Submitted by Angel on 16 January, 2006 - 17:20 #91
"stupid salafi" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
a genuine Peer is one who doesnt call himself a peer
lol den how do u know if he is a peer?
wot do dey call dem selves den
People call them peers but they dont themselves, they just consider themselves as servants of Allah (swt)
Submitted by judda on 17 January, 2006 - 09:36 #92
Yashmaki if u knew that fake peer was doing hindu rituals y did u let him carry on? y didn't u stop him?
BTW do u beleive in that hadith that claims muhammad never feared shirk from his ummah?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Submitted by Berachia on 17 January, 2006 - 09:55 #93
It is better to avoid the use of "[i]Taweez[/i]" and "[i]dam[/i]" etc.
Narrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said, "Seventy thousand people of my followers will enter Paradise without accounts, and they are those who do not practice [b]Ar-Ruqya[/b] and do not see an evil omen in things, and put their trust in their Lord."
Submitted by judda on 17 January, 2006 - 09:58 #94
"Berachia" wrote:
It is better to avoid the use of "[i]Taweez[/i]" and "[i]dam[/i]" etc.
is it haram tho?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Submitted by Berachia on 17 January, 2006 - 13:18 #95
"2" wrote:
"Berachia" wrote:
It is better to avoid the use of "[i]Taweez[/i]" and "[i]dam[/i]" etc.
is it haram tho?
No, not at all. In fact, clearly, most of the ummah will at some time resort to some form of [i]ar-ruqya[/i], which incidentally includes the use of reciting [i]al-fatiha[/i], a cure for any ailment, [i]subhanallah[/i].
Submitted by Angel on 17 January, 2006 - 13:56 #96
"Berachia" wrote:
It is better to avoid the use of "[i]Taweez[/i]" and "[i]dam[/i]" etc.
Narrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said, "Seventy thousand people of my followers will enter Paradise without accounts, and they are those who do not practice [b]Ar-Ruqya[/b] and do not see an evil omen in things, and put their trust in their Lord."
What is “ar-ruqya” cuz it seems to that u r talkin about “taweez” and “dam”
If that is the case i dont understand why people who use dam/or taweez before entering paradise be questioned about this act as you are using Allah (swt) divine words to seek healing so you are turning to your Creator to help you :?
Can you give me the reference to the above Hadith please.
Submitted by Angel on 17 January, 2006 - 14:44 #97
[b]Question: [/b]What is the ruling on wearing an amulet (ta’weez)? People have the belief that wearing a string around the neck will protect them, when surely only Allah protects. Please tell me the ruling on wearing this, for many people say that it is shirk.?
[b]Answer:[/b] via this link: (as admin is gona start moanin bout postin long stuff :twisted: )
Submitted by judda on 17 January, 2006 - 15:15 #98
"Angel" wrote:
ok judda, just confirmed it with gran, she received it from her shaykh and [u]ijaza is required becuz they grant you permission to read it to benefit others[/u]
thats what i can't understand
the bit where u need "permission".
and the fact that the ppl that do the mainstream form of dam keep wot they read top secret and recite the verses ever so quitely so u can't hear them
these ppl recite gods words from the noble koran and they don't even bother making wudu b4 perfroming da practice
A friend of mine sed that dam is a gift from god and should not be 'concealed' and that 'asking for permission to perform dam' is a satanic innovation to conceal the gift of dam and reciting gods words is a mercy and healing for mankind. I asked him how to do dam but his m8 grabbed him and put his hands on his mouth so he cud not speak. his m8 was pretty agressive and seemed very angry. i honstly don't understand y it shud be kept a big secret.
Another m8 of mine sed that all healing is from god and dam shud be disregarded since that practice cannot be found in koran or hadith.
I have never come across ne1 who has charged for the practice and i heard that it only works with some ppl.
Until I know where mainstream dam comes from i shall disregard it.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Submitted by yashmaki on 17 January, 2006 - 15:21 #99
member "2" it wasn't my house my parents invited him, im just a child in my parents eyes. Sure i voiced my criticisms as did all of my brothers but my parents ignored us, can't really blame me or my brothers for a parental decision.
