That the funny girl that i remember posting here . You and your sister come out with the funniest senarios.
On Ramz problems and I emphasis that you have more then one problem, I think it best to have patience in this situation, anyone who your parent are trying to marry you too, explain the sitation to him and I sure he won't go ahead with it, why would he want too. Look for someone (a go betwen) who will make the situation easier for you and your parents. You got enough good advice already, you just need to be of a sound mind to take it in.
my sister wrote that few years ago -she can be more immature then me at times :roll:
btw that was good advice :shock:
i don't think that n this country anyone can be forced into marraige-as long as u dont give in to the emotional blackmail
but regarding marrying the one u want-thats more tricky
Submitted by Dave on 15 November, 2005 - 15:51 #92
"irfghan" wrote:
I thought I'd try staying in uni forever and ever, but it won't work for me.
Seeing as I'm the eldest, soon there will be no more space for me in the house.
I'll have to move out. And I can't move out and not be married.
Kill two birds with one stone and marry and American girl. That way you've got an excuse to see the country.
Hell you can get citizenship and run for congress eventually too!
So if I don't want to marry someone's daughter I should present myself as a failure?
Hmm... shouldn't be too difficult.
yes. and if that dont do it, also dress crap (which I'm sure u already do :twisted: ) and act like a MOUSE not a man-be meek etc. no dad will give his daughter to a guy who shows that he wont be able to be a man and look after his daughter
Submitted by Beast on 15 November, 2005 - 16:36 #98
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
yes. and if that dont do it, also dress crap (which I'm sure u already do :twisted: )
I dress very well, thankyou very much. :evil:
Submitted by Medarris on 15 November, 2005 - 18:21 #99
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
act like a MOUSE not a man-be meek etc. no dad will give his daughter to a guy who shows that he wont be able to be a man and look after his daughter
not necessarily. Some people like their sons in law to be mice, they dont give a daughter, they brin a son.
Lol, Irf be careful bro, acting like a mouse some families might like that and try making u into ghar-damaad, loooooooooool.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by 100 on 15 November, 2005 - 18:25 #100
I guess there's a cultural thing here that I do get, but that is pretty abhorrent, allowing people's total weakness and stagnancy to dictate 'how you must live your life'. One poster has even suggested, unchallenged, that no amount of bullying and pressure should encourage someone to lead a life that family object to. Such life is not for living but for obeying, for respecting threats, so might is right, and it is very smallminded, very weak, I would say. You can love your parents and acknowledge when they are bullies and determine that you will be the start of something new. It is not about winning or getting beat. I pity those who differ on this point, and I abhor the life they represent. I know Ramz respects her parents, and that she is excited about Hajj with her Dad, so I propose that however hard they find it she should be absolutely firm on this point and invite them to accept her choice whenever THEY are ready. She could even consider that her father will respect her going to Hajj, and that he will ultimately respect her insistences as well. Still if you can't trust yourself to make choices and live life you might as well just do whatever people can pressure you to, like a zombie. To make a relationship contingent on someone's submission to your insistence is to have an unrelenting nasty, egotistical side, and this blackmail and bullying does get passed on in the world. Like I say, it does not mean you do not love your parents, just because you allow them to live with such concerns. I think it's amazing that some other posters have such undefined views on this, when Ramz has made her predicament abundantly clear.
Submitted by flower on 15 November, 2005 - 18:34 #101
"MuSlImAh786" wrote:
Question : Is KNOWINGLY hurting your parents the right thing to do regardles to whether your parents will understand and compromise in a few years time?...
I was only stating what does happen, i know of people who have ran away and later their parents have accepted them, i totally disagree with KNOWINGLY hurting your parents, hence why i stated
I even know of people who have run away and got married and their parents have disowned them but a year or couple of years down the line they have got back in touch and are now living as one happy family. [b]im not in any way suggesting that u should do any of these things ramz, in fact far from it i dont think any guy is worth upsetting ur parents over [/b]
Submitted by Dave on 16 November, 2005 - 21:49 #102
"irfghan" wrote:
"Constantine" wrote:
Kill two birds with one stone and marry and American girl. That way you've got an excuse to see the country.
