I offered to give a lift home to a non Muslim girl from my class….as soon as I turned my engine on my Dhikr CD blasted on loudly, which made us all jump …I just laughed and switched it off.
After I dropped her home, I realised that had one of Muslim mates been in my car I would have just turned the volume down a bit….
I do sometimes wonder about my confidence when it comes to Islam and non Muslim….even though I’m invited to primary/secondary schools on a regular basis to lead assemblies about Islam to non Muslims and also happen to be a “MosqueGuide” and often show large groups of non Muslims around my local Mosque…but when it comes to explaining stuff to the average Tom, Dick and Harry on the streets…if I haven’t “prepared my stuff” I pretty much don’t get involved in discussions when complicated Islamic issues are raised….
If I’m in a job/Uni interview I’m more likely not to meet the eye of the guy who has extended his hand out to me to shake, rather than launch into huge lecture on how Muslim women aren’t supposed to shake the hand of guys they’re not related to..
Every Friday night, instead of explaining to the people in my class why yet again I cant join them for a “quick pint” in the pub…or enjoy a late night out clubbing with the girls…I just tell them I’m busy-that’s just me.
How confident are you in your Islam?
if i was you i'd just tell everyone why you can't go clubbing or go to the pub. don't feel shy to tell people about your religion. they might be interested.
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
u can join them for an orange juice in the pub
Nasheeds are pretty embarrersing :oops: , sami yusuf is the only Nasheed artist i dont switch off when ma kafir mates are in the house. I don`t mind quran recitation being left on either.
it does not matter if u dont know the answer or can`t explain it properly.
My kafir mates have that problem too, especially the Jewish ones, whenever i ask them sumthing they just say "ask a rabbi"
I think part of the reason every1 feels uncomfortable about thier religion is because we are worried about what others think.
But c`mon they is not gonna mock us for our religion, slap 'em if they do
don`t worry about what others thinks
me duz not care anymore
[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]
[color=indigo][b]Im fairly confident. I'm always talking about Islam to my non-muslim friends and teachers. The other day my teacher put me on the spot and asked me what is Islam about.. and to tell the class a bit about your religion so off i went and i did just fine! The teacher was a muslim aswell but she didn't seem to know much so she asked me to shed some light.
Whenever my friends or teachers ask me something or invite me somewhere and if it isnt allowed in Islam i simply tell them that and why its not allowed. Im always upfront and telling them stuff. This is our opportunity to give the non-muslims Da'wa and we all kno how important that is in Islam.[/b][/color]
u just reminded me of this charity person
once in town i was talking to him he started off by introducing his name and then got out his hand for a shake. i just look down on the floor
it was so embrassing for him he went all red. i just quickly started asking him about what teh charity actually served.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
as for confidence in ISLAM i think i pretty high in it . as i feel very proud and Honoured that i am a muslim. and whenever i start to tlk to someone esepcially someone new i meeting for teh first time it not long before i talking about Islam to them. as to my everyday friends i tend to get not cary away or such but i seem to come across as giving a lecture then an little talk or stressing a point across .
as for my non muslim friends when ever they ask such things as why dont u drink go clubbing etc i just simply explain what my faith teaches about things like that .
nice thread muslismsis
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
nasheed are pretty embrassing. sort ur head out Tex. I don't care whos in my house if i got awais qadri on full blast i leave it on . if i got mountain of makkah or Muhammad Afzal Noshahi i leave it on. u not proud of showing of the different lanugauge Islam expresses its self through. :?:
u never know thy might just like teh other nasheeds.
don't take any offence in what i have written to u tex . it just that ur first line got to me.
U should care
u know how Islam is being protrayed in teh media u hanging with this attidude isnt going to help but worsen our identites as mulism
we are peaceful peopel .
( sorry if the above doesn't make total sense i rushing i delaying my prayer.
use ur head before ur fists.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
nasheed are pretty embrassing. sort ur head out Tex. I don't care whos in my house if i got awais qadri on full blast i leave it on . if i got mountain of makkah or Muhammad Afzal Noshahi i leave it on. u not proud of showing of the different lanugauge Islam expresses its self through. :?:
u never know thy might just like teh other nasheeds.
don't take any offence in what i have written to u tex . it just that ur first line got to me.
U should care
u know how Islam is being protrayed in teh media u hanging with this attidude isnt going to help but worsen our identites as mulism
we are peaceful peopel .
( sorry if the above doesn't make total sense i rushing i delaying my prayer.
use ur head before ur fists.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
I am glad someone came up with this topic.
As some may know that I started uni this year, and I have encountered some "problems" which I wouldn't have if I was around with my muslim friends. Nearly all of the people in my lectures / seminars are non-muslims.
For example when it is time for prayer I just say to my non-muslim friends that "I need a break" or "I need to go somewhere for abit", and I just avoid telling them that I need to attend prayer. I can only remember telling one of my non-muslim friends about prayer.
Even when we have debates in class, I tend to avoid talking about Islam, like today when we were having a debate whether morality and law should be separate, and the veil issue was raised in our group but no-one mentioned it when the whole class got together.
I think it was last week, when me and this girl were at the train station and we take different trains and when her train was approaching, she extended her arms to hug me and I was like oh god what do I do now, I just stayed put and she was thinking like what's wrong with him, and I was thinking like did you have to do that, isn't a simple bye or a wave enough.
I think we sometimes lose our confidence when faced with certain situations around our non-muslim friends. I certainly hope to tell my non-muslim friends sometime soon about where I disappear off to during lunchbreak.
I don't think you can be somewhere voluntarily where alcohol is being served.
its not the words
its Bcoz most Nasheed artists have a terrible voice
they do like Sami Yusuf and the quran recitation,
most ppl have made up thier minds about islam
[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]
[color=indigo][b]Im the total opposite to you bro, whenever im in coll and Dhur pray approaches i say im off to pray and i tell the teacher to give me an extra long break so that i can go and read peacfully. Almost in every class debate/discussion i always bring up Islam. It's always Islam says this, Islam says that. Once you get talking they all want to no more and teachers are always so intrested and ask me to tell them more and more..
No1s every tried the hugging or handshake before but if i was to ever be in that situation, i no for a fact that iw ould put them straight and tell them that in Islam this is clearly forbidden.[/b][/color]
Same ere i started uni this year and ive found that im the only muslim in most my lectures and seminars and but recently i found there are other muslims in my lecture bt i had no idea they were muslimsh because of the way they dressed and acted which was rather sad and i didnt want to offend them by askin them if theyre muslims incase they were and they got cheezed off for me askin :?
but personally i havnt cum across a situation yet were Muslims are islam has been debated about in lectures mosta the non muslims who i ave to wrk with r okay when i tell them i have to go pray although they look at their watch and time me i think lol r theyre probably wondering why i keep goin off to pray.. minor i dont care wt they think.. if they look unsure i just explain to them why i have to go and they normally shut up!!
as for the nasheeds thing.. yh im with bliss on this one
owais qadriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii yay lol
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
yeh same with me when its time to pray i pray regardless to teh group of friends i with. if they are non muslims i explain to them where i going and their fine with it. muslim bro i sure they wil be fine if u tell them where u go at ur breaks u nevr know they might just start taking heed to it.
as for class dicussions as norriya has said its same with me i cant wait and bring in Islam into it.
as for hugging and that it only my girls tht do it. the rest just get a salaam bac.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
I tend to talk to people of all faiths.
Manchester is a very multifaith city. Its the gay capital of Europe.
I come across all sorts.
You shouldn't be shy in attacking other people's faith.
Do it properly.
Islam is our religion and we believe it is best faith in the world.
Nobody likes the confidence that muslims have in their faith.
Therefore, do battle.
However, never hurt people's feelings. Thats no good.
Now that you mention it, I have also found that one guy in my class which I didn't speak to was a Muslim. He was abit taller than me and had long hair, upto this shoulder. It was in a seminar during ramadan when the issue about fasting came up and he asked me how many fasts have you kept, and I replied all of them and he said me too, so this was the start of our happy friendship
The clocks have gone back 1 hour, this is going to make praying on time more difficult. I got the asr prayer time right between 2 lectures. Why do they have to change the bloody time backwards and forwards all the time!
Im always opennly admit im a muslim, im going to go pray or i cant do this or that coz its forebidden bcoz of X, Y & Z and if they're half decent people they'll be like alright, cool no problem. With things like Uni alot of the time you're colleagues are only interested in you... they dont seem to care that you're muslim or not. You just gotta tell them.
In my first year at uni there were no muslims on my course but i always told people im a muslim, invited any questions they had about my beliefs, answered they're questions as best as i could (even though most of them were atheists... except one who was a pagan).
Dont be ashamed of you're faith. Be proud to be muslim, stand up and let people recognise you for being a muslim... so will the real muslims please stand up.
