we need to be more healthy what do you do to keep healthy??????????????????????????
we need to be more healthy what do you do to keep healthy?
Published by Guest on 10 February, 2006 - 11:53
we need to be more healthy what do you do to keep healthy??????????????????????????
I like to adventure.
Walk, run, climb, jump, flip, twist, kick, duck, leap, move, meditate.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Drink plenty water, eat fruit and veg, get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night and keep away from stress.
And exercise and/or keeping your self active is a must.
Spend a day not using your right leg, get about entirely by hopping on your left. Then spend a day hopping on your right. Then go back to left. If you keep this up you will become excellent at hopping. On Saturdays crawl on your back. This is a great way to develop survival skills if you suddenly find yourself trapped beneath a truck or, should you work behind a desk, in a hostage scenario where everyone has to get on the ground.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
I need to get healthy too, but I have no time, motivation or inclination to go to the gym.
Muslim Sister,
Just a suggestion: Take up table tennis with a friend. In a big space like a sports hall it's decent excercise and the main thing is you're at the gym, might as well start and finish with a quick workout. I would recommend squash because it's a big workout and a lot of fun but apparently all the sudden exertions add up to bad exercise.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
lol yea squash is fun but really tiring. MuslimSis i remember u and lilsis mentioning badminton? maybe u can play it regularly...
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
Yeh, I love badminton…buts its way too cold to go out and play at the moment.
At the moment other then Sundays I have no day in the week free to do anything like that…(I’m free in the evenings but I’m usually knackered).
Maybe in the summer inshallah…?
Is table tennis the same as playing ping pong? Is so, that isn’t much of a work out is it?
Badminton must be better but table tennis is continuous aerobics.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Badminton is better..... only one of the sports i actually enjoyed playing apart from fake cricket.
U do that ^^^ you said somewhere you were a junkie....
I need motivating big time. I think house work kinda does the job.
Yeh, I love fruit...eat most veg and sleep well and do try to drink a LOT of milk and water daily....and pretty much live a very busy, stress free life.
But I do eat a lot of junk food too....and don't do exercise.
I think the only thing that would motivate me to do exercise is if I put on weight.
At the moment all I do is moan about being unfit.
At high school I used to do Rock Climing
Now at college, I hardly have the time to do naything to busy with ICT coursework and deadlines to meet.
But Sometimes I do help my mum in the afternoon cleaning the Kitichen and on the weekend it is my job cleaning the downstair rooms, and during the week I sometimes walk it to college so I would concider that as active.
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
What are your favorite foods???????????????????
Any food you didn't like that you like now??????????????????
"Seek and you shall find."
Why do you think that old asian people are unhealthy??????????????? So many people I know suffer from sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any ideas why??????????????
"Seek and you shall find."
looool.....sorry that made me laff....
typical asian way of saying diabetes... whats wiv all your ???????
i dont really understand this diabetes thing, just recently discovered my dads got it because of the drugs he gets given.
On the same level as me ^^^^...........
i'll give you one good reason. Asian ppl tend to have either chapattis or rice as part of their staple diet. But they tend to use either white flour or white rice, incidentally they're packed with sugar. They have that over years and years, in addition to any other sugar they may have.
Most asian folks are mad about their tea, they make indian tea and over do it with the sugar.
They're also nuts about mitai.
But the main thing is white rice, white flour. When the docs point this out they say in disbelief that's ridiculous rice doesn't have sugar in it, neither does flour :roll:
I'm sure there are other factors, but that's the one that comes to my mind.
Considering most of us here are from an indopak origin we better be more careful about what we consume. Otherwise in a few years our kids will be sitting on a similar forum laughing about us oldies, and our ailments.
My mother has recently been diagnosed with diabetes just out of the blue. It wasn't due to any fault of her own, rather the medical profession. She was on a lot of drugs for her condition and apparently some of these have high amounts of sugar. So now she has to inject herself daily, in addition to taking a mass amount of drugs to control her other condition, thanks docs, thanks very much.
Thats sad U know..... thats exactly what happened with my dad....it was a big shock to him recently and us aswell...because of them drugging my dad heavily...his treatment is getting delayed as they have to consider this new diagnosed diabetes coz of the drugs before they go further..
Before there was no-sign....he werent keen on sugary stuff,,, as for chappattis we always have whole-meal...i dont like it.
lol.....asians and mithai, any good news and, 'its wheres the mithai'.
Sorry to hear about your mum maryum, tis bad
I dont think your right about the white flour and rice cos lots of Chinese people eat white rice more than us and there okay!!!!!!!!!1
also lots of other people eat white braed (French people and baguttes and stuff) and there okay.
Also everyone eats sweets and cakes and biscuits, and drink cokes so asians not the only ones wiv eating sweet things????????????????
I dont fink anyone really knows why asians suffer more from it

"Seek and you shall find."
An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor away.
Back in BLACK
thts one of the reasons. Other reasons are just biologically asians and ppl of the african origin are more susceptible to it. Asian folks includes the Chinese btw .
But i'm puzzled myself a decade ago diabetes wasn't a big thing amongst asians, now it seems to be widespread, every asian person knows someone else with diabetes :?
White ppl do get diabetes but it tends to be later on in life.
high fat diet, lack of exercise, and being over weight doesn't help either, they can make it occur earlier in your life. Some kids are born with it, coz their mothers develop it when they're pregnant :shock:
.....Or any other fruit for that matter!!
Fruit is your Friend!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
Yash an interesting thery!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
dont believe in that one sooo not true.......
Actually i'm feelin pretty healthy at the moment.
Pushups are quickly becomming my new favorite activity - I have to bump them up in the morning since I cannot row.
I can't believe I was stupid enough to go to a landlocked school.
Maybe... but its certainly alot easier to do than all the rest of it

Back in BLACK
hmm yea....not to keen on em though..
whats one of them lol
guys quit talking about fruit i just stuffed myself with a plate of steamed veg, and just had some grapes now i can't move. I didn't over eat, that's two of my five portions for the day, 3 more to go loool. I'm good with fruit and veg. It's all about preparing it in advance. Cutting it up nicely, seems to make it taste better for some strange reason.
I love home made fruit salad.
I just discovered grape fruit, and i love the pink or red variety yum yum. other ones can be bitter though. i musta been asleep didn't try grape fruit all them years :roll:
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
I can't stand fruit.
Dartmouth... lol I don't really understand what you mean?
(haven't had breakfast yet - still not thinking straight)
What kind of fruit you eat Yash?
You shud stick to easy fruit... like apples or grapes... that way little to none preparation is needed.
Back in BLACK
No you not are you lol.......meaning you said you went to a land-locked school......
what is that ? never heard of the queer words before