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when a thread becomes locked is there any way for that thread to become unlocked?


“Singing is like praying twice.”

Dominus vobiscum to Catholics
may God guide you non Catholics

yes. Depends on the reason.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Snowbunny" wrote:

when a thread becomes locked is there any way for that thread to become unlocked?


Yep a mod or Admin can unlock it, although theres usually a reason why its been locked and thus there has to be a good reason to unlock it.

Back in BLACK

LOL... someone signed up with the name Chuck Norris Lol

Back in BLACK

"Snowbunny" wrote:

when a thread becomes locked is there any way for that thread to become unlocked?


Hello Miss Bunny

This forum seems to be turning into "Please The Americans" forums.

I would have thought that since America is having a go at Muslims all around the world, it would be fair to blast their policies and stupid conduct on this forum. Buit this is not being allowed as it should be. We have right to expose American double hypocrytical standards.
I have noticed that Admins are less and less tolerant of criticism of Great Satan. Bunny also seems to be noticing this trend of appeasing the oppressors.

I urge Admin to alter the rules. Let Muslims disgrace the persecutors of Muslims. Do not side with those who follow Satan.

In 2007 even the Christian nations are now beginning to see the true evil of American government:

Chant 'Death to America' reaches South America

Chavez is one of the ringleaders of the anti-American movement

Justin Webb scrutinises anti-US feeling in Chavez's Venezuela

I implore Admin brother to unlock Miss Bunny's thread.

Ya Ali Madad

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

"malik" wrote:

I would have thought that since America is having a go at Muslims all around the world, it would be fair to blast their policies and stupid conduct on this forum. Buit this is not being allowed as it should be. We have right to expose American double hypocrytical standards.
I have noticed that Admins are less and less tolerant of criticism of Great Satan. Bunny also seems to be noticing this trend of appeasing the oppressors.

I urge Admin to alter the rules. Let Muslims disgrace the persecutors of Muslims. Do not side with those who follow Satan.

This place is a dictatorship. I do not believe in free speech Blum 3

What I say goes. What 'Ed says I may consider on a ver good day in a month of sundays. :twisted:

I like intelligent conversation. That normally happens when people are not frothing from their mouths.

I do not need to criticise opthers atr every turn. I see faults everywhere. In myself and among others. Instead of hiding among others' faults I think it is better to focus on ourselves.

A few months ago I came across a theoryu that Muslims overall are gettign exactly what they deserve in the world. Nothing has shown me differently yet.

We may scream, shout and froth, throw mud around but when it comes to the end of the day, overall we are to blame for our shortcomings. Blaming others for them is short sighted and counter productive.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

That's a VERY touching story. Have you considered adapting it for the stage?

Malik i lov your logic... lets start slagging off the Americans coz damn it we're no better and certainly dont mind stooping to that level.

Just coz some1 acts like an a$$ towards you doesnt mean you should start acting like an a$$ too... otherwise whats the difference between what your doing and what they're doing?

And its Admin... not Admins... as far as im aware he's not suffering from multiple personality disorder, but then again i could be wrong? Maybe I'm under the control of Satan and occationally he might tell me to burn things.

Back in BLACK

"malik" wrote:

Hello Miss Bunny

This forum seems to be turning into "Please The Americans" forums.

I would have thought that since America is having a go at Muslims all around the world, it would be fair to blast their policies and stupid conduct on this forum. Buit this is not being allowed as it should be. We have right to expose American double hypocrytical standards.
I have noticed that Admins are less and less tolerant of criticism of Great Satan. Bunny also seems to be noticing this trend of appeasing the oppressors.

I urge Admin to alter the rules. Let Muslims disgrace the persecutors of Muslims. Do not side with those who follow Satan.

In 2007 even the Christian nations are now beginning to see the true evil of American government:

Chant 'Death to America' reaches South America

Chavez is one of the ringleaders of the anti-American movement

Justin Webb scrutinises anti-US feeling in Chavez's Venezuela

I implore Admin brother to unlock Miss Bunny's thread.

Ya Ali Madad


As I said before that is [b][color=green][size=18]------>[/size][/color][/b][b]**[size=24][color=red]MRS[/color][/size]**[/b][b][color=green][size=18]<------[/size][/color][/b], not miss.

Your posts are evaporating because you refer to my wife as "Miss," attempt to evangelize your anti-American, anti-Christian nonsense at her and run off on rampages attacking her religion.

Thus I enter polite requests to shut you up, since you are so clearly incapable of doing so yourself.

I don't see why my post was deleted too.

All it did was quote two similar passages from the Bible to demonstrate the difference of teachings that the earlier Bible authors had to Paul. I thought it was relevant to the thread and I couldn't see any offensive content in it. I was looking forward to hearing any explanations or come-backs anyone might have. I agree that rude or direspectful language or behaviour should be clamped down on, and Tex's comments are almost laughable in their ignorance (ALMOST) but I think stifling any sort of debate that someone dislikes is very unhelpful to everybody.

If someone says something about Islam that I don't like, I don't kick up a fuss and say that the comments should be hidden. I like to confront any criticisms of Islam because I have complete confidence and faith in Islam and Allah (swt). Someone who can't confront criticisms of their beliefs sounds like me to be someone who isn't fully convinced of their beliefs themselves. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but its my honest opinion.

This forum seems to be turning into "Please The Americans" forums.

your comments, which could easily be deemed as racist, are fuelling the debate that you call 'pleasing the Americans'.

How would you feel if someone called Islam, or Iran, or the Shia 'the Great Satan'? You'd be rightfully hurt, upset and angry.

Please stop it before the CIA come knocking on your door.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Ya'qub" wrote:
I don't see why my post was deleted too.

All it did was quote two similar passages from the Bible to demonstrate the difference of teachings that the earlier Bible authors had to Paul. I thought it was relevant to the thread and I couldn't see any offensive content in it. I was looking forward to hearing any explanations or come-backs anyone might have. I agree that rude or direspectful language or behaviour should be clamped down on, and Tex's comments are almost laughable in their ignorance (ALMOST) but I think stifling any sort of debate that someone dislikes is very unhelpful to everybody.

If someone says something about Islam that I don't like, I don't kick up a fuss and say that the comments should be hidden. I like to confront any criticisms of Islam because I have complete confidence and faith in Islam and Allah (swt). Someone who can't confront criticisms of their beliefs sounds like me to be someone who isn't fully convinced of their beliefs themselves. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but its my honest opinion.

I probably shouldn't have deleted it in hindsight.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

[color=indigo][b]I'm back! Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

I'm SO glad im back, boy have i missed england like mad! I'm so glad i got a seat by chance, i would have died if i had to stay there another week, I hated pakistan.. i only liked it when i went out.. to Islamabad, Lahore etc.. anyway i missed all the Milad un Nabi saw conferences cz my cousins wedding clashed Sad however the highlight of my trip was meeting Shaykh ul Islam Dr Tahir ul Qadri at their house! Biggrin

Ps: Angel, as soon as i came in their presence you sprang to mind :wink:[/b][/color]

"Noor" wrote:
[color=indigo][b]I'm back! Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

I'm SO glad im back, boy have i missed england like mad! I'm so glad i got a seat by chance, i would have died if i had to stay there another week, I hated pakistan.. i only liked it when i went out.. to Islamabad, Lahore etc.. anyway i missed all the Milad un Nabi saw conferences cz my cousins wedding clashed Sad however the highlight of my trip was meeting Shaykh ul Islam Dr Tahir ul Qadri at their house! Biggrin

Ps: Angel, as soon as i came in their presence you sprang to mind :wink:[/b][/color]

Oh you lucky girl. You got pics if so please send me x

Glad you "enjoyed" your trip Blum 3

"Ya'qub" wrote:

your comments, which could easily be deemed as racist, are fuelling the debate that you call 'pleasing the Americans'.

How would you feel if someone called Islam, or Iran, or the Shia 'the Great Satan'? You'd be rightfully hurt, upset and angry.

Please stop it before the CIA come knocking on your door.

As Muslims we don't fear anyone except God.
To fear the Great Satan as some Arab leaders are doing is to commit a great sin; almost shirk.

CIA are a bunch of chicken cowards.
Why would anyone need to fear chickens? Iran eats them for lunch.

Europen parliament has condemned CIA as evil torturers.
Committing evil deeds in secret is the American way.

Iran is already called part of 'Axis of Evil' by US. This does not make me angry. Iran and US dont get along. That is clear to all. Ayatoallah has pushed Satan out of Iran forever, and they dont like that defeat. Therefore, its quite understandable why the 'Great Satan' hates Iran.

I pitty the American fools who, on one hand, call Iran 'axis of evil', and on the other, they beg the same country to come help out in Iraq. Satan has no self-respect. US Iraq Study Group told US Congress they we must talk to Iran in order to secure Iraq. Can there be greater humilation for America?

Americans cannot fight in the open. Whenever they try they end up losing. God is already punishing the Americans in the most disgraceful way. From the Iraqis, US is receiving a truly a historic thrashing. Look at the news. Just listen to their own Senators.;...

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

It's not about fear.

it is about manners and ettiquette.

Your posts do you no favours at all.

[url=]Please read rules 11 and 12

I do not think anyone on here agreed with the invasion of Iraq. Most are also against possible war on Iran - not that Iran is doing itself any favours.

Americans cannot fight in the open

They invaded a whole country and lost only 3000 odd soldiers over a span of 4 years. If I was a war monger, I would favour those odds.

Do not delude youer self about their military strengths. They are strong. Denying that is the fastest path to defeat. I am not asying that the US cannot be stopped in war - but that denying their military superiority is insane.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Who has denied that they have more guns?

All we say is that God defeats their mighty army everytime they fight the believers.

Satan can never have a victory against God.
He gets a slap every time.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

"malik" wrote:
"Snowbunny" wrote:

when a thread becomes locked is there any way for that thread to become unlocked?


Hello Miss Bunny

This forum seems to be turning into "Please The Americans" forums.

I would have thought that since America is having a go at Muslims all around the world, it would be fair to blast their policies and stupid conduct on this forum. Buit this is not being allowed as it should be. We have right to expose American double hypocrytical standards.
I have noticed that Admins are less and less tolerant of criticism of Great Satan. Bunny also seems to be noticing this trend of appeasing the oppressors.

lol she's american herself malik. Blum 3 doesn't look like you're gonna get anyone on your 'side' at this rate.

look, you can criticise the policies of the American government all you want, but calling the entire country and it's population 'The Great Satan' doesn't get your 'argument' anywhere. :roll: that's not constructive criticism, it's an insult, and insults are not tolerated on this forum.


"*DUST*" wrote:
... it's an insult, and insults are not tolerated on this forum.


Well... actually... we normally let alot of that suff slide in under the carpet.

Just wehen it gets too much - it is too much. I have allowed Malik to freely express his hatred of America earlier. Let it out of the system.

Just it started to get annoying.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Luckily out of the people who have my email adress, only one sends me silly forwards and chain mail and emails that end in "send to all your contacts". Today he sent me a good natured one but it had something I didn't like in it, so I wrote and sent this:

(The subject line had 'FW' written in it.)


This is the best one! Make sure you follow it all the way through WITH OUT SCROLLING DOWN!!!

This is a really funny test. U GUNA LUV IT!

u ready






The first part of this test might seem a bit weird but you have to do it other wise it won't work. It will all make sense at the end, don't cheat! Okay here it is:

Punch yourself in the head. Its okay you only have to do it softly.

Now count backwards from 20 until you get to 1.

Okay, punch yourself again, this time a little bit harder.

Now spell out your first name. You're doijng good, keep going.

Punch yourself again. slightly harder, don't want to injure yourself lol!!!

Okay final part, get ready for it, this part is hard but its all guna be worth it!

Say: [b]"My name is [your name] and I know the secret of twenty." [/b]
Start counting down from 20 to 1 again, but on each number hit yourself really hard in the head or the stomach. You have to hit yourself really hard for this to work! Do it properly.

When you've done it scroll down...

scroll down...

scroll down...

[color=orange]CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!! YOU DID IT!!! WELL DONE!!![/color]

HAVE A LOLIPOP FOR FOLLOWING IT ALL THE WAY THROUGH. And remember, if you ever feel like sending me spam or chain email again, just follow this email through one more time.

You know I said it was going to be worth it? It was. (not for you though). I hope you haven't hurt yourself too badly, FW's can be dangerous. If you are hurt, I'm really sorry, you should go and have that lolipop.

Feel free to use it on people who keep sending you chain email and forwards. Don't use it on innocent people please.

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

Ok, listen to this sound clip WITH HEADPHONES and your eyes shut.

[url=]Virtual barbershop[/url]

It is NOT one of my normal links which screams at you or something. it is a surround sound demonstration in a barbershop. You getting a virtual hair cut.

Definitely uncomfortable if you do not like to keep your eyes closed in public (like me) as you can hear what is going on all around you. I almost suffocated at one bit.

Definitely as uncomfortable as a real barbers without the soothing vibrations of either the scissors or the trimmer.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

That was really good, almost real.

"Admin" wrote:
I almost suffocated at one bit.

[size=7]The bit where Luigi puts a bag over your head?[/size]

It scared me when he whispered something in my left ear (towards the end).

Yup that's the bit. It even makes the air you breathe feel different!

Made your text smaller to avoid giving away the spoiler.

The whispering bit I did not like. Too far into me imagined private space.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Oh my God! It's grotesque!

Oh, and there's something in a jar.

Back in BLACK

[url=]Daily Dilbert[/url]. Scott Adams also has an excellent blog. Thought I'd share.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]


Sign On San Diego[/url]"][b]One in two Mexicans has family in U.S., poll finds[/b]

MEXICO CITY – Almost one in two Mexicans has a family member working in the United States, and a third of those were sent money in the past year, according to a survey published in Mexican daily El Universal Monday.

The poll of 1,000 people showed 45 percent had at least one relative across the border and 61 percent rated the money they send as “very important,” illustrating Mexico's reliance on remittances.

Some 11 million Mexicans in the United States sent home a record $23 billion to their families last year – Mexico's second-biggest source of foreign currency after oil imports, even dwarfing the tourism industry.

Monday's survey showed immigration to the United States, much of it illegal, peaked during the 1990s, after Mexico was battered by an economic crisis.

Eight percent of those polled said they themselves had worked in the United States at some time.

As many as one in two people in Mexico live on less than $5 a day, and a lack of job opportunities prompts thousands to risk their lives crossing the border illegally each year.

Border arrests were down by just under a third in the first few months of this year but more than 150 immigrants have already died trying to cross over, mainly of heat exhaustion.

The United States is building a 700-mile fence along parts of its 2,000-mile border with Mexico and boosting security by adding trucks with infrared cameras, underground sensors that detect footsteps and surveillance drones.



Maybe the solution lies in a common market and open borders.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

Has anyone watched Borat's film, if so any good?

I've watched clips of it and there are some bits which are funny, some comments were stupid, sexist, rude and just arrogant.

Btw is Borat a jew as some people have suggested, which is unusual because he doesn't seem to like jews in the clips I've watched.

Borat is a simpleton played by wind-up merchant Sacha Baron Cohen, who also played Ali G and one of the characters in Taladega Nights. The movie is very funny.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

I was on the floor laughing in the theatre at the "throw the Jew down the well song" my friends picked me up and pulled me out so I could breathe

Parts were really funny... there was a lot of raunchy humor though and that was over the top, definitely not a date movie.

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
[list][quote="The amusingly titled [url= On San Diego[/url]"][b]One in two Mexicans has family in U.S., poll finds[/b]

MEXICO CITY – Almost one in two Mexicans has a family member working in the United States, and a third of those were sent money in the past year, according to a survey published in Mexican daily El Universal Monday.

The poll of 1,000 people showed 45 percent had at least one relative across the border and 61 percent rated the money they send as “very important,” illustrating Mexico's reliance on remittances.

Some 11 million Mexicans in the United States sent home a record $23 billion to their families last year – Mexico's second-biggest source of foreign currency after oil imports, even dwarfing the tourism industry.

Monday's survey showed immigration to the United States, much of it illegal, peaked during the 1990s, after Mexico was battered by an economic crisis.

Eight percent of those polled said they themselves had worked in the United States at some time.

As many as one in two people in Mexico live on less than $5 a day, and a lack of job opportunities prompts thousands to risk their lives crossing the border illegally each year.

Border arrests were down by just under a third in the first few months of this year but more than 150 immigrants have already died trying to cross over, mainly of heat exhaustion.

The United States is building a 700-mile fence along parts of its 2,000-mile border with Mexico and boosting security by adding trucks with infrared cameras, underground sensors that detect footsteps and surveillance drones.



Maybe the solution lies in a common market and open borders.[/quote]

All of Mexico is coming to my home Saturday, Annette apparently talked to her grandfather and got the coveted Cinco de Mayo party for this year... so basically my house is going to be Veracruz this year. I'm flying down Friday and it will be the first time I've been able to see the new additions and the beginning work on my new vineyard.

My father in law wants to go golfing, which inevitably means he wants to give me a cigar (I can't stand smoking), tell me all the various things in my life I could be doing better and salsa dance whenever he makes a good shot - basically the George Lopez episode this evening minus Oscar De La Hoya.

That's so embarassing.

Right, well, anyway the point of this is not to tell you about my Cinco de Mayo extravaganza.

What they don't tell you when you marry a Mexican is that you don't just marry her, you marry her, her parents, her cousins, her extended cousins, her aunts and uncles, various associated people designated "aunt" or "uncle" despite the fact they are not blood relations (what's up with that?), all of her friends and their cousins and family members, and her goldfish.

That's why the expression "at least one relative" is comical at best. I'm pretty sure there is a village of people I'm now considered a "primo" to.

I'm lonely. Annette, the girls and the entire staff went back to SC... since Law School is wrapping up.

But I'm here for the next couple days by myself. All by myself... all alone... in the dark... in this big old place... just tapping away on my keyboard in the dark...

This place is freaking scary... I think it's haunted... like by actual ghosts, mean ones who have a lot of pent up frustration. I might move to a hotel for the next couple days...


"Don Karnage" wrote:
I'm lonely. Annette, the girls and the entire staff went back to SC... since Law School is wrapping up.

Entire staff? You mean maids, cooks, drivers etc?


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