Back in BLACK
well said serpy
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
well inshallah ur friendship will always stay happy
i got lectures all day 2moro jus realised its gna affect ma zuhr asr n by the time i get home id hav probably misd maghrb
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
[color=magenta]As'salamu alaykum
great topic sister
funny thing was today a teacher was like prioritise the following list of words, which included religion, health, education, love, family, money and some other words most of us came up with religion as most important he asked why, and no-one answered but i was like religion is most important to me because if we have religion the rest of them (words) will fall under religion, religion encourages a healthy lifestyle, good education etc and he just couldnt understand why, i ws like islam is a way of life to us thats why
but i guess my confidence in islam has grown after recent events it has definately increased my conviction in islam and hw im not just gna sit there and shut up when ppl decided to poke fun at islam, but if this was probably 1 year or two back i doubt i would have this same confidence[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
I've been in these types of situations lots of time!! And with time my way of dealing with it has changed! Like for example, when i used to be at college, I used to make up excuses to my non muslim friends about going out on friday nights. But now I grab every chance I get to talk to a non muslim about my relgion! it's important, coz someone may learn something they didn't know before. You may get them thinking differently about islam.
live and let live!!!!!!!
cum to think of it my confidence in Islam has grown since i started uni
this mornin my group wanted to arange a group meeting and wnted yto meet friday afternoon and one non muslim in my group asked me if i can meet r if i have to stay at home n pray friday afternoon.
i explained to him how i can pray in the sisters prayer room at uni etc n he was majorily surprised cos he thought woman were only allowed to pray at home :shock:
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
I was invited to lead two large assemblies on Ramadan and Eid today…I played Turkish Nasheeds, brought loads of props in (dates/prayer mat/qur’an etc), taught them the proper way to say “Asalam alaikum”….the kids and teachers loved it and it happened to be a predominantly non Muslim school….. And after I’d finished, I purposely did NOT say “Any questions?” and sat back down again…
I’m only OK when I’m mentally prepared for what I’m going to say…
But the head teacher got me back on the stage by saying that the kids have been thinking all week of questions to ask me….some of the questions were OK-mainly about my scarf…but then the women praying in the Mosque issue was raised….I was cringing-I think everyone watched that programme last night. Thank God time ran out…
I don't think my confidence in Islam is questtionable, however I too have problems explaining stuff to kafir's, but thats coz firstly, I don't have the knowledge and secondly sometimes it's a case of faith n thats not something that can be easily explained.
Muslim sis, I don't think it's a case of your confidence in Islam rather perhaps it's a case of your self confidence?
I want to become a better Muslim by following the Prophet's (pbuh) sunna. I wish to further my knowledge on Islam and put it into practice in my daily life. And if I can be of any help/guidence then always willing to oblige.
Good point...but I don't think its a self-confidence thing...I'm kinda used to speaking in front of large audiences now, I've had a lot of experience through teaching practice and Islamic programmes....and whilst I don't like doing it...I dont hate it either.
I guess I just like to be 101% confident about my subject knowledge before I open my mouth...
Alot of the time when im asked a questions its from someone who is an atheist and even after ive tried to explain the logic behind it they're still like... but why this that and other.... and its usually something to do with "You've gotta have faith" which they dont get...
Back in BLACK
Today, I was running late to an afternoon lecture and got stuck behind two people…it was black girl and a Muslim guy…the girl who all in the guys face, yelling “you dissed me, you insulted me and made me feel dirty – how dare you “ etc etc…and the guy said quietly “I’m sorry, it just happens to be against my religion to shake hands with a woman that I’m not related to, please don’t take it personally”…
The girl wasn’t listening and just kept yelling…
I did later wonder whether or not I should have intervened…I didn’t cos I was running VERY late and also wasn’t sure of the fact that the guy would have appreciated my help or not…I know some guys are very touchy about fighting their own battles….also the girl scared me. :?
I think this
was a self-confidence issue.
Yeah you're right.
Sort it out girl.
Back in BLACK
Jedi. Teach her the ways of the force.
She wont be able to do it by any other means.
Too old is she to start the training.... yes to old.
My own council i shall keep on who is to be trained.
Back in BLACK
Yes Jedi.
Right you are so.
Old she is. Worn she is down by tribulations.
But young is her spirit.
A great warrior she will make.
Decision will you reconsider master.
Wars do not make one great.
Much fear i sense within this one.
Agree with her padawan training this council does not.
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