Do YOU think homosexuality should be taught in primary schools?

Is this going to happen?

It depends on what they're taught, and how old they are. I think kids generally find out what it is but perhaps without really understanding it. So the question is do they really need to know? I dunno, they're going to understand it later anyway and the more it's talked about the more normal it's going to sound, so that's worrying for us as Muslims. I'm guessing the arguments for it involve equality and breaking down prejudice and discrimination and so on...

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Kids DO get taught about hetrosexuality. They're taught that the bodies of males and females are complementary to each other and that it is men and women who get married, reproduce and pass on their genes to the next generation through having children. That's what i was taught.

I think it should continue to be taught in that way. It sounds more natural. I don't think the same applies to homosexuality. The bodies of men weren't made complementary for the bodies of other men and neither were the bodies of females made complementary for the bodies of other women.

But with society rapidly changing perhaps teachers might think there's a need for it to be otherwise and will include homosexuality as one those topics that teachers in the past may never have dreamed of teaching their children. I can't exactly remember how i found out about homosexuality and at what age i was.


I don't remember being told men and women are complementary, I only remember anything similar being taught in science lessons on reproduction. Hetro/homosexuality was mentioned in RE I think but apart from that I can't really remember it being mentioned...maybe in PHSE? hmmmm

(And I'm talking about secondary school)

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Of course not! Why should schools pollute innocent minds with such crap?! Heterosexuality is seen as a natural way of life for children, because its rare to see two dads (or mums) around believe it or not. Regardless of the age, homosexuality shouldn't be taught in primary schools at all! It shouldn't even be something to consider either because children are naive and they should be brought up in a normal environment, not being brainwashed by something unnatural from such a young age. Last thing anyone wants is for kids to start doubting their own sexuality- something which is possible once they start to become inquisitive. I don't think parents would be pleased either if they had to bring up a kid who thought they were gay.

Sticking to the traditional curriculum so it may actually benefit is the best way forward. 



Great topic.

And I have been thinking about it for a couple days since Hummus mentioned it to me. 

And I haven't made my mind up.


I think that these days there is some teaching about homosexuality being normal at the primary school level.

It may be to avoid any kids who are brought up by a same sex couple from being made uncomfortable about the choice that they had no part in.

Or it may go a lot further than that, I haven't checked.

There is very active social engineering that takes place on kids that over time is there to fit specific moulds that are desired by the powers that be in what they consider to be improvement to society.

As for what should be taught in primary... isn't that too young to discuss sexuality at all?

IMO (limited) anatomy yes, sexuality, no.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Muslim kids know that anything pig related is haraam. 

But thats because its openly talked about. So right and wrong in accordance with our religion can be instilled more easily. 

Muslim kids learning about homosexuality. 

Not discussed openly at all. So can right and wrong in accordance with our religion be instilled at all?


s.b.f wrote:
Muslim kids know that anything pig related is haraam. 

But thats because its openly talked about. So right and wrong in accordance with our religion can be instilled more easily. 

Muslim kids learning about homosexuality. 

Not discussed openly at all. So can right and wrong in accordance with our religion be instilled at all?

I remember back in the days when children wouldn't dare to even say the word pig. It was always P-I-G. It was so wrong if you said the full word, lol. Around the world it's a known fact that Muslims don't consume pigs and the animal welfare societies and animal lovers don't get offended because they know that due to Islamic obligations, we're unable to eat it. They don't label you as an animal hater or anything like that.

Now as Muslims we already know that homosexuality is forbidden in our religion. It's not discussed that openly so I'm not very sure how many non-Muslim people actually know what Islam really says about it. You don't see kids saying G-A-Y either. But if you even thought of showing your slightest dislike or disapprovement of gay or lesbian people, you'll be labelled as homophobic straight away.

So I'm just wondering whether we can actually compare these two situations.


LOL i rememeber this one time i actually asked my older brother how to spell Pee-eye-gee. He just blinked and laughed.... i was soooo confused. Until he let me in on it haha.

The next generation need to know about Homosexuals. Not discussing it wont help matters. It will only make it worse. However primary school is perhaps a little too young. Sex ed is openly taught in secondary school, so i would imagine this is a more appropriate age.

It is better if they are taught what it is and maybe if the parents want to fill in the child about what Islam says, then let them make up their own minds. Kids arent as stupid as a lot of people think.

Non-Mulims know about this because certain "Islamic" states/groups etc openly condem and massacre homosexual people. So when you go around killing certain groups of society in the name of religion, it tends to erk people. Suddenly everyone sharing that religion is painted with the same brush.
Whereas the rest of the world is ever changing and adapting to new things, new ideas in order to survive. Islam does not. And i imagine that scares people.

