I’ve always been BIG on privacy….I don’t like telling people about stuff that I consider private and I don’t like people asking me either….if I offer information then that’s different.
I’m not a totally closed person …as some are. If someone is close to me then they pretty much know almost everything about me.
My parents aren’t snoopy people…they’ve never been down my wardrobe/drawers or mobile….and on the rare occasions when they’ve accidentally opened a letter of mine…(even if it’s just a bank statement) I’ve always kicked up a fuss….but overall my parents respect my privacy…dad always knocks before he enters my bedroom.
…I think thats because I’ve always told my parents about practically everything anyway… they’ve never had a reason to suspect me or invade my privacy.
However, I’am extremely conscious of my double standards….I’ve very close to my younger sister and have always felt it’s my “right” to double check where she’s going and go down her phone regularly…but I don’t do that behind her back.
And if I was a parent….I have a feeling that I’d be very snoopy mother. That’s cos I know how much crap goes on out there…
Yep I can be hypocritical…and I think it was Prophet Isa (AS) who said “treat others how you would like to be treated”.
Slightly of the topic…it is said the sign of the one with perfect taqwa is that he can have all his private thoughts on display for everyone and he won’t feel embarrassed by them.
So…how important is privacy to you?
Personally, I think privacy is a big issue here whilst for some reason it’s a non issue back home…
Is it correct to say, that only those people who have something to hide would be big on privacy?
I used to have a Nokia 8310 and it could record your conversation without the other person knowing…I never used that option on anyone. Apparently it’s illegal anyway…
What does Islam say about privacy? Do parents have a “right” to go down their children’s things..? Or can they only do that if they have a reason to suspect them?
Please discuss…
mind your own business
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Stupid advice :roll:
If someone robbed my stuff I would punch them, but if I robbed someone else’s stuff I would not like to be punched thus if I was the victim and I treated the thief the way I would have liked to have been treated I would let them off cheerfully, in fact I would BEG them to keep it!! You can use type of situation under many examples.
That last line was borderline shirk depending on what you meant. Deleted.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Allah swt says: "And spy not, neither backbite one another [b](The Quran 49:12)"[/b]
Shazan, what if parents have a reason to believe that their son/daughter is taking drugs and/or dating etc
I'm sure this is not a black and white issue.
[b]049.012 [/b]
YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, ye would abhor it...But fear Allah: For Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.
I understand your position sister and it comes down to your intentions (correct me If I’m wrong) It's our duty as Muslim; to save ourselves first from the hell fires then our family and other’s.
Maybe reading this will help:
Suspicion toward daughter
Thanks for the link.
Btw suspicion in the presecence of ample evidence is not considered suspicion.
..And somtimes if proof is not shown then the guilty person can easily deny it.
I know people who have done that.
The article basically summaries that you should confront them and not go behind their back, and open dialogue is the best way.
I know a sister from; World Association of Muslim Youth, she is a professional councillor and perhaps she can offer better advice for these social problems we Muslim face. If you need her details then send me a message.
Thanks...but the above is nothing personal.
Thankfully, I'm not going through this problem...I was just thinking about it.
I know parents and children who are faced with this dilemna.
Acha. And welcome to Mpac, I'll rep you when I'm allowed back on
Lol. made me wander into that forum.
Btw why are you banned?
I’m on a temporary ban for making a racial slur against a fellow Muslim, In my opinion I am at fault but it wasn’t racist but the moderators have to enforce the forum rules, I’ll let you decide if this is racist:
Are you capable of having a debate without throwing insult’s?
Oh wait you must be Punjabi!

...That was naughty of you but not racist.
Boy that forum must be strict.
Well, you'll enjoy your stay here.
This forum lets you get away with a LOT of stuff at times.
We've only ever banned a total of two/three members here.
The forum isn’t strict the moderators, Mashallah are very balanced, the forum has taken a more harder stance on troll’s because of continuous attacks from Zionist, far right wing Lonnie’s, self appointed HT spoke’s people, arm chair Jihadis and Islamphobes.
It’s saddens me when people/muslim register with Mpac just to slander them and undermine their good work.
I agree this forum is a little more tranquil and a closer-knit community.
Inshallah you’ll enjoy the Mpac forum, just keep away from the men folk
privacy is very important to a really private person, at times when my sister comes to stay i just cannot let her stay in my room, i hate sharing bedrooms.
my siblings can be so annoying and times they'll eavesdrop onto my conversations with my mates and upon hearing anything notwithin line they'll grass me up...i swear they make me mad.
i dont like it at times when my mum will open my letters...i get so worked up, my dad when hes at home would never do that.
Lol-we're going through a good patch at the moment.
But we do occasionally get a few of those types of people dropping here too from time to time..
...didn't you just recently before this get unbanned?
I do think privacy is extremely important, but like MuslimSister said that this day and age is so bad that we may have to resort to snooping around to see what our younger siblings or children get up to.
I dont mind if my sisters go through my mobile phone, or even open my letters etc coz i know ive got nothing to hide, but what annoys me is when i dont know ive had letters or messages come through and then i really feel its an invasion of my privacy
Luckily i have my own room and no-one comes in to my room unless they need to, the only time i snoop in my sisters room is to nick some perfume or makeup etc lol
but i dont know i feel i shouldnt really be spying on the youngers since i do NOT like being spyed on myself...
because i bet they'll feel the same i feel being spyed at.
and i know how much i really dislike it.
lol i'm not liking MPAC Dave so much...
It seems that there are lots of opinions and everybody is very extreme and emphatic about it! - Including people who in retrospect agree with me.
I get the feeling they don't like each other very much...
Anyway it's kinda pushed me into my snarky sarcastic bully mode and it's difficult to stay on the attack without going that route.
No damn good...
no damn good at all
Hey what's your screen name! I'll give you a grand welcome in the welcome thread
*EDIT: nevermind - lol i'm pretty sure which is yours - you haven't introduced yourself yet!
Check the intro's section.
It should be very obvious.
Its illegal to record a phone conversation without the other persons knowledge.
Im pretty big on privacy myself.... but my parents arent really altho they do say so. They hardly ever come to my room coz i live in the loft and that would mean walking up 2 flights of stairs and at their age its just not done lightly.
With mail however they will open everything... ill kick up a fuss but nothing will come of it as they will say 'Well whose son are you? :roll: ' then we hav a right to know.... Dont think they trust me.... altho they say different. But i guess ive never really given a reason to.
Back in BLACK
From my knowledge it’s illegal to open other recipients mail, the Police need to get a warrant to open/ intercept mail.
Try telling some parents that...
lol im aware of that... unfortunately the Judicial powers of my parents are ordained by God... so that would mean i would have to file a plea with God before anything comes of it.
But luckily its never been anything questionable... except this one time my bank statement came thru and it said i withdrew £20 in M'chester (as in manchester) my parents (being geniuses) wanted to know what i was doing in Chester.... :roll:
Back in BLACK
I cant relate, snooping around doest happen in this household.
I feel exactly the same sister often gets to my mail, txt messages and voicemail before me.
I don't mind if she checks it. Its no biggie...but what makes me mad is when she doesnt tell me that she checked them before me and I don't know if I recieved any mail/text message.
She used to be even more naughty back in the day...after checking my voicemail and texts etc she'd delete them.
I would like some privacy. Being 20 and not having your own room can be annoying.
My dad tries to know everything about us. Opens our letters, checks everything in our room, rummages around cupboards and drawers, tells ut to show him out email etc etc etc. But still manage to get some privacy by hiding stuff.
I know islamically it is not permitted for any1 to open my mail, I could say to my dad that dont open my mail please but cant be bothered. I aint got anything to hide atm and cant be bothered with the hedache so i let the principle go. Might cost me in the future. Theres not privacy on fone convos either. Fone rings, answer it, then every1 stops and stares and looks at you listening. At the end it is expected to say who it was. This is on house fone, mobiles are easier to keep secret.
One privacy that is a must is entering the home where women are present. I never enter a room in even my closest relatives house without knocking even if I know it is just my grandmother or aunts present. I knock. Wait for permission and then enter, been told soooo many times that I should just walk in but I dont. This is a thing which is ingrained in me alhamdulillah.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Yup this happens me to quite often unfortunatly!
Ive just rembered one time i came home early from school and the Head of Year rang me and i was explaining to him why i do when all of a sudden my liitle sister who was about 5 came and pulled out the telephone wire from its socket!
I was SO ANGRY, i tried ringing him back but he wouldnt not answer, then i had detention for a whole week!
I would say I am very private.
I doubt if anyone knows how I think or feel.
I am incapable of allowing people to get close.
People know more about me on these forums than actual colleagues/friends and even relations know!
I do volunteer information here quite alot. Dunno why. But I would not like anyone to know me.
I do not like people going through my stuff, but I am of the opinion if its worth hiding, its not worth keeping.
Saying the above, I feel a slight hypocrite saying I think is at schools every kid should be dope-checked atleast twice a year. Without warning.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
with regards to privacy and concealment of sins, i thought its worth noting that we are not meant to tell anyone of our misdeeds, nor should they ask - people usually take this to mean 'dont boast about your sins' but its also literally: if someone asks 'did u do XYZ' (in the first place they shouldnt be asking) u can say 'no', even if u did it. and we need not feel obliged to tell anyone of our past sins - a guy or girl is not [b]obliged[/b] to tell his/her spouse of his/her haraam relationships prior to marriage - whats important is that the person has repented for their sins. After that Allah promises to conceal our sins, so who is anyone to ask, and who are we to tell?