Submitted by Hummus on 24 January, 2013 - 14:38 #91
There is no Muslim on the planet (as long as he or she is a true believer) who does not love the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him eternal peace) deeply and passionately; but people just express ‘their love’ in different ways. You may disagree with others on certain issues, and even consider their position to be erroneous; but never question their intention and sincerity, for you will be questioned on the Day of Judgment by the Judge of all judges! - Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari.
you need to stop this. your approach is all wrong even if what you say mightbe right. its like going up to total starngers and saying all thisstuff. they'll never listen. and the prophet sallAllahu'alaihiwassalam didnt just say anything, manners and etiquettes and how you approach people is a big thing in Islam.
thats why there was only 2/3 prayers at the beginningofislam, then it increase to 5.
thats why alcohol wasnt banned straight away
thats why the mourning periods was left quite long and then later decreased.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 24 January, 2013 - 15:40 #93
Shaikh al-Albanee: Is the celebration of Mawlid an-Nabawi Khayr (good) or evil?
The opponent: Khayr.
Shaikh al-Albanee: So, were the Messenger of Allah r and his Sahabah unaware of this Khayr (good)?
The opponent: No.
al-Albanee: I am not convinced with your saying, 'No' because it is
impossible that this Khayr (i.e. the celebration Mawlid) if it is Khayr
- be concealed from the Prophet r and his Sahabah since we do not know
Islam and Eeman except through Prophet Muhammad r. So, how do we know a
Khayr (good deed) that he did not know of? This is impossible.
The opponent: Establishing Mawlid an-Nabawi is reviving his r memories and is a tribute to him r.
al-Albanee:This is a philosophy that we know of, and have heard from
many and read in their books, but when Allah's Messenger r invited the
people (to the Deen of Allah), did he call them to Islam as a whole or
he invited them to Tawheed?
The opponent:Tawheed.
al-Albanee:First, he invited them to Tawheed, next prayer was made
obligatory, then fasting, later the obligation of Hajj, and so on. So,
you follow this Sunnah of the Sharee'ah, (and talk about the issue under
discussion) step-by-step.
We have now agreed that it is impossible that there could be a Khayr
with us which the Prophet r did not know of. (Because) we know all the
Khayr through the Messenger r... and I believe that anyone, who doubts
in this matter, is not a Muslim.
From the
Ahadeeth of Allah's Messenger r that support this statement is, "There
is nothing that will take you closer to Paradise but that I have
enjoined it upon you, and there is nothing that will take you closer to
Hell but that I have warned you of it." [Musnad ash-Shafa'ee and others]
So, if Mawlid was Khayr and something that could bring us closer to
Allah, then Allah's Messenger r would have guided us to it. Right or
wrong. I don't want you to
agree with me except if you are convinced of every word I say. You have
complete freedom to say, "Please, I do not agree with this point." So,
do you stop at some point from what I have just said, or are you with me
The opponent:I am with you totally.
Shaikh al-Albanee:Jazak Allah Khair.
We say to everybody who approves of this celebration – Mawlid is Khayr
in your opinion, so did the Messenger of Allah r guide us to it or did
he not. If they say, "He guided us to it." We say to them, "Produce your
proof if you are truthful." [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 11] and they can
never bring a proof of it... they have no proof or argument except
(saying), "This is a Bidah Husna (a good innovation)!!"
All - those
who approve of Mawlid and those who forbid it - are in agreement that
this (celebration of) Mawlid neither existed at the time of Allah's
Messenger nor at the time of the Sahabah...
However, the supporters of Mawlid say, "What is in Mawlid? It is just
remembering the Prophet r , sending blessing upon him and similar
acts."We say, "If it was Khayr, there would have been precedence in it
(by the Salaf as-Salih). You know the Hadeeth of Allah's Messenger r,
"The best of my ummah is my generation, then those who come after them,
those who come after them." This is an agreed upon Hadeeth.
The Prophet's generation was in which he r and the Sahabah lived, then
those who followed them were the Tabi'oon, and then those who followed
them were the followers of Tabi'oon. This again is an agreed upon
So, do you think that there could be any Khayr in which we could excel them in terms of knowledge and actions? Is it possible?
The opponent:Concerning knowledge - if the Messenger had informed someone at his time that the earth rotates.
al-Albanee:Please no divergence (from the issue under discussion). I
asked you about two things; knowledge and action. As a matter of fact,
this divergence of yours has been helpful to me. So, (to say in a more
clear way), my question is in terms of the Sharee'ah
knowledge and actions. It is not concerning (the knowledge of) medicine for example.
The doctor today is more knowledgeable than Ibn Seena in his age
because he was born after a long time and various experiments(were)
carried out (during this period) but this does not increase him (in
status) in the sight of Allah nor does he achieve precedence over the
best generations. Rather he possesses a superior status in the field of
knowledge he possesses. We are however, speaking about the Sharee'ah
knowledge Barak Allah Feek (may Allah bless you).
