Submitted by Imaani on 19 March, 2007 - 21:00 #1173
"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Imaani" wrote:
Well here's to a much better next week...even if I will be getting the bus to work. Someone only crashed into me and wrote my car off. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
You poor thing. I always feel for those whom I see stuck in an accident on the roads.
Often, I have to break hard cos others dont follow the rules of the road (give way to the right, drive on their own side of the road etc).
Its very stressful when stuff like this happens.
What happened anyway?
I was at some lights and when they changed I started moving forward, a car in front must have stalled or something but all the cars in front started breaking, so I went on my breaks too. It wasn't anything sudden it's just the woman behind me wasn't looking as she was talking to the person in her passenger seat and drove right into the back of me. By the sound of the impact I thought she'd crushed the whole of my boot, so I was surprised to see it was just a big dent in the bumper...or so it seemed. It's actually messed up the whole bumper, my boot and caused structural it's been written off.
They have offered me what I asked for the car so I've accepted the settlement, but I've still lost a hell of a lot of money. I'd only got it MOT'd 3 weeks previous and was only 4 months into my insurance.
They're coming to collect it tomorrow. Felt a bit weird emptying it out and driving it for the last time. And now all the headache of buying a new one.
The whole crash experience was horrible though, but made a lot easier by her accepting liabilty. It just made me realise how easy it is to be involved in a car crash, and although things have been very stressful, they could have been a hell of a lot worse. So it's ok...stuff happens...unfortunately.
At least you get to choose and buy a new car. Are you buying the car with your money or someone else buying if for you? And don't tell me you're buying a Nissan Micra.
I can't wait to get a full-time job and buy my own car.
Submitted by yashmaki on 20 March, 2007 - 09:18 #1175
do u guys think mini coopers r uncool coz i really like em told hubby if i pass want one for my first car
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Seraphim on 20 March, 2007 - 13:36 #1177
"Admin" wrote:
I like them.
same here... the convertable sporty one.... v.nice
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Imaani on 20 March, 2007 - 14:41 #1178
I think they're ok, I wouldn't want one though - I think they're a bit too 'look at me'.
"MuslimBro" wrote:
Hey it's not all that bad.
At least you get to choose and buy a new car. Are you buying the car with your money or someone else buying if for you? And don't tell me you're buying a Nissan Micra.
I can't wait to get a full-time job and buy my own car.
It's not great when you're going to be choosing it and paying for it yourself - so much hassle. I'd rather I just choose the colour, I'd be fine with that. I know NOTHING about cars. But I do know what a Nissan Micra is, and I'm not buying one. I do want a small car though, but I don't know what. I bought the Auto Trader and What Car magazines last week - I haven't even opened the packaging yet. Have you got any suggestions? - I don't like the Ford KA.
Did you not pay for your car? You have it soooo easy!! Oh my gosh, in my house as soon as you leave college Dad stops giving you ANY money whatsoever. Lessons, tests, insurance, car, clothes, all has to be from us, if we want it we have to pay for it and if we don't have the money then we have to get a job and earn some. You have it so easy!
Imaani, wont the money that you recieved for the accident cover the car cost?
And regarding car's...I'm totally ignorant, I only go for 'looks'...thats how superficial I am.
I usually inform my dad or uncles about my budget, and they do the rest...and I rate how good they are at it. My dad searched nationally to get me a good car, reasonably priced and in good conditons. are a LOT cheaper further up north.
We didnt buy a single car from London - ever.
Submitted by Seraphim on 20 March, 2007 - 15:23 #1180
Maybe a corsa... they're not too small and still economical.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Imaani on 20 March, 2007 - 15:46 #1181
"MuslimSister" wrote:
Imaani, wont the money that you recieved for the accident cover the car cost?
It will help, but not much as I want a better car. Plus it had failed it's MOT, so I spent a lot on that thinking I'll get my worth out of it, and I've lost a lot on my own insurance coz I've had to cancell it, the money really wont even cover what i've lost.
