According to Google it is Ramadan in 4233600 seconds...... Just 7 weeks.
The companions used to prepare 6 months before, so you can say this blog is 192414 minutes late. Oops.
This is the one and only Ramadan 2013 blog where you can say anything and everything up until the month is over. (That's why I made sure I got in there before anyone else did )
Ramadan is a MASSIVE deal because its just amazing all year round. The physical, mental and spiritual peace is just surreal. We shouldn't take this opportunity for granted, so strive to capture as much benefits as possible!
So what have you got planned this year? Setting yourself a target/goal that you hope to achieve by the end of the month? It'ikaaf? Cutting down revvy time (*cough* addicts). Spending less time procrastinating/dreaming? Memorising some of the holy Qu'ran? Forgiving everything straight away? Promising to make someone smile? Avoiding bad language? Becoming actively involved in charities? Controlling your anger/acquiring patience? Learning new useful stuff/become more religious? Spending the night praying? ... And I've ran out of ideas.
Feel free to add your own so other's may benefit too.
those are really good suggestions mashaaAllah!!
was reading an article in SIster's magazine. we need to start those habits we want to implement, or at least a couple of them NOW. so that we dont feel overwhelmed when Ramadan comes. or feel depressed and self-pitying when Ramadan comes to an end and you feel like you havent achieved what you wanted to achieve or havent done as much as so and so. NEVER COMPARE YOURSELF TO SOMEONE ELSE. so yeah, lets have - argh cnt find the word, the opposite of crazy/unachievable - aims/goals.
one my major aim that i will defo aim to stick to is not loosing my temper. and being a GOOD big sister to ALL three of my siblings. these are THEE ones. dyou like them? i just came up with them now lol.
the religious aims always feel fuzzy in my head... partly shaytaan trying to throw me off telling me i cnt do this and that lol. id like to read a lot more Quran than i do now daily. maybe x3 as more. that sounds doable. which makes me question, is there a particular reward for finishing the whole Quran during Ramadan?
oh, another one ive been starting to implement and so want to stick to and perfect during Ramadan (not that im not going to try and perfect it before then) is the supplications after salaah.
oh, talking about supplications, i'd like to do my morning and evening duahs, meaningfully and with presence of mind everyday.
so yeah basically, all the above im going to start doing NOW and hope it becomes a habit and can be perfected during Ramadan.
edit: today i started using a siwaak/miswak. inshaaAllah i'll keep it up and be able to use it during Ramadan.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
MashaAllah, your ideas are a great start. Ramadhan is so close by and this is a great reminder. Thank you - Though 7 weeks does sound much more longer than 4233600 seconds.
I have a new aim BEFORE Ramadhan begins. I want to finish reading an entire Quran before the 1st of Ramadhan inshaAllah and that would require me to read the Quran daily. I've made a start and i'm a sixth of the way there.
This idea came from sincere reflection. You can never do enough and i'm obviously a Muslim (do'oh) yet the amount of Quran that i recited in a week or month was so less and i just felt gulity of how negligent i really am. So i decided to make that change.
I also want to make frequent a few other things too. Like reciting the duas for leaving and entering the toilet. Small, yet rewarding.
Also, reciting Allahu Akbar when i ascend the stairs and SubhanAllah when i descend the stairs. There are so many times during the day when i have to walk on stairs so it's worth remembering.
Not long left now. Only 2 weeks? Gosh hasnt it come round sooo quickly.
As i work 9-5 anyway and will be attending tarawee prayers in the evening that leaves very little time to do much of anything.
I am determined to perform all prayers on time this year. I will be taking my prayer matt into work. My work place is 99.99% non-muslims (im the only one there lol), so it will be interesting to see what happens. I intend to finish the entire Quran in Ramadan from start to finish in what time ive got.
I will be focusing on centring myself and becoming more calm and patient. The last year has been really tough to the point where i have lost my cool and become in patient with people. So inshallah this Ramadan i will be able to do much better.
Back in BLACK
MashaAllah, good intentions in the above posts.
An amazing lecture to watch: is external)
To summarise what it's about;
We spend our days outside Ramadan feeding our bodies and starving our souls. Ramadan is a month for us to make up the spiritual loss rather than satisfying our physical needs. Allah swt wants things to be easy for us.