So, you have to keep this in mind. When I tell you, do we believe that
we can be more knowledgeable, it refers to the Sharee'ah knowledge not
the experimental knowledge like Geography, Astronomy, Chemistry and
Physics. In this time of ours, a disbeliever is more knowledgeable than
the other people in these secular sciences - does this bring him closer
to Allah?
The opponent:No
al-Albanee: So, now we are not talking in terms of worldly knowledge
but we are speaking about knowledge with which we seek
nearness/closeness to Allah.
Just a little while ago, we were speaking about the celebration of
Mawlid. The question again is and please reply openly without another
Do you think with the mind and intellect bestowed upon you (by Allah)
that it is possible for us, in this later time to be more knowledgeable
than the Sahabah and the Taba'een with regards to the Sharee'ah
knowledge and be hastier in performing actions and that we be closer to
Allah than the Salaf as-Salih?
The opponent: Do you mean the Tafseer of the Qur'aan by the knowledge of the Sharee'ah?
al-Albanee: They are more knowledgeable than us in Tafseer, they are
more knowledgeable than us in the Ahadeeth of Allah's Messenger -
consequently they are more knowledgeable than us in the Sharee'ah of
opponent: Perhaps today in our time (we are more knowledgeable)
concerning the Tafseer of the Qur'aan, for example the Qur'aanic verse,
"You will see the mountains and think them solid, but they shall pass
away as the passing away of the clouds. The Work of Allah, Who perfected
all things. Verily! He is Well-Acquainted with what you do." [Soorah
an-Naml (27): 88]
If the Messenger of Allah r had informed someone in his time that the
earth rotates, would he have believed him? Nobody would have believed
Shaikh al-Albanee: Do you want us to write down another divergence in your record?
Brother, I am asking about the totality and not some part, we are
asking a common question - who is more knowledgeable as a whole about
The opponent: Obviously Allah's Messenger r and his Sahabah.
Shaikh al-Albanee: This is (the answer) we want from you, Barak Allah Feek.
The Tafseer, which you keep repeating, has no relation with actions. It
relates to thinking and intellect. Those who mention this verse in
order to conclude that the earth rotates are mistaken because the verse
relates to the Day of Judgment, "On the Day when the earth will be
changed to another earth and so will be the heavens, and they (all
creatures) will appear before Allah, the One, the Irresistible.' [Soorah
Ibraheem (14): 48]
(However,) We are not discussing this subject. I accept that that the
later people are more knowledgeable about secular sciences than the
Sahabah, the Taba'een and others - but this has no relation with
righteous actions. For example, today the disbelievers are more
knowledgeable in the sciences of astronomy but will it benefit them in
any way? No. So, we don't have to plunge into this subject, we are to
speak about everything that brings us closer to Allah. We have to
discuss about Mawlid an-Nabawi.
We have so
far agreed that if there was any Khayr then the Salaf as- Salih and at
their head Allah's Messenger r would have been more knowledgeable about
it than us and enthusiastic in performing that action. Is there any
doubt in it?
The opponent: No, no doubt.
al-Albanee: Do not restrict this to experimental sciences it has nothing
to do with closeness to Allah or righteous deeds. So, Mawlid was
non-existent during the time of Allah's Messenger r - as agreed upon by
everybody. So, this Khayr was non-existent during the time of Allah's
Messenger r, his Sahabah, Taba'een and the Imams. How could this Khayr
be concealed from them? We have to say one of the two things; They knew
this Khayr like we know (because) they were more knowledgeable than us.
They did not know this Khayr, then how did we know it? So, if we say,
they knew - and this saying is more in favor of those who approve the
celebration of Mawlid - so, why did they not act upon it?
Are we closer to Allah then they were?!
Why did not even one of them perform this act - a Sahabi, a Taba'ee, a knowledgeable or even a common person?
Does it suit your mind that nobody ever acted upon this Khayr although
there number was in millions, they were more knowledgeable than us,
righteous than us and closer to Allah than us?
You know the saying of Allah's Messenger r, "Do not revile my
companions. By (Allah) in Whose Hand my soul is, if any one of you
spends gold (piled up) like (mount) Uhud it will not equal a pint of any
one of them, nor its half." [Agreed upon]
Do you see the difference between them and us? They struggled in the
path of Allah with the Prophet r. They took the knowledge 'gaddan
taryan' (fresh and anew) without these many mediums that are between us
and the Prophet r.
Allah's Messenger r pointed towards a similar meaning in the Saheeh
Hadeeth, "Whoever wants to read the Qur'aan as gaddan taryan as when it
was revealed, then let him read according to the recitation of Ibn Umm
Abd (i.e. Abdullah ibn Mas'ood)."