Hell you can get citizenship and run for congress eventually too!
my nan is so desperate she even says that she dont have to be a Muslim
muslim men are allowed to marry women of ahylal Kithaab (women of the books, jew and christians) muslim women arent permitted to marry men of ahylal kithaab[/u]
Submitted by Angel on 17 November, 2005 - 00:07 #104
"Saadia Khan" wrote:
my nan is so desperate she even says that she dont have to be a Muslim
muslim men are allowed to marry women of ahylal Kithaab (women of the books, jew and christians) muslim women arent permitted to marry men of ahylal kithaab[/u]
I am just wondering can that be any women of Ahlul Kitab or does she have to be practicing?
Submitted by Dave on 17 November, 2005 - 00:10 #105
"angel" wrote:
I am just wondering can that be any women of Ahlul Kitab or does she have to be practicing?
She couldn't be practicing - a Christian must raise their kids Christian.
You've all said many times a muslim must raise their children muslim.
So either the woman is not a practicing Christian, or the man is not a practicing muslim.
It is impossible for them to be together and be practicing their respective faiths.
Submitted by You on 17 November, 2005 - 00:11 #106
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Angel on 17 November, 2005 - 00:14 #107
"Constantine" wrote:
"angel" wrote:
I am just wondering can that be any women of Ahlul Kitab or does she have to be practicing?
She couldn't be practicing - a Christian must raise their kids Christian.
You've all said many times a muslim must raise their children muslim.
So either the woman is not a practicing Christian, or the man is not a practicing muslim.
It is impossible for them to be together and be practicing their respective faiths.
That makes sense, thanks.
Submitted by Dave on 17 November, 2005 - 00:34 #108
On top of that because of the nature of a Christian marriage when you marry a Christian you are in effect converting to Christianity.
In order for you to be considered married by any Christian church you have to go through the rite and recieve the ordainment of God. A Christian marriage is between the man the woman and God, not just the man and woman. An unbeliever refuses to be joined with God because they do not believe in him, and generally speaking they refuse a Christian ceremony since (rightly) it is acknowledging God.
Thus a woman who is "married" to a muslim but did not have a Christian ceremony is not a married woman, and her children are illegitimate, the added sin of failing to raise them Christians pretty well assures her damnation (unless she repents).
In Acts it is noted that Christians (men and women) may marry non-believers of any faith; again this is contingent upon them being able to practice the religion. In short this provision assumes the nonbeliever is converting.
It's a romantic thought to think that two extremely devout individuals from such backgrounds could be together and everything will be okay, but it's just too contentious, and the scripture doesn't support it.
Submitted by Angel on 17 November, 2005 - 00:37 #109
"Constantine" wrote:
Thus a woman who is "married" to a muslim but did not have a Christian ceremony is not a married woman, and her children are illegitimate, the added sin of failing to raise them Christians pretty well assures her damnation (unless she repents).
I duno maybe its too late but i dont understand. So if she does have a Christian ceremony that means her marriage to a Muslim is valid but if she doesn't then it is not?
Submitted by You on 17 November, 2005 - 00:45 #110
If she has a christian ceremony, then in christendom she is married. But that means the man must accept christianity (and a 'christian god' ) as there is a need for the acknowledgement of god as a part of marriage.
I think...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Dave on 17 November, 2005 - 00:49 #111
"Admin" wrote:
Of she has a christian ceremony, hen in christendom she is married. But that eans the man accept christianity as there is a need for the acknowledgement of god...
I think...
A christian marriage is a triangle with God on top and the two people on the bottom points - the idea is that in the marriage ceremony the souls are joined - I don't know if that's meant to be in a symbolic way or literal, and that God puts his blessing on them. From that point on he is an active role in the marriage - the closer they both come to God, the closer they come to each other (trace your fingers up the sides of the triangle for visual).