And regarding car's...I'm totally ignorant, I only go for 'looks'...thats how superficial I am.
Same here. People have said a Ford car is a good choice as they're cheap when it comes to repairs and parts, but I don't like the shape of the KA, lol. And I don't know any other Ford cars or what they look like.
I usually inform my dad or uncles about my budget, and they do the rest...and I rate how good they are at it. My dad searched nationally to get me a good car, reasonably priced and in good conditons. are a LOT cheaper further up north.
No, my dad's like 'well look for one you like and then buy it if you want it'. If I ask him what he recommends he says a small one will do me fine. 'Look in the Auto Trader'. And because I'm thick that doesn't really help at all. It's the way he is - he wants me to do it by myself so I learn.
A corsa - oh ok, I'll have to check that out on google images - I don't even know what it looks like! A Seat is a small car as well, someone recommended that. My last car was a 1.6, but I've been told to look for one which is just a 1 - that seems a bit small to me. Mind you I'll only be taking it to work - I doubt I'll even do 6000 miles in the year.
Apparently if I get a brand new car I won't have to get it serviced or MOT'd for 3 years - that sounds great. Someone I know has bought a new Seat, an old model though, on some sort of contract where they pay weekly direct debit payments for a year. That sounds strange, but like a good deal?
Mini Cooper's are alright, depends what colour you buy it in. Red is too eye-catching, silver is descent.
Thank God you're not buying a Micra, that's one of the ugliest cars ever built, esp. the convert, and girls just seem to love it. The Volkswagen Beetle is another ugly car, avoid it at all cost.
I used to get car magazines before and choose my 'dream cars' lol. If I do buy a car with my own money then it would probably be a car which is fast and looks good, such as the [url=]Audi A5[/url].
The following small cars look alright but find out the specs before buying it though.
- Ford Fiesta / Focus
- Toyota Yaris
- Honda Jazz
- Mini
- Peugeot 206
- VW Golf
- Vauxhall Corsa / Astra
If you wanna know how they look like then google it, or even better go to the manufacturers website. There are different models with the same name so beware. For example, there's Ford (which is the make) and then there's Fiesta (which is the model) but wait there's more. They've got so many Fiesta's. There's Si (what I've got), Studio, Style, Silver, Style Climate, Freedom, Zetec Climate, Ghia, Zetec S and Fiesta ST.
Well, I'm still a student and don't have a part-time job so I can hardly own a car. It's my dads but he bought it for me, and he pays the petrol, insurance, ect. I still buy everything I want with my own money but the car is an exception, because everybody likes a lift and guess who the driver!
Submitted by Imaani on 20 March, 2007 - 22:10 #1183
Thanks for that bro, it's a great help.
"MuslimBro" wrote:
If you wanna know how they look like then google it, or even better go to the manufacturers website. There are different models with the same name so beware. For example, there's Ford (which is the make) and then there's Fiesta (which is the model) but wait there's more. They've got so many Fiesta's. There's Si (what I've got), Studio, Style, Silver, Style Climate, Freedom, Zetec Climate, Ghia, Zetec S and Fiesta ST.
:shock: Wow.
I figured it wasn't quite as easy as it seemed when I first started looking - I saw a nice peugeot 206 in the street, but when I googled it I got lot's of variations, so I'll try the manufacturers websites, thanks.
"MuslimBro" wrote:
Well, I'm still a student and don't have a part-time job so I can hardly own a car. It's my dads but he bought it for me, and he pays the petrol, insurance, ect. I still buy everything I want with my own money but the car is an exception, because everybody likes a lift and guess who the driver!
Well if you having a car helps the family out, then it's only right that the family cough up!
Submitted by yashmaki on 21 March, 2007 - 11:26 #1184
looool i dunt think girls love it. girls often look for cars that r economical to run. plus its usually coz they want their first car. guys however go for asthetic looks and later realise the cant afford to run the thing much longer.
Looks don't really play a part with your first car. Thats the 'practise' car.
I've practised a LOT on my fiesta and I have the scratches to prove it.
I'm looking to change my car very soon...but not until I start getting a regular income and get a job in a decent area or somwhere with secure parking.
1. You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air".
2. You remember when it was actually worth getting up on a Saturday morning to watch Live&Kicking (you know the number - 0181 811 8181!) or SM:TV.
3. You had a huge fringe at some point in your childhood.
4. You remember reading and watching "Goosebumps".
5. You took plastic cartoon lunchboxes to school.
6. You remember the craze of YoYo's and Tamagotchis (and the subsequent banning of them in school).
7. You still get the urge to say "Not" after every sentence. Not.
8. You knew that Kimberley, the Pink Ranger, and Tommy, the Green Ranger, were meant to be. <3
9. You collected Pokémon cards.
10. You played and/or collected Pogs.
11. You had a weird alien that lived in gooey stuff in a plastic 'pod' and thought that if you stuck 2 back to back they would have a baby!
12. You watched the original Postman Pat, Fireman Sam and Ninja Turtles (back in the day when they were 'Hero' Turtles).
13. You remember when the new Beenie Babies were always sold out.
14. You got your mum to buy 'BN' buscuits.
15. You used to wear those stick on earings, not only on your ears but at the corners of your eyes.
16. You know the Macarena by heart and Saturday Night too.
17. "Talk to the hand".
18. You remember the time before Literacy and Numeracy hour existed.
19. You thought that Brain from "Pinkey and the Brain" actually could take over the world.
20. You remember Bum Bags, they weren't even cool then.
21. You always wanted to be on Fun House.
22. You collected Tazos.
23. 2 words, Spice Girls.
24. "Clarissa Explains It All" and "Saved By The Bell" were your favourite shows.
25. You wore as many shag bands as you could fit on your arm.
26. You remember Robbie leaving and Take That splitting up
27. You wanted lights in your trainers like the cool kids.
28. Nintendo was replaced by Super Nintendo (sorry but the Princess in in another castle).
29. Computer screens were black (or green) with white writing.
30. Disney, Coke and MacDonalds ruled the world.
31. You thought that "South Park" was hillarious even if you didn't get half the jokes.
32. You had a Nokia 3310 (or really wanted one).
33. Michael Jackson was weird but still respected for his music.
34. All the boys had their hair in 'curtains'.
35. Nickelodeon was cool.
36. The Chuckle Brothers were not.
37. "Wax on, Wax off." Need i say more?
38. You wore Addidas 3 stripe joggers or poppers.
39. Nike Air Max and Reebok Classics were 'must have' trainers (and Kickers for school).
40. Girls thought blue mascara looked good.
41. Girls thought hair mascara looked good.
42. You remember Mr. Motivator.
43. You had scrunchies in every colour and hair bands with your name on it in glitter.
44. You bought Smash Hits Magazine for the song lyrics.
45. Everyone owned something from NafNaf or Fruit Of The Loom (probably in grey).
46. You ate Spicy Tomato flavour Space Raiders (and they were only 10p!).
47. Tammy Girl was where we got our cool clothes.
48. Good Saturday evening telly consisted of "Gladiators", "Catchphrase" and "Noel's House Party".
49. You loved CKone.
50. It's PJ and Duncan not Ant and Dec.
51. Everyone ate Fruit Salads and Black Jacks.
52. Chris Evans presented everything.
53. You had at least one Troll.
54. You had / wanted / hated Furbys.
55. You remember that "Hooch" was the original alcopop.
56. You taped the Pepsi Chart Show.
57. "I know you are, you said you are, but what am I then?" was the answer to all insults.