The sole purpose of Ramadan is to attain taqwa which is mentioned loads of times in the Qur’an. Attaining taqwa is hard which is why we are given Ramdan to develop taqwa by fasting. Refraining from eating and drinking is something physical. Taqwa is spiritual. Do something physical, so it has a spiritual effect.
E.g. Fasting on a hot day and you’re really thirsty and starving. Right before iftaar time when there’s 5 minutes left to open your fast, you’re full of anticipation. Your stomach is hungry and wants food, but your heart which fears Allah more learns to win the battle. There’s a spiritual inner fight for 30 days and in the end, the heart wins. It becomes stronger because the heart is trained to beat the temptations for 30 days.
The real challenges in Ramadan are not given to us- it’s a simulation for when we confront the real situations (hence shaytaan is locked up and we have no distractions). The hearts are allowed to heal in Ramadan before we face the battle with shaytaan again for the rest of the 11 months.
In essence, ramadan = makes you grateful. Fasting = gain taqwa. Lots of Duaa during ramadan = sets you in the straight direction.
Make loads on the weekend and inshallah it will last you through the week.
Back in BLACK
Arrange loads of iftari meals with friends and family
And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.
Hate cooking -> Order in. BOOM! Problem solved.
Im trying to figure out; scientifically what the best sehri meal should be that would last you throughout the day.
Im thinking something with plenty of carbs and fibre to last you throughout the day. Weetabix perhaps?? Maybe add some honey or sugar. I guess i can have something with protein at iftari time. And a BIG glass of water.
I cant say porridge would help, as ive tried it before and it only lasts me until lunch then im all hank-marvin.
Family eat waay to heavy stuff 1st thing. Like fish and chips. I cant be doing that. Im sure there was mention of a hadith about eatting dates 1st thing?
And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.
Forget carbs and energy - you will survive even on plain toast and tea.
It is the thirst that counts.
That means making sure you dont feel dehydrated.
Plain yogurt helps here - a couple of spoons at the end of sehri and you are ready for the day.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Fruit. Lots of it. Foods high in carbs at suhoor are a good source of energy to last for the day. Eating dates are sunnah and they are extremely healthy (i.e. a source of dietary fibre which helps to lower cholesterol levels, they provide quick energy and contain a good amount of potassium which keeps your blood healthy), hence dates are popular and a favourite.
Having water in sips after iftaar till suhoor is the best way (at least 1 litre) instead of gulping it down at once and not giving your body a chance to absorb it all. Avoid spicy/salty foods at suhoor which are 'likely' to make you feel more thirsty.
The tip is to less at iftaar and more (if you can) at suhoor.
Easier said than done.
_Me_ is our expert nutritionist
I don't spend a lot of time thinking about what i want to eat, whatever's there i eat.
We have this tendency to buy those 8/10 in a pack small boxed cereals during Ramadhan though.
Complete detox of the body... if done right!
be positive people we are blessed in so many ways
Probably best to sleep in the afternoon, try to make sure you can get the iftar ready quick time near maghrib and you can get atleast a couple of hours kip after work. The sleep makes things easier.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Three and a half hours? :O
I'm starting to find it hard to eat at suhoor, felt sick yesterday, not hungry now either.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I tend to take a powernap after i get home from work. Then iftari and then i stay up till fajhr.
I have two small meals. Nothing too big. And lots of water.
And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.
*High five* That is precisely what i do and continue to intend doing. But i usually want the sleep to last longer but it doesn't happen.
The other day ago, i heard my brother crying, sirens of emergency service and the little girls singing 'I'll bring the naan, you can bring the dhaal'. (Something like that?) - It made me laugh so much! Bless their unworn cotton socks.
I had no choice but to get up and not bother sleeping.
Tiredness is something everyone falls prey to during Ramadan. Not a nice feeling at all.
Anyway, half of ramadan is over. 5 days from today and then the countdown to the last 10. Going far too quick..
Someone sent this earlier today and it's relevant to the above:
Ibnul Jawzi once said (admonishing the people when Ramadan had reached its middle):
''O people! Your month has reached its middle, so are there any amongst you who was just and took charge of his soul? And are there any among you who spent that time doing good? Has your will power longed to reach that which is noble and of honour? O person upon good! Continue to remain upon that goodness! O person who fell short! Reprimand yourself for falling short and blame yourself!
If you are going to lose out in this month then when ever will you succeed?"
Deep stuff.