Submitted by judda on 17 January, 2006 - 15:27 #100
"yashmaki" wrote:
member "2"
member 2 AKA Judda, E20, Stupid Salafi, 'Junaid, Junaid, 7, 999, 911, etc. etc. etc.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Submitted by judda on 17 January, 2006 - 15:42 #101
yash answer my q
"2" wrote:
BTW do u beleive in that hadith that claims muhammad never feared shirk from his ummah?
i is curiou coz u is dead smart
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Submitted by yashmaki on 17 January, 2006 - 15:53 #102
i can't remember that hadith let me look it up first please , see i'm not clever at all.
Submitted by judda on 17 January, 2006 - 16:05 #103
"yashmaki" wrote:
i can't remember that hadith let me look it up first please , see i'm not clever at all.
u r clever
that hadith has always puzzled me
so many ppl i know uphold it
it don't make sense
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Submitted by yashmaki on 17 January, 2006 - 16:09 #104
i may be wrong but doesn't that hadith you're referring to, comment on major shirk. Our prophet (Saw) never feared major shirk such as worshipping other Gods or idols for the muslim ummah. But he did fear that they would resort to fighting each other for worldy gains, and end up destroying each other. Is this the hadith you're on about?:
narrated by ‘Uqbah Ibn Amir and collected in the Sahihayn [Bukhari and Muslim]: ‘Rasul-Ullah (sall-Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) ascended the minbar, and it was the last time I saw him on the minbar. He said: ‘I do not fear that you will become mushrikuns after me, but I fear that, because of worldly interests, you will fight each others, and thus be destroyed like the peoples of old.’
This doesn't mean we won't commit minor shirk though. Coz there are other ahadith which i haven't dug out, maybe someone can help me out which say things like "of all that will befall you shirk is what i fear more". These refer to minor shirk.
But i'm not a hadith scholar so don't take my word for it. I can't comment further on it no knowledge here sorry.
P.S look at us Muslims today can we really say we don't commit acts of shirk? :roll:
Submitted by judda on 17 January, 2006 - 16:12 #105
"yashmaki" wrote:
Coz there are other ahadith which i haven't dug out, maybe someone can help me out which say things like "of all that will befall you shirk is what i fear more". These refer to minor shirk.
i heard he KNEW his ummah would commit shirk, major and minor.
shirk is shirk
'minor shirk' is da same as 'major shirk' imo dey is all bad.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Submitted by judda on 17 January, 2006 - 16:14 #106
"yashmaki" wrote:
P.S look at us Muslims today can we really say we don't commit acts of shirk? :roll:
explain more...
grave worshipping has to be one of da most common type imo
imo everyone commits shirk type 2 imo
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Submitted by Medarris on 17 January, 2006 - 16:15 #107
There may be ahadeeth on this topic. But that doesnt mean we should be lax and say oh the ummah is not going to fall into shirk so we dont need to worry.
Firstly its a fact some muslims have in the past and in the present apostated and committed shirk. Once they did that they no longer remained in this ummah. So clearly any person who claims to be a muslim and commits shirk, he is not in this ummah so no fear of shirk being in us.
Secondly we also have a hadeeth which states to the fact that imaan will return to Madinah Munawwarah just as a snake returns to its hole. In this light, it can be seen that the nation of true believers will diminish and flock to Madinah Munawwarah whilst kufr engulfs the rest of the world. Again the people who remain in this ummah will be in this ummah because they are free from shirk.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by yashmaki on 17 January, 2006 - 16:16 #108
yes all shirk is bad i agree, but hadith scholars seem to interpret the hadiths referring to particular types of shirk to highlight that these hadith don't contradict each other, even if they appear to at first sight.
Talk about grave worshipping my brother saw in in ajmer sharif, in india. It's a place to which a lotta muslims regularly send letters infused with prayers and a wad of cash in return for a miracle cure in the form of a talisman. Well my brother visited this place let's just say he was shocked at what he saw.
My husband tells me it's worse in Bangladesh they have a Shah Jalal shrine. Course Shah Jalal never ordered this, ppl did it against his wishes. Not just grave worship takes place there if you know any Bengalis who have been there ask them what takes place im sure youll be shocked :shock: i was.
Submitted by Medarris on 17 January, 2006 - 16:39 #109
Those who are lax in fearing shirk:
[i]Sayyidna Abu Musa al Ashari radhiyallahu anh narrates.
One day the Messenger of ALLAH salallahu alayhi wa sallam delivered a sermon saying:
"Oh People, fear shirk for it is more hidden than the creeping of an ant."
Those whom ALLAH wished, asked: "And how do we avoid it when it is more hidden than the creeping of an ant, O Messenger of ALLAH salallahu alayhi wa sallam?"
He salallahu alayhi wa sallam replied:
"Say -
Oh ALLAH we seek refuge in You from knowlingly committing shirk with You and we ask Your forgiveness for what we do not know about"[/i]Musnad Ahmad, Tabarani
Here the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is warning - warning who? - warning the SAHAABAH Karaam - to beware of shirk. When this is the warning on those who were chosen at the beginning of creation to be the Companions of Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam then the people today are even more deserving of this warning.
Ya ALLAH grant us tawheed and save us from shirk.
Make our end on imaan and save us from kufr.
Ennoble us with sunnah and protect us from bid'aat.
i may be wrong but doesn't that hadith you're referring to, comment on major shirk. Our prophet (Saw) never feared major shirk such as worshipping other Gods or idols for the muslim ummah. But he did fear that they would resort to fighting each other for worldy gains, and end up destroying each other. Is this the hadith you're on about?:
narrated by ‘Uqbah Ibn Amir and collected in the Sahihayn [Bukhari and Muslim]: ‘Rasul-Ullah (sall-Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) ascended the minbar, and it was the last time I saw him on the minbar. He said: ‘I do not fear that you will become mushrikuns after me, but I fear that, because of worldly interests, you will fight each others, and thus be destroyed like the peoples of old.’
Yes. That hadith is quoted six times in Bukhari Shareef.
Another intresting hadith on this subject is the following which I heard in a study circle
The Holy Prophet which has been narrated by Abu Ya'la, from Hudhaifa and about which Ibn Kathir said, "It's chain of transmission is good." Abu Ya'la said,
"The Prophet has said, "One of the things that concerns me about my nation is a man who studied the Qu'ran, and when its grace started to show on him and he had the appearance of a Muslim, he detached himself from it, and threw it behind his back, and went after his neighbour with a sword and accused him of associating partners with Allah.'
I then asked, "Oh, Prophet of Allah, which one is more guilty of associating partners with Allah, the accused or the accuser?' The Prophet said, "It is the accuser.'"
Submitted by judda on 17 January, 2006 - 16:54 #111
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I then asked, "Oh, Prophet of Allah, which one is more guilty of associating partners with Allah, the accused or the accuser?' The Prophet said, "It is the accuser.'"
the koran tells us that u must not accuse without proof
it says that god will NOT forgive shirk, major or minor shirk, (if maintained till death and da person did not re-do thier shahada.)
it DOES NOT say the accuser will never be forgiven, it just says the one who commits it will not be forgiven. So what u quoted was a very dodgy, weak ahadith and by no means will it abrogate the word of the most wise.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
the koran tells us that u must not accuse without proof
it says that god will NOT forgive shirk, major or minor shirk, (if maintained till death and da person did not re-do thier shahada.)
"2" wrote:
So what u quoted was a very dodgy, weak ahadith and by no means will it abrogate the word of the most wise.
Your entitled to your view. It doesnt bother me what you think.
I'm secure in my belief.
Submitted by judda on 17 January, 2006 - 17:02 #113
"mod" wrote:
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Submitted by Beast on 17 January, 2006 - 17:06 #114
"2" wrote:
"mod" wrote:
Because you invite that sort of name calling.
It's interesting that as 'E20' you were very mature and grown up.
It just reaffirms the idea that your contention that you are 14 years old is a big fat fib. And the fact that you act immature is to get on everyone's nerves.
You shouldn't be surprised if you get called names. In fact it's what you crave.
(I admit that I have ocasionally used the name Judas for him....)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
People call them peers but they dont themselves, they just consider themselves as servants of Allah (swt)
Yashmaki if u knew that fake peer was doing hindu rituals y did u let him carry on? y didn't u stop him?
BTW do u beleive in that hadith that claims muhammad never feared shirk from his ummah?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
It is better to avoid the use of "[i]Taweez[/i]" and "[i]dam[/i]" etc.
Narrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said, "Seventy thousand people of my followers will enter Paradise without accounts, and they are those who do not practice [b]Ar-Ruqya[/b] and do not see an evil omen in things, and put their trust in their Lord."
is it haram tho?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
No, not at all. In fact, clearly, most of the ummah will at some time resort to some form of [i]ar-ruqya[/i], which incidentally includes the use of reciting [i]al-fatiha[/i], a cure for any ailment, [i]subhanallah[/i].
What is “ar-ruqya” cuz it seems to that u r talkin about “taweez” and “dam”
If that is the case i dont understand why people who use dam/or taweez before entering paradise be questioned about this act as you are using Allah (swt) divine words to seek healing so you are turning to your Creator to help you :?
Can you give me the reference to the above Hadith please.
[b]Question: [/b]What is the ruling on wearing an amulet (ta’weez)? People have the belief that wearing a string around the neck will protect them, when surely only Allah protects. Please tell me the ruling on wearing this, for many people say that it is shirk.?
[b]Answer:[/b] via this link: (as admin is gona start moanin bout postin long stuff :twisted: )
thats what i can't understand
the bit where u need "permission".
and the fact that the ppl that do the mainstream form of dam keep wot they read top secret and recite the verses ever so quitely so u can't hear them
these ppl recite gods words from the noble koran and they don't even bother making wudu b4 perfroming da practice
A friend of mine sed that dam is a gift from god and should not be 'concealed' and that 'asking for permission to perform dam' is a satanic innovation to conceal the gift of dam and reciting gods words is a mercy and healing for mankind. I asked him how to do dam but his m8 grabbed him and put his hands on his mouth so he cud not speak. his m8 was pretty agressive and seemed very angry. i honstly don't understand y it shud be kept a big secret.
Another m8 of mine sed that all healing is from god and dam shud be disregarded since that practice cannot be found in koran or hadith.
I have never come across ne1 who has charged for the practice and i heard that it only works with some ppl.
Until I know where mainstream dam comes from i shall disregard it.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
member "2" it wasn't my house my parents invited him, im just a child in my parents eyes. Sure i voiced my criticisms as did all of my brothers but my parents ignored us, can't really blame me or my brothers for a parental decision.
member 2 AKA Judda, E20, Stupid Salafi, 'Junaid, Junaid, 7, 999, 911, etc. etc. etc.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
yash answer my q
i is curiou coz u is dead smart
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
i can't remember that hadith let me look it up first please , see i'm not clever at all.
u r clever
that hadith has always puzzled me
so many ppl i know uphold it
it don't make sense
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
i may be wrong but doesn't that hadith you're referring to, comment on major shirk. Our prophet (Saw) never feared major shirk such as worshipping other Gods or idols for the muslim ummah. But he did fear that they would resort to fighting each other for worldy gains, and end up destroying each other. Is this the hadith you're on about?:
narrated by ‘Uqbah Ibn Amir and collected in the Sahihayn [Bukhari and Muslim]: ‘Rasul-Ullah (sall-Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) ascended the minbar, and it was the last time I saw him on the minbar. He said: ‘I do not fear that you will become mushrikuns after me, but I fear that, because of worldly interests, you will fight each others, and thus be destroyed like the peoples of old.’
This doesn't mean we won't commit minor shirk though. Coz there are other ahadith which i haven't dug out, maybe someone can help me out which say things like "of all that will befall you shirk is what i fear more". These refer to minor shirk.
But i'm not a hadith scholar so don't take my word for it. I can't comment further on it no knowledge here sorry.
P.S look at us Muslims today can we really say we don't commit acts of shirk? :roll:
i heard he KNEW his ummah would commit shirk, major and minor.
shirk is shirk
'minor shirk' is da same as 'major shirk' imo dey is all bad.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
explain more...
grave worshipping has to be one of da most common type imo
imo everyone commits shirk type 2 imo
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
There may be ahadeeth on this topic. But that doesnt mean we should be lax and say oh the ummah is not going to fall into shirk so we dont need to worry.
Firstly its a fact some muslims have in the past and in the present apostated and committed shirk. Once they did that they no longer remained in this ummah. So clearly any person who claims to be a muslim and commits shirk, he is not in this ummah so no fear of shirk being in us.
