The Muslim Madonna

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"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
well them dum.B ignorant people need educating then!!!

ur always gona get crazy people like them

jus like sum daft individuals want to wage war against america and all non-muslims due to the actions of a select few :roll:

Yea the problem is that they are like 70% of the population.

Don't judge the South based on me. I come from Charleston - it's a big metropolis thats conservative as hell but used to multiculturalism, and there is a greater concentration of educated people. Most of the bible belt (including the west) is backwoods farming communities you are looking at college once every five generations [i]maybe[/i]. We're talking about a lot of people.

CBN pulls in about 5 million viewers

Aah well.

They have a reason to be outraged.

Their outrage will be hijacked by firebrand preachers.

Same old story no matter what side of the fence you stand on.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Dawud" wrote:
The NRA? seriously? you are such a white boy, you probably live in the suburbs as well.

City shoreline actually

Ok, you know what? She ain't popular - heck, until she was mentioned here I'd never heard of her. Even if she had talent - which I can't comment on as I have not heard any of her material; she will still die without a trace as I assume, like myself, most people will not bother. Whether people are religious or not, no-one likes hearing a loud mouth little princess playing politics, so no-one will bother with her. She's going to fade into obscurity. She is not going to cause mass destraction and fuel animosity between the faiths. She's just a little girl who's mommy and daddy probably didn't get her the birthday present she wanted when she was five, so she is rebelling; this is her two finger salute to them. She will go nowhere fast.

Let's not blow this out of proportion. She's a cartoon character.


~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~

"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson

Her real name is Deepika..that's a well used hindu name. Her faith is unknown. She's of mixed afghani/pakistani/persian descent, so you'd expect her to be muslim, but she could be a heathen for all we know. Coz religion ain't fashionable is it, and madonna follows anything but organised religion. Wicca world one day, jewish mysticism the next, she's a confused woman.

She prob isn't even muslim like i said before she's using religion to publicise her music career, which seems to be going no where.

Like Aphrodite said she hadn't heard of her until this thread started, and neither had I so she must be a big flop.

Asian papers online compared her to jlo, i think jlo should sue for libel looooooool

Everyone agree's that she is a lost confused individual

and she sings crap songs (and she aint even that pretty :twisted: )

But i think u guys are blowing this cross thing outta proportion

we dont know whats her intention for wearing it

a MUSLIM girl we know who lives on our road reg wears tiny silver crosses-but she wears them as a fashion accesory

and btw if she wasnt a Muslim I'm sure she wouldnt hesitate to point it out-after all its COS she's a Muslim that she recaived grief in the first place

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
Everyone agree's that she is a lost confused individual

I disagree, i think she knows what she's doing, ppl call me "confused" yet they fail to realise I CHOOSE to be like that and I know the reaction that I am gonna get. She only wants to piss u off, thats all.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
and she sings crap songs (and she aint even that pretty :twisted: )

she is a stunner

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
But i think u guys are blowing this cross thing outta proportion

we dont know whats her intention for wearing it

a MUSLIM girl we know who lives on our road reg wears tiny silver crosses-but she wears them as a fashion accesory

Not ever1 see's it as a fashion accessary, and most ppl I know would agree that its a sin to where one.

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Judda" wrote:

Not ever1 see's it as a fashion accessary, and most ppl I know would agree that its a sin to where one.

who the hell are u to speak on behalf of every girl out there

quite a few MUSLIM girls I know used to wear it for fashion reasons and didnt consider it a sin

remember when the hindu culture came into fashion and there were pictures of their Gods on T shirts, cakes and dresses-people of DIFFERENT faiths used to wear them-even tho they were not hindu

A muslim girl/guy should know the significance of the cross, she shouldn't be wearing it. If you know her you should kindly point it out perhaps she isn't aware.

I don't like the way the cross has been made into a fashion accessory, it's a complete mockery of the religion. How would we react if someone like george micheal wore the crescent moon and star symbol around his neck. Would we happily sing oh it's a fashion accessory. I think there'd be a fatwa on his head lol

P.s Judda it's a fashion accessory, sinful to us yeah but to those who wear it i think they're unaware. Just pop into a few well known high st stores i.e topshop you'll be guaranteed to find chrystal crosses with lots of bling bling in between the aisles of skimpy clothing and high heel shoes.

Crosses like other religious items should only be made available in the christian bookstores/clothes stores. This is a case for the bible belt, they need to take action.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
But i think u guys are blowing this cross thing outta proportion

we dont know whats her intention for wearing it

a MUSLIM girl we know who lives on our road reg wears tiny silver crosses-but she wears them as a fashion accesory

and btw if she wasnt a Muslim I'm sure she wouldnt hesitate to point it out-after all its COS she's a Muslim that she recaived grief in the first place

The Cross is not a fashion accessory. The reason you see it worn so prominently amongst Catholic girls is that it is given to them on their confirmation. It is the absolutely symbol of our faither - a reminder of what God did - and does to wash away our sins. No muslim, hindu, atheist or any other religious background that does not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior have absolutely no business wearing, like its some sort of god damn trinket.

There is absolutely no way to describe to you what kind of insult that is, since there is nothing that comes close to what that represents in Islam - it's like a physical Sahaada.

It is tripley worse when a Non-Christian wears the Cross to mock it. There are enough educated people through britain, most of europe, and parts of USA to dismiss this stupid little girl as such. I'm furious at [i]her[/i] and any other nonchristian that wears it out of disrespect (and that includes as a "Fashion Accessory" but I am not furious at all muslims.

It is my profound fear that this is just more ammunition for the nuts calling for an American crusade across the bible belt - people listen to them.

So many of you seem convinced that America has some sort of benign understanding that Islam is not terrorism. Much of the Country - although so far restrained in violence toward muslims - is extremely suspicious of Islam, they are not entirely convinced that 911 wasn't some sort of muslim plot to destroy the United States.

You must understand Americans are usually the last to know the effects of our unchecked international power - right up until the Coalition against Iraq we thought we were beloved everywhere - especially the middle east. It seemed the only natural explanation to us on 911 that muslims attacked us because it is a violent hateful religion that hates our freedom and our religion.

You gotta know that's not yet gone - it's not to the point people are randomly lashing out against muslims like they were on 911, but instances like this little girl mocking the cross, and [i]all[/i] the muslim gangs running about in Britain converting people at gunpoint (as that is how Robertson portrayed it) are more ammo for our nuts.

The Admin is right most bible belters (of which the President is one) will see a muslim girl, mocking the cross - it's a 1 + 1 scenario.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
But i think u guys are blowing this cross thing outta proportion

we dont know whats her intention for wearing it

a MUSLIM girl we know who lives on our road reg wears tiny silver crosses-but she wears them as a fashion accesory

and btw if she wasnt a Muslim I'm sure she wouldnt hesitate to point it out-after all its COS she's a Muslim that she recaived grief in the first place

Something intentions do not matter. Its the actions that speak louder.

All we know is some 'Ustaadh' of music taught her. Her name does not sound muslim. It may be. But it may all be an act to get us fools to discuss her. To get the south of USA to condemn her, so the north buy her to find ut what the fuss is about.

Anyone can make up a stor of beiong threatened. After all she was from norway, now living in the UK? she will not hae a 'local community' that knows her like she did in norway, so It could all be an act.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"yashmaki" wrote:
Crosses like other religious items should only be made available in the christian bookstores/clothes stores. This is a case for the bible belt, they need to take action.

You do not want the bible belt to take action.

I don't think many of you are familiar with the particular flavor of Christianity in the the bible belt - esp the eastern most portions.

Remember that this is the same bible belt Christianity that had no problem burning crosses on peoples front yards. To me thats an abhorrent desecration - I can't even imagine the level of sinfulness that falls into.

It's a sort of twisted militant nationalist bite sized soundwave dumbed down firebrand Christianity that quite literally believes the end of the world is coming soon ergo there must be some sort of war.

The frightening part is this is not the empty pew Christianity that St George lamented in England, this is 10,000 seat sanctuary, 4 tv contract Christianity.

Here is the stuff Pat and Jerry have been saying about muslims:

It's extremely advisable you write your MPs or MPAC or somebody and try to stop this girl - aren't their anti religious slander laws in the UK??

"Constantine" wrote:

It's extremely advisable you write your MPs or MPAC or somebody and try to stop this girl - aren't their anti religious slander laws in the UK??

No point giving her further publicity. It's what she wants.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Judda" wrote:

Not ever1 see's it as a fashion accessary, and most ppl I know would agree that its a sin to where one.

who the hell are u to speak on behalf of every girl out there

I didly did not speak on the behalf of every girl out there.... I was talking about the ppl [b]I know[/b]....

Ur friends are insulting the christians, tell the retards u know to take it off! u may be oblivious to what is written in the koran but god did promote religous harmony!


What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"irfghan" wrote:
"Constantine" wrote:

It's extremely advisable you write your MPs or MPAC or somebody and try to stop this girl - aren't their anti religious slander laws in the UK??

No point giving her further publicity. It's what she wants.

Quite right Irfghan.

~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~

"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson

she's dead pretty innit?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

Want a jaffa cake Jud?

~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~

"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson


What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

infact I'll have 2 :o

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

ok lets leave the bible belt out of this lol


Intentions do matter.

It is not our actions that we will be judged on but our intentions; therefore we shouldn’t be so quick to judge others on their actions either.

We all agree that wearing the cross is totally wrong. However, it is not clear why she chose to wear it.

Here in London, it is not unusual to see girls who are not Christians wearing fake diamond encrusted crosses around their neck….the girls who wear a cross around their neck do know that it is wrong; however they think its minor…they think its pretty.

They see it as a fashion accessory and are copying their favourite celebs who are regularly seen wearing very bling, bling cross’s on MTV.

Religious symbols do very regularly come into fashion. All last year was about the Hindu Gods on T shirt… [url=]this link [/url] shows how outraged the Hindu's were when their God was depicted on shoes.

I’m not saying that that this is right, it’s totally wrong. All I’m saying is that there are many different reasons why people choose to do things.


Hang on... so this is a common thing?

I thought it was just Deeyah

Unfortunately fashion knows no bounds.

There was the controversy of the Nike shoes with Allah written on them a few years ago...

... and the most disgraceful thing was that muslims sold them as they had good sales due to the controversy!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
Unfortunately fashion knows no bounds.

There was the controversy of the Nike shoes with Allah written on them a few years ago...

... and the most disgraceful thing was that muslims sold them as they had good sales due to the controversy!

Exactly. It's the 'Satanic Verses Syndrome'. Anyone ever read any Salman Rushdie? Not the most thrilling read, I can tell you... but that book sold in it's millions cuz we caused such a hoo-haa over it. Same way, this cartoon character is going to become well-known just for courting controversy.

~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~

"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson

Britain needs to get itself straightened out and back under control.

Evidently "defender of the faith" is little more than a pleasant sounding title to the Royal family.

I suppose the teaching of anything but evolution is totally banned too.

"Aphrodite" wrote:
"Admin" wrote:
Unfortunately fashion knows no bounds.

There was the controversy of the Nike shoes with Allah written on them a few years ago...

... and the most disgraceful thing was that muslims sold them as they had good sales due to the controversy!

Exactly. It's the 'Satanic Verses Syndrome'. Anyone ever read any Salman Rushdie? Not the most thrilling read, I can tell you... but that book sold in it's millions cuz we caused such a hoo-haa over it. Same way, this cartoon character is going to become well-known just for courting controversy.

I'm not a muslim but that guy seriously bothers me. He is the definition of an arrogant liberal - who is willing to sell out not just for himself but for his entire religion if it will bring him a buck and a pat on the back from Michael Moore and the legions of atheism.

He outta be sued for libel

"Constantine" wrote:

I'm not a muslim but that guy seriously bothers me. He is the definition of an arrogant liberal - who is willing to sell out not just for himself but for his entire religion if it will bring him a buck and a pat on the back from Michael Moore and the legions of atheism.

He outta be sued for libel

I doubt he has anything to do with Michael Moore.

"Constantine" wrote:
Britain needs to get itself straightened out and back under control.

Evidently "defender of the faith" is little more than a pleasant sounding title to the Royal family.

I suppose the teaching of anything but evolution is totally banned too.

ur highness, dave...britain is an increasingly godless and immoral nation...most moral codes have been eroded by liberals since da 1960s...there are few boundaries in dis secular society...

christian belives r mocked and slandered EVERY day on tv...ive met young christians who deny their faith publicly cos of da laughter and insults they recieve...

church of england r part of da problem...they r da liberal democrats at for da “royals”, they a bunch of idiots, a national embarrassment

evolution is widely taught at fact over used to annoy my science teacher by tellin him theory of evolution never been proved...he got me moved to da bottom set...


I baked a cake! Anyone want some? i'm making coffee too...

~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~

"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson

good idea aphroditee hee....

let da boys discuss important religious matters while da laydees get some light refreshments ready...

nothin wrong with a bit of tradition...

milk, no sugars...and get us a cheese roll while ur in da kitchen aph...

Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin



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