We cannot imagine that these Salaf as-Salih and at the head of them the
Sahabah were ignorant of something that would bring one closer to Allah
and we know of it.
If we say that they knew it like we know then we cannot imagine that they ignored this Khayr.
Insha'Allah, this issue has been made clear to you after I have
repeatedly mentioned it. If the celebration of Mawlid was Khayr then it
would have been from Islam.
The opponent: al-Hamdulillah.
Shaikh al-Albanee: Jazak Allah Khair.
One more thing. There are numerous verses and Ahadeeth which explain
that Islam has been completed/perfected. I believe you are well-aware of
this and firmly believe in it – both a scholar and a common man know
this truth that Islam is complete and it is not like the religion of the
Jews and Christians in which there is alteration and modification every
I remind you of the saying of Allah, "This day I have perfected your
religion for you, completed my Favor upon you and have chosen for you
Islam as your religion." [Soorah al-Maidah (5):3]
So here comes the question and this is another way to prove that the
celebration of Mawlid is not Khayr. If the celebration of Mawlid
wasKhayr then it would have been from Islam. So are we all - those who
approve of the celebration of Mawlid and those who disapprove of it -
agreed upon this issue like our agreement upon the issue that the
celebration of Mawlid was non-existent during the time of Allah's
Are we agreed upon now that if the celebration of Mawlid was Khay then
it would have been from Islam and if it was not Khayr then it is not
from Islam?
"This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my Favor
upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." [Soorah al-
Maidah (5):3]
The day when the above verse was revealed, there was no celebration of
Mawlid. So do you think the Deen would have been complete (without this
Please be frank with me, do not think of me as those scholars who quiet
their students and common people saying, 'Be quite, you do not know and
you don't understand.'
Use your freedom to speak as if you were speaking to a person of your
age and knowledge. If you are not convinced say, 'I am not convinced.'
So, if the celebration of Mawlid was Khayr then it would have been from
Islam and if it was not Khayr then it would not have been from Islam
and we are agreed upon that Mawlid was non-existent when this verse was
I base my argument upon the saying of Malik Ibn Anas, who said, "He,
who innovates a Bidah in the religion of Islam and he considers it to be
Khayr then he has maligned the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad r that he r
betrayed the Message (i.e., did not completely convey the message)."
Notice that Malik Ibn Anas says one Bidah and not many Bidah.
So, this is a dangerous matter. What is the proof, O Imam?
Imam Malik
said, "Read if you wish, 'This day I have perfected your religion for
you,ncompleted my Favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your
religion.'" [Soorah al-Maidah (5):3]
So, something that was not from the Deen that day is also not from the Deen today."
When did Imam Malik make this statement?
In the 2nd century after Hijrah - one of the generations that was promised goodness. So, how about the 14th century?!
This statement of Imam Malik should be carved with letters of gold. But
we are ignorant of the Book of Allah and the Ahadeeth of Allah's
Messenger r, and from the saying of the scholars whom we claim to
follow, between their example and ours is a distance equal to the
distance between east and west.
Imam Malik speaks in clear Arabic, 'something that was not from the Deen that day, is not from the Deen today.'
If it was not so then there would have been no controversy or dispute
among the scholars who adhere to the Sunnah and those who defend the
How can the celebration of Mawlid be from the Deen, when it was not so
during the time of Allah's Messenger, the Sahabah, the Taba'een and
their followers?!
Malik was from the followers of the Taba'een and was included in the
Hadeeth, "The best of my ummah is my generation, then those who come
after them, then those who come after them." [Agreed upon]
Imam Malik said, "The affairs of the later part of this ummah can never
be corrected except with that which corrected the affairs of the early
generations of this Ummah."
With what were the first part of the Ummah corrected?
By innovating in the religion and (seeking to) achieve closeness to
Allah with that which Allah's Messenger r did not prescribed??!
Allah's Messenger r said, "There is nothing that will take you closer
to Paradise but that I have enjoined it upon you, and there is nothing
that will take you closer to Hell but that I have warned you from it."
[Musnad ash-Shafa'ee]
Why did Allah's Messenger r not order us with the celebration of Mawlid?
This is a question and it has an answer, (because) there exists a
legislated celebration of Mawlid an-Nabawi in contrast to the
unlegislated celebration of Mawlid an-Nabawi. The legislated celebration
existed during the time of Allah's Messenger r in contrast to the
unlegislated one.
There are two big differences between these two celebrations;
1) The legislated celebration is a form of worship and is agreed upon
by all the Muslims (in contrast to the unlegislated one, which is
neither legislated nor a worship and is not agreed upon by all Muslims)
2) The legislated celebration comes once every week and their
celebration of Mawlid comes once a year. I do not say this without a
proof, I will relate to you a Hadeeth from Saheeh Muslim,
Abi Qatadah al-Ansaree related, "There came a man to Allah's Messenger r
and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, why do you fast on Mondays?" He r
replied, "That is the day on which I was born and the day on which I was
entrusted with the Mission or when I was first given Revelation."
[Saheeh Muslim]
What is the meaning of this statement?
The Prophet r is saying, why do you ask me this while on this day Allah
gave me life and revealed the Qur'aan upon me?! Which means that it is
required to fast on Mondays as a gratitude to Allah for His creating me
and revelation of the Wahy.
This is
similar to the fast of Aashoorah. The fast of Aashoorah was made
obligatory upon every Muslim before the month of Ramadaan. It has been
related in the Ahadeeth that when Allah's Messenger migrated to Medina,
he found the Jews fasting the day of Aashoorah and inquired about it.
They replied saying this is the day when Allah saved Moosa u and his
people from Fir'awn and his army. So we fast on this day in thankfulness
to Him.Allah's Messenger r said, "We have more right upon him than
you." So,he fasted and ordered fasting on this day and it was made
obligatory until Allah revealed this verse, "The month of Ramadan in
which was revealed the Qur'aan, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs
for the guidance and criterion (between right and wrong)." [Soorah
al-Baqarah (2): 185]
The obligation of fasting on the day of Aashoorah was abrogated later and it became a Sunnah.
It is evident from this that Allah's Messenger r participated with the
Jews in their fasting on the day of Aashoorah in thankfulness to Allah
for saving Moosa u from Fir'awn. So, the door of Shukr (thankfulness)
has been opened - even for us - in the form of fasting on Mondays
because it is the day when Allah's Messenger r was born and on this day
the Wahy (revelation) came down upon him.
Now I ask, 'These people who celebrate Mawlid, do they fast on Mondays?'
No, they do not fast on Mondays. But most of the people celebrate Mawlid an-Nabawi every year! Is this not altering the facts?
For these people, the following verse is true with regards to Jews
(alone), 'Would you exchange that which is better for that which is
lower?' [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 61]
The fast which is agreed upon by all the Muslims on Mondays is Khayr although majority of the Muslims do not fast this day!!
There are a very few people who fast on these days. So, do they know the reason behind this fast? No, they don't.
So, where are the scholars who defend Mawlid, why don't they enlighten
the people that fasting on Monday is the legislated celebration of
Mawlid (i.e., birthday of Allah's Messenger)? And why don't they
encourage the people to it instead of defending the unlegislated
Allah truly says, "Would you exchange that which is better for that which is lower?" [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 61]
The Messenger truly said, "They will follow the ways of those who came
before them, handspan by handspan, cubit by cubit, until even if they
entered a lizard's hole they will follow them." We said, "O Messenger of
Allah, (do you mean) the Jews and Christians?" He said, "Who else?"
[Agreed upon]
So, we have followed in the footsteps of the Jews, they chose that
which was less over that which was Khayr, like we have chosen the
celebration of Mawlid an-Nabawi that comes once a year and is baseless -
over the Khayr i.e., celebration (of Mawlid an-Nabawi) every Monday.
It is a legislated practice that you fast while keeping in mind the
motive behind it which is being thankful to Allah for His creation of
Allah's Messenger r on this day and the revelation of Wahy...
The opponent: Isn't reading the Seerah (biography) of Allah's Messenger an act of honoring him?
Shaikh al-Albanee: Yes
The opponent: In it is reward - this is Khayr from Allah.
al-Albanee: All of it is Khayr, there is no benefit (for your stance) in
this question so I interrupt you with a question, 'Does anybody stop
you from reading his r Seerah?'
Let me ask you a question, 'If there was a legislated worship, but
Allah's Messenger r did not assign a specific time or specific manner
for it. Is it allowed for us to set a specific time and manner for it
from ourselves? Do you have an answer?'
The opponent: No, I don't have an answer.
al-Albanee: Allah says, "Or have they partners with Allah, who have
instituted for them a religion which Allah has not allowed." [Soorah
Shurah (42): 21]
Similarly, Allah says, "They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis
and their monks to be their lords besides Allah (by obeying them in
things which they made lawful or unlawful according to their own desires
without being ordered by Allah), and (they also took as their Lord)
Messiah, son of Maryam, while they (Jews and Christians) were commanded
to worship none but One Ilah (Allah) La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the
right to be worshiped but He). Praise and glory be to Him, (far above is
He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)." [Soorah Tawbah
(9): 31]
Narrated Adee
Ibn Hatim t that he heard the Prophet of Allah r reciting the verse:
(above verse), he (Hatim) said "We didn't worship them." The Messenger
of Allah r, "Did they not make Haraam what Allah made Halaal and you all
made it Haraam, and they made Halaal what Allah made Haraam and you all
made it Haraam?" He replied, 'Certainly.' The Prophet of Allah r said,
"That is your worship to them." [at-Tirmidhee, vol. 3, p. 56. no. 247]
This shows the danger of innovating in the Deen of Allah.