Secondly we also have a hadeeth which states to the fact that imaan will return to Madinah Munawwarah just as a snake returns to its hole. In this light, it can be seen that the nation of true believers will diminish and flock to Madinah Munawwarah whilst kufr engulfs the rest of the world. Again the people who remain in this ummah will be in this ummah because they are free from shirk.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
yes all shirk is bad i agree, but hadith scholars seem to interpret the hadiths referring to particular types of shirk to highlight that these hadith don't contradict each other, even if they appear to at first sight.
Talk about grave worshipping my brother saw in in ajmer sharif, in india. It's a place to which a lotta muslims regularly send letters infused with prayers and a wad of cash in return for a miracle cure in the form of a talisman. Well my brother visited this place let's just say he was shocked at what he saw.
My husband tells me it's worse in Bangladesh they have a Shah Jalal shrine. Course Shah Jalal never ordered this, ppl did it against his wishes. Not just grave worship takes place there if you know any Bengalis who have been there ask them what takes place im sure youll be shocked :shock: i was.
Those who are lax in fearing shirk:
[i]Sayyidna Abu Musa al Ashari radhiyallahu anh narrates.
One day the Messenger of ALLAH salallahu alayhi wa sallam delivered a sermon saying:
"Oh People, fear shirk for it is more hidden than the creeping of an ant."
Those whom ALLAH wished, asked: "And how do we avoid it when it is more hidden than the creeping of an ant, O Messenger of ALLAH salallahu alayhi wa sallam?"
He salallahu alayhi wa sallam replied:
"Say -
Oh ALLAH we seek refuge in You from knowlingly committing shirk with You and we ask Your forgiveness for what we do not know about"[/i]Musnad Ahmad, Tabarani
Here the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is warning - warning who? - warning the SAHAABAH Karaam - to beware of shirk. When this is the warning on those who were chosen at the beginning of creation to be the Companions of Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam then the people today are even more deserving of this warning.
Ya ALLAH grant us tawheed and save us from shirk.
Make our end on imaan and save us from kufr.
Ennoble us with sunnah and protect us from bid'aat.
ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Yes. That hadith is quoted six times in Bukhari Shareef.
Another intresting hadith on this subject is the following which I heard in a study circle
The Holy Prophet
which has been narrated by Abu Ya'la, from Hudhaifa and about which Ibn Kathir said, "It's chain of transmission is good." Abu Ya'la said,
"The Prophet has said, "One of the things that concerns me about my nation is a man who studied the Qu'ran, and when its grace started to show on him and he had the appearance of a Muslim, he detached himself from it, and threw it behind his back, and went after his neighbour with a sword and accused him of associating partners with Allah.'
I then asked, "Oh, Prophet of Allah, which one is more guilty of associating partners with Allah, the accused or the accuser?' The Prophet said, "It is the accuser.'"
the koran tells us that u must not accuse without proof
it says that god will NOT forgive shirk, major or minor shirk, (if maintained till death and da person did not re-do thier shahada.)
it DOES NOT say the accuser will never be forgiven, it just says the one who commits it will not be forgiven. So what u quoted was a very dodgy, weak ahadith and by no means will it abrogate the word of the most wise.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Your entitled to your view. It doesnt bother me what you think.
I'm secure in my belief.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Because you invite that sort of name calling.
It's interesting that as 'E20' you were very mature and grown up.
It just reaffirms the idea that your contention that you are 14 years old is a big fat fib. And the fact that you act immature is to get on everyone's nerves.
You shouldn't be surprised if you get called names. In fact it's what you crave.
erm... name calling is not nice.
Cab people refrain from it. even for Juddah/2/
(I admit that I have ocasionally used the name Judas for him....)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
name calling is not nice
but slander is worse
I was accused of being a "grave worshipper" even though I have NEVER visited a grave in my 18 years of existence on Earth
they give me the creeps
and others members joined in
so his SLANDEROUS post was edited and some were deleted
really? you do that at times lilsis & so do a few others at times.
really it is not nice
I know I do-I dont deny that
but I never slander people
but calling me a graveworshipper he's slandering me as well as accusing me of commiting Shirk
I think thats a bit worse then mere name calling :roll:
course such accusations are not abit worst but ALOT worse
but since you dont deny name-calling BUT clearly state its not nice...maybe you should go about putting a stop to it yea.
as soon as perosnal slander of grave worshipping/halwa lovin etc stops
I'll stop the name calling