I have this woman, she's really beautiful and we have been together for almost 10 month. She shows as she really loves me so much as she talks good about me to others, if I make a little mistake on her she would cry like a baby. If I tell her we stop seeing each others she wants to kill herself. Once her own mother called me and told me that her daughter wants to kill herself because of me.
I stopped seeing her for almost a month because I simply don't believe in love. I don't trust any woman in the world and I never expected to trust her either...She visits me from time to time crying so much that she will never be able to leave without me. When she does that, "I mean crying" I feel bad. "I have a heart" so I have a feeling and feel sorry but deep inside me says, that is all lies. She simply wanna get on me because I am the one who dumped her...
I really don't know if any woman can be trusted. I have seen lot's of my friend's women doing bad things. I have been with some of my best friend's women just BECAUSE.. Whenever I see my friend with their women, it's like these couples are really in love and she would never cheat or do anything to him. Some of these women are just the way my girl-friend is acting but at the end they are just fooling around. Don't ask me why coz I don't know.........
I simply wanted to see if there is any trusted female out there but whenever I try I find negative responses.
So, can anyone advice what I should do with this woman please?.
Any of the following will suffice.
1. Im gay
2. I like you only a a friend
3. I need some space to think
4. I think we should see other people
5. Im washing my hair from now on till forever
or my personal fav
6. Im really into my career right now.
Now i realise this will involve lieing to her, but ur a guud person you dont wanna hurt her feelings, u may not be gay, you may not need space and you maybe into your career but what your actually saying is "Get away from me now!" and on a subconscious level she'll get it.... that or she'll eventually kidnap you tie you up in her basement.
Which ever works for you... let me knw how it goes.
Back in BLACK
thanks Seraph
Well, I did many thing to get rid of this girl but no way, it never work. She knows I have another woman but she says, she's before her and she'll win me back! Sometimes she writes me and tell me she's got another boyfriend and she's finish with me and bla bla, but within a day she'll send me a message again saying she just wanted to see how I would feel about that and that she'll never love another man more than me!
One thing I never did since a month a go is that, I never reply to her txt neither the phone........what else can I do?
aahh the good old jelousy routine... hhmm takes me back.... ahem no what i meant was thats pretty much standard... :roll:
Okay time for the plain-hard-hitting-cold-truth. She may not like what you have to say, or even want to hear it, but sometimes you have to just tell them how it is. Tell her it aint kool, for her to keep ringing you, what u had togeather was beautiful but it aint working out.
Just hit her with the truth, im sure if you do that she'll eventually get over it. Change your mobi number if you have to. Cut contact... that or become what she hates... but i dont recommend that.
Back in BLACK
by the looks of it the reason you cant trust women is because you have been with soo many roll if u had just the one u would have learnt to trust and respect her by now. being with soo means u see people of all different types and ok so u find out that there are different types of peeps in the world but as u can see thats sumtimes a bad thing
my advice would to you is to seriously start being a good muslim( and i am not saying that i am the best muslim) and tell her that too that u want to be a better person say she should do the same. turn over a new leaf.
lol i've used that one before. I was basically being stalked by this girl I was nice to and needed a way to nicely send her on her way.
So I got desperate.
lol a bit of a mistake when you're in a small community though
Couldnt you have just told her you had a g/f :roll: rather than claimin to be gay?
I didn't have a g/f at the time and everybody knew it.
It's a touchy subject with girls - you can't upset them...
Especially clingy ones
And even if you had said that, she could compete with another girl; she can't compete with a guy, there'd be no point

~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson
u broke my heart when u sed u wont marry me
i even created a whole thread about u
(dats coz on da old 4rum u sed u would like a wife like aisha and i got worried :oops: )
i asked Ed to marry me but he didn't reply to my PM
. Then when I found out he was married i was heart broken again
I asked Mujahida to marry me and she laughed at me
so is NE1 gonna mend my broken heart?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
honesty is the best policy... be it with a guy or gal.. tel em the truth! they gotta learn to accept it!
"He who kneels before ALLAH can stand before anyone”
the truth hurts!
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
only women/men who have no self respect, lack self esteem and pride are stupid and clingy :roll: :roll:
Why are we dignifying the wirdo's thread by replying?
yeah i knw truth hurts but if the individual has any SELF RESPECT they will leave u alone... onli a shallow person would follow u around once u told them u virtualy hate them!
"He who kneels before ALLAH can stand before anyone”
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
THE wierdo who started this thread - Mujahid.
Don't worry, he's not the only one. You're one too. (Unless you're the same person).
get real :roll:
what makes u think we're the same person?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
It's not that I don't like you - it's just to fast for me.
I can't just be bought with pretty words ya know - I have needs!
It wasn't [i]you[/i] - it was [i]me[/i].
lol... Aisha circa age 22, she turned into quite an impressive woman but i'm eternally weirded out by the age she and mohammed got together
what needs?
as 4 children we can always adopt...
as 4 da site, u don't get rid of me dat easyly!
have u been on it m8
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
haha never used it but the ads are ridiculous.
This guy "Dr Neil Clark" or something like that has the sappiest voice on the planet and is always talking about his "29 dimensions of compatibility"
Hes a bit of a joke in the US. - If there is an ad on the website check it out, his voice is unreal... it's like hes talking to a kindergarten class
glad someone thinks like me!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Slap her across the face. That should do it.
Its preferable to do it in public. Ultimate humiliation.
If she is still clinging on, then know that she truly loves you.
Okay I think I have a real problem here.
I am being stalked by a total flake, I worked with this girl over the summer and she was creepy back then - and quite clingy but now she has found out my cell phone number and has called me 4 times in the last ten minutes.
Now I think i've states as overtly as possible that I am not interested in any sort of relationship with this girl (and by that I do mean casual friendship) but she is not taking the hint and getting a little belligerent.
I refer you to my previous post.
Good luck.
Back in BLACK
change ur cell phone number.
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
I went through pretty much all of the above in Washington and then took the next step, my condescending "personal space violation" speech.
I need the next level...
Good idea...
If this get's any worse I suppose i'll have to but I wouldn't want to do it if I can scare her away first, the irritation of telling everybody my new number simply is a bit of a deterrent.
The Next Level
1. Tell her you like her brother more.
2. You dont have a penny to your name.
3. Tell her your a regular on Jerry Springer.
4. Tell her you're into some freaky s***.
or my fav:
5. Tell her: "Im not sure if you knw but im not into guys..."
lol... you knw that ones gonna work.
Back in BLACK
Actually I think i've got an answer. I called her back and seriously didn't go three words without saying "Jesus" "God" or "George W. Bush"
Shes one of those new age "spiritualist" whackjobs that clung on to me when I recommended a book about druids. I'll go for the jugular and try really really invasively to convert her.
That oughta scare her away.
Maybe i'll pass her phone number along to the CBC.
last night she sent me a txt msg saying she'll never let me go outer her brain and life.