
im planning to start learning how to drive by the end of this year.....

i just cannot wait to start learning, me and my younger brother are the

only ones left to learn how to drive,

i think its very important for everyone to learn espec the women..it comes in use when you least expect it,

before i wasnt to keen but i've realised how useful it is like today there was no-one present to drop my dad of to preston hospital...so my mum drove despite being a proper nervous driver...she doesnt normally drive much but there was no-one else. She started to panic when she got of the wrong junction on the moterway lol...and then nearly took the sign to south birmingham...but luckily naj used her brains and got her onto the M65..[b][size=7]hehehe[/size][/b]

how many people know how to drive here ?

how many are learning and planning to learn ? and who cant be bothered learning?

share your learning/driving experiences...

I passed my driving test in 1999 (at the 3rd attempt) and now I am Queen of the roads of London. Its really just anxiety that makes a bad driver, once you have conquered the nerves driving becomes easy.

I have had a few bad moments, I must confess. I was driving my friend to Euston station and took a wrong turn on the A40 and ended up lost in the heart of central London. I found myself, unknowingly, driving up Oxford Street totally oblivious to the “buses and taxis only” signs.

I got pulled over by the police, got a £50 fine and 3 points on my license. Oh, and my friend missed the train. :oops:

I started driving when I was 15 (not here to discuss the legality of Driving offences)

I didn’t take a single lesson even used my own car and passed first time with 4 minor’s :D, Shazan doesn’t get nervous under pressure. Since then I have been driving for 6 years it isn’t as exciting as once imagined, and to sum of driving it’s a black hole, when you mount the cost of petrol, insurance, road tax, yearly mot, tyre change, servicing, breakdown cover, general repairs- if you really sit down and calculate it must be the most expensive way to travel. I even know people who just work so they can afford to drive and go cruising in Ilford land and oh and I almost forgot to mention Green Street.

As for the theory test, I had a lecture a 2 hour lecture and asked to be pardon, I was backed within half an hour spent about 5 minutes doing the test.

All the car’s I’ve owned (in chronological order)

VW polo 1.0, P reg
VW Polo 1.4, S reg
Fiat Punto 1.4 W reg
Peugeot 206 51 reg
Audi A3 1.8 Sport, W reg
Ford Puma, 1.6 51 plate

Currently my favourite car is: Renault Clio 1.4 with leather interior, 51 plate

[img]http://www.geocities.com/shazan20000ad/clio_front2.jpg[/img](link is external)

i've been driving for almost a year now.... probably been passed for two years... passed the second time round.

Wat can i say theres nothing like it. A car is pure freedom. Suddenly theres no range to what you can do. And i dont need to rely on public transport anymore.

Back in BLACK

lol I love driving! Always have. Still annoyed i'm not longer allowed to race.

That's okay though... i'd much rather not die.

dont tell you me, you drive a SUV!

I have not passed yet.

I have no real interest in cars.

I took a couple of lessons when I was 17.. and then the instructors uncle died... so he left for his funeral, and I left driving.

A year later I had another lesson with a diferent instructor. He did not turn up the next lesson... since then I have not bothered.

It is really bad of me not to have passed.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"(*_Shazan" wrote:
dont tell you me, you drive a SUV!

i raced a porsche boxster on in some of the New Jersey time track clubs

but it wasn't street legal so as part of my agreement with my fiancee im getting rid of it and racing - just giong to keep the bmw and her volvo.

They're more of "family cars"

I been driving for 3 years, passed in 2002 when I was 17.

My first two tests I failed and both my examiners were white. Then on my third test when examiners came out one of them was a pathan with a big beard. Made a quick dua that let him be my examiner and lo and behold he was.

Gave him salaam, chit chatted about back home, jamaat and before I knew it he goes I'v passed!! Was well chuff'd.

Im a bit of a nutter on the roads now, infact from the beginning. Wen i first passed I wasnt too good on parking, used to bump the car infront and behind before stopping, lol.

I aint gonna teach wifey to drive. She's a nutter, gets scared over the smallest things like putting foot on gas. I aint gonna take the headache of being responsible for teaching a woman driver, plus too many women drivers around as it is, cant go inflicting ANOTHER woman on the british roads.


I love speeeding, dont own a car, never have, always driven other peoples - actually my bro bought me a banger for £90 and it ran for a year.

I dont believe in insurance. 3 yrs and nowt.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
I aint gonna teach wifey to drive. She's a nutter, gets scared over the smallest things like putting foot on gas. I aint gonna take the headache of being responsible for teaching a woman driver, plus too many women drivers around as it is, cant go inflicting ANOTHER woman on the british roads.

When did you get married?!

sorry . . . wifey 2 be

but soon inshaALLAH.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Uh..don’t talk about driving.

It took me over three years of lessons and three failed tests to pass my driving test. Boy did I waste a LOT of dad’s money.

And it was a miracle that I passed…cos I messed up on my fourth test too. Luckily for me the Asian driving examiner positively discriminated in my favour.

I wanted my license so badly cos…I wanted my independence, I hate relying on people for lifts, I cant stand public transport and I wanted to pleasure of being Mum’s personal driver.

Apparently I drive like a “white woman” (whatever that means). I don’t have a car yet…dad should get me one as soon as he returns from his holiday.

I cant wait to get on the road.

"Med" wrote:
sorry . . . wifey 2 be

but soon inshaALLAH.

lol buy you said she "is" a nutter

"MuslimSister" wrote:

Apparently I drive like a “white woman” (whatever that means).

Oh this is bad....

You don't happen to have a cell phone do you?

"Don Karnage" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:

Apparently I drive like a “white woman” (whatever that means).

Oh this is bad....

You don't happen to have a cell phone do you?

Lol-Serious...what does that mean?

Yes I have a mobile phone.

"MuslimSister" wrote:

Lol-Serious...what does that mean?

Yes I have a mobile phone.

It means you drive with little confidence - make half commitments, don't really have much awareness on the road and talk on your cell phone while you're driving.

lol at least you don't drive like an asian girl

"Don Karnage" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
sorry . . . wifey 2 be

but soon inshaALLAH.

lol buy you said she "is" a nutter


wifey to be is a nutter. silly girl should stick to cooking and cleaning but alas she cant even do THAT properly. No wonder her parents are DESPERATE for me take her off their hands.


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Don Karnage" wrote:

It means you drive with little confidence - make half commitments, don't really have much awareness on the road and talk on your cell phone while you're driving.

lol at least you don't drive like an asian girl

No way. I AM confident.

But yes, my awareness is crap and I do talk on phone and I give way to everyone. :?

How do Asian girls drive?

"Med" wrote:


wifey to be is a nutter. silly girl should stick to cooking and cleaning but alas she cant even do THAT properly. No wonder her parents are DESPERATE for me take her off their hands.


lol well you haven't met her yet.

For all you know she's prim and proper and an aspiring neurosurgeon

Why do women love to give way?

Its soo annoying!!

I do it depending on situation BUT women do it ALLLLLL the time. One of these days Im gonna ram my car into the rear of the ladydrivers car and drive off!!

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:

It means you drive with little confidence - make half commitments, don't really have much awareness on the road and talk on your cell phone while you're driving.

lol at least you don't drive like an asian girl

No way. I AM confident.

But yes, my awareness is crap and I do talk on phone and I give way to everyone. :?

How do Asian girls frive?

lol asian girls get really fast cars that they are too short for - they have zero awareness swerve in and out of lanes like maniacs and drive at outrageously unsafe speeds.

In fact all asians do come to think of it...

Asians and old white guys.

"Don Karnage" wrote:

lol well you haven't met her yet.

For all you know she's prim and proper and an aspiring neurosurgeon


neurosurgeon? She eats my brains out, so in that sense yeh she is a neurosurgeon.


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

You need to go to an asian country.

If you indicate it means you are telling the person to overtake you from that side...

And traffic lights mean... nothing.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
And traffic lights mean... nothing.

I didn't know New Jersey was in Asia... Lol

"Med" wrote:
Why do women love to give way?
Its soo annoying!!

Driving a banger I wouldent mind ramming somone of the road, perferbly if that had a BNP bumber sticker, as i drive relativerly expesnive motor's - there not worth it

"Don Karnage" wrote:

In fact all asians do come to think of it...

Nah. Here, only asian guys drive that that.

btw I’ve got my car up for sale soon please keep a look out on auto trader, I need a fast sale because me going into business.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:

In fact all asians do come to think of it...

Nah. Here, only asian guys drive that that.

I’m very good driver and I don’t drive like a boy racer.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:

In fact all asians do come to think of it...

Nah. Here, only asian guys drive that that.

lol right - and I still can't get used to this "asian" thing. I meant far east asian - like chinese and vietnamese.

pakis dont call themselves asian here

I have driven some proper dodgy cars and some proper nice ones alhamdulillah. I find that I prefer the dodgy cars, you can speed in them, dont need to worry about getting flashed cos car aint registered on my/families name-, can knock around a bit and can basically mess it up as much as u like with no consequences.

The £90 banger my bruv bought was wkd. I swear I loved that car. I had a good few bumps in it, drove off with nowt to worry abt, flashed enuf times by speedcams but the poor bloke in nottingham who sold it was the one getting the fines,hehehehe.

I think Alum Rock most certainly has an effect on one. I didnt realise I was this much of a masser until now .lol

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"(*_Shazan" wrote:
btw I’ve got my car up for sale soon please keep a look out on auto trader, I need a fast sale because me going into business.

Cool! Computer related business or something else?
