
First 10 days of Dhul Hijjah

Abdullah Ibn ’Abbas (ra) related that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, "Good deeds performed on other days are not superior to those performed on these (first ten days of Dhul Hijjah)."

The Companions (ra) inquired, "Not even Jihad?" He replied, "Not even Jihad, except for that person who goes out putting himself and his wealth in danger and does not return with anything." (Bukhari)

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, “There are no days that are greater before Allah or in which good deeds are more beloved to Him than these ten days, so recite a great deal of tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed during them.” [Ahmad]

The Manners of Fasting


Ramadan comes with blessings to the Muslims.

The reports from the Qur'an and the Sunnah encourage an increase in action to get reward as we saw and also out of gratefulness to Allah who says [in meaning]:

"(He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must glorify Allah for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him" [al-Baqara, 2:185]

and similarly about Hajj;

"So when you have accomplished your rites (of Hajj) remember Allah as you remember your fathers or with a far greater remembrance" [al-Baqara, 2:200]

1 - Eating the Suhoor (the pre-dawn meal)

Suhoor is distinctive of the Ummah of Muhammad salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam;

The virtues of fasting in general and of Ramadan in particular

There are many virtues of Ramadan and fasting expressed in the Qur'an and in the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam. If only one of these virtues was told to us it would have been enough motivation to perfect our fasting seeking that reward and the pleasure of Allah, but it is again from the mercy of Allah that He taught us many virtues of fasting so that we get encouraged even more. I will focus mainly on the virtues of forgiveness, salvation from Hell fire and reward of Paradise, but before that I shall mention few other virtues that are not less important than the latter.

The Grades Of Fasting


It should be known that there are three grades of fasting: ordinary, special and extra-special.

Ordinary fasting means abstaining from food, drink and sexual satisfaction.

Special fasting means keeping one's ears, eyes,tongue, hands and feet-and all other organs-free from sin.

Extra-special fasting means fasting of the heart from unworthy concerns and worldly thoughts, in total disregard of everything but Allah.

See not what displeases Allah

A chaste regard, restrained from viewing anything that is blameworthy or reprehensible, or which distracts the heart and diverts it from the remembrance of God.

Why Should I Fast?

Every year, for one complete lunar month-the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, you as an adult Muslim are required to fast. From dawn to sunset in the month of Ramadan, you are required to refrain from all food and drink and sexual relations with your spouse.

If you are sick or on a journey you are allowed not to fast but you must make up for it by fasting the same number of days missed during Ramadan.

Why should I fast?

The main purpose of fasting is described in the Quran as "so that you may attain Taqwa or God-consciousness." Fasting is thus yet another instrument for bringing us closer to our natural state, our state of Fitrah and for cleansing this state from the dross of any disobedience and corruption.

Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system

In the first evidence of a natural intervention triggering stem cell-based regeneration of an organ or system, a study in the June 5 issue of the Cell Stem Cell shows that cycles of prolonged fasting not only protect against immune system damage — a major side effect of chemotherapy — but also induce immune system regeneration, shifting stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal.

University of Southern California News

The Revival’s Guide to Ramadhan

The Revival Team

What is Ramadhan?

Ramadhan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. During this month which is either 29 or 30 days, Muslims all over the world fast by abstaining from food and water from dawn until the sun sets.

Ramadhan is a blessed month in which the Holy Quran was first sent down as a guide to mankind with clear signs for guidance and judgement between right and wrong. It is also a time when the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell-Fire are closed and the devils are chained up.

Why do Muslims fast in Ramadhan?

Fasting in the month of Ramadhan has been prescribed by Allah Almighty and is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims fast to show their submission, commitment and worship to their Lord.  

Ramadan 2013

According to Google it is Ramadan in 4233600 seconds...... Just 7 weeks.

The companions used to prepare 6 months before, so you can say this blog is 192414 minutes late. Oops.

This is the one and only Ramadan 2013 blog where you can say anything and everything up until the month is over. (That's why I made sure I got in there before anyone else did Dirol )

Ramadan is a MASSIVE deal because its just amazing all year round. The physical, mental and spiritual peace is just surreal. We shouldn't take this opportunity for granted, so strive to capture as much benefits as possible!

The Importance Of Fasting Six Days in Shawal After Ramadan

After the end of the month of Ramadan, the month of Shawal begins. Shawal in Arabic means uplift or breakage. This meaning has historical importance as before the spread of Islam, Arabs were of the view that weddings that take place during the month of Shawal result in unsuccessful marriages.For more details please visit the site below:

Ramadan – A Nutritional And Exercise Plan For Men And Women

During the blessed month of Ramadan, most people face different kinds of health related problems. For some, Ramadan results in weight gain while for others it leads to reduced energy levels. No matter what the case, if you want to have the energy to pray, read and learn Quran during Ramadan, you need to devise strategies that will help you maintain a balance. The best solution to all health problems is to make a workout and nutrition plan for this month.

However, before you start making a nutritional plan for Ramadan, it is best if you understand the bodily changes that take place while fasting.For more details please visit the site below:
