What Reward Awaits The Belivers?

There are too many threads dealing with sin and punishment, and I think i'm fairly understanding of how that works in Islam, so tell me what paradise looks like. Lilsis mentioned that the waters of the well of Zam Zam flow through it, what other descriptions are there?

Are these merely symbols of some sort or are these physical descriptions?

You've miss-spelt "believers"

and u know how particular I am when it comes to spelling :twisted:

anyway...I heard that when u want something to eat in pardise it'll come to you

people will all be one age...young and beautiful

we wont need to use the toilet, burp or do any stuff like that

people will NEVER stress or grieve

the people in the top heaven will be blessed with seeing the Face of God-thats the BEST reward

there are seven heavens...

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
You've miss-spelt "believers"

and u know how particular I am when it comes to spelling :twisted:

anyway...I heard that when u want something to eat in pardise it'll come to you

people will all be one age...young and beautiful

we wont need to use the toilet, burp or do any stuff like that

people will NEVER stress or grieve

the people in the top heaven will be blessed with seeing the Face of God-thats the BEST reward

there are seven heavens...

lilsis I copied it directly from your post and pasted.

Check Biggrin

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
what effect am I having one you?

btw start a thread up-ur better with words then I am

call it "What Reward Awaits The Belivers? or just Description of paradise.

Yea... I do know how you are with spelling.

Anyways :roll:

as I was saying about heaven

the river Nile is also a river of paradise

the fruits on tree's will be arm length

tree's will be so big that a rider (on a horse) would take 100 years to get around it

there will a market every Friday-and this wind will blow on Fridays on all the dwellers which will make them even MORE beautiful

we will eat food out of Gold and silver plates/glasses

I think wine will be served there too

2 things.

Any large bodies of water like oceans or seas?

and why would you be permitted goldware and alcohol when it's forbidden to you on earth?

"Constantine" wrote:
2 things.

Any large bodies of water like oceans or seas?

and why would you be permitted goldware and alcohol when it's forbidden to you on earth?

Q1-I dont know, we cant imagine paradise-it says that in the quran

Q2-if u do without on Earth-you'll be blessed with it in paradise

and the wine in heaven wont get u drunk

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
and the wine in heaven wont get u drunk

lol i'm gonna go out on a limb and say most if not all of you have never had wine before.

It's not particularly tasty.

It's a bit of an acquired taste.

I suspect if it didn't get you drunk it wouldn't be drunk

well I'm sure the wine in paradise will be really nice

cos everything in paradise is really nice-

but wine always looks so pretty-I assumed it would taste good too

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
well I'm sure the wine in paradise will be really nice

cos everything in paradise is really nice-

but wine always looks so pretty-I assumed it would taste good too

Some taste good - others are deceptive.

If anybody in paradise offers you Madiera you should reject it squarely.

It has a taste nearly as appealing as grapefruit juice.

Clarets okay.

For the most part you aren't missing anything.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
well I'm sure the wine in paradise will be really nice

cos everything in paradise is really nice-

but wine always looks so pretty-I assumed it would taste good too

The wine in paradise must be grape juice or maybe apple cider.

Dave wine might not taste good here but it wil in heaven, after all everythin is goin to be perfect there...thats the incentive be a good boy/gal and you shall enter heaven and get anythin and everythin you want.

I just got what 'stmark' means. St Mark, right?

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
I'll drink mediera cos I'm MADHEIA Blum 3

lol you'll be sorely disappointed.

It taste like tylenol.

"stmark" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
well I'm sure the wine in paradise will be really nice

cos everything in paradise is really nice-

but wine always looks so pretty-I assumed it would taste good too

The wine in paradise must be grape juice or maybe apple cider.

lol yea seriously

"irfghan" wrote:
I just got what 'stmark' means. St Mark, right?

and who is that exacly?

Okay so we have wine in Heaven - what other descriptions do you have of it.

And what's the point of heaven.. is it just a reward?

"angel" wrote:
"irfghan" wrote:
I just got what 'stmark' means. St Mark, right?

and who is that exacly?

He wrote the Gospel of Mark.

"Constantine" wrote:
Okay so we have wine in Heaven - what other descriptions do you have of it.

And what's the point of heaven.. is it just a reward?

Well you have to live somewhere for eternity :roll: where would the incentive be if we were buried in the grave forever?

"angel" wrote:
where would the incentive be if we were buried in the grave forever?

Pleasing God should be it's own incentive...

If you are just following the rules so you can eat cake at the end of the race you missed the point...

"Constantine" wrote:
"angel" wrote:
where would the incentive be if we were buried in the grave forever?

Pleasing God should be it's own incentive...

If you are just following the rules so you can eat cake at the end of the race you missed the point...

yeh but Allah knows how weak some of his servants are and cannot all the time please him so maybe thats why Allah added heaven as an incentive

LilSis, i havent heard most of the descriptions in ur list :? :?:

there are some ahadith describing heaven, i'll find em and post em up here iA.

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust(link is external), X-Men[/url]

a fountain of sweet Nectar im sure there will be

and Inshallah Wine awaits us all, and its nothing like Earthly wine

beautiful virgins of young age (same age as urself) await

much more im sure

my 3 year old cousin was tellin theres gona be a banana tree in heaven Biggrin

and that people who 'hit others' will go to prison in the fire

bless her Lol

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


Description in the Qur'an of Paradise

"The description of Paradise which the Muttaqoon have been promised is that
in it are rivers of water, the taste and smell of which are never changed.
Rivers of milk the taste of which will remain unchanged. Rivers of wine that
will be delicious to those who drink from it and rivers of clear, pure honey.
For them will be every kind of fruit and forgiveness form their Lord." [

"And their recompense shall be Paradise, and silken garments, because they
were patient. Reclining on raised thrones, they will see there neither the
excessive heat of the sun, nor the excessive bitter cold, (as in Paradise
there is no sun and no moon). The shade will be close upon them, and bunches
of fruit will hang low within their reach. Vessels of silver and cups of
crystal will be passed around amongst them, crystal-clear, made of silver.
They will determine the measure of them according to their wishes. They will
be given a cup (of wine) mixed with Zanjabeel, and a fountain called
Salsabeel. Around them will (serve) boys of perpetual youth. If you see them,
you would think they are scattered pearls. When you look there (in Paradise)
you will see a delight (that cannot be imagined), and a Great Dominion. Their
garments will be of fine green silk and gold embroidery. They will be adorned
with bracelets of silver, and their Lord will give them a pure drink."

"And those foremost (In Tawheed and obedience to Allah and His Messenger in
this life) will be foremost (in Paradise). They will be those nearest to
Allah in the Gardens of Delight. A multitude of those (the foremost) will be
from the first generation (who embraced Islam) and a few of those (the
foremost) will be from the later (generations). They will be reclining, face
to face, on thrones woven with gold and precious stones. They will be served
by immortal boys, with cups and jugs, and a glass from the flowing wine, from
which they will have neither any headache, nor any intoxication. They will
have fruit from which they may choose, and the flesh of fowls that they
desire. There will be Houris with wide, lovely eyes (as wives for the pious),
like preserved pearls, a reward for deeds that they used to do. They will
hear no vain or sinful speech (like backbiting, etc.) but only the saying of:
Salam, Salam, (greetings of peace). And those on the Right Hand, who will be
those on the Right Hand? They will be among thorn-less lote-trees among Talh
(banana trees) with fruits piled one above another, in long-extended shade,
by constantly flowing water, and fruit in plenty, whose season is not
limited, and their supply will not be cut off. They will be on couches or
thrones raised high. Verily, We have created for them (maidens) of equal age,
loving (their husbands only). For those on the Right Hand." [56:10-38]

"Verily, the dwellers of Paradise that Day, will be busy in joyful things.
They and their wives will be in pleasant shade, reclining on thrones. They
will have therein fruits (of all kinds), and all that they will ask for. (It
will be said to them): "Salamun" (Peace be on you), a Word from the Lord,
Most Merciful." [36:55-58]}

One day, after all he judgements have been made and the heaven dwellers will be in heaven and he hell dwellers will be in hell an incident will occur.

Suddenly there will be a big flash of light in Paradise and it will disappear just as suddenly as it appeared. It will be like the sun which is glimpsed on a cloudy day, shining brightly for a brief second. The people of heaven will ask the angels regarding this bright light. The angels will not answer. Then upon insistence the heaven-dwellers will ask again regarding this light and an explanation and they will say that there is no sun in paradise so where did this flash of light come from?

Finally th angels will disclose that in a certain part of paradise, Sayyidina Ali radhiyallahu anhu said two words of love to Sayyidatuna Fatimah radhiyallahu anha, as a result of which Sayyida Fatimah laughed and the light which emitted from her Noble Teeth is what illuminated heaven.

Subhanallah! What a paradise.

Also we believe that Sayyidatuna Aasiya (the believer in Pharoahs household) and Sayyidatuna Maryam (the Mother of Nabi Isa alayhis salaam) are two of the wives of Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in the garden.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Thanks angel, that's quite comprehensive!

Do muslims believe this is literally what it looks like (gold goblets and all) or do they believe this is a vehicle to communicate the blissful nature of it?

when i was a kid i asked the reverend alot of questions about heaven...he always told me to “shut up an stop being cheeky”

but there must be some logistical probs for god...


if u were married and ur other half passed away, then u got remarried to a next wife, which one would u end up with in heavan...both?

and do ppl who die young...do they stay young in heaven?

do those who died at a ripe old age regain their youth...like wuld my granny be 25 or 65 as i remember her...?

will u meet ppl u hated on earth?

confusing me....



"St George" wrote:

if u were married and ur other half passed away, then u got remarried to a next wife, which one would u end up with in heavan...both?

and do ppl who die young...do they stay young in heaven?

do those who died at a ripe old age regain their youth...like wuld my granny be 25 or 65 as i remember her...?

will u meet ppl u hated on earth?

confusing me....


1-u can be with both wives or one-up to you

2-young people go straight to heaven

3-everyone in heavnen will be same age (25/30)

4-the people u hated on Earth might be in hell

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

2-young people go straight to heaven

thats a bit of a generalisation - kids, or youngsters who havent yet achieved puberty, will be admitted to heaven.

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust(link is external), X-Men[/url]

i wasnt referring to old people

young people to me=babies, toddlers, kids
