I'm not sure how we're going to share my car as I'm always using it...but at the same time, its unrealistic to expect dad to fork out for a third car esp since other then University my sister doesnt really go anywhere else.. :?
Tell your sis to be careful as 6 points within 2 years of passing her test can prove fatal (have to pass both tests again)....as I nearly found out.
Can't your sis use the bus/train (or you can give her a lift sometimes)....it's much more cheaper than driving to uni (hope they don't keep increasing ticket prices).
I'm not sure how we're going to share my car as I'm always using it...but at the same time, its unrealistic to expect dad to fork out for a third car esp since other then University my sister doesnt really go anywhere else.. :?
Only seen this now...Congrats LilSis
London roads beware!!
i should start too now :oops:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
surely my success shud put u boys to shame :twisted:
Submitted by yashmaki on 7 June, 2006 - 18:50 #215
i'm scared of driving now, was gona get my theory test books but in two minds now. A close member of my family was involved in a huge car crash, thanks to a drunk driver. Several cars were totally written off, thankfully there were no fatalities. Now i'm thinking what if that were me. It occured up my road, there always seems to be accidents over here.
In fact almost every member of my family has been hit in a traffic accident on this same rd. I broke my leg in a motorbike accident, and had to attend a specialist school, and physio for months to get my leg working again :?
I've noticed that driving examiners are becoming leniant on girls, their driving is terrible :twisted:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
surely my success shud put u boys to shame :twisted:
I'd looove to see your parking :twisted:
Submitted by yashmaki on 8 June, 2006 - 15:55 #218
why will a 4x4 help if you're in an accident :roll:
Actually i am gona get a small efficient, economic car coz my hubby already has one. I don't wana smash his car he'd kill me.
As for women parking i agree they're blimin terrible. Not all of them mind you. The other day i saw someone parking opposite my house. This was a tiny car and there was enough space there to park 3 more cars. Yet this person took at least 6 mins to park up. I thght by God that's gotta be a woman. But what ya know it was a man. yikes if my husband ever parks like that, i'll pretend he's no relation to me
why will a 4x4 help if you're in an accident :roll:
If you look at the statistics more people who drive 4X4's survive road accidents.....I think.
Just imagine a land rover and a ford fiesta hit each other head-on travelling 40mph....which driver do you think will most likely survive?
It's not rocket science you know.
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
wouldnt have passed my test with only three minors if i couldnt park
Must have been a blind examiner
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
they do test your bay parking/parallel/turn in the road and/or reverse in side road u know :roll:
Yeah I know that.....I passed my driving test before you.
I broke my leg in a motorbike accident, and had to attend a specialist school, and physio for months to get my leg working again :?
omg yash! hope your fine now...
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
my sister takes the car out all day and I can only have it in the evenings :evil:
so most evenings I'm driving up to MD for a milkshake
Submitted by MuslimBro on 12 June, 2006 - 03:45 #227
"Sirus" wrote:
if i was a betting man, i'd put my money on her wasting you in a race
You'll regret it
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Muslim Bro" wrote:
....did you get em right?
nope I failed them
thats how I got my license :roll:
I was asking about the safety questions silly which they ask you at the beginning, you only get 1 minor for getting it wrong so no big deal....doesn't mean you'll fail your test.
when dad takes me he keeps his hand on the handbreak so if i did anything he'd pull up the handbreak and cause the car to do a wheeley :roll:
and when my sister takes me she just yells so much
i dont think i'm gonna be one of them who loves driving
Submitted by Medarris on 14 June, 2006 - 16:14 #229
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i havent ever driven on my own
when dad takes me he keeps his hand on the handbreak so if i did anything he'd pull up the handbreak and cause the car to do a wheeley :roll:
and when my sister takes me she just yells so much
i dont think i'm gonna be one of them who loves driving
She says that now - tell us in 6 months wen yr screeching round the corners in yr area if u love driving or not :twisted:
Evry1 is nervous at beginning and with some ppl u always gonna be nervous.
Alhamdulillah I've driven for 3 yrs now and my dad still makes me nervous wen sitting with him; he thinks I drive too fast and hates me sitting with seat back etc. You'll get confidence as you drive more - but women shouldnt drive unnecessarily :twisted: . You hear that LilSis?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by MuslimBro on 15 June, 2006 - 00:42 #230
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i havent ever driven on my own
Don't blame you, girls need a full-time 'instructer' next to them every time they drive :twisted:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
when dad takes me he keeps his hand on the handbrake so if i did anything he'd pull up the handbreak and cause the car to do a wheeley :roll:
That would be dangerous if your dad did that on the motorway when you're doing 70mph. By the way have you ever been on a motorway....I haven't.
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
and when my sister takes me she just yells so much
Shame on you MuslimSis for shouting....but I would do the same if someone was scaring the pants out of me.
I remember accompanying my sister on the occasional drive. Even (or especially) after she passed she absolutely hated criticism. I would be powerless to stop her making obvious errors of judgment like getting confused on a roundabout and heading the wrong way down a one way, or screwing up maneuvers. We have all had to learn, I just wished she could have been a little humbler and taken in what was being said instead of getting wound up.
I'm sure you'll be an excellent driver, and remember that it's understandable to get nervous as a passenger with someone who isn't an experienced driver. Friends of mine who have been driving for years still get uptight when I take them to task over driving too fast or showing any road rage, but eventually they get in one too many accidents and listen when I say that.
I have also been in one too many accidents and had to swallow my pride and apply caution. When I first passed my test I was always scraping the side of my Mum's car or kerbing it and that becomes quite expensive. One time I parked it alongside my Dad's and scraped them both.
Occasionally in the country I have killed a bird or a rabbit that just darted in front of me. One time a fox ran into Princess Road in Manchester, and it was raining, and I swerved to avoid it and hit a tree. Nobody believed that a fox had been involved because they knew my driving. Recently my housemate hit a muntjack deer near the airport and was told it is quite common. His car was badly damaged. Bambi was killed. Drive carefully! When your sister shouts just smile and take her point on board.
About eighteen months ago I ran into an icy road a bit suddenly and got hit. Because the driver reacted to stop quickly I was able to control the way in which I bounced off his bumper and along the road instead of being dragged under. He had passengers and I bet they were shaken. My main impulse was to clarify that it was my fault and to thank him for being a good driver. I hope he took that in, because really I had simply dashed out very recklessly. It came at the end of an otherwise brilliant day. I learned also to be a careful pedestrian.
More recently I got hit by a bus but that wasn't remotely my fault, in fact it was bizarre because although the driver didn't mount the kerb I was on the pavement, past where he was expected to stop, and although he was slowing he ran straight into me. It was quite a forceful incident. I wasn't injured.
Thank God.
A week later a bus I was on in Harlesden hit a man and injured him badly and I had to call an ambulance. Bus drivers beware!
[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]
I started off as a nervous driver, dad would yell at me so much… but then again if he didn’t yell at me to stop giving everyone way and to be more forceful at junctions/roundabouts….I would still be a rubbish driver.
I’ve picked up most of dad’s bad habits such as speeding, using the phone when driving and keeping only one hand on the wheel… :?
I started of being too afraid to drive out of my little town for the first few weeks…now I can confidently do motorways. After spending most of my time for the past 4years on public transport, I love driving.
Submitted by MuslimBro on 18 June, 2006 - 16:31 #234
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I started off as a nervous driver, dad would yell at me so much…
I've been driving for some time now and my dad still acts like my instructor and I'm like thinking dohh I know that. Its very embarrasing when I've got cousins sitting in the back and my dad is giving me all these instructions....they must think I don't know anything :oops:
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I’ve picked up most of dad’s bad habits such as speeding, using the phone when driving and keeping only one hand on the wheel… :?
Theres nothing wrong with driving with one hand unless you're doing a maneovere such as parking. You know you can get fined for driving whilst on the phone. Theres alot of unmarked police cars driving around.
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I started of being too afraid to drive out of my little town for the first few weeks…now I can confidently do motorways.
I've never been on a motorway but I've got a habit of speeding so I do 70mph on a 40mph dual carriageway (when the road is clear ofcourse) and thats nothing compared to what some people do.
Here it is (told u we had a thread, shame though it will remind u of work, eugh!)
"kas" wrote:
w/salaam angel
Yes the best way to learn really quick is to take as much lessons as possible, practice makes almost perfect. nothing is perfect apart from Allah.
When you are sat with someone else who is driving, visualise yourself driving the car and look into the road and think to yourself what you should do when you see a particular hazard. For example youre mum or dad is driving and you are sat in the passenger seat and as they are driving you see the car in front (Toyota lol) slow down, think to yourself what you would do. Or if the lights turn to red what would you do or if they approch a roundabout what manouvers would you do, if you were driving.
Also a really good way on learning effectively is that when you are driving along always commentate to yourself as what you see and what is happening this will allow you to stay more focused and allow you to tell yourself what hazards are approaching.
For example you are driving along and again the lights turn to red say to yourself in youre mind step by step what you have to do, "put the foot on the brake gently, as the car comes to a halt put the other foot on the clutch, then go into neutral etc.
Observe other sensible drivers such as youre parents to see how they drive and what they do and take it into account.
Take extra driving lessons from youre family members aslong as they have passed and have been driving for 3 years.
Always ask questions and read the highway code that is a very vital book that helps people alot on driving.
Above all stay focused, determined and calm and ask Allah for help.
If you need more advice just aask lol.
Thanks for the advice, i will keep it in mind.
One thing though, how do you concentrate in a driving lesson? I always lose my concentration after 20mins!
Here it is (told u we had a thread, shame though it will remind u of work, eugh!)
"kas" wrote:
w/salaam angel
Yes the best way to learn really quick is to take as much lessons as possible, practice makes almost perfect. nothing is perfect apart from Allah.
When you are sat with someone else who is driving, visualise yourself driving the car and look into the road and think to yourself what you should do when you see a particular hazard. For example youre mum or dad is driving and you are sat in the passenger seat and as they are driving you see the car in front (Toyota lol) slow down, think to yourself what you would do. Or if the lights turn to red what would you do or if they approch a roundabout what manouvers would you do, if you were driving.
Also a really good way on learning effectively is that when you are driving along always commentate to yourself as what you see and what is happening this will allow you to stay more focused and allow you to tell yourself what hazards are approaching.
For example you are driving along and again the lights turn to red say to yourself in youre mind step by step what you have to do, "put the foot on the brake gently, as the car comes to a halt put the other foot on the clutch, then go into neutral etc.
Observe other sensible drivers such as youre parents to see how they drive and what they do and take it into account.
Take extra driving lessons from youre family members aslong as they have passed and have been driving for 3 years.
Always ask questions and read the highway code that is a very vital book that helps people alot on driving.
Above all stay focused, determined and calm and ask Allah for help.
If you need more advice just aask lol.
Thanks for the advice, i will keep it in mind.
One thing though, how do you concentrate in a driving lesson? I always lose my concentration after 20mins!
LOl yes well scientists says that the maximum attention span for a person is 40 minutes, most people are less. You tend to concentrate on something more if you enjoy it, do you enjoy driving or do you find it one of those annoying chores you have to deal with in life like ironing and washing up.
Try to enjoy it coz if you enjoy it you will concentrate more.
Also try to set yourself goals and objectives at every driving lesson. So if you are covering 'junctions' then set yourself goals within this and try to meet them. Once you have met them successfully this will motivate you more.
If you think you're gonna fall asleep in a driving lesson open the window, ask the instructor questions or pull up and have a 5 minute break im sure the instructor won't mind.
Don't concentrate too hard as this can give you a headache try to be more relaxed and chilled out and pretend that youre mates are sat with you, sometimes pretending roles can help you adjust and ease youre mind.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
hmm that makes sense, thing is i have been learnin for 3 yrs on and off (having 4 months break in between etc, last time i drove with my instructor was back in feb).
I literally HATE driving I am only learnin for the sake of passing coz i wud love to have my own car, makes life more simple!
Submitted by MuslimBro on 25 June, 2006 - 01:05 #238
"kas" wrote:
scientists says that the maximum attention span for a person is 40 minutes
Is it, I think mines alot more than that.
"kas" wrote:
Try to enjoy it coz if you enjoy it you will concentrate more.
I just love driving...I can drive all day without getting tired.
But I think that is if you are trying to take in information. You can force yourself to go on when actually doinf something. besides, most things require you to do a range of tasks.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
hmm that makes sense, thing is i have been learnin for 3 yrs on and off (having 4 months break in between etc, last time i drove with my instructor was back in feb).
I literally HATE driving I am only learnin for the sake of passing coz i wud love to have my own car, makes life more simple!
Well that explains why you are finding it difficult to concentrate. if you hate something then you cannot be bothered with it. By having long periods of breaks in between its gonna be very hard to pass.
You need to have daily lessons like one or two every week so the information you absorb can be still fresh in youre memory and can be applied again next week.
By having long breaks you are gonna forget what you learnt.
I think you only HATE driving coz you don't understand it as if you don't understand something you are more likely to hate it.
My advice is take daily lessons and as you take daily lessons you will se yourself improve and when you improve this will give you motivation and will make you want to drive more. Then you will start to enjoy it and one day will drive like michael schumaccher lol inshallah.
oh i better go its well late see you guys later
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
My sister passed her driving test last week
I'm not sure how we're going to share my car as I'm always using it...but at the same time, its unrealistic to expect dad to fork out for a third car esp since other then University my sister doesnt really go anywhere else.. :?
