Advice to Muslims in the west

Advice to Muslims in the west

For Muslims living in the west
Suffering and being the’ victims
Of racists and their' Islamophobic comments and
The future holds nothing else' but confrontation

Mr and Mrs Non-Muslim
U don’t like us
That’s why u cuss
We don’t like your lack of' values
And' hence we don’t integrate fully
To your satisfaction

Don’t want to be u
U don’t want to be us
We can accept u as u are
But u can’t accept us
Unless we change

Who’s the intolerant?
Who’s the racist and supremacist?

Trying to impose
And commit cultural genocide
By making Muslims lose our identity

U feel sorry for us
While we feel pity for u
It’s true
Never the twain shall meet
Hence we don’t socialise together
In the pub and nightclub

U invited us here
Now you’re full of fear
We want engagement and discussion
While your politician’s abuse and insult
Name calling and scare mongering

What is it about Islam that u fear?

Is it the hijab, veil or jilbaab?
Is it the topee or beard?

Your media is supposed to be free
But it tows the government policy
Documentary and news article
Dissecting Islam particle by particle
Just like in the past when it attacked Communism
Coz people started to look for an alternative

Is it any wonder that we are suffering daily?
Looks and stares
Intolerable' on public transport
Words and violent actions
When we are outnumbered
Against our women and elderly
Even our kids get called names
From the mouth of babes

Brainwashed from birth
by parents who should know better
who are the extremists and preachers of hate now?

We will not be silenced
And forced to abandon our Islamic identity
And adopt your lack of values
Coz that is the road to disaster
Annihilation and extinction

The more u oppress us
The stronger we become
Unified and focused
Internal divisions forgotten

The future holds nothing
But confrontation
in this nation
Envy of the world
For free speech
we will fight words with better words
Insults and accusations
with intellectual refutation
but are 'you' ready to debate and discuss?

Violent attacks we will resist
And defend our honour
No turning the other cheek
Like the meek and weak
Lambs to the slaughter

The spirit of resistance and Jihad
Burns within our souls
Fanned by the words of the Quran
And the actions of our blessed Muhammad Saw

Islam is strong in the west
Converts and born again Muslims
Those who went with the flow
But now to Allah swt they bow

We’re getting large in number
Mainly youth and those coming back from slumber
And not just the old and elderly

Masjids packed
Like sardines stacked
Row upon row
Bowing, crying and making
Dua to Allah the almighty

We are Muslims in the west
Holding onto our values interacting
And contributing to this society

We realise that the future holds nothing else
But confrontation
And we are ready for the challenge
So bring it on
Enter the arena
With your ideas
Capitalism Vs Islam
And let the discussion and debate begin

reminds me of the mosque undercover documentary and the west/kafir hating imams....

bro your lyrics are good if you stay away from the hate that you have inside you for the 'kufaar'...

this is what puts me and others off your lyrics...

u assume too much, generalise too much ...

yes amongst non muslims there are some racists, islamophobes, narrow minded ppl but majority dont hate us... they may disagree but so what? an dalot of us muslims hate THEM, are also racists etc... so whats the difference?

but you have great potential....

i dont mind having your lyrics on the revival website and mag.... once you've toned down a bit:-)


"Showkat" wrote:

In the pub and nightclub

I love how these things always boil down to good, wholesome islamic values of family, modesty and piety versus traditional western values of clubbing, exstacy and drinking.

Believe it or not some Westerns would contend those aren't "Western values" and feel as alienated by that [i]subculture[/i] as muslims do.

But that would ruin the meter and verse of your jingoistic little poems wouldn't it?


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

It's still your move Showkat. You write this stuff, stand by it.

He does it as art, not an argument. (well I hope he does. Otherwise....)

Feel free to critique.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You could just as easily be writing literature for the BNP if you just changed a few words around in each paragraph.....

Salaams Guys

Why dont u mention the bits u disagree with and why plus your refutation. No point saying its wrong and we disagree.

[url][/url], the place to be

"Showkat" wrote:
Salaams Guys

Why dont u mention the bits u disagree with and why plus your refutation. No point saying its wrong and we disagree.

Why do certain muslim polemists think peppering their ignorant nonsense with the words "refutation" "comparative religion" (a non-existent academic discipline) and "logic" make them sound intelligent?

It really makes me grind my teeth.

And for the love of English (this goes out to all those in the aforementioned polemist group) you do not "do" a refutation. You "refute" something. THE NOUN COMES FROM A PRE-EXISTING VERB! I don't know how many times I have suffered through reading some school kid who wants to know if he is "doing" a good refutation of a "stereotype."

Asides out of the way:

Genius, I already told you what my beef is - you boiled Western Culture down to clubbing, partying and underage sex and pitted it against what you claim to be good old fashioned wholesome Islamic values.

Look at the first line:

Mr and Mrs Non-Muslim
U don’t like us
That’s why u cuss
We don’t like your lack of' values
And' hence we don’t integrate fully
To your satisfaction

Your poem reinforces the stereotype that many Muslims (such as yourself) cling to - that Muslims are amidst a sea of barbarians and must remain a quiet segregated little community inviting the barbarians to be like them. Completely disregarding the fact that the vast majority of well-adjusted non-Muslims lead completely normal lives with completely traditional values. Not all of us own hotel chains so that we can go clubbing with that pop-tart Britney.

What your poem does [i]not[/i] do is explore the possibilities that 1. Mr and Mrs Non-Muslim do not like you because they are ignorant or racist, 2. Mr and Mrs Non-Muslim do not in fact hate you at all and 3. Society has other reasons for pushing integration that might have nothing to do with Islam like... oh... say... I don't know:

[url=,,2-1813149,00.html]Honor Killings[/url]

[url=]Forced Marriages[/url]

[url=]Cultural Superiority Complexes[/url]

Incidentally I am accusing you of directly contributing to what is happening in that last article - just thought you should know.

[i]Maybe[/i] there are real problems with integration in Britain, [i]maybe[/i] Islam is not what the kaffir have in mind when they decry that general sense "these guys don't seem to "get" Britain" and [i]maybe[/i] these things are something Muslims too have a stock in and should be actively attempting to change.

Oh hell while we're at it maybe the general population, while perfectly well meaning, is being educated that the stuff above (forced marriages, honor killings, mobs) is perfectly normal behavior of these savage muslims! I bet somebody out there is using the aforementioned behavior to demonstrate that Islam is a wicked vicious faith that needs to get in line with British values.

Oh wait... [url=]there is.[/url]

Gee... a muppet leveraging stereotypes to convince a large group of people that another group of people holds inferior values and that they should be cautious about moving forward with them... ya know, I've seen this scenario somewhere before... where have I seen this... I just,

I don't know...

Now let's imagine a world where people are so stupid that the more people at the scene of an accident, the less chance you will be saved because psychologically people are less inclined to act depending on how many people are there. Or a world in which a woman is advised to yell "Fire" instead of "rape" because when she yells rape people naturally run away, but fire they run toward the problem (to stare).

Unfortunately this is the world you live in. And these are the people you are living with - in fact, you're one of em! Unless you've undergone some kind of extensive training program to counteract basic human nature, intelligent, articulate, decisive you, is just another mindless, controllable and prejudicial twit when in a crowd.

That's right, in a group you are at least 95% more likely to set aside your personal thoughts and apprehensions and make a hasty and irrational decision for fear of upsetting what you believe to be the consensus of the group, pushing it into disembalance.

It's called "group think," it's why the Nazis came to power, why the Challenger blew up and why everybody watches "It's a wonderful life" at Christmas despite the fact we all know the movie sucks.

See what you are doing (Just like lazy eyed Nick), is leveraging the natural fear and prejudices that drive communal action, to take part in Communal reinforcement (sending a repeated message to convince a community of something, regardless of its merits), to leverage group think and help make muslims actually believe that this whole integration problem is a cover to turn you into indulgent, sinful kaffir.

Sort of like how greasy griffin uses Communal reinforcement to trigger group think among day to day working class Brits, and convince them that this whole integration problem is about Muslims trying to turn Britains into savage, women hating muslims.

And the funniest thing of all is that nobody is really winning! You've both just dragged yourselves waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the hell off course! I'm thinking it's really no time before we see a Paris riots part deux on the streets of London, a whole lot of people angry for reasons they really can't remember but uhh... it's got somethin' to do with Integration... we think...?

You've both cloaked the original issue so well with your blatantly prejudicial agendas that its become an issue in and of itself.

It's freaking hilarious watching Brits and Brits go at it over completely ridiculous non-issues, like *GASP* veils and bikinis, while theres a real live 500 pound pink gorilla standing in the livingroom that nobody seems to talk about.

He's messing up the furniture, and clashing with the wallpaper and nobody seems to notice!

But anyway, way to go. I think your poem really nailed the important issues on this one. Clearly integration is all just cultural imperialism from white people and their kaffir culture which consists of x number of bad things.