Continue the topic here.
I can quote from ahadith that contradicts what you said.Go on then. Quote a hadith which says you should NOT give the salutations.
It also talks about why we should not celebrate Muhammad’s birthday. But scroll down the page and it tells you the danger of excessive praise."Verily Allah sends his salat (Graces ,honour , blessing ,mercy etc ) on the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) and also His Angels ( ask Allah to raise and the honour of our beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) O you who believe ! send salat ( darud ) on him ( Sayyiduna Muhammad peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ) and you should salute him. ( Surah Al- ahzab verse :56 )You cannot excessively praise the Prophet (saw). Allah (swt) has raised his
status above all other creation. The christians called Hadhrat Isa god. That is shirk. But we believe the Prophet is a creation of God. The best creation. That is not shirk.
The Prophet
did not celebrate his birthday annualy, but weekly. Every monday.
continued from [url=]here[/url]
Lol there was no need to create a thread…
There are many dif things being discussed there.
This is a very important topic, and I did not want anyone to confuse the topics...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
What’s the number of that surah?
I wanna check it up…
I was born on a Monday, my mum was so pleased coz his birthday was on the same day too.
I bet everyone that posts on this thread will grill me for posting the above :roll:
why do you think you would be lambaste for it?
you have to be born some day...
(it's Surah 33)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
one of the reasons our prophet mohammed sallalahu alahi wasallam said do not lavish too much praise on me was due to the fact people attribute the divine qualitys of ALLAh on to him...
also a hadith which states:
it is narrated by umar r.a that rasulullah sallalahu alahi wasallam said
"do not exceed the limits in dignifying me as the christians have done to jesus alaihi salaam.I am non but ALLAHS slave only and therfore you should call me a slave of ALLAH and his messenger" (al bukhari-muslim)
and what was the reason for our prophet mohammed sallalahu alahi wasallam to fast on thursday admin.
I cannot remember the hadith...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I already told you about my unique family :roll:
33:56 can be translated as:
Lol admin where did you get all those [fabricated] brackets from your quote of that verse from :?: :shock:
Of course I don’t rely on one translator it can also be translated as;
But I agree with the first two of this post….
The arabic word is salaat which has its meaning mentioned in the brackets.
later the brackets write the salutation upon the mention of the prophet (saw). Obviously the qur'an does not contain brackets! these are translaters notes.
I cannot see how it can be translated as counsel...
and tha arabic is an order. "Salloo". Send praise. Do it. Not consider it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
God said his book could guide and misguide, obviously one of us is wrong.
Thank you for being so understanding in your errors.
I should not be so erm... arrogant? after all I could be wrong. But everyone of knowledge I have known no matter what sect will say you MUST send salutation when you hear the name of the Prophet (saw), unless it is during salaah.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Lol admin I did not say I agreed with you :roll:
I don’t belong to a sect.
Everyone does.
You belong to the sect with no name. It has a membership of 1. :twisted:
I never said you agreed. I thanked you for admitting you are wrong... :twisted:
We are all muslims.
I would consider my sect as Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah. You probably do too. (you know... sunni/shia divide...). After that I have no idea.
(and what I meant was not that you belonged to a sect, but diferent groups have the same understanding on this subject... Its not an issue of division.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I mix and match- so maybe I am member no.1 :twisted:
How very stupid of you to assume that I said [b]I[/b] was wrong, I said
My family consider them selves that too.
Admin if you are correct about your beliefs about the prophet Muhammad then that $500 is yours.
go and claim it….
I bet TheRevivalEditor is gonna get excited one he reads this thread :roll:
I bet you gonna insult me like you insulted Malik and then possibly declare that I am not a Muslim then lock the fricken thread :roll:
E20 what is your problem, and I mean that in a nice way?
Are you challenging the milad celebrations that are happening?
Because if you are then thats ok, lots of people differ on this issue.
Are you challenging the concept of sending SALAT O SALAM upon Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam?
If you challenge this then you are deviating a huge deviation. I note you are referring to muttaqun website, having briefly skimmed through it I notice the name of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen. I am presuming the website is run by the salafiyyah - it should be noted that all muslims, the salafis included, say salallahu alayhi wa sallam when referring to Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
What is your problem?
over praise or sending salat o salam?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
I have a feeling e20 is none other than judda budda we knw how much he loves numbers!
I was getting that impression also.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
And he hasn't Pmed me yet?!
I'm hurt...
Hey Angel! I thought you were away with schoolwork...
Welcome back! - I [i]finally[/i] responded to your very thoughtful email, sorry it took so long - backwork and distractions... the usual excuses
Med I simply put my views across and admin got all excited and decided to create a WHOLE thread on the subject.
Admin you say that you belong to a sect but the revival is suppose to be non-sectarian :?: :?: :?:
If I wrote an article for the Revival would you accept it?
If you slightly disagree with a subject will you still print it?
Angel who is “Judda Budda”?
Huge deviation ?
He means E02 is not straight.
Med being a Wahhabi, he sees everyone as bent.
The Revival IS nonsectarian. The team has people from many sects, as well as members who do not attribute them to any sects.
I am also non-sectarian, meaning I do not hold any hopes or bias towards people if they are from diferent sects.
I DO believe my belief is the correct one. Others may also be correct, or may just be less correct, but still may not be wrong.
On a basic level, most muslims proscribe themselves to either Ahlusunnah, or Shia. That is what I meant...
The topic was created so that you could eb answered as to not giving salutations to the Prophet (saw), and not about all the other encompassing subjects.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Mashallah. Such was the extreme humblesness of His
noble character.
But how can we give praise the one whom Almighty Allah Himself has praised?
Imam al Busiri (ra) stated that "the tongues are incapable of praising him".
Hadrat Hassan Bin Thabit was the first to compile a poem praising the Holy Prophet
and the Holy Prophet
used to place a pulpit in the Mosque so that Hasan Bin Thabit could stand and recite poetry in praise of, and on behalf of the the Holy Prophet (saw).
theres nothing wrong with praising , but in the sense of over exaggeration that the ignorant merge our prophet mohammed sallalahu alaihi wasallam with ALLAHS self.
"A person said to prophet mohammed sallalahu alahi wasallam ,"you are our chief and the son of our chief!", the prophet mohammed sallalahu alahi wasallam answered," you may say so but you must observe an utmost precaution lest the shaitaan should play tricks on you and prompts you into acts of exaggerating about me. i am mohammed, the son of abdullah and i swear to allah that i do not like you to uplift me further from the status which ALLAH has assigned me."
Overpraising Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam can and does happen. The perpetrators of this crime know who they are.
The Holy Prophet salallahu alayi wa sallams greatest attribute was HIS level of servitude (uboodiyyat), this is how He salallahu alayhi wa sallam was referred to in Surah Isra when Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam was called to paradise.
The Shahadah first states : Muhammadan ABDUHU wa Rasuluh salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
We subsequently must strive to attain the rank of servitude also.
"Do not praise me excessively as the Christians have praised Hadrat Isa alayhis salaam. They have made him ALLAH and the son of ALLAH - I am ALLAH'S SERVANT and His Rasul. Regard me only as the SERVANT OF ALLAH and the Messenger of ALLAH."
ALLAHumma salli ala Muhammadin Nabiyyil Ummiyyi wa ala Aalihi wa sallim tasleema.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Does that hadith not mean do not assign divinity to the Prophet (saw)?
True exaggeration does not do anyone any good.
But IMO its not exaggeration to say the prophet
is the best of creation.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
^^^ from what you have quoted you can see the Holy Prophet
has said " do not uplift me further from the status which Allah (swt) has assigned me" (please provide references, you could have at least said it was from Sahih Bhukhari/Muslim etc)
Allah has given the Holy Prophet
the highest ranking from the whole of creation and from all the Prophets (as) and i just want to say we possibly cannot know the status which the Holy Prophet
has been blessed with, only Allah (swt) knows that.
In regards to sending salutations on the Holy Prophet (saw), this is what you receive:
It is narrated by Hazrat Abu Darda (RA) that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “Any person who sends darud (salutations) ten times upon me every morning and evening then on the Day of Judgement he will receive my intercession."
