For example I was told of one brother whose wife was due to give birth. She already has like 6 to look after. He wouldn't cancel the 40 day trip because he felt it was obligatory and more important than helping his wife through her birth.
Submitted by Medarris on 31 October, 2005 - 15:40 #62
but as sister Yashmaki posted, you do get that there.
the thing with khatm is not anything to do with religion Its kore personal. someone is not willing to dua for your dad/brother/mother/sister/son/daughter. That is personal. Its not based in religion, but if someone I considered a friend was not willing to do for my close family, I would have second thoughts.
How good a friend is that who is witholding prayer? That is just callious.
RE Mawlid, you get both extremes. IMO it is permitted and the prophet himself celebrated it. and the deobandi position is also you can celebrate it.
Now if someone celebrates their own, and does not celebrate the Prophet (saw), then it is definitely wrong. otherwise, their choice.
who said durood not acccepted? kissing thumbs is a sign of respect and love. That is all. if you do it you will be rewarded. otherwise you will not for the act, but it will not affect anythign else.
this 40 day thing started elsewhere, and the argument was reversed. I always had the position that nowt is wrong with it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Medarris on 31 October, 2005 - 15:43 #64
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Sirus on 31 October, 2005 - 15:58 #66
whats the point inflicting hatred and controversy.......and whsilt things boil up, back out with a 'peacful' comment - hardly your intention to create peace is it
im sure using a statement of peace when confronted with people of ignorence, or whatever it is, isnt supposed to be used in the manner you do - that is, started a conflict - and then call every1 people of ignorence and reply with a statement of peace
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by jazzy on 31 October, 2005 - 16:02 #67
"Admin" wrote:
RE Mawlid, you get both extremes. IMO it is permitted and the prophet himself celebrated it. and the deobandi position is also you can celebrate it.
our prophet mohammed s.a.w did [b]not[/b] celebrate his birth.
milaad having no basis in shariah plus even if it is celebrated with good intention people have made it evil with a E.
hey ppl
Submitted by Sirus on 31 October, 2005 - 16:04 #68
he fasted on the day he was born didnt he?
celebrate does not mean dance n party if thats wat u think
to be happy the beloved rasool came into this world, to rejoice, to express love for the beloved rasool (saw) all good in my hood
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by jazzy on 31 October, 2005 - 16:06 #69
so why did he fast on thursdays. he fasted on mondays and thursdays it was a normal routine for him to do so, u cant say he celebrated his birthday on mondays.
it is a sunnah of our beloved prophet s.a.w to fast on mondays and thursdays.
hey ppl
Submitted by Beast on 31 October, 2005 - 16:08 #70
"Med" wrote:
People, I invite you to Markazi Jamia Masjid Ghamkol Shareef, Golden Hillock Road, Small Heath, Birmingham when they have their saint festivals or milad festival. I will attend, u attend also. Then we shall sit and listen to these big allamahs from pakistan swearing at me, lol u want proof. I have an open nvite, [b]and for the women who lack in modesty, they also have a womens section so they dont have an excuse to miss out on this.[/b]
Btw plenty of halwa is gonna be present, now if u aint gonna come after THAT info has come to light, then when will u come?
Women who go to mosques lack in modesty?
Which women of loose-modesty are you inviting?
Submitted by jazzy on 31 October, 2005 - 16:09 #71
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
[also if you read sister yashmaki's statement... some people in tablighi jamaat have made the gasht, 40 days etc compulsory.
if they have their wrong clearly. they should be told whats right. we do not believe it is compulsory.
and he gave a reason why he fasted ob mondays. one being it was the day he was born.
I do not know the reason he fasted on thursdays.
Please do not deny hadith just to stick to your gun.
As Med pointed out, mawlid is allowed.
Now it depends on what 'evils' people do.
Med seems certain people get doped up... thus it is not allowed.
Now what 'evils' do you think people do?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
[also if you read sister yashmaki's statement... some people in tablighi jamaat have made the gasht, 40 days etc compulsory.
if they have their wrong clearly. they should be told whats right. we do not believe it is compulsory.
however some ignorant people enforce that view...
same as with other thing which you say are wrong BECAUSE some ignorant people say they are compulsory.
stick to the same argument for all cases. Do not use double standards.
and when in a hole, stop digging.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 31 October, 2005 - 16:15 #74
"jazzy" wrote:
so why did he fast on thursdays. he fasted on mondays and thursdays it was a normal routine for him to do so, u cant say he celebrated his birthday on mondays.
it is a sunnah of our beloved prophet s.a.w to fast on mondays and thursdays.
not milaad topic again!!!!!!
jazzy, just read up on what the classical scholars of Islam have wrote an dsaid about Mawlid..including the likes of imam asqalani, suyuti, nawawwi, ibn kathir, alusi, shaami, qastallani, zurqaani etc...
in the last 1000 years the overwhelming majority of the muslim scholars have said mawlid is allowed, permissible, rewarding...
so pls ppl, this is a non-issue
if u wanna celebrate it, do so
if u dont, then compulsion....
But as we seem to be gaining new members all the time, the same toics will come up, as they are 'new' to the member, even if we have discussed them a bazillion times.
No point losing it. Especially when Med has mentioned that Mawlid is allowed. He probably consulted a scholar after I last posted that the deobandi position is it is allowed. (the 'or' is not a pleasant choice... so I will not post it.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
salaams i have found that there are a number of scholars etc who have written about this subject and have put across some very valid points about why they see it as a bid'ah. i myself years ago have been on jammat as well. however i would suggest that everyone look into it deeply not just it's history but also the arguments for and against it with an open mind and then make up their mind if they agree with it or not? first by starting with the internet if you can.
there has been alot of work done by the jammat tabligh but only Allah swt alone knows if he accepts it.
the sahabahs were very cautious of anything that was newly invented and found it's way into the religion.
i am not saying that giving dawah is newly invented i am refering to this particular method.
i think some of the other scholars concerns arre not about ppl re practinsing islam. but their concern is they see it as a movement that has crept into islam. as many ppl do and sincerly believe this is the exact way of the sahabahs! some of the verses and hadith reguarding jihaad has been taken out of context to give support to this method of leaving your family for a certain amount of days to "go in the path of Allah". yes going in "the path of Allah" is a broad subject but there are specific hadiths and ayahs relating to jihaad.
also if ppl are fanatic about this method of dawah which is different then ppl will mis understand so much. if some ayahs and sayings relating to jihaad can be revamped to mean something else then in todays society it will be acceptable by even non muslims. as they like us to practise amoungst oourselves and not bring the message to their door steps. i once asked some one before is it dawah and he repied yes we they call to knowledge. and i then asked him what knowledge in which he said was the basic things to learn about the deen. but when i asked him why do you have to travel some times far and leave your family behind to accquire what is available to you by those who have knowledge of the basics in your community? in which he agreed that it was not neccessary.
is giving dawah this way spiritual training to develop oneself or is it to give dawah to those who need to return to the masjid and practise. because one of the reasons this method of giving dawah came about was to bring muslims back to practsing because the influences of hinduism was having an effect on the muslims of that region. therefore they had to remind them of deen and it's basics and re work on them.
some ppl go to increase their iman and not for dawah. tthere is nothing wrong with wanting to increase one's iman we all need to however some ppl even believe that they have to make the pilgramage to india to the one of the largest gatherings in the world to do just that. what starts of small later becomes bigger.
if it is a bid'ah then it will naturally creap into the deen despite the founders humble efforts and ppl will believe in it whole heartedly which is the case at times now. also it has been reported that some of those who helped the movement in the begining seperated themselves from it as it developed. Allah knows their intention.
i myself am only looking into the subject myself and am no scholar.
relating to this deen the prophet said " beware of every newly invented thing for every newly invented thing is a misguidance and every misguidance is in the hell fire" if it is correct may Allah guide us to it if it is wrong may Allah guide us away from it.
the hour is truely near as we are living in times of much confusion.
may Allah guide us all
i only wrote the above to show this subject is not as black and white as naj has made it seem there is much disagreement about it. i myself have heard valid arguments on both sides. i also in no way mean him any disrespect on opposing his idea but to show their is two sides to this argument. it is better if we check things out ourselves and not be just go to someone of knbowledge whom you feel will just agree with it but to find the opinon of others who possess knowledge and know about this subject from other regions of the world..
i only wrote the above to show this subject is not as black and white as naj has made it seem there is much disagreement about it. i myself have heard valid arguments on both sides. i also in no way mean him any disrespect on opposing his idea but to show their is two sides to this argument.
im a her..or u're getting confused over someone else
Submitted by Medarris on 31 October, 2005 - 19:51 #80
actually for those who are against even my saying salaam, i made quite clear that I did it in EMULATION of people of knowledge, NOT because I mentioned any1 asbeing a jahil.
