My editorial in the next issue of The Revival is on the following issue.
[b]Are you a walking, talking advert for Islam?[/b]
if not , you should be.
The way you talk, walk, behave, interact at home, school, college, uni. work, and everywhere...... people should think good of you, respect you, be impressed by your manners and most important of all... you should be giving a good image of Islam and the Muslims..
Today we have left dawah and the issue of representing Islam to just the ulema. The ulema are not at school, college, uni, work etc but the ordinary person is. YOU have an opportunity to show to non muslims that Muslims are good people and they should be impressed by your character...and this is the best wat to let most non muslims know that islam is not violent, religion of fanatics, backwards or intolerance.
So people....are you ready to be a walking, talking advert for islam?
gimme a few still young
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
lol make yourself a t-shirt.
stick to the topic please dave
would you consider yourself an advert for Vogue....i mean, whatever branch of Christianity your from?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I wish i was a walking talkin advert of islam but unfortunetly i aint but inshallah i will try workin my way towards it...
What makes you a walkin talkin advert? (For the sake of discussion)
you wont see me doin anyfin bad
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
lol hey like I said to sick a very long time ago I consider myself an ambassador of my religion.
Glad yall decided to catch up with my religious intuitions.
you have to be a role model at home, to your family, neighbours, at school, college, uni, work, and everywhere you go. When people look at your behaviour and character they should not just say wjhat a good person you are but what a good muslim you are. the sunnah of the prophet
should be shining from you..and i dont just mean jubba, hat, long beard...but in everyway.
Allah sent His prophet and taught him to be the best in ethics throughout history. So, we would never find any new moral ethics – now or ever - without finding it in the complete personality of our beloved prophet (pbuh).
Here is a little hint of what I conclude as the most important prophetic ethics and manners, which set an example to all mankind. Most important is love and mercy, which was the big title for this character. This is in addition to many great points - yet simple - from which we can conclude the following:
* When you like people to follow an order of Islam, do it to yourself before ordering others to do it.
* Try to be a practical example of the Qur’an, for the prophet was a ‘walking Qur’an’.
* Remember that the best of Muslims is the one who is best in his home, just like the prophet who called for treating kids and wife with mercy and love.
* Visiting your neighbor and checking upon their welfare is a simple application of the prophet’s sunnah (traditions).
* Give your fellow-Muslims their rights: salaam, visiting their patients, following their funeral, responding to their invitations etc…
I also need to repeat that he was the role model in his ethics. He reflected the best ethics in world history, by applying these values in reality. Among these ethics and values are also the following:
* Truthfulness
* Honesty
* Love and mercy for all Muslims and the whole world
* Treating children with extreme tenderness and mercy. This is like when he permitted his grandsons to climb his back while praying, without trying to annoy them…
* Being the first man in the fronts during battles
* Never to submit to anger, except if the borders of God were crossed
* Humbleness
* Tolerance and patience with hardship when it comes to materialistic life. He used to spend months, eating just date and water…
* Giving more care and attention to the soul and providing it through much fasting and night prayers (qiyam al-layl)
* Confirming the importance of science in fighting ignorance
* Wisdom in da`wah. For example: using simple language while preaching people so that they can understand and comprehend, giving the right thing to the right person in a right time and place, and using a slow gradual plan to develop iman (faith) in people’s hearts, etc.
I think if someone did think they were a walking talking advert for Islam, they probably ain't. I think it for other people to judge if they see someone as this. Because having humility and being humble are two very important qualities in a person.
I have personally seen a couple of people who are good role models for islam. It all stem from the indentity IMO. When I look at them I see how I believe muslims of the past much have been. How can I tell this person a role model, it simple when people seen them, nor matter what they do or how religious they are, they always have a smile on the face too greet these muslims, because they know to interact with people and they not self righteous but just righteous people.
I think you need to know what Islam is about before you can start doing that, I believe most people on the forum including me, haven't fully understand Islam yet, so it may not be possible for us to be role model. But we can all try to make a difference too people life that we know, and it important that even the littlest action could mean alot too some people. If we start to implement that, in time we may also able to be role models as well.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
i cant think of any "walking talking advert for Islam"
thats the kind of time we live in today
Yeah, but there are some muslims who just generally stick out from the rest due to their islamic personality and character. There ain't many but there are some.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
which is very very very very very rare
about one in a thousand
An old lady who was worried about a man who claimed to be a new and final Prophet; a man who wanted to get rid of her idols and religion, decided to leave her home. She was offered help by a man who saw her struggling with her baggage, unbeknown to her the man was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
As he walked with her she threw insults at this "Prophet" cursing his life and message. When she reached her destination she turned to the man and thanked him for his assistance and warned him to stay away from this “Prophet”. "What is your name young man"? she asked. “Muhammad” was the reply. “I am that Prophet you spoke of”. The lady was shocked and surprised.
Despite being insulted the prophet (pbuh) remained patient and polite. Later on the old lady, so impressed by the character of the Prophet (pbuh) decided to embrace Islam.
is a classic example of a walking, talking advert for Islam. Sometimes it's what one DOESNT say that says it all....
Its always best to let one character do all the talking/dawah...we however are more talk and less action.
i don't dress like a muslim - i wear the usual western jeans t-shirt etc,
i don't behave like a muslim should - i smoke, swear, sin,
i don't have a beard, - shave every couple of days, sometimes even go over it twice.
i don't have any symbols on me that shows my affiliation with islam.
funny thing happened to me last week, was smoking outside the place I work, and an irish guy asked for a cigarette, I only had one left in my pack and didn't wanna give it.
he then turns around and says.. ur a Muslim u shouldn't smoke.. which then developed into a fight.. wont go into it..
I still think today, why did he assume i was Muslim? my skin colour?
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
he was prob a gypsy...those irish gypos luv a confrontation...
never buy anthing off those boyz
i knew a fella who thought he was buyin a laptop for £250. He assumed it was stolen, which as they were travellers it almost certainly was, but it was a top range computer...he checked it out and decided to buy it...
he met da guy, paid his cash and took it home...
when he opened the box it contained 3 bricks! they switched it on him
moral of da story....never enter money transactions wit da travellers
Or don't buy things you think were stolen
dat too, emperor...
i would never do anything dodgy like dat of course
lol I dunno whether to believe smiley face or evil face
i just noticed dat khan is sickmusic!
wondered where he gone too...
why u changed ur name sick?
wot u got to hide?
Prolly didnt like that everybody shortened it to "sick" and of course all the natural clever variations
i a law abiding citizen, emperor
u aint got nothin on me, officer
professing your ''innocence'' and bit too much or as shakespeare would say . .
''methinks the lady doth protest too much ''
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
sad thing yeh, he says Muslim not allowed to smoke, so i made a mistake by telling him not to drink, cos he had a bottle of happy shopper whiskey on him..
he then starts tellin me to go back home u Muslim b****rd.
So i goes what do u believe in?, he goes.. I was part of the Irish republican army and starts threatening me with his fist..
and i thought, hold up ur irish and ur telling me to go back to where i come from??
he den started throwing his fists.. im trying to cover his mouth cos salivas just spitting ontom my clothes..
i had to go home dat day and have a shower cos i smelt of rotten whiskey..
but yeh the gypsies.. used to come around selling rugs.. had to watch the kids, professional thieves.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
i hate those people who claim to speak on Islam's behalf
ESP if they have coconut or extreme views
not everyone has a right to be walking/talking adverts for Islam
remember that guy n some programme who claimed it was OK for muslims to drink to "integrate"
TOO many people think that they are in position
to speak about Islam :evil:
Every muslim IS a walking talking advert for Islam.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson
But some Muslims shouldnt talk too much.
They really put their foot in it sometimes...
That's true but the real question is, what is the majority, a good or bad walking/talkin advert?
Back in the day people used to convert to Islam simply and only because of the character of Muslims.
Today, people get put off Islam because of the actions of certain Muslims.
Most of us are negative walking, talking adverts for Islam.
Exactly sis, today people convert by themselves by reading the quran or another Islamic book after some sort of tragedy i.e. 9/11
To me it seems like some of the blame goes down to the home culture...people are getting too engrosed with the material life of this world and can't see the long term damage things such TV, VCR, talking rubbish is causing.....
how many people do you know that teach there children how to pray at the age of 7?
The best preacher is the conscience, the best teachers are time and experience, the best book is the world, the best friend is God
Very true
our homes have diverted from a learning centre to cinema's
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.