Tell your sis to be careful as 6 points within 2 years of passing her test can prove fatal (have to pass both tests again)....as I nearly found out.
Can't your sis use the bus/train (or you can give her a lift sometimes)....it's much more cheaper than driving to uni (hope they don't keep increasing ticket prices).
Only seen this now...Congrats LilSis
London roads beware!!
i should start too now :oops:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i passed second time round with only three minors
surely my success shud put u boys to shame :twisted:
i'm scared of driving now, was gona get my theory test books but in two minds now. A close member of my family was involved in a huge car crash, thanks to a drunk driver. Several cars were totally written off, thankfully there were no fatalities. Now i'm thinking what if that were me. It occured up my road, there always seems to be accidents over here.
In fact almost every member of my family has been hit in a traffic accident on this same rd. I broke my leg in a motorbike accident, and had to attend a specialist school, and physio for months to get my leg working again :?
pedestrains face the same dangers
the stats of people getting killed whilst crossing the road are high too
but despite these stats this doenst mean that ppl shud never leave their homes
driving, sitiing next to a driver, sitting in plane/train or crossing roads are all dangerous activities
Buy a 4X4
I've noticed that driving examiners are becoming leniant on girls, their driving is terrible :twisted:
I'd looove to see your parking :twisted:
why will a 4x4 help if you're in an accident :roll:
Actually i am gona get a small efficient, economic car coz my hubby already has one. I don't wana smash his car he'd kill me.
As for women parking i agree they're blimin terrible. Not all of them mind you. The other day i saw someone parking opposite my house. This was a tiny car and there was enough space there to park 3 more cars. Yet this person took at least 6 mins to park up. I thght by God that's gotta be a woman. But what ya know it was a man. yikes if my husband ever parks like that, i'll pretend he's no relation to me
i wouldnt have passed my test with only three minors if i couldnt park
they do test your bay parking/parallel/turn in the road and/or reverse in side road u know :roll:
Must have been extremely short sighted
Back in BLACK
If you look at the statistics more people who drive 4X4's survive road accidents.....I think.
Just imagine a land rover and a ford fiesta hit each other head-on travelling 40mph....which driver do you think will most likely survive?
It's not rocket science you know.
Must have been a blind examiner
Yeah I know that.....I passed my driving test before you.
yep he was blind
that bit was clear when he tested MY eyesight by making me read a number plate :roll: :roll: :roll:
But the question is what was the distance between you and the number plate huh?
What safety questions did he ask you about the car....did you get em right?
omg yash!
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
Lol....give her credit
if i was a betting man, i'd put my money on her wasting you in a race
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
nope I failed them
thats how I got my license :roll:
it feels good to be on the road
my sister takes the car out all day and I can only have it in the evenings :evil:
so most evenings I'm driving up to MD for a milkshake
You'll regret it
I was asking about the safety questions silly which they ask you at the beginning, you only get 1 minor for getting it wrong so no big deal....doesn't mean you'll fail your test.
i havent ever driven on my own
when dad takes me he keeps his hand on the handbreak so if i did anything he'd pull up the handbreak and cause the car to do a wheeley :roll:
and when my sister takes me she just yells so much
i dont think i'm gonna be one of them who loves driving
She says that now - tell us in 6 months wen yr screeching round the corners in yr area if u love driving or not :twisted:
Evry1 is nervous at beginning and with some ppl u always gonna be nervous.
Alhamdulillah I've driven for 3 yrs now and my dad still makes me nervous wen sitting with him; he thinks I drive too fast and hates me sitting with seat back etc. You'll get confidence as you drive more - but women shouldnt drive unnecessarily :twisted: . You hear that LilSis?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Don't blame you, girls need a full-time 'instructer' next to them every time they drive :twisted:
That would be dangerous if your dad did that on the motorway when you're doing 70mph. By the way have you ever been on a motorway....I haven't.
Shame on you MuslimSis for shouting....but I would do the same if someone was scaring the pants out of me.
lol congrats on passing....good one!
I am so gona pass this summer inshallah soon as i start taking my lessons again.
I remember accompanying my sister on the occasional drive. Even (or especially) after she passed she absolutely hated criticism. I would be powerless to stop her making obvious errors of judgment like getting confused on a roundabout and heading the wrong way down a one way, or screwing up maneuvers. We have all had to learn, I just wished she could have been a little humbler and taken in what was being said instead of getting wound up.
I'm sure you'll be an excellent driver, and remember that it's understandable to get nervous as a passenger with someone who isn't an experienced driver. Friends of mine who have been driving for years still get uptight when I take them to task over driving too fast or showing any road rage, but eventually they get in one too many accidents and listen when I say that.