A muslim does not recognize God, nor his authority over him (assuming we are talking about a muslim man) nor over the marriage with his wife. Without accepting the authority of God he has at that point pulled out of the marriage and he is not married to his wife.
Submitted by Angel on 17 November, 2005 - 00:55 #112
"Constantine" wrote:
"Admin" wrote:
Of she has a christian ceremony, hen in christendom she is married. But that eans the man accept christianity as there is a need for the acknowledgement of god...
I think...
A christian marriage is a triangle with God on top and the two people on the bottom points - the idea is that in the marriage ceremony the souls are joined - I don't know if that's meant to be in a symbolic way or literal, and that God puts his blessing on them. From that point on he is an active role in the marriage - the closer they both come to God, the closer they come to each other (trace your fingers up the sides of the triangle for visual).
A muslim does not recognize God, nor his authority over him (assuming we are talking about a muslim man) nor over the marriage with his wife. Without accepting the authority of God he has at that point pulled out of the marriage and he is not married to his wife.
I get you now...although i didnt understand what admin said (he's got too many spelling mistakes and he eats some of his letters :evil: )
Submitted by You on 17 November, 2005 - 01:01 #113
sorry angel.
I am not used to proof reading. I normally have very good spelling.
So if I post in a hurry, I forget that I need to look over the text as my new k/b has something against me.
Its not even new now!
I have had it for about a month... and my spelling does not seem to be getting better. Probably because I have a dif k/b at work that was similar to my old k/b.
/Do I talk too much about myself on these forums? I get the feeling that I do...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Angel on 17 November, 2005 - 01:08 #114
"Admin" wrote:
sorry angel.
I am not used to proof reading. I normally have very good spelling.
So if I post in a hurry, I forget that I need to look over the text as my new k/b has something against me.
Its not even new now!
I have had it for about a month... and my spelling does not seem to be getting better. Probably because I have a dif k/b at work that was similar to my old k/b.
I know u proly find it annoying cuz it seems i pick up on your spelling mistakes but i truly dont understand sometimes what you right when you have mistakes here and there.
"Admin" wrote:
/Do I talk too much about myself on these forums? I get the feeling that I do...
Nah your ok loner, i dont think you talk much bout yourself, maybe its a good thing :twisted:
Neway all you "lovely" people :roll: I must go to sleep now cuz i gota attend hell 2moro (yep you guessed it uni!)...hope everyone has a good wa-salam/bye
Submitted by Dave on 17 November, 2005 - 01:11 #115
sogni dorati angel
Good luck with class
Submitted by Berachia on 17 November, 2005 - 18:20 #116
This hadeeth from Sunan Abu Dawud is relevant enough, I think:
"Book 11, Number 2078:
Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: [b][i]The marriage of a woman who marries without the consent of her guardians is void[/i]. [/b](He said these words) three times. If there is cohabitation, she gets her dower for the intercourse her husband has had. If there is a dispute, the sultan (man in authority) is the guardian of one who has none."
This hadeeth from Sunan Abu Dawud is relevant enough, I think:
"Book 11, Number 2078:
Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: [b][i]The marriage of a woman who marries without the consent of her guardians is void[/i]. [/b](He said these words) three times. If there is cohabitation, she gets her dower for the intercourse her husband has had. If there is a dispute, the sultan (man in authority) is the guardian of one who has none."
According to the Hanafi school of thought a mature woman does not need to consent of her parents for marriage...
Submitted by Medarris on 17 November, 2005 - 20:19 #118
yes she doesnt, but we must respect that this may not be the case in the other madhahib. For sure, the shafi'iyyah deem a woman marrying herself as a completely invalid marriage.
And the ruling of ahnaaf regarding the permissibilty is dependent on certain factors, namely the matter kafa'ah or compatibility. So any ladies out there, thinking of running off better think again!
yes she doesnt, but we must respect that this may not be the case in the other madhahib. For sure, the shafi'iyyah deem a woman marrying herself as a completely invalid marriage.
