What do you think about the caste system? Are you totally against it or do you think it has some benefits. Where do you draw the line in its importance or lack thereof?
I am Qurayshi by clan and tailors by trade. I think the caste system is good for identification but I dont agree that one caste is superiour to another except the Sayyid, Siddiqi, Farooqi, Usmani/Ghani, Alawi, Abbasi castes.
I dont think Raja, Chaudhry, Jatt etc are better than us Qurayshis, nor do I think that us Qurayshis are better than Musallies and Naaies. We all equal but different.
I fully disregard the caste system, imo, i dont even think the casts that you mentioned above are superior to any other casts.
When you live back home, its hard not get caught up in the caste system, especially in some areas (mostly villages) but living in England the caste system is insignificant.
I don't even know what caste i'm from which just shows how far from it I am.
I can't think of any benefits but there are several disadvantages, the main one being when some elders claim that marriage between two people can only take place if they are in the same caste.
I think the caste system divides the muslims and should not exist.
nowt wrong with being of a tribe.
However NO tribe is superior to another.
They are just a sign of recognition. in the current climate they are beiong replaced by nations. just a way to know who you are.
in the old days it was jatt butt chaudhry... caucasians etc... these days it is brit, french, paki, american, indian, arab...
same thing.
nothing in it implies superiority.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i dont like the paki caste system, its jus a way of people to make themselves feel superior over others. :evil:
and all the hullabloo it causes when theres a rishta is plain daft
my mate hates chaudry's...u shud heear the cuss's :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Has anyone hard of cokers? (or somethin along those lines) its suposed to be caste but never heard of it b4 until my mate mentioned it ages bak.
I agree with you
I also don't know what caste I am.
I was told that is discouraged to discuss one's genealogy, for it is unrealistic to think that it will not create division amongst Muslims.
The Holy Prophet
said about a man who learned the genealogies of people, "A useless knowledge and ignorance of it will not harm one."
yep true Muslim Sister, caste system is totally disgusting and backward but unfortunately very ripe
My parents seem to be very much into it. Even tho theres no advantages of scuh a system other than in creating divisions.
Its stupid really it'll come up in any conversation with my mom. If i was talking about a friend of mine she'l be like yea coz he's such a such a caste... im like wat the hells that got to do with anything... and the only response i get it is "you dont know about such things" :roll:
Im like mom im pretty sure its not mentioned in the Quran that any importance should be placed on such things... other than Sayyads.
Stupid thing is theres hardly anyone of my caste around (i think ive come across 2 families that are of the same cast and we're not related to).
It will prob fade away with the generations anyway, as its already doing.
Back in BLACK
yeah i dont think todays youth pay much attention to it, well maybe the cavemen, but i think the majority disagree with the concept
Bro Seraph, what caste are you? and did you have any problems when u got angaged coz ur fiance was a diff caste?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Im a Ra'ie (i think thats how its spelt), and no i didnt shes was from the same caste, her family and ours have been close friends for as long as i can remember, we literally grew up togeather.
Back in BLACK
ah ryt
yeah ive heard of Rai'n or however its spelt, its not that un-common...my mate is one! how do i know? mum told me lol. how does she know? she just does!
i is pathaan....but not that kinda pathaan. lodhi pathaan....they aint from the north, the pushto speakin ones are. we speak urdu. im a khan, but not a pathaan. thats how confused i am
mums a rajput......wonder what that means then!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i dont know what caste i am
and I'm glad I dont know
cos to me, this just shows that my own parents dont think its a big deal
the only thing I ever hear caste's is when the Raja's are mentioned
they very rarely mary out of their caste-and when this does happen it causes world war three in my town
lol, might just be me then. I've only ever bumped into 2 other familes from the same caste... well i guess theres hope then that i will hav friends that my mom will apporve of... not that it normally dictates who my friends are... only i can do that.
Dont ask me hayder... i have no idea... i tend to stear clear of the subject .
Back in BLACK
I have no time for caste etc but surprisingly many of my closest relatives in my age group and younger are really up for it. I suppose it's because it gives them an identity or whatever.
Anyway, my 7 year old brother scribbles the name of our caste on the walls in our house. :roll:
that is SO weird
i thought only old people and young cavemen were into this sorta thing :?
I know. Tell me about it.
I try to discourage my little bro, but to no avail.
yeh, I think kokhars? Cokers sounds like they selling some dodgy stuff.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
yeh. Raje are like that, they are laraki, always up for a fight and they never happy unless they got a fight going on. I got relatives who are raja and they alright with us, but would never give their sisters or daughters to us, even though they will marry our women.
Btw I didnt say I support castesystem. I just said for identification purposes it is good, the negative baggage that comes with it is what Im against.
I think chawdhry, jatt dont give their daughters outside their caste either.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
how can you tell a persons nature by their caste? what determines a person is thier uprbringing and surroundings, not what clan thier ancestors belonged to
how many identifications do we need? im pakistani, british but most of all, a muslim. so whered does the caste ID fit into there? right at the bottom. it is of no use as ID. evry1 knows the trouble it brings
can someone shed some light on why Chaudreys are hated very much by non-chaudreys?
im curious to know
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I dont agree that yoou can tell a persons nature by their caste and totally agree that its to do with surroundings and uprbringing. In this light I have seen that generally raja live well off, are treated with respect by other castes, that they get what they want. That they are brought up in a way that makes them think everyone else is beneath them and are there to serve them. So its not genetic that they are like that, rather its the fact that being bron raja they have baggage that comes with it. Having said that my cousins who are raje are alirght with us, infact they very nice ppl, sometimes.
I dont hate chawydhrys so cant comment. I was asking a question viz. Do chawdhry's give their daughetrs outside?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Im totally against caste's n the main reason for it is because it divides Muslims specially when the marriage issue occurs.
My cuzins really annoy me when all they talk about is their caste 24/7. They keep saying "Remember what your caste is, especially on the day you decide to get married"...i just say stuff yourself as in the eyes of Allah subhana wata Allah we r all equal, u can be a jatt,chauwdhry,kashmiri etc...but you have no difference between each other.
Bro Hayder i agree wid u.
Just make sure ure mate dnt bump into my relatives ...otherwise they'll b knockin each other out
I dnt hav a prob wid ur m8 but my cuzins certainly will.
I'm a pure sunni Muslim, a slave of Allah (swt) and a sister in Islam.
Jazak'Allah khair
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
Whilst I also think that making caste be all and end all of everything I think we should also acknowledge it does have some relevance, perhaps not here but definitely in pakistan/india.
I personally dont have a problem with marrying outside the caste but I doubt a person from a jatt/chawdhry/raja/syed family would give a dauaghter to a ghair jatt/chawdhry/raja/syed.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Prophet said : You can marry a woman for any one of the 4 reasons:
1. Beauty
2. Wealth
3. Caste
4. Piety
He went on to encourage people to select a righteous woman for a wife.
Therefore, as caste of a woman was acceptable to the Prophet, there is nothing wrong with believing in it.
Moreover, those who say that tribalism is against Islam, do not know what they talking about. Tribes, clans, caste are the same concept, and they are all within teachings of Islam.
Only thing to bear in mind is that God judges a person only on their actions, and NOT on their family lineage.
One son of Adam is still going to Hell, even though he was the child of a Prophet.
not [u]caste[/u] Omrow but nobility of her [u]pedigree[/u] ie someone with a good pious family
Seemo. May I suggest a useful activity for you:
If you take about five minute and think about the difference, you will discover that pedigree and caste are one and the same same thing.
Try it. Like swimming, thinking a little is also good for you.
Go on. Its easy and you don't have to give up on your choclates.
i thought pedigree meant breeding and caste hereditary class usually following same trades - nothing to do with breeding just to do with snobbery and trades seen as higher or lower then others
anyway the whole thing becomes redundant as the Prophet (pbuh) went on to say marry virtuous women disregarding all other considerations aforementioned Therefore, look out for a woman that hath virtue: but if you do it from any other consideration, your hands be rubbed in dirt.
the omro is losing it :roll:
FAMILY and CASTE is two diff things
Prophet (pbuh) said to look at the FAMILY-i.e. what her mum/dad are like
NOT her caste
and in the end he dismissed them all by saying that you should marry for piety