I was listening to Sh Abdul Nasir Jangda talk on the seerah and he goes "there are always people on the extreme ends, that's how we roll" lol
He also said, that there should be balance, that there were classical scholars who celebrated mawlid and there are other scholars who thought you had we had to be more cautious as it was not practiced during the time of the Prophet (saw)/ sahabah. He said no one should be condemning others for either celebrating or not celebrating and that even the scholars who did celebrate it were wary of people going too far and pointed out how it's not a sunnah. I liked that he said this, because he said his viewpoint, and his scholars viewpoint is to be more cautious, however he is not condemning those that do. I like this respect. More people need to show it.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 24 January, 2013 - 23:29 #96
TPOS wrote:
I was listening to Sh Abdul Nasir Jangda talk on the seerah and he goes "there are always people on the extreme ends, that's how we roll" lol
He also said, that there should be balance, that there were classical scholars who celebrated mawlid and there are other scholars who thought you had we had to be more cautious as it was not practiced during the time of the Prophet (saw)/ sahabah. He said no one should be condemning others for either celebrating or not celebrating and that even the scholars who did celebrate it were wary of people going too far and pointed out how it's not a sunnah. I liked that he said this, because he said his viewpoint, and his scholars viewpoint is to be more cautious, however he is not condemning those that do. I like this respect. More people need to show it.
if a non muslims here this they will say is he a terrorist, since he rolls in the extreme ends
i as a muslim will say extreme ends in good or bad
if you listen to the last video their are 2 forms of classical scholars the ones from the first 3 generations and the ones that came after them such as ibn taymiyyah ibn kathir ibn hajr the students of the 4 imams and the rest, amongst the scholars of the first 3 generation no one had any idea such a thing like mawlid existed, when mawlid was created the first generation of scholars were fully against it, it was the second generation of that period of classical schoalrs were the difference of opinion first started some said it was ok others had the real view of the classical schoalrs whom they the classical scholars viewed as classical scholars, others said it is safer to stay away from this whether its allowed or not because that is the better option
so even then majority agreed it should not be done
so when we analyse this the dont is far stronger then the do and to say classical schoalrs had a difference of opinion about this we can see that is not true, classical didnt it was the later classical scholars and even amongst them it was the miniority who had this view majority were against it and to top it no caliph ever celebrated mawlid because they were against this bidah, they may have commited sins some of them like drinking but they knew in advanced this was a sin but when it came to mawlid they were fully against it for this was a different kind of sin
Any non-Muslims around - extreme ends of acts. These Extremes aren't even allowed in our religion. Twas a joke.
Phew. Though I don't think any non-Muslims would be spying on this type of thread
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 25 January, 2013 - 00:38 #98
TPOS wrote:
Any non-Muslims around - extreme ends of acts. These Extremes aren't even allowed in our religion. Twas a joke.
Phew. Though I don't think any non-Muslims would be spying on this type of thread
as muslims we will always be the ghurabah
Muslim (145) from Abu Hurayrah who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”
And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.
I see that Abuwhatever got extreme stomach ache on the eid Mawlid Un Nabbi.
On the other hand others who do not think it should be done went about not celebrating it without the stomach ache as they tried to best act on Islam according to their understanding.
@ Abu - those people you quote I will never accept their words as I think they are wrong or mistaken
I also like how you think "the prophet ONLY fasted... thats not evidence that its special, thats not a celebration". and you take the hadith and the qur'an separately and not apply them on the same thing at the same time as I suspect that will make your brain explode.
On the other hand, if we look at the Hajj, one of the events in it is going from Safa to Marwah. THis is copying what the mother of Prophet Ismail (as) did when searching for water. This event became so blesses that not only is it done in Umrah, it has become mandated in the annual hajj.
Birth's of prophets being special is mentioned in the Qur'an, there is the verse where God sends peace upon AFAIK Prophet Yunus on the day of his birth and on the day of this death, and another verse where it is mentioned that the prophet has not been sent but as a mercy to mankind. Then another verse that has been mentioned asking us to celebrate the mercies and favours from our Lord.
Now that you may not think that is enough for you to celebrate Milad because it is not enough for you. But then getting a pain in the stomach on the day to such an extent that you mock sunnah (of planting trees, in another topic), now that is next level.
You seriously need to look at yourself and ask are you doing what you do because its what Islam asks or because you have an ego that you are feeding.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Any non-Muslims around - extreme ends of acts. These Extremes aren't even allowed in our religion. Twas a joke.
Phew. Though I don't think any non-Muslims would be spying on this type of thread
as muslims we will always be the ghurabah
Muslim (145) from Abu Hurayrah who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”
An alternative explanation offered by the scholars on this has been that by strangeness, this is the condition that allowed the rapid acceptance of Islam.