And the ruling of ahnaaf regarding the permissibilty is dependent on certain factors, namely the matter kafa'ah or compatibility.
Of course.
However, marraige is better then Zina. People in such situations should think about that too...
Submitted by Medarris on 17 November, 2005 - 20:25 #120
"MuslimSister" wrote:
Of course.
However, marraige is better then Zina. People in such situations should think about that too...
yes, indeed.
But whilst thinking, they shouldnt engage in a ''marriage'' which is either not accepted by their madhab or can be annulled by the father in the madhab, resulting in an illicit relation. So even if they do a marriage it could still be illicit relation if that makes sense?
my sister wrote that few years ago -she can be more immature then me at times :roll:
btw that was good advice :shock:
i don't think that n this country anyone can be forced into marraige-as long as u dont give in to the emotional blackmail
but regarding marrying the one u want-thats more tricky
Kill two birds with one stone and marry and American girl. That way you've got an excuse to see the country.
Hell you can get citizenship and run for congress eventually too!
at the same time
its very rare for a father to give his daughter to a guy who aint established
Not a bad idea.
btw my uncle tried that one
he was almost 30 before he got a job as an qualified accountant
he spent TEN YEARS dossing in Uni-reg went on holidays etc
his mum has given up on him and now tells him to bring ANY girl home-she wont say anything-
my nan is so desperate she even says that she dont have to be a Muslim
So if I don't want to marry someone's daughter I should present myself as a failure?
Hmm... shouldn't be too difficult.
yes. and if that dont do it, also dress crap (which I'm sure u already do :twisted: ) and act like a MOUSE not a man-be meek etc. no dad will give his daughter to a guy who shows that he wont be able to be a man and look after his daughter
I dress very well, thankyou very much. :evil:
not necessarily. Some people like their sons in law to be mice, they dont give a daughter, they brin a son.
Lol, Irf be careful bro, acting like a mouse some families might like that and try making u into ghar-damaad, loooooooooool.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
I guess there's a cultural thing here that I do get, but that is pretty abhorrent, allowing people's total weakness and stagnancy to dictate 'how you must live your life'. One poster has even suggested, unchallenged, that no amount of bullying and pressure should encourage someone to lead a life that family object to. Such life is not for living but for obeying, for respecting threats, so might is right, and it is very smallminded, very weak, I would say. You can love your parents and acknowledge when they are bullies and determine that you will be the start of something new. It is not about winning or getting beat. I pity those who differ on this point, and I abhor the life they represent. I know Ramz respects her parents, and that she is excited about Hajj with her Dad, so I propose that however hard they find it she should be absolutely firm on this point and invite them to accept her choice whenever THEY are ready. She could even consider that her father will respect her going to Hajj, and that he will ultimately respect her insistences as well. Still if you can't trust yourself to make choices and live life you might as well just do whatever people can pressure you to, like a zombie. To make a relationship contingent on someone's submission to your insistence is to have an unrelenting nasty, egotistical side, and this blackmail and bullying does get passed on in the world. Like I say, it does not mean you do not love your parents, just because you allow them to live with such concerns. I think it's amazing that some other posters have such undefined views on this, when Ramz has made her predicament abundantly clear.
I was only stating what does happen, i know of people who have ran away and later their parents have accepted them, i totally disagree with KNOWINGLY hurting your parents, hence why i stated
lol try not to cane any neocons..
at least during session
muslim men are allowed to marry women of ahylal Kithaab (women of the books, jew and christians) muslim women arent permitted to marry men of ahylal kithaab[/u]
I am just wondering can that be any women of Ahlul Kitab or does she have to be practicing?
She couldn't be practicing - a Christian must raise their kids Christian.
You've all said many times a muslim must raise their children muslim.
So either the woman is not a practicing Christian, or the man is not a practicing muslim.
