Submitted by Seraphim on 8 March, 2006 - 12:12 #31
I think what your forgetting is alot of the time (except in your case) alot of kids dont know what they want to do with their lives and need something good and respectful to aim for and instead of majoring in something stupid like art :roll:
The thing with careers like medicine and law etc is that not only are they paid well(supposedly) but they also deemed to be very respectful jobs not to mention useful to your immediate family (comeon havein a doctor or a lawyer in the family helps in certain circumstances). Plus becoming a doctor is like very very very hard and if you manage to do it you you're like the dogs bollucks. Which is why every parents wants one.
Ofcourse if the kid has a decent career in mind anyway they shouldnt be forced into anything they dont wanna do. Especially if its a life changing thing like this.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Exquisite on 8 March, 2006 - 12:14 #32
i no but im not looking for the money or the fame thats the last thng i want cuz i personally feel i will be able to excel in either one of these careers as i hav gr8 passion in it, i fink i will be able to carry them out to the best of my ability
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
My problem is not with any particular profession, just with higher education. The amount of people who think they have to go into higher education to be a success is a problem IMO. Because Uni is not for everyone and alot of people would excel in different areas, but it seem alot of people are pressured into getting a degree. That why you get loads of people doing business and computer studies without no real plans. I don't think there anything wrong with being a plumber or mechanic, i personally think working with your hands is the greatest thing you can do, but it is looked down by Asians parents.
See that is the thing that annoys me most about the asian community, no respect is given to the manual workers, maybe because alot of them were once in that position and think that today generation should move on and be more advance. But it always been my opinion that these people who work in factories, work all hours given to them just to provide what little they can, should be given the most respect, instead of being look down on. Saying that the Taxi drivers in my area, seem to be some of the most well off people, i wonder why :roll:
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 8 March, 2006 - 14:35 #34
My brother is a doctor and he wasn’t forced but only encourage- since the age of 20 he’s now 28 he always wanted to use his surgical experience and volunteer to work for an Islamic charity.
I know a sister who dropped out of Medicine in her 3rd year due to family pressure. I dropped out during the first month.
I've had no pressure on me ever-I guess parents learn from their mistakes with the older child
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 8 March, 2006 - 17:32 #36
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"(*_Khamzat" wrote:
I dropped out during the first month.
at least u got on the course :shock:
My college councilor told us- to pursue a profession, which we enjoy, and stimulates our minds, which is true, anything else would be a waste of our time if we don’t enjoy it.
Submitted by Exquisite on 8 March, 2006 - 18:49 #37
"yuit" wrote:
My problem is not with any particular profession, just with higher education. The amount of people who think they have to go into higher education to be a success is a problem IMO. Because Uni is not for everyone and alot of people would excel in different areas, but it seem alot of people are pressured into getting a degree. That why you get loads of people doing business and computer studies without no real plans. I don't think there anything wrong with being a plumber or mechanic, i personally think working with your hands is the greatest thing you can do, but it is looked down by Asians parents.
i agree wiv you bro not every1 is cut out to be a doctor etc but like i said before every1 has their own area which they shine in, n its not fair to look down on ppl just coz they do a certain job at the end of the day sum1 has to do it, ppl look down on dustbin men/women n turn their noses up at them but i mean they do one of the most important jobs n cleaniless is emphasised strongly in islam, i was saying for me academics is my route but i accept someone may take a different route but doesnt mean they're better or worse than me both are equally valuable.
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 8 March, 2006 - 22:23 #38
One respectful sister said to me, 20 years ago if Muslim were involved in politics and media then the war in Iraq could have been prevented.
Thing with “respect” is that….ANY man/woman working hard to earn an honest livelihood in a halaal job is worthy of respect.
Why should one halaal career be considered more “respectable” than another?
And its down to ones intentions…one form of sadqa (charity) is to remove something dangerous from the streets so that others will not be harmed by it…if cleaners/bin men had this intention when they did their work….they’d be rewarded tremendously.
And if one really was all that…they’d automatically receive the respect of society; regardless of their chosen career.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 9 March, 2006 - 11:31 #40
"MuslimSister" wrote:
Thing with “respect” is that….ANY man/woman working hard to earn an honest livelihood in a halaal job is worthy of respect.
I used the term respectful because she is polite etc…
I think what your forgetting is alot of the time (except in your case) alot of kids dont know what they want to do with their lives and need something good and respectful to aim for and instead of majoring in something stupid like art :roll:
The thing with careers like medicine and law etc is that not only are they paid well(supposedly) but they also deemed to be very respectful jobs not to mention useful to your immediate family (comeon havein a doctor or a lawyer in the family helps in certain circumstances). Plus becoming a doctor is like very very very hard and if you manage to do it you you're like the dogs bollucks. Which is why every parents wants one.
Ofcourse if the kid has a decent career in mind anyway they shouldnt be forced into anything they dont wanna do. Especially if its a life changing thing like this.
Back in BLACK
i no but im not looking for the money or the fame thats the last thng i want cuz i personally feel i will be able to excel in either one of these careers as i hav gr8 passion in it, i fink i will be able to carry them out to the best of my ability
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
My problem is not with any particular profession, just with higher education. The amount of people who think they have to go into higher education to be a success is a problem IMO. Because Uni is not for everyone and alot of people would excel in different areas, but it seem alot of people are pressured into getting a degree. That why you get loads of people doing business and computer studies without no real plans. I don't think there anything wrong with being a plumber or mechanic, i personally think working with your hands is the greatest thing you can do, but it is looked down by Asians parents.
See that is the thing that annoys me most about the asian community, no respect is given to the manual workers, maybe because alot of them were once in that position and think that today generation should move on and be more advance. But it always been my opinion that these people who work in factories, work all hours given to them just to provide what little they can, should be given the most respect, instead of being look down on. Saying that the Taxi drivers in my area, seem to be some of the most well off people, i wonder why :roll:
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
My brother is a doctor and he wasn’t forced but only encourage- since the age of 20 he’s now 28 he always wanted to use his surgical experience and volunteer to work for an Islamic charity.
I know a sister who dropped out of Medicine in her 3rd year due to family pressure. I dropped out during the first month.
at least u got on the course :shock:
I've had no pressure on me ever-I guess parents learn from their mistakes with the older child
My college councilor told us- to pursue a profession, which we enjoy, and stimulates our minds, which is true, anything else would be a waste of our time if we don’t enjoy it.
i agree wiv you bro not every1 is cut out to be a doctor etc but like i said before every1 has their own area which they shine in, n its not fair to look down on ppl just coz they do a certain job at the end of the day sum1 has to do it, ppl look down on dustbin men/women n turn their noses up at them but i mean they do one of the most important jobs n cleaniless is emphasised strongly in islam, i was saying for me academics is my route but i accept someone may take a different route but doesnt mean they're better or worse than me both are equally valuable.
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
One respectful sister said to me, 20 years ago if Muslim were involved in politics and media then the war in Iraq could have been prevented.
Thing with “respect” is that….ANY man/woman working hard to earn an honest livelihood in a halaal job is worthy of respect.
Why should one halaal career be considered more “respectable” than another?
And its down to ones intentions…one form of sadqa (charity) is to remove something dangerous from the streets so that others will not be harmed by it…if cleaners/bin men had this intention when they did their work….they’d be rewarded tremendously.
And if one really was all that…they’d automatically receive the respect of society; regardless of their chosen career.
I used the term respectful because she is polite etc…
And a good reminder MS.............
how comes?
all the rich taxi drivers I know also have some dodgy buisness on the side