Certain people have begun to accuse the gasht done when normal everyday muslims go on jamaat as being a thing of innovation. May ALLAH guide us. The questioners perhaps are unawar of how this sytem works, perhaps they are unaware of what the truth behind this is, perhaps they are exhibiting their ignorance.
Firstly, issue that needs to be addressed is innovation. What is innovation, what isnt? Certain acts in religion which are taken to be PART of religion, which are given a rank of obligation, or compulsion when there is no such rank for it, then such an act is innovation. Certain acts which are perpertated and the ones who DO NOT engage in them , are looked down upon and abused, then such an act becomes innovation.
This will be illustrated.
The milah parties in theory are jaiz. If incidents relating to seerah are mentioned, if deen is mentioned, if ALLAH and Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam are mentioned. This much is alhamdulillah good.
The problem arisees when:
certain days are specified
non attendees are labelled as kafir
excessive spending on fairy lights and tinself for mosque
qawwali singing
drug taking
The milad is permitted act originally but it has been made into a part of religion, and is considered obligatory. Non Attendees are given dirrty swears from the pulpit and other anti sunnah activties take place as mentioned above.
Th 40 gasht is not like this. Firstly there is compulsion to go 40 days, ppl go for 3 days, 10 days, 14 days, half a day etc, 4 months, 1 year etc. There is no compulsion on any set time period. So this is not innovation.
No anti shariah or anti sunnah activities take place. No mixing, no singing, no dancing. Further no abuse is labelled on the people who dont attend, no one stands on the pulpit and calls the non attendees for teh gasht as dirrty kafirs who hate the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
The people who think the gasht is an innovation have not understood the deen. They have not understood what makes an act innovation, what the gasht actually entails, what it doesnt.
I have said what needs to be said, no doubtn others will have a comment and they are welcome. But I thought it best to address this accusation. Essentially the 40 day gasht is not made a part of compulsory religion, the milad and other festivals of the Ahlul Bid'ah are.
Those whom ALLAH guides, no1 can musguide, and those whom ALLAH misguides no1 can guide. and to ALLAH is our complaint
two date seeds
1. what does 'gasht' mean? as far as i know, its not an arabic word. :?:
2. i dont recall anyone on this forum 'accusing' along those lines. so IMO there isnt much need for u to 'address' it.
3. if you want to do this 'gasht', then by all means go ahead, but there's no need to accuse others of ignorance.
4. i'm sure i've said this before Med: if u dont want to be sidelined here, you've got to stop that 'holier than thou' attitude. Accept the difference of opinion and move on, without insulting others.
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how cum ma signtre dnt cum up? :?
two date seeds
I didnt know Milad was obligatory-
thats not what i was taught-my teacher pointed out that its "mubah" only
non of the Milads I attended had "anti sunnah activities" going on nor have I EVER listened to a speech where the preacher is swearing at those who dont attend Milad
i steer clear of preachers that spew hatred
i guess Med has attended some intresting Milads in his time
Hey LilSis next time you go to a mawlid, make sure you don't smoke dope!
I am probably coming across a bit confrontational here, but hey waddaya say! I was right when I said the Deobandi position is they do not think mawlid is wrong (in principle...). Nice to be vindicated. (and sorry to the majority of the forum members for this bit of extravagance on my part)
But why is the 'gasht' for only 40 days? is that not limiting it?
Hey, I wanna understand why 40 days is allowed for some things and not others. There must be a reason.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
umm.. wel in my humble opinion its just like a recomended course... eg.. ma moms on a healthy eating course for 3 weeks... and after 3 weeks ma mom will have a certain level of understanding which the organinsers regognise... if u get me
in the same way 40days is just like a course which is reccomended to be 40 preferd ova 39, 38 etc. as it has alot of significance with change.. eg. the blood cells change state after 40days.
With quran and hadith in view, a hadith of Bukhari mentions that the fertilised embryo stay in the womb for 40 days, after which it becomes a clot of blood. It thereafter transforms into a piece of flesh after 40 dyas. After a further 40days, the sustenace , lifespan and other factors pertaining to the child are recorded.