As this condition will remain/trturn, it means that how Muslims were successful in the past, such will happen again, so the message is actually one of success and not the opposite.
abualabbasassaffah7 wrote:
And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.
quran 2:120
Yup, the qur'an tells us to follow the prophet and when we follow the prophet we have already obeyed God.
As the prophet showed, fasting in remembrance of his birth is a sunnah. and the qur'an tells us to celebrate the mercies and favours that our Lord has bestowed upon us.
If you do not think that the prophet was a mercy or a favour upon us, by all means keep telling up your opposition and mockery of those who try to act in accordance to these ahadith and verses of the Qur'an.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 25 January, 2013 - 11:35 #101
You wrote:
I see that Abuwhatever got extreme stomach ache on the eid Mawlid Un Nabbi.
On the other hand others who do not think it should be done went about not celebrating it without the stomach ache as they tried to best act on Islam according to their understanding.
@ Abu - those people you quote I will never accept their words as I think they are wrong or mistaken
I also like how you think "the prophet ONLY fasted... thats not evidence that its special, thats not a celebration". and you take the hadith and the qur'an separately and not apply them on the same thing at the same time as I suspect that will make your brain explode.
On the other hand, if we look at the Hajj, one of the events in it is going from Safa to Marwah. THis is copying what the mother of Prophet Ismail (as) did when searching for water. This event became so blesses that not only is it done in Umrah, it has become mandated in the annual hajj.
Birth's of prophets being special is mentioned in the Qur'an, there is the verse where God sends peace upon AFAIK Prophet Yunus on the day of his birth and on the day of this death, and another verse where it is mentioned that the prophet has not been sent but as a mercy to mankind. Then another verse that has been mentioned asking us to celebrate the mercies and favours from our Lord.
Now that you may not think that is enough for you to celebrate Milad because it is not enough for you. But then getting a pain in the stomach on the day to such an extent that you mock sunnah (of planting trees, in another topic), now that is next level.
You seriously need to look at yourself and ask are you doing what you do because its what Islam asks or because you have an ego that you are feeding.
those people include ibn kathir ibn taymiyyah and many oithers who reject this act but if you never accept scholars like this what can i do
yes it is for as i metnioned fasting and celebrating are 2 different things, do you celebrate ramadan. no for it is not a celebration it is a act of worship, not a celebration, fasting once a week is not celebrating it is a act of worship, if thats the case anyone can say muhamamd saw prayed taraweeh at night so this means we can celebrate this at night
so according to your logic now af a person prays at night it means they can also fast at night for this is the evidence for it fast at night their fore its allowed to fast at night or this shows nigh is special so we can celebrate the night allah has given us nauzubillah
your teaching me how to use them both, wasnt it i who showed you the verses of quran which says thsi religion is complete then used it with the hadith do not innovate further showing mawlid is bidah and as quran says nothing in this religion should be added as it is compelte to prove this act harram, also the hadith in which muhammad saw said all innvoation are for hell, so again you should take your own advise and also look at history of islam and see what the caliphs overall did regarding this
now whats your evidence allah giving sallam he did that to khadija ra aswell, allah says celebrate his creation so celebrate the birthday of a tree then since that too fits in here
dont repeat this lame excuse over and over again
muhamamd saw sent sallam allah says celebrate his creations, again i say allah created plants he said plants are a blessing of his so again you say allah says celebrate creations, so will you now do milad un tree or eid e tomatoe
i enver mocked palnting trees i mocked celebrating it for that is harram
theirs nothign wrong with planting thigns infact itsa great deed especially if a fruit grows and others eat it you get the reward for it, but if a person celebrates the birthday or makes a celebration day for this plant then theirs a problem same with muhamamd saw birth or anyones
if allah reveals the birht of muhamamd saw in the quran he has revealed the birth of other prophets and people in the quran
was it ismail as mother who said do this in hajj or was it allah who said to do this, again twisting things about, turning the order of allah into man made things, dont you feel ashamed when you turn the orders of allah into manmade things
it was allah who ordered this and said do this becasue of this, same as eid, why do we do it? but was the eid created by ibrahim as no it wasnt, same here his wife did something and allah used this for this scenario, she never did this act for people to follow in hajj or to create a new act she done it for her neccesity no different to how ibrahim as did it for allah the scenario for eidhuladha
if you want to show love for muhammad saw follow his sunnah not do what he said was harram
how is this what you call love
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 25 January, 2013 - 11:41 #102
You wrote:
abualabbasassaffah7 wrote:
TPOS wrote:
Any non-Muslims around - extreme ends of acts. These Extremes aren't even allowed in our religion. Twas a joke.
Phew. Though I don't think any non-Muslims would be spying on this type of thread
as muslims we will always be the ghurabah
Muslim (145) from Abu Hurayrah who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”
An alternative explanation offered by the scholars on this has been that by strangeness, this is the condition that allowed the rapid acceptance of Islam.