It is impossible for them to be together and be practicing their respective faiths.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
That makes sense, thanks.
On top of that because of the nature of a Christian marriage when you marry a Christian you are in effect converting to Christianity.
In order for you to be considered married by any Christian church you have to go through the rite and recieve the ordainment of God. A Christian marriage is between the man the woman and God, not just the man and woman. An unbeliever refuses to be joined with God because they do not believe in him, and generally speaking they refuse a Christian ceremony since (rightly) it is acknowledging God.
Thus a woman who is "married" to a muslim but did not have a Christian ceremony is not a married woman, and her children are illegitimate, the added sin of failing to raise them Christians pretty well assures her damnation (unless she repents).
In Acts it is noted that Christians (men and women) may marry non-believers of any faith; again this is contingent upon them being able to practice the religion. In short this provision assumes the nonbeliever is converting.
It's a romantic thought to think that two extremely devout individuals from such backgrounds could be together and everything will be okay, but it's just too contentious, and the scripture doesn't support it.
I duno maybe its too late but i dont understand. So if she does have a Christian ceremony that means her marriage to a Muslim is valid but if she doesn't then it is not?
If she has a christian ceremony, then in christendom she is married. But that means the man must accept christianity (and a 'christian god' ) as there is a need for the acknowledgement of god as a part of marriage.
I think...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
A christian marriage is a triangle with God on top and the two people on the bottom points - the idea is that in the marriage ceremony the souls are joined - I don't know if that's meant to be in a symbolic way or literal, and that God puts his blessing on them. From that point on he is an active role in the marriage - the closer they both come to God, the closer they come to each other (trace your fingers up the sides of the triangle for visual).
A muslim does not recognize God, nor his authority over him (assuming we are talking about a muslim man) nor over the marriage with his wife. Without accepting the authority of God he has at that point pulled out of the marriage and he is not married to his wife.
I get you now...although i didnt understand what admin said (he's got too many spelling mistakes and he eats some of his letters :evil: )
sorry angel.
I am not used to proof reading. I normally have very good spelling.
So if I post in a hurry, I forget that I need to look over the text as my new k/b has something against me.
Its not even new now!
I have had it for about a month... and my spelling does not seem to be getting better. Probably because I have a dif k/b at work that was similar to my old k/b.
/Do I talk too much about myself on these forums? I get the feeling that I do...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I know u proly find it annoying cuz it seems i pick up on your spelling mistakes but i truly dont understand sometimes what you right when you have mistakes here and there.
Nah your ok loner, i dont think you talk much bout yourself, maybe its a good thing :twisted:
Neway all you "lovely" people :roll: I must go to sleep now cuz i gota attend hell 2moro (yep you guessed it uni!)...hope everyone has a good wa-salam/bye
sogni dorati angel
Good luck with class
This hadeeth from Sunan Abu Dawud is relevant enough, I think:
"Book 11, Number 2078:
Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: [b][i]The marriage of a woman who marries without the consent of her guardians is void[/i]. [/b](He said these words) three times. If there is cohabitation, she gets her dower for the intercourse her husband has had. If there is a dispute, the sultan (man in authority) is the guardian of one who has none."
According to the Hanafi school of thought a mature woman does not need to consent of her parents for marriage...
yes she doesnt, but we must respect that this may not be the case in the other madhahib. For sure, the shafi'iyyah deem a woman marrying herself as a completely invalid marriage.
And the ruling of ahnaaf regarding the permissibilty is dependent on certain factors, namely the matter kafa'ah or compatibility. So any ladies out there, thinking of running off better think again!
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Of course.
However, marraige is better then Zina. People in such situations should think about that too...
yes, indeed.
But whilst thinking, they shouldnt engage in a ''marriage'' which is either not accepted by their madhab or can be annulled by the father in the madhab, resulting in an illicit relation. So even if they do a marriage it could still be illicit relation if that makes sense?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar