

11.30PM - I am extremely exhausted after a long and enjoyable day of shopping with one of my sisters. I eat, pray and fall asleep.

1.00AM - I am in a deep sleep though I soon find out that the house phone rang. Yes, a phone call at crazy o'clock, can you believe it? Why would anyone ring at such a time? How inconsiderate!!

A few minutes after 1.00AM - I am woken up by the sister whom I share a bedroom with saying that my youngest sister's school sent an automated message saying that my sister has been caught on CCTV doing something she should've have and that she must report to the head mistress first thing in the morning with her pencilcase and that she risks being excluded. 


CHAIRTY WEEK - one week at the end of octber (for unis) and the week after (for school and colleges) where everyone unite for one cause: Orphans and Needy Children.

100% Donations. Projects provided by Islamic Relief. BUT CW ISNT AN IR PROJECT. IR just help us with the admin stuff and finding suitable project for the money to go to.

so if you're in school, college, uni or even if you wanna do it as a group of friend.. GET IN TOUCH!!

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Human rights, threat to headmaster who seized mobile

Human rights threat to headmaster who seized mobile from pupil, 12

Home schooling, a good idea?

So my 13 year old sister asked me to speak to my parents about home schooling her. She tells me she just doesn't like the environment at school. It's not that everybody's a bad influence at school but the majority are bound by almost no rules.

My older sister thinks it's a bad idea for her to be away from other girls her age and that it may have a bad affect on her in the future and i think my dad pretty much agrees.

I haven't yet discussed this with my dad as i don't know what's best atm. I do need to talk to him soon or my lil sis is gonna kill me.

IMO home schooling has it's positives and negatives...unlike some i don't agree that it cuts her off from society completely.

Practical sex lessons in Austrian school

Most Brits think it's an activity best learned behind closed doors.
But an enterprising Swedish schoolmistress thinks otherwise.
Ylva-Maria Thompson has opened the world's first international sex school to teach its students how to be better lovers.
The Austrian International Sex School in Vienna offers 'hands on' lessons in seduction for £1,400 a term.

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