Haythami, Majma-uz-Zawaid, 10/120 is a narration of At-Tabarani
yes but you get the ignorant who ascribe exclusive qualitys of ALLAH unto our prophet mohammed sallalahu alahi wasallam..they think he is mukhtaar-e-kul.
what greater status or honour can be conferred on a human being than awarding the honour of being a prophet, the rest of the titles come underneath this, but a human being despite being awarded prophethood is still a human being..
it was the christians that didnt recognise jesus alahi salaam as a human being and gave him a divine status and thus they became disbelievers and polytheists and deserved ALLAHS wrath.
thats one of the reasons why our prophet mohammed sallalahu alahi wasallam instructed his ummah not to resort to exceeding the limits in lavishing undue praise to him
Good post angel.
The Holy Prophet
often spoke of Himself as the humble devotee of Allah (swt). However, if we truly want to know about his actual status we should focus on what Allah (swt) said instead of focusing on statements He
made out of humbleness.
For example the Holy Prophet
has said “I do not know what will happen to me on the day of Judgement” (Al Ahqaf 9). When Allah (swt) speaks on the same subject He says “On the day of judgement you will be appointed as the status of MAHMOOD (a station of praise and glory)” (Al Bani Israel 79).
On the subject of the unseen the Holy Prophet
says “I do not know the hidden realities” (Al An’am 50). Whilst Allah (swt) says “He has been bestowed with knowledge of everything by Allah” (Al Nisa 113).
The Holy Prophet
often referred to Himself as “just a man” however, how many men can claim to have met Allah (swt)?
It is often said that man is incapable of praising the one whom the Almighty Himself praised.
However, some just like to focus the statements the He
made out of extreme humbleness manifesting his Abdiyah (humble servant of Allah) and consider those sayings His
actual status.
As long as you believe that the Prophet is a Prophet and not God, you do not worship him, you do not make him equal to God, you do not ask the Prophet for help and you know that Allah is 'khaaliq' (creator) and the Prophet(saw) is makhlooq (creation)..... THEN YOU CAN PRAISE THE PROPHET AS MUCH AS YOU WANT, YOU CAN READ DAROOD, SEND SALAAT AND SALAAM ON HIM, READ HIS NAAT, SEERAT ALL DAY, EVERYDAY.....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH IT...THIS IS HOW YOU GET ISHQ (EXTREME LOVE) OF THE PROPHET, LIKE THE SAHABAH DID. ONCE YOU HAVE THIS EXTREME LOVE YOU DEDICATE YOUR WHOLE LIFE IN FOLLOWING HIM AND WORKING FOR HIS DEEN.
over praise is only dangerous if you dont know ur islam...
i mean i can read darood all day for a month, read salaat and salaam every 5 that gonna make me raise the status of the Prophet equal to ALLAH - no way!!!!
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) emphasized his closest companion, Ubayy bin Ka‘b (رضي الله عنه) to recite salat and salam abundantly. Ubayy bin Ka‘b narrated:
I said, "O Allah’s Messenger, I invoke blessings upon you very frequently. How much of my supplication should I devote to you?” He said, "As much as you like." I said, "May it be a quarter?" He said, "As much as you like, but if you make an increase in that it would be better for you." I said, "May it be a half?" He said, "As much as you like, but in case you make an increase in it that would be better for you." I said, "May these be two thirds?" He said, "As much as you like but if you make an increase in it, it would be better." I said, "May I devote the whole of my supplication to you (that I make in my prayer)?" Thereupon he said, "In that case you would be free from care and your sins would be forgiven.
[i]Tirmidhi has graded it hasan (fair) and saheeh (sound) in his al-Jami‘-us-saheeh, b. of sifat-ul-qiyamah (description of Doomsday) ch.23, (4: 637 # 2457).[/i]
The Prophet was teaching the sahabah that there is no limit in sending blessing, darood, salaat and salaam on me...the more you do the better. The hadith also makes it clear that by doing so it coud take us to Jannah and Allah will forgive our sins!
So people dont put a limit where Allah and his Prophet havent. The hadith that Med and naj have quoted is saying dont raise my status to equal to God- not dont send alot of salaat, blessings, darood on me....there is no limit on that.
Well i aint come across anyone who has over-praised the Holy Prophet
cuz it aint possible, simple. It's just some people who suddenly think they have a right to limit the praise of the Holy Prophet (saw). Who are we to do such when Allah (swt) praises His beloved so much himself?!
All you got to remember is Allah (swt) is the creator and the Holy Prophet
is the creation and you cannot possibly go wrong.
Excellant post Ed.