Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,
Has anyone here ever suffered from insomnia??
Lying in bed for hours upon hours staring at the streetlight projected onto your ceiling, or counting one sheep after another hopping endlessly over an imaginary fence? Have you ever been to work, school, university or your A.A. Meeting (!) having not had one winks' shut-eye, let alone forty?
Has this been because of specific worries or stressful episodes in your life? Have you come out of these periods of sleeplessness and can you now tuck yourself into bed comfortably after Isha, confident in the knowledge that in only a matter of moments you will be safely drifting into the Land of Nod?
I ask this because I have never been able to get to sleep. I remember as a little kid going off to bed 8pm or so and still being wide awake when the birds started tweeting.
Has anyone got any advice in helping me get to sleep?
I've tried many, MANY things, except for sleeping pills. I REALLY don't want to resort to drugs, but I am thinking that I am running out of options. Are there any natural remedies that anyone can recommend (that does't involve blowing into scarves...).
I would GREATLY appreciate any advice, or just general feedback on sleep etc. May Allah reward you for your efforts. Ameen!
wa alaikum salam,
Published by Ya'qub on 23 April, 2007 - 11:06
I usually fall asleep really quickly...... But if it's that bad I think you should seek help from a GP.
I sometimes like having Horlicks.....
It really does relax your mind and body. So you tend to sleep more easily. However I have to agree that sleeping pills are the last thing you want to take....
"Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others"
For me the habit of staring at the ceiling for hours trying to get to sleep disapeared at around the time i started fighting sleep during my waking hours.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Thats part of the problem! I AM fighting sleep all day. I'll drop off for a moment during my bus journey home, and feel lethargic throughout the day. My job is really active and I'm always on my feet, so when I get home I'm exhausted. Sometimes I feel I'm too tired to get to sleep lol.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
You could try Valerian Root tablets from Holland & Barrett. Bananas also aid restfulness.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
does anyone sleep TOO MUCH?
i do. i never wake up earlier then 11 on my days off
if mum didnt scream so much i'd prob lie in till 12-1
I get insomnia a lot, kind of a chemical side effect from when I used to be a heavy drinker.
I just go and grab one of my wifes boring medical books, after about a fourth of a page I'm back out like a light... otherwise I harass her all night with questions.
Whatever you do, don't exercise! I tried doing pushups and running to tire myself out and it had the opposite effect.
Yeah do something real boring, like reading a book about medicine or physics, you'll soon get bored or tired.
I tried playing games online once and thought I would go to sleep in an hours time but was I wrong. I spent the whole night playing games and felt sleepy around 8am, when I had to leave home for uni.
Or you can work night shifts if the problem is that bad. I myself wouldn't mind working at nights coz you get paid more.
I sometimes stay awake until fajr time then go to bed but I still don't feel sleepy.
There is another problem when I am able to get some sleep, I sleep too much (upto 12 hours :shock:), that's why I need my alarm clock to be on the highest volume.
[color=indigo][b]You think that’s bad? My sister once slept up to 16 hours!! The maximum hours of sleep i've done is probably 14 hours.[/b][/color]
I was just reading in the paper this morning about a guy who got arrested and fined for keeping his gf up three nights by talking to her bcoz he couldnt sleep. So he kept her up by threatening her if she fell asleep... she eventually went to the cops.
On a more personal note.... i have trouble sleeping during times of stress i.e. exams etc... but thats also accompanied with other unusual behaviour... irratic eating... mood swings.... prayers become late...
Back in BLACK
I tried these tablets last night and Alhamdulillah I got to sleep really quickly!!
Unfortunately, I slept right thorugh Fajr and was over an hour late for work too! Its all a Jewish Conspiracy to make Muslims lose their jobs I tell you!!!!!!!
I do feel really refreshed this morning however, thank you for the suggestion.
Maybe the answer is Valerian Root Tablets AND a louder alarm clock...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
lol I'm pleased they worked and sorry it led to sleeping in.
For anyone who has a tendency to oversleep, can I suggest you practise setting your alarm clock to sound in a couple of minutes, preparing for sleep, going to bed and closing your eyes and then getting up and getting dressed again the moment it sounds and really visualise doing that in the morning. Repeat in half an hour or an hour or so. Also attend to something productive in between. If you do this a few times during the day (and for a few days if sleeping in is a long-standing habit) it should put an end to oversleeping.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
Wow, it really does work. Thanks for being the first...or shall I say second guinea pig.
I'll be getting some this week.
For some wierd reason I enjoy dosing off in buses/trains for a few mins, feels good.
I'm usually knocked out as soon as my head hits the pillow...and during placement months (which start again from next week :? ). I'm asleep by 10pm.
I don't like oversleeping (past 9.30-10am the latest)...it gives me a headache.
Does anyone else find it much easier to get out of bed in the Summer? I'm not an 'early bird'...but its very easy to get up before 7am these days.
In winter it's cold and your bed is warm and cosy and you just don't wanna get up, I would say it's the temperature.
Well we applied the cordical electrodes but we werent able to get a response.
Back in BLACK
woke up at 11.30 2day
mum flipped
My sleep has been a lot better recently, Alhamdulillah!
I think its because I started to pray JUST before going to bed, then reading a short amount of Qu'ran. It really calms me down and puts all the minor stresses of day-to-day life into perspective.
Thank you to everyone for all their suggestions, I am now a happy chappy!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
That's pretty lazy...
I took some sleeping pills and I'm trying to count to a million... it's not working.
That's the thing, you shouldn't be trying to sleep
it should just happen. When you go to bed, close your your eyes and imagine you're in Disneyland....
if that doesn't work, imagine you're in Hawaii.
I have been sleeping very quickly in the last few days, one of reasons being that I go to bed just after 4am. Having positive thoughts may help, it does with me... sometimes.
I have 5-6hrs when im working the next day however on my days off I can be in bed till 11am! However having early driving lessons helps me get out my bed.
My instructor called me 45mins before my lesson 2day and was shocked that her call had woken me up...i get lazy when I know I dont have to get up and summer doesnt help, the heat makes me even lazier!
Any other married couples experienced this? I can't sleep unless I'm holding my wife... or... something.
After I finally did get to sleep last night I woke up in what I might call a "cuddle position" with my pillow.
It was [b][u]not[/u][/b] a man moment.
You can try sleeping with a teddy bear in the meantime :twisted:
and hear this, Randy Gardner the guy named above which we also studied in psychology was an a-level student, so the same age as you.
He only did it as a science project.
I have the opposite problem...for the past two weeks I havent been able to get out of bed. I always wake up exhausted.
And thats at 7.00am...
And its not as if I have a physically strenous lifestyle. I spent most of the day on my desk.
MuslimSister, I'm in exactly the same position! sit at the desk all day but still feel knackered but my friends who work in the building trade are opposite...I think the PC screens are polluting our minds, where getting extra terestrial signals to make us lazy!
I liked 'Mr Honey's day out' post about visualizing, I think preparing the mind for anything before hand is great help.
My tip would be, buy a double bell alarm clock + a microphone and a 100Watt speaker attached to a amplifier preferebly with a base box, take the sleeping pill and wait for it... don't think the devil will be patting you to sleep for long
The best preacher is the conscience, the best teachers are time and experience, the best book is the world, the best friend is God
how does that help u to wake up NOT tired?
i had to get up at 8 today
i was sleepy all day long
hmmph! i have to leave my house before 8 everyday of the week!
Don't just do something! Stand there.