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Mazal Tov both of you! Have fun!

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

Congratulations Sponi and Noor!

congratulations noor and sponi Biggrin

i have a question:
is it better to have a son that a daughter? because some people celebrate the birth of boys but don't when it's a girl

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

[color=indigo][b]Both are a blessing from Allah. One should be grateful for what they get.[/b][/color]

i was just wondering if u guys in your cities have a jacksons ?

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

[color=indigo][b]Yes. Biggrin

Everyone loves Jacksons.[/b][/color]

a what?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

a jacksons

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

[color=indigo][b]You dont have a Jacksons store! :shock:

Its a mini supermarket with bargin offers. [/b][/color]

"Admin" wrote:
a what?

its like a 24 hour Spar bt its not open 24 hours just till 11 i think.. well the one our ends is open till 11 not sure about the rest!!

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

[color=indigo][b]Had another driving lesson today Biggrin

I can drive!!!!!!!! Nott!! Sad [/b][/color]

that video is a fake. The lady man thing isn't even playing the bass guitar the fingers need to be in clear contact for a sound.

Plus the lyrics my fathers wears a burqa my mother wears one two blah di blah di blah it's the color blue man these ppl are so talented. They're just ridiculing niqabis :roll:

btw i used to be in a band not with a hijab or niqab on though...memories lol.

[color=indigo][b]You in a band?! :shock:

Lol. I didnt think the video was true either but i just found it so funny![/b][/color]

oh my god!!!!! i've just been on the aol message board. ((through a news article)) and the people on there a discussing halaal donuts! and laughing at the muslims!!
a lady started the thread saying she was in greggs and a lady in burqa came in to ask for halaal mince pie!! she then said she told the lady to eat the meat killed the british way or go home!!! the cheek!!! I'm fuming!!

you guys go to the site and kick their butts!!!

live and let live!!!!!!!

erm mince pies are made of fruit anyways so they're most likely suitable. she should have asked if they were suitable for vegies and if they contained alcohol or not coz many do.

How do we know this incident occured too much rubbish online these days coz of all the hatred.


Went all the way to college then when i got there i found there was no bloody lesson!!!!! Arghhh!! Hate it when that happens + i was rushing too! :evil: [/b][/color]


To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Noor...*" wrote:

Went all the way to college then when i got there i found there was no bloody lesson!!!!! Arghhh!! Hate it when that happens + i was rushing too! :evil: [/b][/color]

i once went to school on the wrong day, and the boys from the school opposite told me it was closed, i was sooooo embarressed! and it was snowing :evil: i had to wait for AGES for my dad to collect me. and my phone ran out of credit! it was NOT my lucky day!

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

They should have told u there was not any lessons!!!


Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

it was in my planner, but since i never use it...

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.


Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

yes moi Noor i used to play the bass guitar, played acoustic guitar aswell. Tis was a bita of a rock band Dirol lol. I;m serious this was before i was practising aherm it's all coming out now...lool

"yashmaki" wrote:
yes moi Noor i used to play the bass guitar, played acoustic guitar aswell. Tis was a bita of a rock band Dirol lol. I;m serious this was before i was practising aherm it's all coming out now...lool


This soooo funny!! He was in your band??? Non-muslims or muslims?[/color][/b] Lol

who's he Noor? it was an all girls band Dirol

come to think of it we were all muslims :shock:

Our teachers were male middle aged hardcore rocker wannabes who never made it i guess, they were talented though. i miss those days in a funny sort of way.

we used to do little performances in the local secondary schools looool. We were famous at school even though we were rubbish Lol

I was pretty good on the guiter and enjoyed it. i remember bringing my amp and guitar home to practise in the evenings. Strange how my parents allowed it huh?

"yashmaki" wrote:
who's he Noor? it was an all girls band Dirol

come to think of we were all muslims :shock:

Our teachers were male hardcore rockers they were lol, i miss those days in a funny sort of way.

[color=indigo][b]Lol. Typo error i meant were they all muslims.. which u answered yes!

A Muslim girl band!! LOL! How old was u then?[/b][/color]

i started at 14 i think until end of secondary school Lol

I made my first musical debut with the guitar in primary school though that's where i first got the chance to learn how to play the acoustic guitar. My parents wouldn't pay for the lessons so the teacher felt sorry for me he taught me for free. I did a performance solo with my teacher doing backings for me at primary that was one of my most proudest moments. You know that song from the chocolate bar advert for lionbar?.."wild thing" he sang it i played it loooooooool. Man i must of been 10/11 Dirol

Ive made a fool of myself in other ways too Wink

[color=indigo][b]Looool!!!! Your soo funny sis!!! My parents wud have never let me done owt like that and good job an all!!! I can remmber at my primary school for the eid party i wanted to dance and my mum wudnt let me! hehe, im so happy she didnt let me do it! The shame!

Anyhow they were the old daaays! Luckly your nt still in too that kindoff of stuff! Lol! What if u went on further to having a career in that proffesion! lol! hehe[/b][/color]

u ever seen classical indian dancing i don't mean bollywod type i mean teh classical stuff, the ladies wear like i duno a twenty inch wide length of bells on their ankles. Heavily painted extravagant heavy heavy sparkly lengha on and fresh flowers everywhere? You move a bit like a statue with all the arm and leg movements reminds me of some of the hindu Gods. Well i did that too :shock: Got pulled into it. In Dance class this indian lady turned up as a guest shes a classical dance pro. Well she made us dance each lesson she never told us then but she picked out the best and we had to take part in a diwali assembly with her dancing! My dad he was into old indian films then so he was well chuffed came to see me dance so embarrassing :shock: looooool

[color=indigo][b]What the......!!!!!!!!! Looooool! Sis u was crazy back then! I wouldnt ever dream of doing anything like that!!!! My parents wud have slaughtered me!!! I no what your onabout... that classical hindi dancing which use to go on in the black and white daays.. lol! u had a crazy teenage life!!!

Cud u have ever tought that u would be were you are todaay?? A sister from dancing in the hindi style thing to being a niqaabi???![/b][/color]


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