I have also been in one too many accidents and had to swallow my pride and apply caution. When I first passed my test I was always scraping the side of my Mum's car or kerbing it and that becomes quite expensive. One time I parked it alongside my Dad's and scraped them both.
Occasionally in the country I have killed a bird or a rabbit that just darted in front of me. One time a fox ran into Princess Road in Manchester, and it was raining, and I swerved to avoid it and hit a tree. Nobody believed that a fox had been involved because they knew my driving. Recently my housemate hit a muntjack deer near the airport and was told it is quite common. His car was badly damaged. Bambi was killed. Drive carefully! When your sister shouts just smile and take her point on board.
About eighteen months ago I ran into an icy road a bit suddenly and got hit. Because the driver reacted to stop quickly I was able to control the way in which I bounced off his bumper and along the road instead of being dragged under. He had passengers and I bet they were shaken. My main impulse was to clarify that it was my fault and to thank him for being a good driver. I hope he took that in, because really I had simply dashed out very recklessly. It came at the end of an otherwise brilliant day. I learned also to be a careful pedestrian.
More recently I got hit by a bus but that wasn't remotely my fault, in fact it was bizarre because although the driver didn't mount the kerb I was on the pavement, past where he was expected to stop, and although he was slowing he ran straight into me. It was quite a forceful incident. I wasn't injured.
Thank God.
A week later a bus I was on in Harlesden hit a man and injured him badly and I had to call an ambulance. Bus drivers beware!
[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]
I started off as a nervous driver, dad would yell at me so much… but then again if he didn’t yell at me to stop giving everyone way and to be more forceful at junctions/roundabouts….I would still be a rubbish driver.
I’ve picked up most of dad’s bad habits such as speeding, using the phone when driving and keeping only one hand on the wheel… :?
I started of being too afraid to drive out of my little town for the first few weeks…now I can confidently do motorways. After spending most of my time for the past 4years on public transport, I love driving.
I've been driving for some time now and my dad still acts like my instructor and I'm like thinking dohh I know that. Its very embarrasing when I've got cousins sitting in the back and my dad is giving me all these instructions....they must think I don't know anything :oops:
Theres nothing wrong with driving with one hand unless you're doing a maneovere such as parking. You know you can get fined for driving whilst on the phone. Theres alot of unmarked police cars driving around.
I've never been on a motorway but I've got a habit of speeding so I do 70mph on a 40mph dual carriageway (when the road is clear ofcourse) and thats nothing compared to what some people do.
Here it is (told u we had a thread, shame though it will remind u of work, eugh!)
Thanks for the advice, i will keep it in mind.
One thing though, how do you concentrate in a driving lesson? I always lose my concentration after 20mins!
LOl yes well scientists says that the maximum attention span for a person is 40 minutes, most people are less. You tend to concentrate on something more if you enjoy it, do you enjoy driving or do you find it one of those annoying chores you have to deal with in life like ironing and washing up.
Try to enjoy it coz if you enjoy it you will concentrate more.
Also try to set yourself goals and objectives at every driving lesson. So if you are covering 'junctions' then set yourself goals within this and try to meet them. Once you have met them successfully this will motivate you more.
If you think you're gonna fall asleep in a driving lesson open the window, ask the instructor questions or pull up and have a 5 minute break im sure the instructor won't mind.
Don't concentrate too hard as this can give you a headache try to be more relaxed and chilled out and pretend that youre mates are sat with you, sometimes pretending roles can help you adjust and ease youre mind.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
hmm that makes sense, thing is i have been learnin for 3 yrs on and off (having 4 months break in between etc, last time i drove with my instructor was back in feb).
I literally HATE driving I am only learnin for the sake of passing coz i wud love to have my own car, makes life more simple!
Is it, I think mines alot more than that.
I just love driving...I can drive all day without getting tired.
And mine is alot less.
But I think that is if you are trying to take in information. You can force yourself to go on when actually doinf something. besides, most things require you to do a range of tasks.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Well that explains why you are finding it difficult to concentrate. if you hate something then you cannot be bothered with it. By having long periods of breaks in between its gonna be very hard to pass.
You need to have daily lessons like one or two every week so the information you absorb can be still fresh in youre memory and can be applied again next week.
By having long breaks you are gonna forget what you learnt.
I think you only HATE driving coz you don't understand it as if you don't understand something you are more likely to hate it.
My advice is take daily lessons and as you take daily lessons you will se yourself improve and when you improve this will give you motivation and will make you want to drive more. Then you will start to enjoy it and one day will drive like michael schumaccher lol inshallah.
oh i better go its well late see you guys later
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.