58. You shouted "LEG IT!" when running away from something.
59. You wore jelly shoes.
60. You loved "Knightmare" and "The Crystal Maze" (which are now repeated on Challege TV!).
61. You were always singing the theme tune to "Round The Twist".
62. They will ALWAYS be Opal Fruits, not Starbursts.
63. You had a million gel pens.
64. You watched "The Poddington Peas".
65. You remember classic Levi's ads such as "Spaceman" and "Flat Eric".
66. "If you like a lot of chocolate on your buscuit join our Club".
67. You remember the craze of Sratch and Sniff.
Submitted by Beast on 30 March, 2007 - 14:57 #1187
Noooooow this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down and Id like to take a minute just sit right there I''l tell you how I became the prince of a town called bel air
innnnn west philadelphia born and raised, on the playground! is where I spent most of my days, chilling out max and relaxing all cool and all shooting some b ball outside of the school when a couple of guys, who were up to no good! started making trouble in my neighbourhood! I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said youre moving with your auntie and uncle in bel air
I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "fresh" and it had a [i]dice[/i] in the mirror, now if anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought nah forget it, yo home to bel air
I, pulled, up, to a house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby yo, home smell you later! looked at my kingdom I was finally there - to settle my throne as the prince of bel air
Submitted by Beast on 30 March, 2007 - 15:08 #1189
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
58. You shouted "LEG IT!" when running away from something.
Most of the morning stuff don't apply to me as I have never been an early riser.
Some of those I was too old for. But some definite ones in there.
What is "Knightmare"?
Hooch was before my time. Ithink. Can't recall. When is it from? What is it? I assume it is a cola...
46. You ate Spicy Tomato flavour Space Raiders (and they were only 10p!).
Occasionally if I run across them....
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Seraphim on 30 March, 2007 - 16:52 #1192
Hey... you make it sound like the 90s was a bad thing. It was actually pretty cool... I did all that except for nos, 9, 11, 15, 16, 25, 38, 43, 45, 47, (i dont even know what that is) and i didnt start watching South Part till much later in the decade...
lol id forgotten the joy of Saturday evenings tele Gladiators, Catchphrase and Noel Edmunds House Party... fantastic.
I must hav watched every Fresh Prince Episode... sigh...
Back in BLACK
Submitted by *DUST* on 30 March, 2007 - 19:52 #1193
"ßeast" wrote:
Who else rapped that instead of reading it?
Speaking of pointless nostalgia, as part of my teaching practice I’m required to spend one day in a high school and one day in an nursery (something to do with the theory of transition).
I managed to get my old high school to take me in for a day…its sad, but I am SO excited at returning…its been 6-7 year since I did my GCSE’s. I can’t wait to walk down the same corridors, see if the old graffiti is still there, meet my old teachers, see if the place where the ‘bad’ girls/boys used to hang out is still used in the same way…
There's something about taking a trip down memory lane.
Submitted by yashmaki on 31 March, 2007 - 10:55 #1195
this is totally disrespectful, whatever next an easter egg with a chocolate Jesus (as) inside? Also a waste of food check out below how much food this so called artist wastes for his "creative" works, fool!
Chocolate Jesus exhibit cancelled
Chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ
The sculpture was to have been exhibited over Easter
A New York art gallery has decided to cancel an exhibit of a chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ after protests by a US Catholic group.
The six-foot (1.8m) sculpture, entitled "My Sweet Lord", depicts a naked Jesus Christ with his arms outspread.
The sculpture, by artist Cosimo Cavallaro, was to have been displayed from Monday at Manhattan's Lab Gallery.
The timing, over Easter Holy Week - the most important part of the Christian year - provoked an outcry.
The Roger Smith Hotel housing the Lab gallery decided to cancel the exhibition after the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights called for a boycott.
"We're delighted with the outcome," said Kiera McCaffrey, spokeswoman for the League.
Ms McCaffrey had called the exhibit "an assault on Christians".
"They would never dare do something similar with a chocolate statue of the Prophet Mohammed naked with his genitals exposed during Ramadan."
The Lab gallery's artistic director, Matt Semler, has offered his resignation, saying the decision to cancel the exhibition was a result of "strong-arming from people who haven't seen the show, seen what we're doing.
"They jumped to conclusions completely contrary to our intentions," he said.
Mr Semler said the timing of the exhibition - when Christians mark the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ - was coincidental.
Canadian-born Mr Cavallaro is known for using food ingredients in his art, on one occasion painting a hotel room in mozzarella cheese.
He used 200 pounds (90 kg) of chocolate to make the sculpture which, unusually, depicts Jesus without a loincloth. It showed him suspended in air with his arms spread wide, as if crucified.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
It's true to a certain extent that they are looking for attention and it should not be given to them.
God, faith, morals and scripture matter on a national level. They always have - there is no nation or empire on the face of the Earth that has survived on moral relativism, hedonism, indulgence and atheism - none. Liberals selling atheism disguised as secularism have tried everything to make us forget that simple fact.
This is supposed to be a Liberal, Constitutional, Christian Republic and "artistic expressions" like the one above attack that character. It is as seditious as treason.
This is supposed to be a Liberal, Constitutional, Christian Republic and "artistic expressions" like the one above attack that character. It is as seditious as treason.
Surely though it is protected by the First Amendment?
I agree that artists challenging religion with mockery do not generally admit they are doing so, and in disguising their free expressions they devalue secularism but progress an association between freedom and atheism. However I believe that atheism is a legitimate right and that artists are entitled to mock beliefs and advance a free philosophical attitude.
If artists, scientists and philosophers were beholden to received wisdom our knowledge would be primitive and free thought impoverished. I don't know if you would agree. Religion can be dogmatic, but I believe also in a case for secularism and the entitlement to eschew religion.
(Granted a lot of art is bunk and unless it is highly ironic I can't hold the Obama statue in any esteem at all, whatever Barack Obama's merits.)
Dave, I wish you a good Holy Week.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
i did a umrah when i was about 12
i had a big mac in saudi
however-they have female restrictions there
dad had to fight to get us in the restauranst - stressing that we're just babies
yummy!! halal big mac!!!
live and let live!!!!!!!
I was at some lights and when they changed I started moving forward, a car in front must have stalled or something but all the cars in front started breaking, so I went on my breaks too. It wasn't anything sudden it's just the woman behind me wasn't looking as she was talking to the person in her passenger seat and drove right into the back of me. By the sound of the impact I thought she'd crushed the whole of my boot, so I was surprised to see it was just a big dent in the bumper...or so it seemed. It's actually messed up the whole bumper, my boot and caused structural it's been written off.
They have offered me what I asked for the car so I've accepted the settlement, but I've still lost a hell of a lot of money. I'd only got it MOT'd 3 weeks previous
and was only 4 months into my insurance.
They're coming to collect it tomorrow. Felt a bit weird emptying it out and driving it for the last time. And now all the headache of buying a new one.
The whole crash experience was horrible though, but made a lot easier by her accepting liabilty. It just made me realise how easy it is to be involved in a car crash, and although things have been very stressful, they could have been a hell of a lot worse. So it's ok...stuff happens...unfortunately.
Hey it's not all that bad.
At least you get to choose and buy a new car. Are you buying the car with your money or someone else buying if for you? And don't tell me you're buying a Nissan Micra.
I can't wait to get a full-time job and buy my own car.
do u guys think mini coopers r uncool coz i really like em told hubby if i pass want one for my first car
I like them.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
same here... the convertable sporty one.... v.nice
Back in BLACK
I think they're ok, I wouldn't want one though - I think they're a bit too 'look at me'.
It's not great when you're going to be choosing it and paying for it yourself - so much hassle. I'd rather I just choose the colour, I'd be fine with that. I know NOTHING about cars. But I do know what a Nissan Micra is, and I'm not buying one. I do want a small car though, but I don't know what. I bought the Auto Trader and What Car magazines last week - I haven't even opened the packaging yet. Have you got any suggestions? - I don't like the Ford KA.
Did you not pay for your car? You have it soooo easy!! Oh my gosh, in my house as soon as you leave college Dad stops giving you ANY money whatsoever. Lessons, tests, insurance, car, clothes, all has to be from us, if we want it we have to pay for it and if we don't have the money then we have to get a job and earn some. You have it so easy!
Imaani, wont the money that you recieved for the accident cover the car cost?
And regarding car's...I'm totally ignorant, I only go for 'looks'...thats how superficial I am.
I usually inform my dad or uncles about my budget, and they do the rest...and I rate how good they are at it. My dad searched nationally to get me a good car, reasonably priced and in good conditons. are a LOT cheaper further up north.
We didnt buy a single car from London - ever.
Maybe a corsa... they're not too small and still economical.
Back in BLACK
It will help, but not much as I want a better car. Plus it had failed it's MOT, so I spent a lot on that thinking I'll get my worth out of it, and I've lost a lot on my own insurance coz I've had to cancell it, the money really wont even cover what i've lost.
Same here. People have said a Ford car is a good choice as they're cheap when it comes to repairs and parts, but I don't like the shape of the KA, lol. And I don't know any other Ford cars or what they look like.
No, my dad's like 'well look for one you like and then buy it if you want it'. If I ask him what he recommends he says a small one will do me fine. 'Look in the Auto Trader'. And because I'm thick that doesn't really help at all. It's the way he is - he wants me to do it by myself so I learn.
A corsa - oh ok, I'll have to check that out on google images - I don't even know what it looks like! A Seat is a small car as well, someone recommended that. My last car was a 1.6, but I've been told to look for one which is just a 1 - that seems a bit small to me. Mind you I'll only be taking it to work - I doubt I'll even do 6000 miles in the year.
Apparently if I get a brand new car I won't have to get it serviced or MOT'd for 3 years - that sounds great. Someone I know has bought a new Seat, an old model though, on some sort of contract where they pay weekly direct debit payments for a year. That sounds strange, but like a good deal?
Mini Cooper's are alright, depends what colour you buy it in. Red is too eye-catching, silver is descent.
Thank God you're not buying a Micra, that's one of the ugliest cars ever built, esp. the convert, and girls just seem to love it. The Volkswagen Beetle is another ugly car, avoid it at all cost.
I used to get car magazines before and choose my 'dream cars' lol. If I do buy a car with my own money then it would probably be a car which is fast and looks good, such as the [url=]Audi A5[/url].
The following small cars look alright but find out the specs before buying it though.
- Ford Fiesta / Focus
- Toyota Yaris
- Honda Jazz
- Mini
- Peugeot 206
- VW Golf
- Vauxhall Corsa / Astra
If you wanna know how they look like then google it, or even better go to the manufacturers website. There are different models with the same name so beware. For example, there's Ford (which is the make) and then there's Fiesta (which is the model) but wait there's more. They've got so many Fiesta's. There's Si (what I've got), Studio, Style, Silver, Style Climate, Freedom, Zetec Climate, Ghia, Zetec S and Fiesta ST.
Well, I'm still a student and don't have a part-time job so I can hardly own a car. It's my dads but he bought it for me, and he pays the petrol, insurance, ect. I still buy everything I want with my own money but the car is an exception, because everybody likes a lift and guess who the driver!
Thanks for that bro, it's a great help.
:shock: Wow.
I figured it wasn't quite as easy as it seemed when I first started looking - I saw a nice peugeot 206 in the street, but when I googled it I got lot's of variations, so I'll try the manufacturers websites, thanks.
Well if you having a car helps the family out, then it's only right that the family cough up!
looool i dunt think girls love it. girls often look for cars that r economical to run. plus its usually coz they want their first car. guys however go for asthetic looks and later realise the cant afford to run the thing much longer.
Looks don't really play a part with your first car. Thats the 'practise' car.
I've practised a LOT on my fiesta and I have the scratches to prove it.
I'm looking to change my car very soon...but not until I start getting a regular income and get a job in a decent area or somwhere with secure parking.
You know you're a BRITISH 90's kid if...
1. You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air".
2. You remember when it was actually worth getting up on a Saturday morning to watch Live&Kicking (you know the number - 0181 811 8181!) or SM:TV.
3. You had a huge fringe at some point in your childhood.
4. You remember reading and watching "Goosebumps".
5. You took plastic cartoon lunchboxes to school.
6. You remember the craze of YoYo's and Tamagotchis (and the subsequent banning of them in school).
7. You still get the urge to say "Not" after every sentence. Not.
8. You knew that Kimberley, the Pink Ranger, and Tommy, the Green Ranger, were meant to be. <3
9. You collected Pokémon cards.
10. You played and/or collected Pogs.
11. You had a weird alien that lived in gooey stuff in a plastic 'pod' and thought that if you stuck 2 back to back they would have a baby!
12. You watched the original Postman Pat, Fireman Sam and Ninja Turtles (back in the day when they were 'Hero' Turtles).
13. You remember when the new Beenie Babies were always sold out.
14. You got your mum to buy 'BN' buscuits.
15. You used to wear those stick on earings, not only on your ears but at the corners of your eyes.
16. You know the Macarena by heart and Saturday Night too.
17. "Talk to the hand".
18. You remember the time before Literacy and Numeracy hour existed.
19. You thought that Brain from "Pinkey and the Brain" actually could take over the world.
20. You remember Bum Bags, they weren't even cool then.
21. You always wanted to be on Fun House.
22. You collected Tazos.
23. 2 words, Spice Girls.
24. "Clarissa Explains It All" and "Saved By The Bell" were your favourite shows.
25. You wore as many shag bands as you could fit on your arm.
26. You remember Robbie leaving and Take That splitting up
27. You wanted lights in your trainers like the cool kids.
28. Nintendo was replaced by Super Nintendo (sorry but the Princess in in another castle).
29. Computer screens were black (or green) with white writing.
30. Disney, Coke and MacDonalds ruled the world.
31. You thought that "South Park" was hillarious even if you didn't get half the jokes.
32. You had a Nokia 3310 (or really wanted one).
33. Michael Jackson was weird but still respected for his music.
34. All the boys had their hair in 'curtains'.
35. Nickelodeon was cool.
36. The Chuckle Brothers were not.
37. "Wax on, Wax off." Need i say more?
38. You wore Addidas 3 stripe joggers or poppers.
39. Nike Air Max and Reebok Classics were 'must have' trainers (and Kickers for school).
40. Girls thought blue mascara looked good.
41. Girls thought hair mascara looked good.
42. You remember Mr. Motivator.
43. You had scrunchies in every colour and hair bands with your name on it in glitter.
44. You bought Smash Hits Magazine for the song lyrics.
45. Everyone owned something from NafNaf or Fruit Of The Loom (probably in grey).
46. You ate Spicy Tomato flavour Space Raiders (and they were only 10p!).
47. Tammy Girl was where we got our cool clothes.
48. Good Saturday evening telly consisted of "Gladiators", "Catchphrase" and "Noel's House Party".
49. You loved CKone.
50. It's PJ and Duncan not Ant and Dec.
51. Everyone ate Fruit Salads and Black Jacks.
52. Chris Evans presented everything.
53. You had at least one Troll.
54. You had / wanted / hated Furbys.
55. You remember that "Hooch" was the original alcopop.
56. You taped the Pepsi Chart Show.
57. "I know you are, you said you are, but what am I then?" was the answer to all insults.
58. You shouted "LEG IT!" when running away from something.
59. You wore jelly shoes.
60. You loved "Knightmare" and "The Crystal Maze" (which are now repeated on Challege TV!).
61. You were always singing the theme tune to "Round The Twist".
62. They will ALWAYS be Opal Fruits, not Starbursts.
63. You had a million gel pens.
64. You watched "The Poddington Peas".
65. You remember classic Levi's ads such as "Spaceman" and "Flat Eric".
66. "If you like a lot of chocolate on your buscuit join our Club".
67. You remember the craze of Sratch and Sniff.
Sigh... those were the days.
Noooooow this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down and Id like to take a minute just sit right there I''l tell you how I became the prince of a town called bel air
innnnn west philadelphia born and raised, on the playground! is where I spent most of my days, chilling out max and relaxing all cool and all shooting some b ball outside of the school when a couple of guys, who were up to no good! started making trouble in my neighbourhood! I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said youre moving with your auntie and uncle in bel air
I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "fresh" and it had a [i]dice[/i] in the mirror, now if anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought nah forget it, yo home to bel air
I, pulled, up, to a house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby yo, home smell you later! looked at my kingdom I was finally there - to settle my throne as the prince of bel air
Who else rapped that instead of reading it?
[url= You still get the urge to say "Not" after every sentence. Not. [/url]
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
Don't some of those still apply?
Most of the morning stuff don't apply to me as I have never been an early riser.
Some of those I was too old for. But some definite ones in there.
What is "Knightmare"?
Hooch was before my time. Ithink. Can't recall. When is it from? What is it? I assume it is a cola...
Occasionally if I run across them....
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Hey... you make it sound like the 90s was a bad thing. It was actually pretty cool... I did all that except for nos, 9, 11, 15, 16, 25, 38, 43, 45, 47, (i dont even know what that is) and i didnt start watching South Part till much later in the decade...
lol id forgotten the joy of Saturday evenings tele Gladiators, Catchphrase and Noel Edmunds House Party... fantastic.
I must hav watched every Fresh Prince Episode... sigh...
Back in BLACK
Speaking of pointless nostalgia, as part of my teaching practice I’m required to spend one day in a high school and one day in an nursery (something to do with the theory of transition).
I managed to get my old high school to take me in for a day…its sad, but I am SO excited at returning…its been 6-7 year since I did my GCSE’s. I can’t wait to walk down the same corridors, see if the old graffiti is still there, meet my old teachers, see if the place where the ‘bad’ girls/boys used to hang out is still used in the same way…
There's something about taking a trip down memory lane.
this is totally disrespectful, whatever next an easter egg with a chocolate Jesus (as) inside? Also a waste of food check out below how much food this so called artist wastes for his "creative" works, fool!
As to be expected, the outrage has led to much [url= interest[/url] from buyers.
On a similar theme, an artist has made a statue portraying [url= Obama[/url] as Jesus.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
As always the best thing is to give no publicity.
Nothing worse than no publicity.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
"How can those who scorn God revere men?" - Sun Tzu
It's true to a certain extent that they are looking for attention and it should not be given to them.
God, faith, morals and scripture matter on a national level. They always have - there is no nation or empire on the face of the Earth that has survived on moral relativism, hedonism, indulgence and atheism - none. Liberals selling atheism disguised as secularism have tried everything to make us forget that simple fact.
This is supposed to be a Liberal, Constitutional, Christian Republic and "artistic expressions" like the one above attack that character. It is as seditious as treason.
Surely though it is protected by the First Amendment?
I agree that artists challenging religion with mockery do not generally admit they are doing so, and in disguising their free expressions they devalue secularism but progress an association between freedom and atheism. However I believe that atheism is a legitimate right and that artists are entitled to mock beliefs and advance a free philosophical attitude.
If artists, scientists and philosophers were beholden to received wisdom our knowledge would be primitive and free thought impoverished. I don't know if you would agree. Religion can be dogmatic, but I believe also in a case for secularism and the entitlement to eschew religion.
(Granted a lot of art is bunk and unless it is highly ironic I can't hold the Obama statue in any esteem at all, whatever Barack Obama's merits.)
Dave, I wish you a good Holy Week.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]