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"NAS786" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
i woke up today with two big scratch marks on my arm . i really don't knw where they come from . All i can say is for some reason they stinging me .

could be JINN :shock:

read some duas :!:

Or maybe you scratched yourself in your sleep. :roll:

Put some cream on it. :!:

"ßeast" wrote:
"NAS786" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
i woke up today with two big scratch marks on my arm . i really don't knw where they come from . All i can say is for some reason they stinging me .

could be JINN :shock:

read some duas :!:

Or maybe you scratched yourself in your sleep. :roll:

Put some cream on it. :!:

ive heard of sleep walking but sleep scratching :? thats a new one

id still go with evil jinn :shock:

"yashmaki" wrote:
u probs itched urself with ur long nails bliss chill out no big cat came in thru ur window there there it'll heal soon Lol

i wish it was my nails yash but my nails are very short, i hate long nails.

"NAS786" wrote:
"ßeast" wrote:
"NAS786" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
i woke up today with two big scratch marks on my arm . i really don't knw where they come from . All i can say is for some reason they stinging me .

could be JINN :shock:

read some duas :!:

Or maybe you scratched yourself in your sleep. :roll:

Put some cream on it. :!:

ive heard of sleep walking but sleep scratching :? thats a new one

id still go with evil jinn :shock:

JInn :roll: , i doubt it. i always read some sort of DUa before i sleep .

i'v put some vaseline on it ,seem's to done the job the redness gone
and the marks seem to be fading.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

People people people... could not jump to the conclusion that its a Haunting at the first sign of something out of the ordinary. Its prob just done in your sleep... put some cream on it you'll be fine.

Now if your head start spinning around and around, or you puke up some green stuff, start talking in some ancient language that you could not possibly know or have black outs... then come back.

Back in BLACK

the moon,

my dad just rang home saying look at the moon, people are standing outside taking pictures of the moon. I’ve just had a look at it know all that can be seen is a small circle with orange shade to it.

Sister just said it’s symbolic to some nature.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Bliss" wrote:
the moon,

my dad just rang home saying look at the moon, people are standing outside taking pictures of the moon. I’ve just had a look at it know all that can be seen is a small circle with orange shade to it.

Sister just said it’s symbolic to some nature.

its lovely

i was out this evening and it was a full bright n beautiful

"Bliss" wrote:
the moon,

my dad just rang home saying look at the moon, people are standing outside taking pictures of the moon. I’ve just had a look at it know all that can be seen is a small circle with orange shade to it.

Sister just said it’s symbolic to some nature.

[color=indigo][b]Oi you cow, why didn't u tell me? Is everyone still out now? Gma would kill me if i go out now![/b][/color]

ladies ladies ladies mind the language thank you i saw that show and i cudnt stop rollin my eyes aimed at muslims :roll: :roll: :roll:

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

it was funny wasnt it?

it actually highlighted the flaws of the system

plus it was actually showing non muslims that it dont actually work :roll:

[color=indigo][b]It's just weird seeing sumone whos not from the middle east having an arranged marriage. I bet enough non-muslims found it odd seing a white person looking for an arranged marriage.[/b][/color]

yeah dats why i didnt bother plus al murray was on me thinks

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Bliss" wrote:
Sister just said it’s symbolic to some nature.
are you talking about the lunar eclipse? twas amazing wasn't it, subhanAllah. it's a sign of Allah's power and some say a sign of azaab/wrath. The Prophet (s.a.w) lead two long nafl raka3at when it happened and followed with a lengthy du'a too, asking for forgiveness for his ummah. if for some reason there is no prayer in jama'at we have to pray the two nafl on our own, do zhikr and ask for forgiveness.


What's going on with Fanzo? It's like he's been possessed by the spirit of Judda.

Judda's dead?

F4nzo's a guy?

There was a lunar eclipse?

My connection with The Force must be really weak.

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes


Just had a look at the top posters list.

I have around 1300 more posts than the next guy. :shock:

That is pretty bad.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

i dont understand judda what u mean??

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

The real Fanzo would know.

lol would i oh yeah r u suggesting im judda

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

You're not Judda that other guy is wxz or xzc or whatever it was.

I'm back from vacation/my princesses' baptisms! That was one hell of a way to spend a week or two. I did NOT get in trouble in Mexico - which is a first, and I did not tackle any Disney characters to demand hugs!

I did chase down one or two though, Donald Duck tried to run away when I shouted at him to stay where he was so I could take a picture with him and the girls - but I caught him!

They are very happy babies, mission success.

It's my wedding anniversary next week... a whole year. That's mighty incredible... anyway, my biggest anniversary gift is to completely end all sarcasm.


No more sarcasm. AND I can't make fun of people behind their back (even if it is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally funny).

Therefore! If I say anything sarcastic or make fun of anybody behind their back you have permission to E-Slap me.

wot does BNTW stand for on ebay?

live and let live!!!!!!!

BNWT is an acronym for "Brand New with Tags"

don karnage congrats r u hayder by any chance sorry if you arent

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"F4NZO" wrote:
don karnage congrats r u hayder by any chance sorry if you arent

Nope! I'm his evil twin.

Or maybe he's mine...

oh man that just blew my mind...

congrats anyways hope u have/had great anniversary and no da only double is me and the phantom mod :twisted:

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"F4NZO" wrote:
congrats anyways hope u have/had great anniversary and no da only double is me and the phantom mod :twisted:

Thanks! It's going to be a blast. Still blows my mind though...

Hang on how the hell don't you know me?! You've been here a while!! Everybody is supposed to know me!

I'm the forum psycho!

WAIT A DARN DOODLEY SECOND IM THE PHSYCO nah im jokin people change there names and it dont know whos who and whats what im the resident man guy

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

i have put in a bid on a kiddy t shirt. But anyone know how I can avoid being outdidded??

live and let live!!!!!!!

"peacegirl" wrote:
i have put in a bid on a kiddy t shirt. But anyone know how I can avoid being outdidded??

make your bid on the last minute

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