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"Bliss" wrote:
sociology exam.

anyone now of any good websites. i struggling big time, exam on tuesday i'm regreting it big time i'v left it this late for revision.

feel like drowning.

asalamualaikum do u mean as/a2 sociology. i did that and found it really fun (though it was hard)! don't worry about the revision, you have enough time. just try to make a table of all the sociologists and their studies and learn about 4-6 for each topic. Then, whatever question comes up, try to answer it an a totally general way and pull in as many sociologists names as possible. thats what i did and got a B!

n.b. Ya'qub PLC doesn't take any responsibility for any bad results.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Ya'qub" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
sociology exam.

anyone now of any good websites. i struggling big time, exam on tuesday i'm regreting it big time i'v left it this late for revision.

feel like drowning.

asalamualaikum do u mean as/a2 sociology. i did that and found it really fun (though it was hard)! don't worry about the revision, you have enough time. just try to make a table of all the sociologists and their studies and learn about 4-6 for each topic. Then, whatever question comes up, try to answer it an a totally general way and pull in as many sociologists names as possible. thats what i did and got a B!

n.b. Ya'qub PLC doesn't take any responsibility for any bad results.

I'm doing my as's.
sociologists studies i'm ok in memorising them.I can name drop quite easily. The subject itself i don't find it hard are anything i quite enjoy it to be honest. Its just answering the questions i'v had a look at some practice ones and the answers what i'v produce are completly different to teh actual exam answers.

The way i'm going i'll count myself lucky if i come out with a D.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil


My advice is to spend time writing a couple of essays on relevant subjects so that you can easily remember a bunch of information you had to research. Pick difficult essays on subjects you don't understand. Detailed discovery in difficult topics is the best revision.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

"Bliss" wrote:
"Ya'qub" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
sociology exam.

anyone now of any good websites. i struggling big time, exam on tuesday i'm regreting it big time i'v left it this late for revision.

feel like drowning.

asalamualaikum do u mean as/a2 sociology. i did that and found it really fun (though it was hard)! don't worry about the revision, you have enough time. just try to make a table of all the sociologists and their studies and learn about 4-6 for each topic. Then, whatever question comes up, try to answer it an a totally general way and pull in as many sociologists names as possible. thats what i did and got a B!

n.b. Ya'qub PLC doesn't take any responsibility for any bad results.

I'm doing my as's.
sociologists studies i'm ok in memorising them.I can name drop quite easily. The subject itself i don't find it hard are anything i quite enjoy it to be honest. Its just answering the questions i'v had a look at some practice ones and the answers what i'v produce are completly different to teh actual exam answers.

The way i'm going i'll count myself lucky if i come out with a D.

Just because your answers are different from what other people wrote it doesnt mean you wont get marked highly on it. Theres so much info you can write, you'll only be able to put a certain amount in the short amount of time you have, anyway.

Don't be scared or nervous because there is NO need to be, and remember during the exam to write anything EVEN IF your not quite sure its correct, because the examiners are not allowed to deduct marks even if you make a mistake.

There was a girl in my class who, when she did GCSE Sociology, wrote that Britain had NEVER had a female Prime Minister and she still came out with an A* !!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Bliss" wrote:
sociology exam.

anyone now of any good websites. i struggling big time, exam on tuesday i'm regreting it big time i'v left it this late for revision.

feel like drowning.

Sis the way I revised for my sociology was from essay plans. And it worked for me I got a really good grade. If you're finding that you're answers are different from the exam papers you have how about making essay plans from those answers and then revising them. You say you're alright with your studies so it may work for you as it will link the info together.

What I did was go through past papers and make an essay plan for every answer. So I had about 50 and that was all I used for revision. A simple plan like: intro; for; against; conclusion. You can leave the intro and conclusion blank but in the for and against bit list all the studies you'll need for that particular answer and a brief explanation if you feel you need it. The plans shouldn't be longer than two thirds of the page.

When I got into the exam and read the question I literally scribbled down my essay plan first. This is a brilliant tip my lecturer gave us. Make sure you number as to what question it's for but make sure you write 'essay plan' next to it. It will act as a reminder to you while you're writing the answer, but most importantly even if you do run out of time, it'll show the examiner you knew your stuff and had a structure in mind and you WILL still get the marks , because the examiner will mark for all the info on that page.

Yep, essay plans are helpful for some people, personally I don't do it. Although the lecturers bang on about planning before answering the question, and reading the question properly before answering it. Some people just write the first thing that comes into their head and then realise that they are not actually answering the exam question.

There was a guy at our uni who went into an exam and did a plan, and he decided to lean back on his chair.... and bang! He fell back and hit his head so had to be taken to the hospital. He later found out that he passed because of his plan.

Does anyone know a thing or two about birds?

Basically I had this bird build a nest in my garden and later saw that it had laid 5 eggs and they have all hatched. Should I do anything to help them?.... or should I leave nature to take its course?

The only time I get close up to the nest is when the mother flies away in search of food.

It's really amazing to be that close to a nest... and even better, a nest in your own back garden.

You can get them a feeder and give them sunflower seeds. Apart from that, best to leave them.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:

My advice is to spend time writing a couple of essays on relevant subjects so that you can easily remember a bunch of information you had to research. Pick difficult essays on subjects you don't understand. Detailed discovery in difficult topics is the best revision.

Thanx for all advice ,
essay questions that what i am focusing my revision on from now onwards

"Ya'qub" wrote:

There was a girl in my class who, when she did GCSE Sociology, wrote that Britain had NEVER had a female Prime Minister and she still came out with an A* !!

Biggrin i feel a lot better know thanx bro Yaqub

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Imaani" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
sociology exam.

anyone now of any good websites. i struggling big time, exam on tuesday i'm regreting it big time i'v left it this late for revision.

feel like drowning.

Sis the way I revised for my sociology was from essay plans. And it worked for me I got a really good grade. If you're finding that you're answers are different from the exam papers you have how about making essay plans from those answers and then revising them. You say you're alright with your studies so it may work for you as it will link the info together.

What I did was go through past papers and make an essay plan for every answer. So I had about 50 and that was all I used for revision. A simple plan like: intro; for; against; conclusion. You can leave the intro and conclusion blank but in the for and against bit list all the studies you'll need for that particular answer and a brief explanation if you feel you need it. The plans shouldn't be longer than two thirds of the page.

When I got into the exam and read the question I literally scribbled down my essay plan first. This is a brilliant tip my lecturer gave us. Make sure you number as to what question it's for but make sure you write 'essay plan' next to it. It will act as a reminder to you while you're writing the answer, but most importantly even if you do run out of time, it'll show the examiner you knew your stuff and had a structure in mind and you WILL still get the marks , because the examiner will mark for all the info on that page.

sis, you know when the essay questions begin with the words Assess and Examine

When answering the [u]Assess[/u] question for example

"Assess the usefulness of unstructured interviews to sociologists."
As well as writing the advantages would you also write the disadvantages alongside the intro and conclusion?

And when coming to answer questions that start with [u] Examine[/u]

Example question

"Examine the different factors that influence the sociologist's choice of research methods".

would you only write all the different positive factors for example

time, money, access and opportunity will be some of the factors that will influence the sociologist

its a 20 mark question I can’t just write the above to me its too less
what else am I except to write in it alongside the intro and conclusion?

jazakallah if you could get back to me on this one.

much appreciated

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

Yes to both of them. Cover it all full, the advantages and disadvantages, in the intro, main body and the conclusion.

"Angel" wrote:
I have my driving test in a months time, any tips on preparing for it apart frm taking lessons, also tips for the actual day? How do you NOT stress over it?

I never told anybody about my driving tests. When I passed everyone thought it was first time, until I told them that I'd had one before and failed.

I didn't want to tell anyone coz it would just make me more stressed. I never told anyone about my theory either, but the not eating for 3 days coz 'I don't have time! - I've got work to do!' must have given it away. I told my Mum I had a dentist appointment, as soon as I walked through the door she shouted 'did you pass your dentist appointment?' I just felt so much pressure to pass. I think I had taken 4 lessons when my Dad started asking me 'haven't you passed yet?' I could just see his face if he found out one of his kids had failed the theory test. I think my driving theory test has to have been the most stressed I have ever been before any kind of test.

For my practical, I was nervous but because I honestly didn't expect to pass I wasn't that stressed about it. I just saw it as a practice run. I would have been very shocked if I had passed, not because I was rubbish, but because I knew it was so rare.

Inshallah you will pass first time. But if you don't, so what. Just try again. Don't put any pressure on yourself at all.

Any tips? Erm...If there's a particular corner you really can't reverse round, get your Dad or someone to go park their car there on the day of your test, so you won't have to do it. My instructor actually told me that!

DO wear your seatbelt. Yes my sister really did do the whole of her first test with no seatbelt on!! And of course the examiner hadn't realised either!! It was only at the end when she went to take it off that she realised she hadn't actually put it on in the first place.

Wear your most up to date glasses or contact lenses. If your vision is clearer in your glasses then go with them. Don't stress about the number plate test, but remember to take your time. On my first test I got it wrong and he asked me to try it again. He gave me another funny look and said 'what about that car over there instead'. Going by his face I got that wrong too! Second time I got it wrong twice too and then she asked me to read the number plate of a car which was in the car park, definitely less than the required distance. They only estimate the distance so from my experience they're quite lenient about it, so don't worry too much.

On my first test I thought I'd done ok until I almost went through some red lights. It was my examiner who actually stopped me by going on his breaks!!!! If anything like that does happen, it'll be obvious you've failed, but don't let it get to you and try to make the most of the rest of the experience.

Inshallah you'll do just fine and pass.


Should be OK for the chicks. You could also mix in a bit of porridge oats or Weetabix. Generally as long as they have their mother you shouldn't have to feed them. When I was a kid I rescued an injured chick that was flapping about on the ground next to the house. My mum and I kept it in a box by a radiator and nursed it for days on seeds and Weetabix and after a while we let it free but it kept coming back, landing on my finger when I called it ("Little Bi-ird!"). The day it didn't come back I was for some reason convinced the foxes got it.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

Imaani your an absolute sweety thanks for your advise, I really appreciate it.

I have told a few close friends/family about my test, the only thing I am very worried about is my reverse round the corner the rest of the manoveurs are okay.

Did your sis get away with not having her seatbelt on or did the examiner realise too near the end?

I passed my theory for the second time (yes I passed first time but my theory expired so had to resit last month, passed again).

After going to take her seatbelt off she said she just thought OMG! and avoided looking at the examiner. She says he must have realised at that point too, but he couldn't have said anything though coz he'd have just looked really silly, especially as he'd failed her - I mean he couldn't have been that good an examiner if he hadn't even noticed she wasn't wearing a seatbelt. I think it's quite obvious especially when you're doing the manoeuvres.

Yeah, I hated doing reverse round corner too. First test I did it with 3 point turn and at the time I was so glad coz I was rubbish at my parallel parking, but at the time of my second test it had switched, I was really good at parallel parking but rubbish at reverse round corner. Luckily I didn't have to do it for my second test.

"Imaani" wrote:
If there's a particular corner you really can't reverse round, get your Dad or someone to go park their car there on the day of your test, so you won't have to do it. My instructor actually told me that!

How does that work as most of the corners they tell you to reverse are the same; around 90 degrees.

"Imaani" wrote:
Wear your most up to date glasses or contact lenses. If your vision is clearer in your glasses then go with them.

My left eye is better than my right eye so I was prescribed glasses. I've still got my glasses and don't wear them, and I certainly didn't wear them for my practical. Reason being that if you pass, you will have to wear your glasses everytime you drive, and I hate glasses. I would only wear them as a last resort.

Thanks for the advice Mr Honey. Btw I've seen a fox hanging around in my street once, but they shouldn't be a problem.

i passed second time round

trick is not to be nervous

my eyesight is so good that i had to correct the stupid examiner - HE marked me wrong cos his stupid eyesight was bad

and how can u block every single corner in ur town

"MuslimBro" wrote:
"Imaani" wrote:
If there's a particular corner you really can't reverse round, get your Dad or someone to go park their car there on the day of your test, so you won't have to do it. My instructor actually told me that!

How does that work as most of the corners they tell you to reverse are the same; around 90 degrees.

"Imaani" wrote:
Wear your most up to date glasses or contact lenses. If your vision is clearer in your glasses then go with them.

My left eye is better than my right eye so I was prescribed glasses. I've still got my glasses and don't wear them, and I certainly didn't wear them for my practical. Reason being that if you pass, you will have to wear your glasses everytime you drive, and I hate glasses. I would only wear them as a last resort.

Are you kidding that all the corners are the same. Definitely not where I live. Yes they are roughly all 90 degrees, but some easy and some very hard. My instructor took me to this one particular one last saying 'now this is the one everyone struggles with'. And I have to say it was the hardest. I remember spending a couple of lessons just on that. She also said it was a favourite of the examiners, especially if they thought you were doing really well and just wanted to test you. She'd often take me to it and there were already instructors/examiners there, so we'd have to come back to it. That never happened with any other corners. My sister agrees it was the hardest one ever.

About you not wearing glasses, MuslimBro if you need them for driving you really should wear them. You might not so just give your opticians a call and they should be able to tell you from looking at your records. MuslimBro, you need to take it seriously, just think what could happen. :shock: Or wear contact lenses instead.

The only corners that are a wee bit difficult are the corners that are less an 90 degrees. The 'hard' corner that you have in your area, is it really big, on a a hill, what makes it so difficult?

I did not wear glasses for my test so it means I should be fine driving without it. My left eye backs up my right eye so I see fine. Only if something happened to my left eye then I would definitely need to wear glasses or contacts.

Btw I am scared to wear contacts, just incase I poke my eye and go blind or something similar happens.

"MuslimBro" wrote:

Btw I am scared to wear contacts, just incase I poke my eye and go blind or something similar happens.

I don't blame you, twice they got stuck in my eyes, I had to physically yank them out. I thought I had taken my eye ball out by the time I finally got them out.
The worst thing for me was the time when I thought my contacts were still in I started to peel off my actual eye well the rim of the iris to be precise . If it weren't for my sister shouting "what u doing your peeling your eye out" I only realised that they weren't in my eyes they were already out.

Dangerous little things if u ask me . Keep well away from them I say.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Bliss" wrote:

I don't blame you, twice they got stuck in my eyes, I had to physically yank them out. I thought I had taken my eye ball out by the time I finally got them out.
The worst thing for me was the time when I thought my contacts were still in I started to peel off my actual eye well the rim of the iris to be precise . If it weren't for my sister shouting "what u doing your peeling your eye out" I only realised that they weren't in my eyes they were already out.

lol ditto thats what happend to me only coz I panicked...but that didnt stop me nor put me off contacts

"Bliss" wrote:
I don't blame you, twice they got stuck in my eyes, I had to physically yank them out. I thought I had taken my eye ball out by the time I finally got them out.
The worst thing for me was the time when I thought my contacts were still in I started to peel off my actual eye well the rim of the iris to be precise . If it weren't for my sister shouting "what u doing your peeling your eye out" I only realised that they weren't in my eyes they were already out.

Dangerous little things if u ask me . Keep well away from them I say.

[b][color=indigo]Lol. I swear this girl is a nutter, she went crazy when her contacts wouldn't come out. I thought she'd lost a leg or something! She's too thick at times, we told her like a million times that they were already out but she still wouldn't believe us so she started prodding her eyes.

At first i hated contacts, that was only becasuse i couldn't get them in but now i love them. They're much better than geeky glasses. Only down side is if they aint clean enough they'll start burning your eyes so you'll have to get speacial cleaning solution to clean them.[/color][/b]

"Angel" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:

I don't blame you, twice they got stuck in my eyes, I had to physically yank them out. I thought I had taken my eye ball out by the time I finally got them out.
The worst thing for me was the time when I thought my contacts were still in I started to peel off my actual eye well the rim of the iris to be precise . If it weren't for my sister shouting "what u doing your peeling your eye out" I only realised that they weren't in my eyes they were already out.

lol ditto thats what happend to me only coz I panicked...but that didnt stop me nor put me off contacts


Believe it or not I'm still having flash backs about the contacts stuck in my eyes. Plus I'm also getting signs in my dreams to not wear them again.
e.g. last night I had a dream that my eye was bleeding.

:roll: I'm taking that as a sign to not wear them again.

I haven't finished off my monthly disposable off yet, too scared to put them back in. It's tempting but not taking the risk

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

[b][color=indigo]Lol. You and your dreams :roll:

Ps: Remember the HANDS and sleep walking at Tench Barter? Joker. [/color][/b]

"Noor" wrote:
[b][color=indigo]Lol. You and your dreams :roll:

Ps: Remember the HANDS and sleep walking at Tench Barter? Joker. [/color][/b]

how can i ever forget.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

Has anyone ever thought of having laser eye surgery?.... not that I'm interested.

For the people who wear contacts, do you have it as the same colour as your eyes or do you go for green / blue / brown contacts.

"MuslimBro" wrote:
Has anyone ever thought of having laser eye surgery?.... not that I'm interested.

[color=indigo][b]No way, it seems to risky although my uncle and cousin both had it done and Alhamdulilah everything went well and it isn't that expensive, just a grand.[/b][/color]

"MuslimBro" wrote:
For the people who wear contacts, do you have it as the same colour as your eyes or do you go for green / blue / brown contacts.

[b][color=indigo]Yeah, clear ones on a daily basis and coloured on an occasion.[/color][/b]

"Noor" wrote:
[color=indigo][b]...and it isn't that expensive, just a grand.[/b][/color]

You think a grand is cheap.

if you're earning £5 an hour, you'd have to work 200 hours just to make a grand.

[b][color=indigo]I dunno :?

I've never worked so i wouldn't no![/color][/b]


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