[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
Has anyone ever thought of having laser eye surgery?.... not that I'm interested.
For the people who wear contacts, do you have it as the same colour as your eyes or do you go for green / blue / brown contacts.
my sis had laser eye surgery.. theres no guarantee that it will last for so long. not worth it. id jus stick to contacts altho they can mess up ur eyes.
i now hav to clean myne with hydrogen peroxide shock
if you're earning £5 an hour, you'd have to work 200 hours just to make a grand.
It is cheap but then again i get paid more than you much more :twisted:
seriously a grand to have your eyesight sorted is not a lot but its not 100% guaranteed therefore I wont risk it...I have worn contacts but they aint comfy but aint ever worn coloured, i wouldnt suit any other than hazel.
I have worn contacts but they aint comfy but aint ever worn coloured, i wouldnt suit any other than hazel.
[color=indigo][b]Which ones did you wear? The 1 day acuvue moist contact lenses are very comfy and practical. They’re ideal for a hot country and as for coloured contacts I’ve got two pairs; misty grey and green. The green are pointless, my eyes are hazel so all the brown just shows through.[/b][/color]
I've worn clear contact lenses for the past 4 years or so. I have never ever had any problems whatsoever. Bliss, you just really need to steer clear of contacts full stop!! Not that I completely believe you. :? I think there was a fair bit of exaggeration in your little story. You can actually scratch the top layer of the cornea just by rubbing your eye. Anyone else thinking about contacts, ignore Bliss!! Honestly they are so easy to get the hang of, yeah you have to be careful, but I don’t think it’s any big deal at all.
I don’t get the whole coloured contacts thing. It’s always so obvious when an asian is wearing coloured lenses. And it’s not always the dark skin that gives it away. I think people who have them in are too aware of them and their demeanor just gives it away. My sister and brother both have green eyes. My other sister has hazel eyes. No-one has ever assumed or asked them if they’re wearing contacts, although my sister does wear clear ones for her vision. I think she forgets she has green eyes when people are staring at her. Whereas, maybe someone with coloured lenses would stare back or bat their eyelashes. I’m sure we’ve all seen that happen. I used to work with a guy with green eyes. It was like as though he'd go out of his way to get your attention so he could stare at you, it was like ‘Yes, you have green eyes, now, get over yourself. Thank you.’ All us girls used to laugh about how up his own backside he was. I don’t think my brother even realises that his eye colour isn’t the norm, it’s just not an issue to him, as far as he’s concerned they’re just eyes. And I really hope he doesn’t change when he’s a bit older. My sister has pretty much the same attitude. However, guys always seem to notice when a girl has green eyes and I think they're quite good at picking out the fakes from the real ones. I remember when we were at a theme park once and these guys upside down on a ride spotted my sister in the queues and started shouting 'Oi! Billo, give us your number!' She was like 'so original' :roll:
I've worn clear contact lenses for the past 4 years or so. I have never ever had any problems whatsoever. Bliss, you just really need to steer clear of contacts full stop!! Not that I completely believe you. :? I think there was a fair bit of exaggeration in your little story. You can actually scratch the top layer of the cornea just by rubbing your eye. Anyone else thinking about contacts, ignore Bliss!! Honestly they are so easy to get the hang of, yeah you have to be careful, but I don’t think it’s any big deal at all.
noori back me up here. I swear imaani u should have seen my eyes . If you don't believe me u don't believe me. Me just wanted to share my dreadful experiance. To me they will always be dangerous.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Lol. We don't know where they get them from. Some people say my great grandad had one hazel eye and one green one, but I met him a few times and I never noticed, my mum and dad aren't sure about this either. He had loads of children and they had loads of kids, and theirs did too, so it's funny how only them 2 out of the whole massive family have only got green eyes.
We've got some relatives though and most of their kids too have green eyes. Again they don't know who they get them off. They have tonnes of cousins and uncles and aunties, but it's only one family where the kids have them.
the things u have to go thru in ur want for a princess bedroom :roll:
What colour/style you goin for?
I had my room made 2 years ago, its got creme/gold and teracota (cnt spelll) and its beautiful, cost me 2k worth it, mind you I paid for it all hence I keep care of it.
Muslim bro - I assumed you worked coz u mentioned £5 per hour?
I've worn clear contact lenses for the past 4 years or so. I have never ever had any problems whatsoever. Bliss, you just really need to steer clear of contacts full stop!! Not that I completely believe you. :? I think there was a fair bit of exaggeration in your little story. You can actually scratch the top layer of the cornea just by rubbing your eye. Anyone else thinking about contacts, ignore Bliss!! Honestly they are so easy to get the hang of, yeah you have to be careful, but I don’t think it’s any big deal at all.
noori back me up here. I swear imaani u should have seen my eyes . If you don't believe me u don't believe me. Me just wanted to share my dreadful experiance. To me they will always be dangerous.
[color=indigo][b]Nothing actually got stuck. You assumed you still had your contacts in so you started prodding your eyes hence the redness.[/b][/color]
I've worn clear contact lenses for the past 4 years or so. I have never ever had any problems whatsoever. Bliss, you just really need to steer clear of contacts full stop!! Not that I completely believe you. :? I think there was a fair bit of exaggeration in your little story. You can actually scratch the top layer of the cornea just by rubbing your eye. Anyone else thinking about contacts, ignore Bliss!! Honestly they are so easy to get the hang of, yeah you have to be careful, but I don’t think it’s any big deal at all.
noori back me up here. I swear imaani u should have seen my eyes . If you don't believe me u don't believe me. Me just wanted to share my dreadful experiance. To me they will always be dangerous.
[color=indigo][b]Nothing actually got stuck. You assumed you still had your contacts in so you started prodding your eyes hence the redness.[/b][/color]
i not on about that time. i'm on about the time when i left them in whilst showering. When they wouldn't come out as they were stuck never mind.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
my eyes are a beautiful ocean blue!! sometimes i wear dark-brown contact lenses just to get girls to stop staring at me all the time....I'm joking btw!
anyways, my sister does have one hazel and one green eye it is really quite noticeable, the only other person I've ever seen with different coloured eyes is the witch from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves....hmm....
I went through a coloured contacts phase when I was about 16...I brought some green ones and only wore them a couple of times.
I swear, nothing looks better then your own natural eye colour. Whatever that may be.
It is intresting how/where random people in one family get their eye/hair colour from. My baby sister has beautiful light brown hair and my grandad has bright blue eyes!
When things approach my eyes, the eyelids tend to shut. I think it is a natural reaction.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
US government trying to kidnap Michael Moore and his new film
Great Satan is trying to censor the film SICKO, which condemns President Bush and his health system in America.
Film shows how evil the pharmaceutical giants are in US.
I managed to get hold of two copies already; not very clear to watch; so I'll wait for the DVD version.
Micheal Moore is not a saviour. His material is also full of propaganda for his views.
He got sued and admitted to falsifying newspaper covers in the past.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
@malik: That is an extremely simplistic way to look at things.
The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
the things u have to go thru in ur want for a princess bedroom :roll:
What colour/style you goin for?
I had my room made 2 years ago, its got creme/gold and teracota (cnt spelll) and its beautiful, cost me 2k worth it, mind you I paid for it all hence I keep care of it.
Muslim bro - I assumed you worked coz u mentioned £5 per hour?
Muslim bro - your such a lazy git! At this age and not working tut tut!
Firstly I can't find a job. I did find one but had to work night shifts but parents didn't let me. So now I've decided not to work during the time I'm at uni.
More time to play games and concentrate on uni work.
Take care everybody! Have a nice summer
Good luck out there!
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
my sis had laser eye surgery.. theres no guarantee that it will last for so long. not worth it. id jus stick to contacts altho they can mess up ur eyes.
i now hav to clean myne with hydrogen peroxide shock
coloured contacts roll
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
i brought contacts from pak land
light brown
but my sisters dont like me wearing them
they say natural eyes look way better
p.s only gay guys wear coloured contacts
It is cheap but then again i get paid more than you much more
seriously a grand to have your eyesight sorted is not a lot but its not 100% guaranteed therefore I wont risk it...I have worn contacts but they aint comfy but aint ever worn coloured, i wouldnt suit any other than hazel.
[color=indigo][b]Which ones did you wear? The 1 day acuvue moist contact lenses are very comfy and practical. They’re ideal for a hot country and as for coloured contacts I’ve got two pairs; misty grey and green. The green are pointless, my eyes are hazel so all the brown just shows through.[/b][/color]
Who said I work
my bedroom currenty contains my dads bed
my brothers wardrobe and clothes
and my brothers books
the things u have to go thru in ur want for a princess bedroom :roll:
I've worn clear contact lenses for the past 4 years or so. I have never ever had any problems whatsoever. Bliss, you just really need to steer clear of contacts full stop!! Not that I completely believe you. :? I think there was a fair bit of exaggeration in your little story. You can actually scratch the top layer of the cornea just by rubbing your eye. Anyone else thinking about contacts, ignore Bliss!! Honestly they are so easy to get the hang of, yeah you have to be careful, but I don’t think it’s any big deal at all.
I don’t get the whole coloured contacts thing. It’s always so obvious when an asian is wearing coloured lenses. And it’s not always the dark skin that gives it away.
I think people who have them in are too aware of them and their demeanor just gives it away. My sister and brother both have green eyes. My other sister has hazel eyes. No-one has ever assumed or asked them if they’re wearing contacts, although my sister does wear clear ones for her vision. I think she forgets she has green eyes when people are staring at her. Whereas, maybe someone with coloured lenses would stare back or bat their eyelashes.
I’m sure we’ve all seen that happen. I used to work with a guy with green eyes. It was like as though he'd go out of his way to get your attention so he could stare at you, it was like ‘Yes, you have green eyes, now, get over yourself. Thank you.’ All us girls used to laugh about how up his own backside he was. I don’t think my brother even realises that his eye colour isn’t the norm, it’s just not an issue to him, as far as he’s concerned they’re just eyes. And I really hope he doesn’t change when he’s a bit older. My sister has pretty much the same attitude. However, guys always seem to notice when a girl has green eyes and I think they're quite good at picking out the fakes from the real ones. I remember when we were at a theme park once and these guys upside down on a ride spotted my sister in the queues and started shouting 'Oi! Billo, give us your number!' She was like 'so original' :roll:
noori back me up here. I swear imaani u should have seen my eyes .
If you don't believe me u don't believe me. Me just wanted to share my dreadful experiance. To me they will always be dangerous.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
I've never seen an Asian with green eyes.
I didn't know they existed!... or maybe I just assume that they're all wearing contacts.
Lol. We don't know where they get them from. Some people say my great grandad had one hazel eye and one green one, but I met him a few times and I never noticed, my mum and dad aren't sure about this either. He had loads of children and they had loads of kids, and theirs did too, so it's funny how only them 2 out of the whole massive family have only got green eyes.
We've got some relatives though and most of their kids too have green eyes. Again they don't know who they get them off. They have tonnes of cousins and uncles and aunties, but it's only one family where the kids have them.
What colour/style you goin for?
I had my room made 2 years ago, its got creme/gold and teracota (cnt spelll) and its beautiful, cost me 2k worth it, mind you I paid for it all hence I keep care of it.
Muslim bro - I assumed you worked coz u mentioned £5 per hour?
[color=indigo][b]Nothing actually got stuck. You assumed you still had your contacts in so you started prodding your eyes hence the redness.[/b][/color]
[color=indigo][b]Angel check your pm.[/b][/color]
I used it as an example, I've never had a proper part-time job.
I don't intend to work either.... till I leave uni that is.
i not on about that time. i'm on about the time when i left them in whilst showering. When they wouldn't come out as they were stuck
never mind.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
I knw what u mean bliss honestly I do...same thing happned to me!
Muslim bro - your such a lazy git! At this age and not working tut tut!
my eyes are a beautiful ocean blue!! sometimes i wear dark-brown contact lenses just to get girls to stop staring at me all the time....I'm joking btw!
anyways, my sister does have one hazel and one green eye it is really quite noticeable, the only other person I've ever seen with different coloured eyes is the witch from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves....hmm....
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I went through a coloured contacts phase when I was about 16...I brought some green ones and only wore them a couple of times.
I swear, nothing looks better then your own natural eye colour. Whatever that may be.
It is intresting how/where random people in one family get their eye/hair colour from. My baby sister has beautiful light brown hair and my grandad has bright blue eyes!
I wear glasses.
When things approach my eyes, the eyelids tend to shut. I think it is a natural reaction.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
That coz you're looking right at it. The trick with contacts is to make your eye look up as you place the lens in.
PS: Im not back yet... just had a few moments this morning and couldnt resist dropping in.
Back in BLACK
US government trying to kidnap Michael Moore and his new film
Great Satan is trying to censor the film SICKO, which condemns President Bush and his health system in America.
Film shows how evil the pharmaceutical giants are in US.
I managed to get hold of two copies already; not very clear to watch; so I'll wait for the DVD version.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
Micheal Moore is not a saviour. His material is also full of propaganda for his views.
He got sued and admitted to falsifying newspaper covers in the past.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
At least he is anti-Satan; which means he is a nice guy.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
@malik: That is an extremely simplistic way to look at things.
The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
lilac and cream combo
with matching curtains and bedding
fitted wardrobes and wooden floor
we're half way there
Firstly I can't find a job. I did find one but had to work night shifts but parents didn't let me. So now I've decided not to work during the time I'm at uni.
More time to play games and concentrate on uni work.
does anyone know if there's going to be season 3 of prision break?
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil