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"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i was quite shocked to stumble upon this thread

the boy is getting his kicks outta copy pasting his cusses to us on other forums

how would he like it if i searched thru his old posts, registered as a new member in that forum and copy pasted ALL his posts?

incl the stuff that he tried to delete but couldnt cos we quoted it? :twisted:

lol but it is kind of funny to think (for all those times you and Angel called me it), that there is a whole thread somewhere dedicated to how big a snob you are!

Just brush it off. Frankly I've got nothing against Med, everybody has got personality quarks which get on my nerves but I think the end sum evaluation of Med is a decent enough guy. He'd do incredibly stupid/rude things some days especially with you or angel, then turn around and do something surprisingly considerate.

Had a lot on his mind though, it's a bit stressful aclimating to married life at a young age. Hope he and the Mrs. are well.

On a humorous side note (and directed to everyone in that thread at Ummah should they read this), I think Muhammad had one of the best answers to the question "what is backbiting?"

"Do you know what backbiting is?” They said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He then said, “It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike.” Someone asked him, “But what if what I say is true?” [b]The Messenger of Allah said, “If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him."[/b]

lol the bold part slays me, I can't tell if he meant that in a clever way (as it sounds) of if that's just how the translation went but I still think it's hilarious. I can just picture all these people sitting around him blinking before he walks off with a grin.

Decided to check my webmaster email today for the first time in say a couple of months or so.

729 new emails, 728 of which were spam. (may have been opne or two that I could have missed as I quickly browsed through the emails... but I doubt it.)

the one that was not, I had recieved on my personal account aswell.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

On Ummah forum 'Al Qadr' says "Nope, I used to [visit Revival forum]. Then I found out they was a bunch of weirdos and stuck up too. They need beats."

Then he says, "Some people need to be taught manners and to respect other peoples views."


"There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch. "

"Don Karnage" wrote:
"There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch. "


It was best of the lot I think.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"ßeast" wrote:
On Ummah forum 'Al Qadr' says "Nope, I used to [visit Revival forum]. Then I found out they was a bunch of weirdos and stuck up too. They need beats."

Then he says, "Some people need to be taught manners and to respect other peoples views."




Went down to London today... had to pop into Greys Inn for an opening evening for 'Inns Court School of Law' never been to London before (which is funny considering ive been all over but never to London). The only good thing i have to say was the weather was decent... not raining 24/7 like manchester.
Whats with those red boxes where you have to buy your bus ticket from before jumping on the bus??? Why cant you just get your ticket on the bus???

Then i got to Greys Inn and it looked like it was a block of apartments or something! Not what i was expecting... didnt look like a Uni at all. The Uni library was sooo small... i was thinking if this is what it like on a Saturday when theres hardly anyone in... whats it gonna be like when its during the week??? The whole building was small... the rooms were small... At one point the tour guide goes: "and in through there is one of our class rooms"... and i was like okay.... must be something special... like ive never seen a class room before. All it was a room with chairs and tables??? :roll:
All the people there were like anorexic thin ... and i was like what the hell??? Have a pie woman.
The other thing i found strange was i couldnt find a single litter bin... if i was in one of my moods i would have just chucked stuff on the floor... we were in a train station and i couldnt find a single bin either! Wat do people in London do with their rubbish???
Plus you had to pay 20p to go to the mens... what the hell?? Is the place made out of silver or something??? Turns out it wasnt.

Maybe its just central London or something... but when i left i didnt want to go there ever again. Small, cramped, people are all posh-snobby gits: they were all like yeah the 1925 act blah blah blah... and i was like 'yeah did you watch Beverly Hills Cop 2 the other day?'...

Back in BLACK

"Seraphim" wrote:

All the people there were like anorexic thin ... and i was like what the hell??? Have a pie woman.


I've never noticed that

but then again ur from Manchester

Manchester is the third fattest City in the UK :twisted:

wow can't believe the stuff they're saying bout us on ummah forum. though i can see why this forum may not have the best reputation, they're not exactly doing anything good with all that backbiting and hate.. :? i wanted to reply on that thread but can't be bothered to register.

btw, is it true what Med said about Dr Qadri's opinion of Mu3awiya (r.a.)? just want a yes or no answer please, not an essay. Wink


"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i was quite shocked to stumble upon this thread

the boy is getting his kicks outta copy pasting his cusses to us on other forums

how would he like it if i searched thru his old posts, registered as a new member in that forum and copy pasted ALL his posts?

incl the stuff that he tried to delete but couldnt cos we quoted it? :twisted:

there absolutely hilarious Lol Lol

muslimsis they love you Lol

yep backbiting is very bad but some of the things they sed were spot on :twisted: Lol

and its good to know that we have somewhere else to go if we get banned, ill jus join them lot and hate on the revival forum too :twisted:

and there emoticons are much much cooler admin :!:

Each to their own.

I did find the ebay joke funny.

Maybe [I should] offer them an invite to this forum to actually see what it is like for themselves? A kind message? opbviously not for those who have been banned. Multiple times. and have even begged to be allowed back. broken their promises. but for everyone else?

"NAS786" wrote:
and there emoticons are much much cooler admin :!:

When I moved forums to here, I did make a post that if anyone can find a better emoticon pack, I will use it.

I do not like theirs though. Just don't like the look of them.

We may be due a change soon anyway... depends on my motivation levels.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

The thing with posts is, that they’re around forever….so if anyone has ever backbited, slandered, hurt someone, or got up to shameful activities online, the proof is present for all to see for a very long its kinda pointless to point the obvious.

It doesnt take much to google up anyones past posts.

There’s a LOT of things that most of us can expose…but it’s pointless. I’m sure all of us here are above such childish behaviour.

Dave quoted the fantastic hadith, namely that if what they are saying about us and scholars is true then they’re backbiting….if its false then its slander

salaaaaaaaaaaaaams all!!

I've not been round lately !! thats coz me in amsterdam!!!
miss you all loads!!!

i'm on my lap top at the hotel!! nice to catch up with revival!!! I AM addicted to this place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we drove to france on sunday!! went through Belgium. kids loved it!! It took five hours to get there but we all really enjoyed it, because we hadn't planned to do it!! we were just out on a short drive!!!

allah hafiz and remember me in your duas!

live and let live!!!!!!!

"peacegirl" wrote:

i'm on my lap top at the hotel!! nice to catch up with revival!!! I AM addicted to this place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't say we did not warn u!!! Wink Blum 3

Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

oh my days.. mega LOL

wudn't say that its backbiting.. after all it is a "Public" forum.. and since some of them are banned, its not as if they could say it to your face.

slander.., i guess we'll never get to the botom of it, as i don't expect any members to go over there to be insulted,.. then again therevival has never been a setting to discuss sectarian topics *cough* [size=7]minhaj[/size] *cough*

i say ignore it,.. there's a couple of really good Islamic forums out there.. with islamic rules being applied mashAllah. i think the revival should look to those for inspiration.

[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]

"peacegirl" wrote:
salaaaaaaaaaaaaams all!!

I've not been round lately !! thats coz me in amsterdam!!!
miss you all loads!!!

i'm on my lap top at the hotel!! nice to catch up with revival!!! I AM addicted to this place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we drove to france on sunday!! went through Belgium. kids loved it!! It took five hours to get there but we all really enjoyed it, because we hadn't planned to do it!! we were just out on a short drive!!!

allah hafiz and remember me in your duas!

Wow. I could never be that spontaneous, I'm too much of a planner and a worrier.

Hope you're having a great time.

[b][color=indigo]How do you guys pronounce Primark?

Pre-mark or Pri-mark?[/color][/b]

Pry Mark.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
Pry Mark.

Same here. But 'pree-mark' looks more correct to me.

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

Tum-bull Dree-er

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

I say Pri-mark... thats how its spelt so in theory thats how we should pronounce it.
Funny story about Pri-mark, theres a new Primark store that opened up in Oldham Town and one day when i was walking into town and chatting to my mate on the phone i told him i had found the perfect girl for him ... and she worked at Primark... lol after that he never step foot in there again... blatantly avoids it. :twisted:

Back in BLACK

"Seraphim" wrote:
blatantly avoids it. :twisted:

Probably only when you are around...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
blatantly avoids it. :twisted:

Probably only when you are around...

the funny thing is there is no girl... i said it coz i knew it would freak him out. He always say that to me... so i simply gave him a taste of his own medicine.. :twisted: and it tastes bitter!!!!

Back in BLACK

"Seraphim" wrote:
Went down to London today... had to pop into Greys Inn for an opening evening for 'Inns Court School of Law' never been to London before (which is funny considering ive been all over but never to London). The only good thing i have to say was the weather was decent... not raining 24/7 like manchester.
Whats with those red boxes where you have to buy your bus ticket from before jumping on the bus??? Why cant you just get your ticket on the bus???

Then i got to Greys Inn and it looked like it was a block of apartments or something! Not what i was expecting... didnt look like a Uni at all. The Uni library was sooo small... i was thinking if this is what it like on a Saturday when theres hardly anyone in... whats it gonna be like when its during the week??? The whole building was small... the rooms were small... At one point the tour guide goes: "and in through there is one of our class rooms"... and i was like okay.... must be something special... like ive never seen a class room before. All it was a room with chairs and tables??? :roll:
All the people there were like anorexic thin ... and i was like what the hell??? Have a pie woman.
The other thing i found strange was i couldnt find a single litter bin... if i was in one of my moods i would have just chucked stuff on the floor... we were in a train station and i couldnt find a single bin either! Wat do people in London do with their rubbish???
Plus you had to pay 20p to go to the mens... what the hell?? Is the place made out of silver or something??? Turns out it wasnt.

Maybe its just central London or something... but when i left i didnt want to go there ever again. Small, cramped, people are all posh-snobby gits: they were all like yeah the 1925 act blah blah blah... and i was like 'yeah did you watch Beverly Hills Cop 2 the other day?'...

Small or big, dont lose sight of whats more important - the small classrooms aside, everything else is of very high quality - the library, the lecture hall and especially the teaching (whilst the classes may be small, the ratio of lecturers to students is either 16:1 or 8:1) - what do you expect - the pass rate is 85% and its the no.1 LPC institute in the UK Wink
Plus, one of the senior lecturers is a hijab wearing revert - so ICSL will always get my vote - even if its JUST for that lol! Biggrin

May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.

its pronounced pri-mark

which - btw is a lamo shop

i woke up today with two big scratch marks on my arm . i really don't knw where they come from . All i can say is for some reason they stinging me .

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Amal" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
Went down to London today... had to pop into Greys Inn for an opening evening for 'Inns Court School of Law' never been to London before (which is funny considering ive been all over but never to London). The only good thing i have to say was the weather was decent... not raining 24/7 like manchester.
Whats with those red boxes where you have to buy your bus ticket from before jumping on the bus??? Why cant you just get your ticket on the bus???

Then i got to Greys Inn and it looked like it was a block of apartments or something! Not what i was expecting... didnt look like a Uni at all. The Uni library was sooo small... i was thinking if this is what it like on a Saturday when theres hardly anyone in... whats it gonna be like when its during the week??? The whole building was small... the rooms were small... At one point the tour guide goes: "and in through there is one of our class rooms"... and i was like okay.... must be something special... like ive never seen a class room before. All it was a room with chairs and tables??? :roll:
All the people there were like anorexic thin ... and i was like what the hell??? Have a pie woman.
The other thing i found strange was i couldnt find a single litter bin... if i was in one of my moods i would have just chucked stuff on the floor... we were in a train station and i couldnt find a single bin either! Wat do people in London do with their rubbish???
Plus you had to pay 20p to go to the mens... what the hell?? Is the place made out of silver or something??? Turns out it wasnt.

Maybe its just central London or something... but when i left i didnt want to go there ever again. Small, cramped, people are all posh-snobby gits: they were all like yeah the 1925 act blah blah blah... and i was like 'yeah did you watch Beverly Hills Cop 2 the other day?'...

Small or big, dont lose sight of whats more important - the small classrooms aside, everything else is of very high quality - the library, the lecture hall and especially the teaching (whilst the classes may be small, the ratio of lecturers to students is either 16:1 or 8:1) - what do you expect - the pass rate is 85% and its the no.1 LPC institute in the UK Wink
Plus, one of the senior lecturers is a hijab wearing revert - so ICSL will always get my vote - even if its JUST for that lol! Biggrin

I know I know... but it just seemed a little ... too small. I suppose it dont help that i was expecting something on the lines of Windsor Castle being as its an old and has a really good rep.

Well ive got till March to decide :?

Back in BLACK

u probs itched urself with ur long nails bliss chill out no big cat came in thru ur window there there it'll heal soon Lol

"Bliss" wrote:
i woke up today with two big scratch marks on my arm . i really don't knw where they come from . All i can say is for some reason they stinging me .

could be JINN :shock:

read some duas :!:


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