Hazrat Abdullah narrates, "Rasulluah saw who was Sadiq and Masduq (truthful) said to us, 'Each one of you collects in the womb of his mother for forty days. He then remains like this as a clot of blood for another forty days. In the same manner, he then takes the form of a piece of flesh, after which Allah swt dispatches an angel who is charged with recording four things (his actions) his sustenacne, his lifespan and whether he will be a good person or a wrech"
This narration makes it evident that the period of 40days plays great role in human transformati0n.
So like a person chilling in da masjid for like 40days in the environment of the angels reading quran everyday remembering Allah everyday, talking about Allah and success in deen etc everyday.. reading salaah with jammah everyday etc.. for 40days will surley affect his/her life for the better and bring about sum sort of change within him/her.
oo oo with salaah with jammah also ther is a hadith in Tirmidhi which goes Hazart Anas rd narrates that Rasullulah saw said, "Whoever performs salah with jammah for forty days without mising the opening takbir, Allah wil record for him two exemptions, one from hypocrisy and the other from the fire (jahannum).
Similary glad tiding of recieving knowledge is given for one who makes amaal consistently for 40days:
Hadith of Abu Nu'aym: "Whoever is sincere to Allah for forty days, fountains of wisdom will spring from his heart to his tongue"
hope that explaind a bit... figiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
two date seeds
those who call "Milad" an innovation have not understand the deen.
those who accuse people of celebrating "milad" as being the "people of ahlul biddah" and engage in sectarian name calling have not understood the deen
Milad is not considered compulosry
on the point of qwali- every year i attend Milads and every year i live in hope there might be a qwali but no such luck!
free mixing the only free mixing i've seen is girl and boy toddlers
dope? is that on Meds wish list
look Med this is personally to you i have an uncle that does this gasht thing any extra ibadah is all good in my book keep up the good work and we shall attend Milad's while there is breath in our bodies simply because we can
As a bit of background... this whole argument stems from when someone labelled doing a 'khatm' after 40 days of someone's death as biddah, and that there was no Islamic proof for it. As a response 'Ed mentioned thet the Tableghi Jamaat do a 40 day course, so that should be under same condition.
IMO there is nothing wrong with 40 days for anything. Unless it should be done in a different time scale. Days are not a biddah, but a creation of god.
I would just like to mention something Med said (with a few changes to make my point)
I myself have no problem with 1 and 5, but some label 1 as biddah, and 5 as somehow shirk...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i fink its the action of khatum not the period of time thats ppl have a problem with in this case... and admin dont watch i dont get half of meds fing aswel.... :?
two date seeds
I don't see how people have a problem with 'khatm'. Its just a paki term for collective dua...
In the argument we had a while ago, 40 days was specifically pointed out by some people as bid'ah.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
MashAllah med bro.. excellent post.. forgive me if im wrong med bruv..
but doesnt gasht mean when the Jamaat actually goes out onto the street and visit peoples house to give dawah?
going out in the path of Allah usually has times set on it.. i never knew gasht meant the same thing..
i don't know why some people call it innovation, or why there are haters of this kinda of work?
when a jamaat goes out, to keep the jamaat together and strong and focused, you don't need half a brain cell to work out that if people joined and left the jamaat as they pleased it would interrupt the programme..
Yep people go out on Jamaat for 3 days, a week, fourty days, some people even give their enitre lives for this work to please Allah..
in more recent years for professionals and students who cannot go out in the path of Allah from Thursday night, there have been weekend Jamaats, where they go out on a Friday Night to return home on Sunday night.
The chilla, or fourty days is a significant number in Islam.. as figi has stated. i couldn't have put it better.
its all down to intentions, the intention of pleasing Allah.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
wel as a time period its cool man i gave u enuf evidence up above... gimie time lemie look y ppl dont like khatam
two date seeds
all i remember is like we used to do khatums b4 like we got gunned by sum top scholar cant remember y
two date seeds
khan you go it all wrong bro.
Soeone mentioned that doing a thing for 40 days is biddah. No proof for it.
The argument was reversed against the 'gasht'.
I myself have no problem either with tableegh, or doing it for 40 days. Its just if 40 days is bid'ah for one thing, it is bid'ah for all....
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
ok listn 40days is just a time period lets leave the topic and tlk about cheeesssse
two date seeds
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi ta'ala wa barakatuh
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
40 day khatams have been made a MUST ,so its classed as innovation and has nothing at all got to do with the shariah even like the milaad not in our prophet mohammed sallalahu alaihi wasallams time.
Tabligh is one of the sifat of Anbiya. So that, tabligh and dawah are our responsibility, whether your are scholar, unlearned person
workers, boss, students etc..
What so far my understanding is tablighi jemaat does not invite you to join with them or GOING into their jemaat, but
invite you to GO OUT from your place/home to do the work of tabligh, the work of dawah, the work of [b]Rasulullah saw[/b].
3days, 40days etc just for practising like you go to school. no bidati acts involved no money wasting food taking out some time from yourself, 40 days just being a number not a MUST like khatams
hey ppl
med bro these people aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh.
1. milaad, khatams NOT known in shariah
2. tabligh is known in shariah.
hey ppl
Isn't this the kind of thing that we have recognised as a problem - you know, too much sectarian stuff on the forum?
Having such a topic is irresponsible, not to mention the continuous use of the label 'Ahlul Bid'ah' - but this time we have more than just 'Ahlul Bid'ah', we have 'the milad and other festivals of the Ahlul Bid'ah'.
ALLAH aap ke imaan mein izaafa farmay. ameen
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
ameen med bro you naj the rst sometimes you need to laugh out LOUD.

hey ppl
brother, if ur not laughing ur crying. thats y i have to laugh innit.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
this forum is a LAUGH i agree 'potatoe brains' 'ringing bells'. we come for a LAUGH med, u guys must laugh aswell
hey ppl
this aint a circus, you aint here for a laugh.
people who come here with the intention to preach and hate on others, and then back out with a statement like : Salaam...........annoy me :evil:
agreed with Irfgy, this is gona create all that hullabloo again, and another attempt by Med to kick up a fuss for nothing
why is he so concered, bieng a man of such piousness, what us Ahlul Biddah are doin? :roll:
as you say yourself, youve spoke the truth n now its upto us :roll:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
actually both ARE known.
Khatm is a paki term for a collective dua. Mostly food is also present, and the dua preedes the feast. Think of Bismillah as a dua...
And mawlid... well shall I bring it up again? no point... as even Med has aditted nothing wrong with it. unless you take dope...
what is at issue in this thread is wether doing something for forty days is bid'ah or not.
According to Med sometimes it is, at others it is not. I believe in simplicity. either it is or it is not. I go for it is not.
After all tableegh is not just for 40 days... Its should be done all thwe time... (hey where was this argument used last? hmmm... Its familiar... so familiar I'll use another one!)... and where did the sahaba only preach for 40 days?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Can we have Quranic/Ahadith evidence of this "gasht"? Would be very helpful, i aint one to label things Bid'ah so quickly so i await yout answers.
As I said as long as therre is no doping, no fornication or adultery, and it does not break islamic law, it is allowed.
Or for med, add the provisions that it does not involve qawali, and its not for 40 days. 39 and 41 are allowed.
I think I have done enough baiting in this topic.
I doubt its what Med expected. Sorry, but I am just reversing the arguments. Playing devil's advocate.
and this gasht? is it like a 'khatm'? they both seem from the same language of innovation... (urdu)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Personally i dont think there is anythin wrong with things that benefit Islam, ie Bidah-e-hasana, good bidah which is done with a good intention for a good cause. It's just anoying when ppl are quick to label other things as bidah...Med, did the Holy Prophet
practice this "gasht"?
If its just preaching then why call it somethin esle, wont that just come under dawah?
can sum1 give ma quick breif statement what Gasht is please?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.