What Did You learn Today?

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[color=magenta]toady in chemistsry lesson i learnt how nylon was discovered n it was a big hit with the english ladies especially when american guys came over wearing them[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

Today i learned it is indeed a small world and when one door closes another does opens.

Back in BLACK

Today I learned the importance of religions ritual, i also learned I might not be 100 percent right about everything

Today i learnt if i want a job ive actually gotta go out n look for one (

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Snoopy" wrote:
Today i learnt if i want a job ive actually gotta go out n look for one Sad

And when you don't find one you'll give up quickly.

I learnt the greatness of Allah (swt), he loves everyone and bestows his blessings/favours upon his sinners too.

Snoppy- Best thing is to get a job it wil help in future, trust me (that's if your getin one to do with your course)

i learnt that when you make chocolate crispies at home your ment to put them in the fridge- not the oven

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"zara" wrote:
i learnt that when you make chocolate crispies at home your ment to put them in the fridge- not the oven


Talking of chocolate crispies i havnt made sum in ages...!

nice topic MS. Smile

beast congrats on your first job. may it be a means of happiness and success in this world and the hereafter inshaAllah.

over the past week i have learnt:

- just how incredibly narrow-minded some people can be :?

- one can only take so much crap before they snap Sad

- sisterhood in Islam is a blessing, and backbiting destroys it completely Cray 2

- sleeping on the floor trains one to wake up as soon as one's alarm clock rings, not an hour later. Wink

- i talk too much :oops:

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

choclate fudge cake is yuk on its own (

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"Snoopy" wrote:
Today i learnt if i want a job ive actually gotta go out n look for one Sad

And when you don't find one you'll give up quickly.

tru till i realise im skint again n then will "pretend" to be looking for a job but getin money from my rents Lol not my fault no one will employ me

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

Assalamu Alaikum,

SubhanAllah, today I learned that a persons Imaan, Taqwa, sincerity akhlaaq makes a person beautiful, even if they arent that good looking.

"If your love is sincere then obey him; for the lover obeys the one whom he loves."
"When a community takes to misdeeds, it takes to decorating Mosques"

"Snoopy" wrote:
"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"Snoopy" wrote:
Today i learnt if i want a job ive actually gotta go out n look for one Sad

And when you don't find one you'll give up quickly.

tru till i realise im skint again n then will "pretend" to be looking for a job but getin money from my rents Lol not my fault no one will employ me

u and Ash are bloody loaded! u've got all that ema stashed away! u can afford to spend £1000 on one nite at sum poxy hotel!!!! and u havnt once treated ur cuzzzzy!!! Cow!!!

[color=magenta]today i learnt about Co-polymerisation and addition polymerisation[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

"*_Noor_*" wrote:
"Snoopy" wrote:
"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"Snoopy" wrote:
Today i learnt if i want a job ive actually gotta go out n look for one Sad

And when you don't find one you'll give up quickly.

tru till i realise im skint again n then will "pretend" to be looking for a job but getin money from my rents Lol not my fault no one will employ me

u and Ash are bloody loaded! u've got all that ema stashed away! u can afford to spend £1000 on one nite at sum poxy hotel!!!! and u havnt once treated ur cuzzzzy!!! Cow!!!

lol i spent my ema as soon as i got it
n the hotel that was a one off Biggrin omg the tea cost like £5 and then £4 room service charge jus cos they bought it up to the room :evil: i mean if they told us i wudav ran down n got it mesen baldyyyy stupid

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Odysseus" wrote:
i also learned I might not be 100 percent right about everything

so u admit u r a brainwashed zionist?

[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]

"02cute4u" wrote:
"Odysseus" wrote:
i also learned I might not be 100 percent right about everything

so u admit u r a brainwashed zionist?

That is [i]exactly[/i] what I meant.

Todays very important lessons:

Church is not the place to criticize the Pope.
In front of my wife is not the place to criticize the Pope.
Criticizing the Pope in general means I am sleeping in another room.

I learnt that one can most def feel the peace and happiness in the house where the Dhikr of Allah (swt) regularly takes place…and on the other hand one is more likely to feel depressed and uneasy amongst a family that is far away from Islam.

I learnt that one appreciates their own family a lot more when they spend a lot of time with other people’s families.

Also, it is possible to daydream your way into getting a 2.1 at undergraduate level, however, at postgraduate level even switching of for 10min results in failing exams.

:shock: sorry MS... ill pray for you for your next exam

Lol. Thanks.

Its my course...their expectations are SO high. They expect teachers to be good at EVERYTHING.

I'm learning mathematical proof and theory at the moment just so I can teach a bunch of 8/9year olds subtraction and addition ??

Inshallah I'll get through this course.

Wow that is a graduate level course here... hey think how far you've come a couple months ago you were teaching yourself algebra through trig and calculus now you are doing graduate studies.

Hey did you ever try sushi/sashimi?

"Odysseus" wrote:

Hey did you ever try sushi/sashimi?

I haven't found a willing partner yet.

Most of my girlfriends do not possess a great love of food like I do. :?

"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Odysseus" wrote:

Hey did you ever try sushi/sashimi?

I haven't found a willing partner yet.

Most of my girlfriends do not possess a great love of food like I do. :?

lol wow... you're surrounded by culinary cowards!

Okay new strategy - trick em. Tell them you are taking everybody out for ice cream but insist they need to wear blindfolds for some elaborate reason (like its an exclusive ice cream party or you have it on good authority the ice cream may be blindingly shiny, I don't know ad lib here) then take them to a sushi restaurant and threaten to make a major scene if they try to leave.

You know, seeing spirits, speaking in tongues, exorcising demons out of nearby patrons - the works.

I submit that such a plan could never fail.

lol - at the very least can't you get sushi from grocery stores? It's not all that elaborate... usually just tuna rolls but its usually pretty good.

Lol...you have a very intresting, active imagination.

I may just visit my local grocery stores...I think Marks and Spencers does them.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
Lol...you have a very intresting, active imagination.

I may just visit my local grocery stores...I think Marks and Spencers does them.

lol im being shunned right now due to some "insensitive" observations I thought I would share after mass today [img]http://ayttm.sourceforge.net/smileys/default/yahoo_doh.png[/img] I really amaze myself sometimes, so im bored and when im bored im restless and when im restless im weird (or self destructive)

Marks and Spencers is a good idea - at least that way you can get a nice intro into the things you like, get a tuna roll an eel (or if you prefer unagi) roll and some tuna sashimi - those are staples, really good intros.

i learnt that after sitting at home for 3 months-spending a day at uni can exhaust u and make u have a nap in the afternoon for hours

I learn that by using the print screen button you can get a screen shot of the website and paste it on to a word doc. :oops:

I also learn that I should always get b'day gifts in advance and not on the day!

Overdraft facilities are evil and just make u spend more

"Angel" wrote:
I learn that by using the print screen button you can get a screen shot of the website and paste it on to a word doc. :oops:


didnt u learn that in GCSE ICT!


i learnt i can actually play snooker ....

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