Back in BLACK

Hummus wrote:
I remember back in the days when children wouldn't dare to even say the word pig. It was always P-I-G. It was so wrong if you said the full word, lol. Around the world it's a known fact that Muslims don't consume pigs and the animal welfare societies and animal lovers don't get offended because they know that due to Islamic obligations, we're unable to eat it. They don't label you as an animal hater or anything like that.

Now as Muslims we already know that homosexuality is forbidden in our religion. It's not discussed that openly so I'm not very sure how many non-Muslim people actually know what Islam really says about it. You don't see kids saying G-A-Y either. But if you even thought of showing your slightest dislike or disapprovement of gay or lesbian people, you'll be labelled as homophobic straight away.

So I'm just wondering whether we can actually compare these two situations.

Animal lovers wouldn't get offended that you don't eat pig. Some hosts might, but by and large it isn't an offensive thing, and especially not to animal welfare organisations. And prefering not be gay, and even having strong views against homosexual behaviour, doesn't make you homophobic, but you are right that showing dislilke or disapproval of gay people does.

There is room for a comparison though: People from non-equal rights cultures all around the world should understand tolerance to be an inalienable totem of British culture.

If this thread is simply asking if it is OK for kids to know that some people have same-sex relationships, I think yes. It doesn't strike me as pressing but anyway it makes no sense to pretend otherwise.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

@Seraphim, Titanium - are your points generic or about this specific topic of primary schools?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Hummus wrote:

So I'm just wondering whether we can actually compare these two situations.

Not sure about whether the two can be actually compared or not but my post came from imagining a scene where I am a parent and I am aware that my child today has for example had a Life Skills lesson where they've learnt about homosexuality. How would I feel? Uneasy. Uncomfortable. How to approach the topic with my child? 

Why after bring born and bought up in England, with gay friends who are decent human beings and being exposed to interaction between gay people would I feel uneasy and uncomfortable about my child learning about it at school? Maybe because Im not sure what way they are going to be taught. Fears about what they develop to think is okay and not okay. 

I have an acquaintance. He is a pakistani gay guy. He is currently, and has been for many months actually, been worried and thinking about how to tell his parents he cant get married because hes gay. What do you say to that. 


I don't 'mind' having homosexual friends. I'm strong enough to not get influenced by those sort of things. But for some very odd reason i'm more accepting of gay guys than gay girls. I just find it odd - That's the way to put it. I'd actually want to know what sort of things go through their mind and how they have developed to become homosexual. 

If i had a Muslim gay friend, i'd actually sit them down and try to think of ways to remove their homosexual side. I don't see the point in bashing Quranic Ayats or Hadith at them because if they're speaking to me about it in confidence the last thing they want me to do is get angry and religious at them. I'm free to have my opinion and be totally against it, but i'd sort of need to 'support' them and help them to overcome it at the same time, if that's possible.

If it was a non-Muslim, i don't know what i'd do. Maybe i'd go all scientific on them instead of all religious on them. I'd want to hear them out and then try to work around one of their core beliefs about themselves and twist that and change that in the hope that other beliefs they have about their homosexual side are changed too.

BUT i still would NEVER want my child to be taught about homosexuality at primary school. Just no. They don't need to know about those things at such a young age, so why expose them to it? They're kids. Just let them run around and do kids things.

PS) "The science proposals omit any reference to genitalia, puberty or sexual health" "Children will continue to be taught about their bodies, physical development and reproduction." (12 April 2013) < Now this is about the proposed SECONDARY school changes. If they want to water down what we were taught when we were at secondary school and make it more basic, why do they want to introduce homosexuality at primary school and make it more complicated? I actually don't get it! :/


i dont want my kids/siblings to think its normal.

theres a thing going around, abt introducing homosexuality as normal. having prince meet prince story books and "my parents got divorced and now dad lives with John (or whatever his name is), they live together and sleep together." "being gay is just another type of love"


the underlying issue lies in whether it is or isnt normal. and whether one can or cannot help it.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I don't think it is normal. If it was normal why are people so secretive about it? They have something not-normal which they'd like to hide and keep to themselves. If it was normal, people would be willing to tell their kids about it and speak about it openly.

When any of you were studying at Madrassah and you were being taught the stories of the prophets, were you taught about Lut AlayhisSalaam and the fact that his people consisted of homosexualites and that the Quran speaks about them in Surah Ambiya? Was this something that the teachers or the books that you studied from, left out?