SubhanALLAH Im damned if I reply, Im damned if I dont.
Suffice for me, is that I have said what I needed to, I dont think there is much I can add. If my explanation or view is understood by ppl, then gud, if my view is not understood or accepted, then gud aswell. Whats the point in me dragging it out further.?
My comments have been made.
The rest I convey salaam upon the believers, and this a dua aswell, any1 got a problem with that, then ok my salaam doesnt fall on those who dont want it.
everyones just gonna stick with what they believe ere. so no point going on since noones gonna think any different, everyones had they say right?points made.
same thing ere still against milaad khatams etc...believe what u believe end of..
Submitted by Medarris on 31 October, 2005 - 19:59 #82
wise words as usual Muhtarama. yes i shall leave this now.
May ALLAH guide you on truth and protect you from falsehood and may HE ta'ala grant you what your heart desires.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Beast on 31 October, 2005 - 20:53 #83
"Med" wrote:
People, I invite you to Markazi Jamia Masjid Ghamkol Shareef, Golden Hillock Road, Small Heath, Birmingham when they have their saint festivals or milad festival. I will attend, u attend also. Then we shall sit and listen to these big allamahs from pakistan swearing at me, lol u want proof. I have an open nvite, [b]and for the women who lack in modesty, they also have a womens section so they dont have an excuse to miss out on this.[/b]
Btw plenty of halwa is gonna be present, now if u aint gonna come after THAT info has come to light, then when will u come?
Before you leave this thread altogether Med, could you confirm that only women who lack modesty attend mosques?
Submitted by yashmaki on 31 October, 2005 - 20:55 #84
Brother med don't try and make out you're some sort of victim. You begin contraversial topics, provoke certain muslims here as if to challenge them. When you can't answer certain dilemmas they pose, one person will back you up, you will say masha'Allah and then go silent.
When the tide turns against you return arguments with really stale humour. What did you mean by that comment "veiled threat"? If it was aimed at me brother I don't think it's funny at all. For a student of deen that's a lowly remark to make.
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 31 October, 2005 - 22:50 #85
"yashmaki" wrote:
Brother med don't try and make out you're some sort of victim. You begin contraversial topics, provoke certain muslims here as if to challenge them. When you can't answer certain dilemmas they pose, one person will back you up, you will say masha'Allah and then go silent.
When the tide turns against you return arguments with really stale humour. What did you mean by that comment "veiled threat"? If it was aimed at me brother I don't think it's funny at all. For a student of deen that's a lowly remark to make.
you took the words out of my mouth sister.
The 'student of deen' starts an issue where he knows he will creat eas much friction, division, name calling....then when he is trapped in a corner he kind of sulks, comes out with the same patronising statements like 'people of bidah', 'falsehood will always be false, truth will always remain' and other similar statements....
he attacks, ridicules, incites, mocks, attacks again, then sulks, then plays the sad...even more sad is that the same couple of ppl applaud him foir his sectarianism.
Yes, i am also to blame in the discussions with Med...but i;m sorry but its hard for one to remain silent when continually ridicules, mocks and insults others and their beliefs. May be that is my weakness....
The Revival Magazine and website and even the forums were set up to deal with the issues facing the Muslim youth, to unite the muslims on teh common goals, to get rid of the misconceptions aginst Islam, to give the Muslim youth a voice....we may have been succesful to a certain extent (inshallah) on the mag and site...but even i have to say that even though we have created a platform for Muslim youths to air their voices and concerns....due to the like sof Med & co...this forum has been turned in to a sectarian forum...which saddens me.
May Allah help and guide us all.
I can see Med does alot of those things, but no point having me too posts. unless there are people dfending him.
As always lets discuss the issue that matter, and they should drown out those that do not.
no point just going after Med. He has his views. where he backes them up without resorting to hyperbole and false statements they are good. Even if I disagree.
Not that I am defending Meds style. But he is not the only one on an offensive.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 31 October, 2005 - 23:04 #87
"Admin" wrote:
Ed come on you're just jumping on a bandwaggon.
I can see Med does alot of those things, but no point having me too posts. unless there are people dfending him.
As always lets discuss the issue that matter, and they should drown out those that do not.
no point just going after Med. He has his views. where he backes them up without resorting to hyperbole and false statements they are good. Even if I disagree.
Not that I am defending Meds style. But he is not the only one on an offensive.
if you read any of my points over the last month... they more or less state what yashmaki has its no bandwaggon...
you are entitled to your views admin...ive said what i have to say, u can defend Med or anyone , it doesnt bother me.
Submitted by *DUST* on 1 November, 2005 - 02:54 #88
"irfghan" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
People, I invite you to Markazi Jamia Masjid Ghamkol Shareef, Golden Hillock Road, Small Heath, Birmingham when they have their saint festivals or milad festival. I will attend, u attend also. Then we shall sit and listen to these big allamahs from pakistan swearing at me, lol u want proof. I have an open nvite, [b]and for the women who lack in modesty, they also have a womens section so they dont have an excuse to miss out on this.[/b]
Btw plenty of halwa is gonna be present, now if u aint gonna come after THAT info has come to light, then when will u come?
Before you leave this thread altogether Med, could you confirm that only women who lack modesty attend mosques?
here's a question u havent yet answered.
ur posts in this thread made my blood boil Med. thank your stars that i did not reply straight away (Admin wud probably have had to edit it). alhumdulillah that Allah has given me the strength to swallow my anger and frustration.
After all any woman who goes to the mosque 'lacks modesty'. If there is an event disagreed upon, drugs are consumed.
Its just adding a fabricated slur to strengthen a weak argument.
However I always go for the argument, and try to ignore the slur.
But at times I go for the slur. like fish to bait.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by *DUST* on 1 November, 2005 - 03:25 #90
"Admin" wrote:
However I always go for the argument, and try to ignore the slur.
I try to do that too. but this time, he managed to make it impossible. which is why i didnt bother addressing any of his comments.
veiled threats eh?
I shall have to tread carefully. lol
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
but as sister Yashmaki posted, you do get that there.
the thing with khatm is not anything to do with religion Its kore personal. someone is not willing to dua for your dad/brother/mother/sister/son/daughter. That is personal. Its not based in religion, but if someone I considered a friend was not willing to do for my close family, I would have second thoughts.
How good a friend is that who is witholding prayer? That is just callious.
RE Mawlid, you get both extremes. IMO it is permitted and the prophet
himself celebrated it. and the deobandi position is also you can celebrate it.
Now if someone celebrates their own, and does not celebrate the Prophet (saw), then it is definitely wrong. otherwise, their choice.
who said durood not acccepted? kissing thumbs is a sign of respect and love. That is all. if you do it you will be rewarded. otherwise you will not for the act, but it will not affect anythign else.
this 40 day thing started elsewhere, and the argument was reversed. I always had the position that nowt is wrong with it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Peace a word from a Lord Most Merciful
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
I'll take issue with that.
[b]a[/b] lord most merciful?
[b]The[/b] Lord...?
btw my previous reply was to Jazzy.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
whats the point inflicting hatred and controversy.......and whsilt things boil up, back out with a 'peacful' comment - hardly your intention to create peace is it
im sure using a statement of peace when confronted with people of ignorence, or whatever it is, isnt supposed to be used in the manner you do - that is, started a conflict - and then call every1 people of ignorence and reply with a statement of peace
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
our prophet mohammed s.a.w did [b]not[/b] celebrate his birth.
milaad having no basis in shariah plus even if it is celebrated with good intention people have made it evil with a E.
hey ppl
he fasted on the day he was born didnt he?
celebrate does not mean dance n party if thats wat u think
to be happy the beloved rasool
came into this world, to rejoice, to express love for the beloved rasool (saw) all good in my hood
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
so why did he fast on thursdays. he fasted on mondays and thursdays it was a normal routine for him to do so, u cant say he celebrated his birthday on mondays.
it is a sunnah of our beloved prophet s.a.w to fast on mondays and thursdays.
hey ppl
Women who go to mosques lack in modesty?
Which women of loose-modesty are you inviting?
if they have their wrong clearly. they should be told whats right. we do not believe it is compulsory.
hey ppl
and he gave a reason why he fasted ob mondays. one being it was the day he was born.
I do not know the reason he
fasted on thursdays.
Please do not deny hadith just to stick to your gun.
As Med pointed out, mawlid is allowed.
Now it depends on what 'evils' people do.
Med seems certain people get doped up... thus it is not allowed.
Now what 'evils' do you think people do?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
however some ignorant people enforce that view...
same as with other thing which you say are wrong BECAUSE some ignorant people say they are compulsory.
stick to the same argument for all cases. Do not use double standards.
and when in a hole, stop digging.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
not milaad topic again!!!!!!
jazzy, just read up on what the classical scholars of Islam have wrote an dsaid about Mawlid..including the likes of imam asqalani, suyuti, nawawwi, ibn kathir, alusi, shaami, qastallani, zurqaani etc...
in the last 1000 years the overwhelming majority of the muslim scholars have said mawlid is allowed, permissible, rewarding...
so pls ppl, this is a non-issue
if u wanna celebrate it, do so
if u dont, then compulsion....
if you don't wanna discuss a topic, don't post.
the topic will die a natural death.
But as we seem to be gaining new members all the time, the same toics will come up, as they are 'new' to the member, even if we have discussed them a bazillion times.
No point losing it. Especially when Med has mentioned that Mawlid is allowed. He probably consulted a scholar after I last posted that the deobandi position is it is allowed. (the 'or' is not a pleasant choice... so I will not post it.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
salaams i have found that there are a number of scholars etc who have written about this subject and have put across some very valid points about why they see it as a bid'ah. i myself years ago have been on jammat as well. however i would suggest that everyone look into it deeply not just it's history but also the arguments for and against it with an open mind and then make up their mind if they agree with it or not? first by starting with the internet if you can.
there has been alot of work done by the jammat tabligh but only Allah swt alone knows if he accepts it.
the sahabahs were very cautious of anything that was newly invented and found it's way into the religion.
i am not saying that giving dawah is newly invented i am refering to this particular method.
i think some of the other scholars concerns arre not about ppl re practinsing islam. but their concern is they see it as a movement that has crept into islam. as many ppl do and sincerly believe this is the exact way of the sahabahs!
some of the verses and hadith reguarding jihaad has been taken out of context to give support to this method of leaving your family for a certain amount of days to "go in the path of Allah". yes going in "the path of Allah" is a broad subject but there are specific hadiths and ayahs relating to jihaad.
also if ppl are fanatic about this method of dawah which is different then ppl will mis understand so much. if some ayahs and sayings relating to jihaad can be revamped to mean something else then in todays society it will be acceptable by even non muslims. as they like us to practise amoungst oourselves and not bring the message to their door steps.
i once asked some one before is it dawah and he repied yes we they call to knowledge. and i then asked him what knowledge in which he said was the basic things to learn about the deen. but when i asked him why do you have to travel some times far and leave your family behind to accquire what is available to you by those who have knowledge of the basics in your community? in which he agreed that it was not neccessary.
is giving dawah this way spiritual training to develop oneself or is it to give dawah to those who need to return to the masjid and practise. because one of the reasons this method of giving dawah came about was to bring muslims back to practsing because the influences of hinduism was having an effect on the muslims of that region. therefore they had to remind them of deen and it's basics and re work on them.
said " beware of every newly invented thing for every newly invented thing is a misguidance and every misguidance is in the hell fire" if it is correct may Allah guide us to it if it is wrong may Allah guide us away from it.
some ppl go to increase their iman and not for dawah. tthere is nothing wrong with wanting to increase one's iman we all need to however some ppl even believe that they have to make the pilgramage to india to the one of the largest gatherings in the world to do just that. what starts of small later becomes bigger.
if it is a bid'ah then it will naturally creap into the deen despite the founders humble efforts and ppl will believe in it whole heartedly which is the case at times now. also it has been reported that some of those who helped the movement in the begining seperated themselves from it as it developed. Allah knows their intention.
i myself am only looking into the subject myself and am no scholar.
relating to this deen the prophet
the hour is truely near as we are living in times of much confusion.
may Allah guide us all
i only wrote the above to show this subject is not as black and white as naj has made it seem there is much disagreement about it. i myself have heard valid arguments on both sides. i also in no way mean him any disrespect on opposing his idea but to show their is two sides to this argument.
it is better if we check things out ourselves and not be just go to someone of knbowledge whom you feel will just agree with it but to find the opinon of others who possess knowledge and know about this subject from other regions of the world..
however some deobandi scholars do opposse it
im a her..or u're getting confused over someone else
actually for those who are against even my saying salaam, i made quite clear that I did it in EMULATION of people of knowledge, NOT because I mentioned any1 asbeing a jahil.
SubhanALLAH Im damned if I reply, Im damned if I dont.
Suffice for me, is that I have said what I needed to, I dont think there is much I can add. If my explanation or view is understood by ppl, then gud, if my view is not understood or accepted, then gud aswell. Whats the point in me dragging it out further.?
My comments have been made.
The rest I convey salaam upon the believers, and this a dua aswell, any1 got a problem with that, then ok my salaam doesnt fall on those who dont want it.
assalaamu alaykum
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
ish med.
everyones just gonna stick with what they believe ere. so no point going on since noones gonna think any different, everyones had they say right?points made.
same thing ere still against milaad khatams etc...believe what u believe end of..
wise words as usual Muhtarama. yes i shall leave this now.
May ALLAH guide you on truth and protect you from falsehood and may HE ta'ala grant you what your heart desires.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Before you leave this thread altogether Med, could you confirm that only women who lack modesty attend mosques?
Brother med don't try and make out you're some sort of victim. You begin contraversial topics, provoke certain muslims here as if to challenge them. When you can't answer certain dilemmas they pose, one person will back you up, you will say masha'Allah and then go silent.
When the tide turns against you return arguments with really stale humour. What did you mean by that comment "veiled threat"? If it was aimed at me brother I don't think it's funny at all. For a student of deen that's a lowly remark to make.
you took the words out of my mouth sister.
The 'student of deen' starts an issue where he knows he will creat eas much friction, division, name calling....then when he is trapped in a corner he kind of sulks, comes out with the same patronising statements like 'people of bidah', 'falsehood will always be false, truth will always remain' and other similar statements....
he attacks, ridicules, incites, mocks, attacks again, then sulks, then plays the sad...even more sad is that the same couple of ppl applaud him foir his sectarianism.
Yes, i am also to blame in the discussions with Med...but i;m sorry but its hard for one to remain silent when continually ridicules, mocks and insults others and their beliefs. May be that is my weakness....
The Revival Magazine and website and even the forums were set up to deal with the issues facing the Muslim youth, to unite the muslims on teh common goals, to get rid of the misconceptions aginst Islam, to give the Muslim youth a voice....we may have been succesful to a certain extent (inshallah) on the mag and site...but even i have to say that even though we have created a platform for Muslim youths to air their voices and concerns....due to the like sof Med & co...this forum has been turned in to a sectarian forum...which saddens me.
May Allah help and guide us all.
Ed come on you're just jumping on a bandwaggon.
I can see Med does alot of those things, but no point having me too posts. unless there are people dfending him.
As always lets discuss the issue that matter, and they should drown out those that do not.
no point just going after Med. He has his views. where he backes them up without resorting to hyperbole and false statements they are good. Even if I disagree.
Not that I am defending Meds style. But he is not the only one on an offensive.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
if you read any of my points over the last month... they more or less state what yashmaki has its no bandwaggon...
you are entitled to your views admin...ive said what i have to say, u can defend Med or anyone , it doesnt bother me.
here's a question u havent yet answered.
ur posts in this thread made my blood boil Med. thank your stars that i did not reply straight away (Admin wud probably have had to edit it). alhumdulillah that Allah has given me the strength to swallow my anger and frustration.
hey aasiyah I could understand the anger.
After all any woman who goes to the mosque 'lacks modesty'. If there is an event disagreed upon, drugs are consumed.
Its just adding a fabricated slur to strengthen a weak argument.
However I always go for the argument, and try to ignore the slur.
But at times I go for the slur. like fish to bait.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I try to do that too. but this time, he managed to make it impossible. which is why i didnt bother addressing any of his comments.