MuslimBro" wrote:
"Noor" wrote:
get some insect killer spray. that will do the job.
Thing is the spider is right behind the mirror so spraying at the sides might not work.
"Joie de Vivre" wrote: doesn't sound important. What car do you drive?
It is important, every day before going into the car I have to break its web, it's becoming a chore for me. It's not really my car, it's my dads but I drive it. It's a Ford Fiesta Si.
"Naz" wrote:
you big wuss
I'm not scared of it, I just don't like spiders. Now that the weather is warm, I keep seeing spiders in me house. One was inches away from my face when I was in bed :shock:.... now it's trying to get cosy with me in bed
spiders helped the Prophet Muhammad (saw). here is some interesting info:
Submitted by MuslimBro on 6 September, 2007 - 00:07 #67
"Ya'qub" wrote:
spiders helped the Prophet Muhammad (saw).
Yeah I knew that.
That's the last thing I want.... spiders laying eggs in my house.
Is there anyone here who can honestly say that they haven't killed a single spider in their life?
Submitted by Ya'qub on 6 September, 2007 - 00:10 #68
someone seems to agree with you:
[size=18]Forget religious fanatics: the greatest threat we face today has eight legs and is hiding behind my telly
Charlie Brooker
Monday September 3, 2007
The Guardian
Forget rainy April or snowblown February - early September is the very worst time of year, for one simple reason: it's spider season. Every year, right about now, thousands of the godless eight-legged bastards emerge from the bowels of hell (or the garden, whichever's nearest) with the sole intention of tormenting humankind. To a committed arachnophobe like me, spider season is like a live-action version of the videogame Doom. My flat is briefly transformed into a sort of white-knuckle ghost house in which dropping your guard, even for a moment, can have terrible consequences. The other night, for instance, I awoke at 4am for a dozy late-night trip to the lavatory. As I sat there, blearily performing the necessaries, a spider the size of a small dog unexpectedly crawled out from behind the toilet and scampered across my bare right foot. I reacted like I'd been blasted in the coccyx with a taser gun. Blind panic took control of my body before the need to stop "going" had registered in my brain. You can imagine the aftermath. It's like a dirty protest in there. I may need to move house.
What's the point of spiders anyway? They're just mobile nightmare units put on the Earth to eat flies and frighten people by scuttling out from under the TV stand and lolloping crazily toward you. Non-arachnophobes just don't get it. Fear of spiders isn't a choice, but a residual evolutionary trait that some people have and some don't, just as some people can fold their tongues and others can't. When I see a spider, I'm across the room before I know what's happened, like an animal running from an explosion. It's not learned behaviour, you patronising idiots. It's automatic code, hardwired into the brain. Some brains. My brain.
Once, when I was a student, I was preparing a meal in a hall of residence kitchen when some japester ran in carrying a huge spider he'd found outside. Having made a couple of girls scream, he decided to lunge in my direction. Without even thinking, I swiped at his belly with a kitchen knife in a desperate bid to stave him off. The blade narrowly missed him, which was a shame, because it meant I had to spend the next half-hour listening to him self-righteously bleating about how I must be crazy and he was only having a laugh. I just shrugged. Don't startle someone with a knife in their hand unless you're prepared to face the consequences, moron. Next time I'll go for the eyes.
But like I say, non-arachnophobes don't understand. Too lacking in imagination and/or basic human empathy to comprehend the instinctive primal reaction spiders provoke in genuine sufferers, they blather idiotic platitudes like "It's more scared of you than you are of it", which is absurd since a) spiders aren't gripped with hypnotic dread at the sight of people and b) the spider's primitive brain doesn't have any concept of fear, in much the same way it doesn't have any concept of what the Police Academy movies are.
Spiders are so resolutely horrible, they don't even have to exist to be scary. A few weeks into a bumper spider season, I find I'm often as frightened of spiders that aren't there as ones that are: terrified to pick up a shoe in case there's a spider in it, for example.
This is because spiders have precisely the same modus operandi as terrorists: they target innocent civilians at random, strike unexpectedly, and cause widespread disproportionate fear. Oh, and they often die as a result of their actions, or at least they do if I've got a rolled-up newspaper to hand. Spiders don't videotape their own suicide notes before embarking on their death campaigns, but that's only because they're too thick to operate the controls.
All of which prompts the question of why the military doesn't get involved. Think about it: if the army fought the War on Spiders instead of the War on Terror, it would be a) winnable, b) cheaper, c) popular, and d) justifiable in the eyes of God. I'd certainly slumber more soundly in my bed if I knew Our Lads were available on 24-hour call-out; a dedicated anti-arachnid task force that would turn up at your home in the dead of night and splatter that absolute whopper that ran under the cupboard an hour ago and has left you unable to sleep ever since. Oh, and please note I'm suggesting the use of lethal force as a default. None of this fannying around with pint glasses and sheets of paper and "putting him outside". He'll just crawl in again, stupid. If a murderer climbed through your window you wouldn't just "put him in the garden". You wouldn't rest until you saw his brains sloshed up the wall. It's the same with spiders. If it's not been reduced to a gritty, twitching smear, it's not been dealt with at all.
Actually, since this is a liberal paper, I suppose arrest and detention might be acceptable. The army could take care of that: scoop the bastards up and whisk them away to spider prison. The cells would need impossibly tiny bars, mind. Anyway, that's what this country needs: an armed response to the arachnid menace. That this hasn't happened is the greatest tragedy of our age. doesn't sound important. What car do you drive?
It is important, every day before going into the car I have to break its web, it's becoming a chore for me. It's not really my car, it's my dads but I drive it. It's a Ford Fiesta Si.
Is it an electric or manual mirror? If it's manual and unheated you should be able to unclip the mirror from the casing and then clip it back in. And if you aren't sure and if it really is a big deal, quickly pop into a local garage.
A tip for a small job like this: if you pop into somewhere like Halfords near to closing time or find a mechanic working late, a job like this is a lot cheaper and possibly costs nothing, if you just casually ask for advice. That's because they can relax when the boss is gone. Otherwise, say it's an electric mirror and has to be partially dismantled, a few seconds with a screwdriver can cost something silly. I say Halfords because they sometimes close at 8.
I still can't believe you're that bothered by a spider.
It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens
The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night
"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."
Submitted by MuslimBro on 6 September, 2007 - 14:45 #71
@Yaqub - above article was very funny. I'm not being mean or anything but most people do have this fear of spiders and when they see a spider they most likely either a) kill it or b) get someone else to do it. It's just something you do as an instant reaction, you don't think about it. What other alternatives are there instead of killing them, except for running around with a cup and paper? I'm not scared of them but just don't like that feeling of them being there.
@Joie de Vivre - car is a manual, I'm not going to open the mirror just incase I break it. Spiders in my house seems to be more of a problem now.
"M4k4v3l1" wrote:
The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night
I must eat more than that considering the number of spiders I've seen crawling around.
Is there anyone here who can honestly say that they haven't killed a single spider in their life?
I have as a kid. I was a proper disturbed and weird child. I would spend several hours of the day out in the back yard squashing those really tiny little red spiders you get. They would leave little red blotches all over the wall. Now as much as i want to kill those spiders i dont coz its just wrong. They have a right to be here just as much as i have.
"MuslimBro" wrote:
One was inches away from my face when I was in bed :shock:.... now it's trying to get cosy with me in bed
maybe you should try cleaning your room once in a while lol.
"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."
Submitted by Naz on 13 September, 2007 - 22:34 #84
"Seraphim" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
how do you stay awake?
By not falling asleep?
well obviously.
Its a simple enough question. Im immune to tea and dont wanna resort to red bull or pro plus.
Everyone has a beginners thresh hold.
Mines around 12/12.30. If i can manage to stay awake by then my body seems to adjust and by 1am im feeling fine. Not drowzy at all.
Find the thresh hold... exceed it and your there.
The answers are out there Naz... and they will find you... if you want them to.
I think its staying up late for the past 3 months and waking up late that has messed up my system. These 9am starts are killing. My brain is paying me back. Only 82 days till i break up for xmas.
[b]How to find and download your favourite tracks without using a file-sharing program (eg Limewire)[/b]
This is also quicker than using the free versions of those programs.
1. Go to Google
2. Search for (eg): [color=darkred]intitle:"Index.of" (mp3|wma) ikhwan -html -htm -php -asp[/color][list][size=11]Note: this is asking for a list of music files in any given subdomain including (in this example) the word ikhwan.
To search for a specific artist or title with more than one word in it, type in the name separated by dots, eg bohemian.rhapsody . This tells Google to find those words together whether separated by a space or an underscore etc.
You can specify a different file-type such as avi in those parentheses and you can use dashes to exclude other web codes after -html etc.
Generally ignore results that just show subfolders or don't look something like this:[/size]
3. Right-click on a track and select "save link as" or "save target as" depending on your browser, select a destination, give the track a name and Bob's your uncle.
It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens
Submitted by Alisha on 5 January, 2008 - 14:52 #86
[color=blue]Spray a bit of perfume on the light bulb in any room to create a lovely light scent in each room when the light is turned on. Place fabric softener sheets in dresser drawers and your clothes will smell freshly washed for weeks to come. You can also do this with towels and linens.
[b]5 tips to tackle indigestion:[/b]
1 - Chew a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root for 5 minutes before meals to stimulate digestion
2 - Add aniseed to your meals to calm spasms of the intestinal walls and treat general abdominal pain
3 - Do not eat while on the go, in a moving car or while reading
4 - Drink lemon juice mixed in warm water three times a day to improve digestion
5 - Avoid large amounts of caffeine, fried foods, meats, sweets, heavy foodss and overeating.[/color]
' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}
[color=blue]Spray a bit of perfume on the light bulb in any room to create a lovely light scent in each room when the light is turned on. Place fabric softener sheets in dresser drawers and your clothes will smell freshly washed for weeks to come. You can also do this with towels and linens.
[b]5 tips to tackle indigestion:[/b]
1 - Chew a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root for 5 minutes before meals to stimulate digestion
2 - Add aniseed to your meals to calm spasms of the intestinal walls and treat general abdominal pain
3 - Do not eat while on the go, in a moving car or while reading
4 - Drink lemon juice mixed in warm water three times a day to improve digestion
5 - Avoid large amounts of caffeine, fried foods, meats, sweets, heavy foodss and overeating.[/color]
sniffing food can also give you indigestion.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by iRazor on 7 January, 2008 - 17:46 #89
How to save about £1000 by July, to use it to go on Holiday to egypt, with your 3 mates, in Summer. All the while havin to pay for travel to and from Uni, and having only £30ish left at end of week, and yet needing that £30 for chill missions with the Homies, as Socialisation is a nessesity to keep the 4 of us sane.
Do u think I may need to rephrase that just a little?
so lets solve this puzzle shall we, n ill bring everyone back summin nice (mayb jus nice pictures) but nice is nice
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
If it really is the same spider then sooner or later it will shrivel up. If you can't detach the mirror you just need to chill, it doesn't sound important. What car do you drive?
you big wuss

Thats the same exact problem i have with my car mirror. Ive given up. Best bet is just leave it, its not doing any harm just spinning its web and trying to get cosy in your car mirror.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
How To Control Spiders
In the United States, there are a few thousand varieties of spiders and very few of them are dangerous. Fear of spiders is a very common phobia but is really unwarranted. Spiders for the most part are not aggressive, and few have the capability of biting through our skin. They are, in fact, beneficial because they feed on pesky insects such as mosquitoes, flies and ants.
Most people don't want spiders in their home. But by allowing them to exist, possibly in out of the way locations, you benefit by the reduction of other insects. If you remove the webs, and their creators, from prominent locations but leave the rest, you may achieve a balance through "out of sight, out of mind".
However, if you must eliminate all spiders indoors, vacuuming is simple and effective. If you want to save the spider, place a cup over the spider and slide a piece of paper under the cup and then release the spider in your garden.
We do not recommend spraying for spiders. First of all, the spray is an added expense, requires about the same effort to use as a hand-held vacuum and finally, who needs more chemical poisons sprayed in their home?
Furthermore, spraying outside, around the perimeter of your home has the serious drawback of killing the spiders that will consume the insects that consume your flowers, fruits and vegetables in your garden. Spiders are good for your garden and spraying for them means more insects in your garden. Then to get rid of those insects you'll have to spray another poison. So the best practice is to treat only inside your home, and with zero-toxicity methods such as using a vacuum.
i havnt read a word of it so if its stupid, dnt blame me, blame naz coz she'z stupid lol
"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."
^^^^ i think you will find that your the stupid one. Who ever posted something without reading it. It could be anything.
While the article does correctly talk about spiders, its referring to spiders within the home mainly. Plus the use of a insect spray to kill the spider could still be used outdoors coz its more ventilated. In conclusion it doesn’t really solve MuslimBro problem in relation to the itsey bitsey spider in his mirror.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Thing is the spider is right behind the mirror so spraying at the sides might not work.
It is important, every day before going into the car I have to break its web, it's becoming a chore for me. It's not really my car, it's my dads but I drive it. It's a Ford Fiesta Si.
I'm not scared of it, I just don't like spiders. Now that the weather is warm, I keep seeing spiders in me house. One was inches away from my face when I was in bed :shock:.... now it's trying to get cosy with me in bed
spiders helped the Prophet Muhammad (saw). here is some interesting info:
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Yeah I knew that.
That's the last thing I want.... spiders laying eggs in my house.
Is there anyone here who can honestly say that they haven't killed a single spider in their life?
someone seems to agree with you:
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Is it an electric or manual mirror? If it's manual and unheated you should be able to unclip the mirror from the casing and then clip it back in. And if you aren't sure and if it really is a big deal, quickly pop into a local garage.
A tip for a small job like this: if you pop into somewhere like Halfords near to closing time or find a mechanic working late, a job like this is a lot cheaper and possibly costs nothing, if you just casually ask for advice. That's because they can relax when the boss is gone. Otherwise, say it's an electric mirror and has to be partially dismantled, a few seconds with a screwdriver can cost something silly. I say Halfords because they sometimes close at 8.
I still can't believe you're that bothered by a spider.
The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night
"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."
@Yaqub -
above article was very funny. I'm not being mean or anything but most people do have this fear of spiders and when they see a spider they most likely either a) kill it or b) get someone else to do it. It's just something you do as an instant reaction, you don't think about it. What other alternatives are there instead of killing them, except for running around with a cup and paper? I'm not scared of them but just don't like that feeling of them being there.
@Joie de Vivre - car is a manual, I'm not going to open the mirror just incase I break it. Spiders in my house seems to be more of a problem now.
I must eat more than that considering the number of spiders I've seen crawling around.
I have as a kid. I was a proper disturbed and weird child. I would spend several hours of the day out in the back yard squashing those really tiny little red spiders you get. They would leave little red blotches all over the wall. Now as much as i want to kill those spiders i dont coz its just wrong. They have a right to be here just as much as i have.
maybe you should try cleaning your room once in a while lol.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Honestly, what a pointless question.
I do, it's just that my room is hot and I keep the windows open at night and that's when they come in.
It is now that my house is being invaded.
count urself lucky:
Don't just do something! Stand there.
or even:
Don't just do something! Stand there.
this is the best:
Don't just do something! Stand there.
how do you stay awake?
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
That was awesome... thanx for that
Back in BLACK
By not falling asleep?
What kinda silly Q is that?
Back in BLACK
well obviously.
Its a simple enough question. Im immune to tea and dont wanna resort to red bull or pro plus.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Everyone has a beginners thresh hold.
Mines around 12/12.30. If i can manage to stay awake by then my body seems to adjust and by 1am im feeling fine. Not drowzy at all.
Find the thresh hold... exceed it and your there.
The answers are out there Naz... and they will find you... if you want them to.
Back in BLACK
dat waz funny
"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."
I think its staying up late for the past 3 months and waking up late that has messed up my system. These 9am starts are killing. My brain is paying me back. Only 82 days till i break up for xmas.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
[b]How to find and download your favourite tracks without using a file-sharing program (eg Limewire)[/b]
This is also quicker than using the free versions of those programs.
1. Go to Google
2. Search for (eg): [color=darkred]intitle:"Index.of" (mp3|wma) ikhwan -html -htm -php -asp[/color][list][size=11]Note: this is asking for a list of music files in any given subdomain including (in this example) the word ikhwan.
To search for a specific artist or title with more than one word in it, type in the name separated by dots, eg bohemian.rhapsody . This tells Google to find those words together whether separated by a space or an underscore etc.
You can specify a different file-type such as avi in those parentheses and you can use dashes to exclude other web codes after -html etc.
Generally ignore results that just show subfolders or don't look something like this:[/size]
3. Right-click on a track and select "save link as" or "save target as" depending on your browser, select a destination, give the track a name and Bob's your uncle.
Credit for this goes to [url=]Jimmy Ruska[/url].
[color=blue]Spray a bit of perfume on the light bulb in any room to create a lovely light scent in each room when the light is turned on. Place fabric softener sheets in dresser drawers and your clothes will smell freshly washed for weeks to come. You can also do this with towels and linens.
[b]5 tips to tackle indigestion:[/b]
1 - Chew a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root for 5 minutes before meals to stimulate digestion
2 - Add aniseed to your meals to calm spasms of the intestinal walls and treat general abdominal pain
3 - Do not eat while on the go, in a moving car or while reading
4 - Drink lemon juice mixed in warm water three times a day to improve digestion
5 - Avoid large amounts of caffeine, fried foods, meats, sweets, heavy foodss and overeating.[/color]
' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}
Alisha. Nice name. Short, wonderful and to the point.
sniffing food can also give you indigestion.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
How to save about £1000 by July, to use it to go on Holiday to egypt, with your 3 mates, in Summer. All the while havin to pay for travel to and from Uni, and having only £30ish left at end of week, and yet needing that £30 for chill missions with the Homies, as Socialisation is a nessesity to keep the 4 of us sane.
Do u think I may need to rephrase that just a little?
so lets solve this puzzle shall we, n ill bring everyone back summin nice (mayb jus nice pictures) but nice is nice
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
hide ur bank card or give it to someone. i did that and saved a few hundred.
and cut down on ur chilling, remember when in Egypt, you can do all the chilling you like