I dnt actually remembee hoe I found out abt homosexuality.. Hmm..

Ive learnt that morals and values of good and bad can be deduce by the mind but when it cmes to comes to actions n putting it into practise then we need a role model n guidelines aka the prophet sallAllahualaihiwasalam. the other side is just having those morals n values n no way to visualize how to implement them in everyday life, a bit like non-religiohs people who still believe in good etc..

If we arent told wether homosexuality is "right" or "wronf" we'vel cnt figure it out ourselves, we just havent fot the mental abilities but there is a deep rooted feeling inside od us thst make us feel like it isnt righ

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

OMG. Forget homosexuality, i was reading an article saying that they might introduce porn into schools! :S 

That aside and now onto this topic - Are there any countries that actually teach homosexuality in schools at the moment?


Hummus wrote:
OMG. Forget homosexuality, i was reading an article saying that they might introduce porn into schools! :S 

Not exactly porn, but "education" about it. Here's an article on it, if anyone's interested. 

"Teachers need to know that pornography is not necessarily 'all bad' and can sometimes be 'helpful', a group of sex education experts has suggested."

God help us!

Is there any way the public can stop things like homosexuality and porn education entering the curriculum?

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
Hummus wrote:
OMG. Forget homosexuality, i was reading an article saying that they might introduce porn into schools! :S 

Not exactly porn, but "education" about it. Here's an article on it, if anyone's interested. 

"Teachers need to know that pornography is not necessarily 'all bad' and can sometimes be 'helpful', a group of sex education experts has suggested."

God help us!

Is there any way the public can stop things like homosexuality and porn education entering the curriculum?

YES. By refusing to send their kids to school.

The education system is already corrupt, yet they're still keen on rotting the minds of young children. Kids shouldn't have to learn disgusting crap even if its everywhere in society. Peer pressure is common in society- children don't even realize it when they're influenced by their environment yet that isn't highlighted as much. So why on earth do they think introducing porn will help education?!?! Its just taking advantage of innocent minds which shouldn't even be given a second thought. Instead of thinking up sick stuff they should focus on fixing up their own education, and look at the state of primary schools in the long-run cause at this rate there won't be a single child going to school due to being treated for post traumatic stress disorder. 

Stupid, pathetic, imbecilic, foolish, crazy, dumb idea and whoever thought of it must have been stoned. :@ 


Education is what countries that don't have, are trying to introduce so if we're not going to send our kids to school, well that's actually taking a few steps backwards. If more parents would be willing to home-school their kids then i think that would end this whole idea of bringing inapproapriate things into the curriculum. 

Homeschooling aside, i don't think ANY kid should have to need to learn these things at such a young age. Like _Me_ said, they're so innocent and we're polluting their minds. It's a silly idea and one that will actually change society in a bad way, i believe. Maybe we're getting over populated and they can't control immigration properly so homosexuality may be a way of combatting that (because homosexuals can't reproduce and have kids the natural way). ROFL xD That would be so funny actually. 

Just thinking - You know how schools that are now academies are much more flexible and can change their term holidays and school dates and a couple of other things including how the school is run, do you think they have a right to be able to decide whether they want their teachers to teach these two topics? Or would it be compulsory regardless of whether your school was an academy or not?


In our primary school parents were given the option to opt their child out from learning about sex ed,  So we as parents made sure our child knew what was coming because we thought it was our duty to teach him, then when the school did do its thing it wasn't a shock.  Same goes with homosexuality, if the school decides to discuss this with the kids they should notify parents first, so we can decide how best to approach this subject. 

We as sensible parents shouldn't allow the state to hijack our responsibilities, and should deal with such subjects ourselves. Once we have done our job then the school can do what it likes.  However, in any case the choice to opt your kid out should be given.

Another thing it should be noted that learning about, being with or making it sound ok does not make you gay.


There are some gay teachers in school now.

Omrow wrote:
There are some gay teachers in school now.

I don't think gay teachers teach kids about their gayness, or do they?


Question: Should homosexuality be taught as a "controversial" issue or not?


Hummus wrote:
Question: Should homosexuality be taught as a "controversial" issue or not?

Are you putting the emphasis on "controversial"? Yeah I guess so, if they're going to teach it, then this way is perhaps best. Though, I don't see that happening tbh. They'll just want everyone to respect them, and any other opinion will not be allowed. Like Mufti Menk having to cancel his uni talks because their was outrage because of his comments on homosexuals.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi