so how have ppl been celebrating this?
a day to to be extra kind and caring for ur mum and treat her like a queen...
or a normal day cos its a kufr concept innit!
so how have ppl been celebrating this?
a day to to be extra kind and caring for ur mum and treat her like a queen...
or a normal day cos its a kufr concept innit!
my mum is in pakistan
its a marketingidea by the big wigs who wanted to make money just like christmas easter fathers day its that sort of that thing are we allowed to celebrate it its not religious so maybe yes and the prophet
did say jant is at the mothers feet
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
yes y not
flowers... works everytime... and its cheap.
Back in BLACK
flowers or a day out

Forgot. :oops: Popped round earlier and saw a big card on the table, so I made my Mum a coffee which is very lame but I'll get something nice this afternoon.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
tut! tut!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
yeah... you made a booboo
Back in BLACK
Seraph you skank, flowers aren't necessarily cheap! Well not decent ones anyway.
We nearly always get mum a suit. My sister took her to the shop to choose it and she chose a real skanky one, well that's what I think anyway...but it's what she herself chose so fair do's. Next time I'll pick it.
I don't see anything wrong with celebrating Mother's Day or Father's Day just like I don't think there's anything wrong with married couples acknowledging Valentines Day. I think people who have issues with it need to relax and just chill a bit.
Well whats cheap to one person is expensive to another.
Back in BLACK
my 5 year old MADE a card at school!!! And when I asked what mothers day is about, he replied , ' its a day off from driving for mummys!'
live and let live!!!!!!!
I heard that it was mothers day on the radio but forgot about it 10mins later.
I didn't do anything.
Mum doesn't know that its mothers day today (yesterday to be technical) fact she doesn't even know it exists.
This is comming up in America soon.
There is this mothers day brunch at the club we belong to and my idiotic psychologist suggested I invite mom. - You all know my mom - How do you invite somebody without communicating you actually desire their presence?
Just tell her she is invited and that you expect her there.
Give no reason. May be easier that way.
"Why?" "because"
It may not work if you are used to explaining everything.
Unlike on the internet, in RL explaining things really irritates me.
If someone does not understand they do not need to understand. If they do need to, tough luck. (and someone told me I would make a good teacher! :P)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Good idea actually, I was thinking of basically telling her I expect her there.
If the thing you hate is that she is pathological about everyone around her, I don't understand why the solution has to be a brunch. Why not a lovely gesture like some flowers and two tickets for her to attend something she would appreciate? And leave the conversations for another day.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
Dave, how comes you have a psychologist.
Explanation please.
awww perhaps u shud enlighten her....
it may not be a islamic festival but we all still celebrate...
no reason y we shud giv up on the oppurtunity 2 have a party
if shes unaware of it then it's not a part of her tradition or culture why socialise her into it? You can give ur mum a present on Eid instead bengali mums love extravagant saris on eid with a matching shawl. Start saving now they don't come cheap
unfortunately my mother knows about mothers day coz when i wasn't practising i used to spoil her on this day. Give her a full breakfast, do jobs she doesnt like like cleaning the bathroom, and oven. And she'd get a gift too. So when i stopped doing that for mothers day all a sudden, she was upset. she said other ppls kids give their mums flowers on this day, no one gives me any loool. I felt really bad, so even tho i give her something on Eid i tend to give her something on mothers day aswell. But she's a lucky mum i give her presents thru out the year duno why one day is soo important to her, it's definately all the commercial hype i got her sucked into it, it;s my own doing i can;t undo it now.
If you don't wana be skint then i wouldn't tell her muslimbro there's all year round to spend money on her right
my mum knows all the festivals in this country tho, coz when my youngest bro was a child he was so attached to her she couldn't leave him alone in primary school/ so for the first few months she was there with him cross legged on the assembly floor lol. She's seen all the nativities. sung all the songs, so she knows all the festivals. She gives us all easter eggs even tho most us kids are in our twenties and older. She doesn;t see the religious side of it, just thinks shes giving us a treat. im not complaining more chocolate for me.
if she finds out its shrove tuesday by watching blue peter or ready steady cook then shes normally on the phone telling me to come down soon make her kids pancakes...they're adults 20s and up hardly kids loooooool.
I think it's good that my mum doesn't know about mothers day, that way she won't expect anything from me. In fact she bought me a big easter egg today and I didn't even share :twisted:.
I only give her a prezzie on her birthday, and even then, I chip in with my sister.
And what do you mean give mummy a prezzie on eid....I expect something from her :P.
ah u big baby, u expect things when ur small, ya a big boy now get ur mum a sari trust me she'll be smiling . everytime she wears it she'll say my "son bought me this"
flowers can range from 1.50 to 50 quid
depends how cheap or tight u are
weirdly enough - mum got nothing from her daughters this year
even more weirdly enough my bro brought mum a large box of freroro roshe (however u spell that :roll: )
like the omro used to say
the end must be neigh
i wouldn't pay more than twenty quid for a bunch of flowers coz im not rich so to me it seems a waste buying a bunch for so much just to see it wither away in seven days or more. If i were rich however 50 quid wouldn't be too much.
Anyways what ever happened to the old saying it's the thght that counts? why must something be bought? i think its so sentimental to make something with your own hands coz all ur love goes into it and it means so much more. A craft item, a 3 course meal etc etc.
If you are going to buy your mother flowers, be more creative and get her something like [url=]this[/url]
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
thats just sad.
Back in BLACK
[size=9](i shall remind you of your own words)[/size]
What is sad to one person is worthy to another.
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
yeah but real flowers are actually real... even if they only last a few days.
nameing flowers is stupid.... you may aswell print off a certificate and tell her you;ve had a star named after her. :roll:
Back in BLACK
MashaAllah we have a critic among us lol!
btw, you get real flowers in the end with that gift too
Its a win-win 
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
p.s. Having something named after you is pretty cool i think..
you can get a copy of the [url=]Dalail al Khayrat[/url] made with your name printed on it as sadaqah jaariya (continuous charity), or how about a [url= olive tree[/url] planted for you in Palestine (you get a certificate too!!) 
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
I love my mother. I brought her a nice gift - a neckless. In the morning, I touched her feet as a mark of respect towards her. She is my paradise.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".