As this condition will remain/trturn, it means that how Muslims were successful in the past, such will happen again, so the message is actually one of success and not the opposite.
abualabbasassaffah7 wrote:
And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.
quran 2:120
Yup, the qur'an tells us to follow the prophet and when we follow the prophet we have already obeyed God.
As the prophet showed, fasting in remembrance of his birth is a sunnah. and the qur'an tells us to celebrate the mercies and favours that our Lord has bestowed upon us.
If you do not think that the prophet was a mercy or a favour upon us, by all means keep telling up your opposition and mockery of those who try to act in accordance to these ahadith and verses of the Qur'an.
it also creates enemies and why nonmuslims view muslims in a negetive light today and even when islam came and still continued until the conquest of makkah
this verse has no link to what you said here, it simply states to be aware of them for these 2 groups will never accept muslims, so again linking things verses of quran and hadith when they have no link
again you cant show a single verse of quran or hadith but rather need to twist things around to match your views, you show explanation of your quran from some modern scholars whos view do not match the real explanation from sahaba ra or the first 3 generation or classical scholars
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 25 January, 2013 - 11:42 #103
You wrote:
abualabbasassaffah7 wrote:
TPOS wrote:
Any non-Muslims around - extreme ends of acts. These Extremes aren't even allowed in our religion. Twas a joke.
Phew. Though I don't think any non-Muslims would be spying on this type of thread
as muslims we will always be the ghurabah
Muslim (145) from Abu Hurayrah who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”
An alternative explanation offered by the scholars on this has been that by strangeness, this is the condition that allowed the rapid acceptance of Islam.
As this condition will remain/trturn, it means that how Muslims were successful in the past, such will happen again, so the message is actually one of success and not the opposite.
abualabbasassaffah7 wrote:
And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.
quran 2:120
Yup, the qur'an tells us to follow the prophet and when we follow the prophet we have already obeyed God.
As the prophet showed, fasting in remembrance of his birth is a sunnah. and the qur'an tells us to celebrate the mercies and favours that our Lord has bestowed upon us.
If you do not think that the prophet was a mercy or a favour upon us, by all means keep telling up your opposition and mockery of those who try to act in accordance to these ahadith and verses of the Qur'an.
it also creates enemies and why nonmuslims view muslims in a negetive light today and even when islam came and still continued until the conquest of makkah
this verse has no link to what you said here, it simply states to be aware of them for these 2 groups will never accept muslims, so again linking things verses of quran and hadith when they have no link
again you cant show a single verse of quran or hadith but rather need to twist things around to match your views, you show explanation of your quran from some modern scholars whos view do not match the real explanation from sahaba ra or the first 3 generation or classical scholars
@Abusomething, you need to use more punctuation, its really hard to read your long post with so less punctuation. most of us give up.
@You, theres a surah where theres many stories of the prophet told in them and at the end of each segment theres something about "the day i was born, the day i died and.." smething else. I'll look for it inshaaAllah.
just a question, are you saying that its indirectly told in the Quran that we shld celebrate the birthday of the prophet?
the one and only point that wins me over is that the Sahabas radhiyAllahu'anhum didn't do it. and there is no way i love the prophet sallAllahu'alaihiwassalaam more than them so it doesnt make sense that I shld be doing it.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Submitted by TPOS on 26 January, 2013 - 01:13 #105
So whether you call it mawlid, dhikr, salawat, etc. at the end of the day it is something all Muslims should do every day and every week. I personally believe that the ‘mawlid’ event of bringing Muslims together to revive the obligation to send salawat upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is necessary. People don’t do it. I don’t do it as often as I should. Many in our community do not do it. Instead of hanging out with friends watching a movie or sports (which is okay), we can also hang out and sit for some time and send salawat upon Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
It’s all about sending blessings and salutations upon Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). If it was as common as it was during the earlier generations there probably would be no need for mawlids, but we do because we have strayed. Just like there were no Islamic weekend classes taught by Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) or there were no annual conventions hosted by the Association of Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) during the time of the earlier generations because it wasn’t needed. We need Islamic weekend courses and we need Islamic conventions. We also need gatherings of dhikr and salawat.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 26 January, 2013 - 12:04 #106
Lilly wrote:
@Abusomething, you need to use more punctuation, its really hard to read your long post with so less punctuation. most of us give up.
@You, theres a surah where theres many stories of the prophet told in them and at the end of each segment theres something about "the day i was born, the day i died and.." smething else. I'll look for it inshaaAllah.
just a question, are you saying that its indirectly told in the Quran that we shld celebrate the birthday of the prophet?
the one and only point that wins me over is that the Sahabas radhiyAllahu'anhum didn't do it. and there is no way i love the prophet sallAllahu'alaihiwassalaam more than them so it doesnt make sense that I shld be doing it.
he claims every creation of allah should be celebrated, so we should have a eid for trees, mawlid for plants we grow in the garden, eid for food eid for chairs and tables, mawlid for glass, mawlid for the clothes we buy, i doubt that verse of the quran is related to celebrating anyhting jsut a general verse, after all he claims fasting once a week is equal to celebrating things, tomorrow he'll says salah is equal to celebrating things, then he'll say hadithwhich says drinking zam zam shows you can celebrate zam zam and have a eid for that aswell
I guess that answers the whole of your question and the rest of your words ars based on the assumption that the wnanswer would be no. The Qur'an tells us to celebrate the mercies and favours upon us and ramadan is one of them. Look at how the Muslim world is in Ramadan and tell me that is not a celebration.
Because Mawlid is also celebrated by fasting, learning about Islam, listening to the qur'an etc.
The prophet fasted on a weekly basis.
You do not consider that important.
So end of discussion.
(yeah, ive gotten bored of going around in circles.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
@abu, I can answer for myself thankyou very much. We should celebrate all the blessings and favours. but they do not have to be the same way. We can celebrate the strawberries by savouring their taste and thanking God for granting us with them.
Lilly wrote:
Just a question, are you saying that its indirectly told in the Quran that we shld celebrate the birthday of the prophet?
My argument is more on the side of it being allowed.
Depending on which bits of what I wrote you are questioning, a verse shows that births of prophets are blessed occasions and another verse says the prophet was sent as a mercy to all mankind. Another verse asks us to celebrate the favours and blessings upon us.
Mawlid is one implementation of these verses. I am saying that those that do celebrate mawlid in general or as an event. consider it an application of these and other verses.
Those that don't celebrate it (for the right reasons) are also acting in accordance with the verses as it is an attempt to follow the correct understanding of the sources, and what better way to celebrate a mercy and blessing on us than to act in accordance to it (ie have faith and try to be good Muslims)?
I am saying the WRONG implementation is trying to forbid people from celebrating mawlid as that adds a new prohibition to religion, one that did not exist before and as our religion is complete we cannot add new prohibitions (therefore making such a thing bid'ah).
(if someone tries to force people to celebrate, force the implementation, then that would also be wrong as it adds a new command as opposed to a new implementation of existing rules and ideas and that would not be allowed.)
On the other hand, those who find the evidence in favour of celebration of mawlid as a specific event convincing AND those who find the evidence not in favour of mawlid as a specific celebration convincing and act in accordance to either of these positions (instead of acting to antagonise followers of the other view) are both IMO acting in the right.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
he claims every creation of allah should be celebrated, so we should have a eid for trees
I know we have been antagonistic,but I hope you do realise how stupid your opposition to this is?
Not only that, it is directly contradictory to the Qur'an.
Paraphrased, "Proclaim by His favours and His mercy and celebrate"
Now if you agree with the form that is one thing. but actually mocking the idea of this verse, that is extremely dangerous.
So be careful.
Even in anger and when antagonised.
By all means don't buy into the implementation (though I personally have no issues with things like mothers day, fathers day, maybe even earth day as they are all good reminders), but avoid mocking the concept.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 26 January, 2013 - 21:08 #110
You wrote:
abualabbasassaffah7 wrote:
he claims every creation of allah should be celebrated, so we should have a eid for trees
I know we have been antagonistic,but I hope you do realise how stupid your opposition to this is?
Not only that, it is directly contradictory to the Qur'an.
Paraphrased, "Proclaim by His favours and His mercy and celebrate"
Now if you agree with the form that is one thing. but actually mocking the idea of this verse, that is extremely dangerous.
So be careful.
Even in anger and when antagonised.
By all means don't buy into the implementation (though I personally have no issues with things like mothers day, fathers day, maybe even earth day as they are all good reminders), but avoid mocking the concept.
see how he himself further proves my point
making a celebration for the sky he has no problem with, then he will createa birthday for the sun and the moon, and then he will celebrate the birth of his computer because it allows him to do islamic things and next it will be for his prayer amt he will create a feast for that and celebrate it
in islam muhamamd saw celebrated his victory in badr, but that type of celebration and celebration of eid is 2 compeltely different things, theirs also other way to term celebration, i celebrate when i score a goal but celebrate here is a completely different meaning and scenario
now analyse the verse of the quran what type of celebration is it reffering to, a celebration which is like winning a game or a person meeting his parents in which their simply being happy or the jihad type or festival celebration type
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 26 January, 2013 - 23:08 #111
“Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Qur’aan and Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah), and follow not any Awliyaa’ (protectors and helpers who order you to associate partners in worship with Allaah), besides Him (Allaah). Little do you remember!”
[al-A’raaf 7:3]
There is no Muslim on the planet (as long as he or she is a true believer) who does not love the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him eternal peace) deeply and passionately; but people just express ‘their love’ in different ways. You may disagree with others on certain issues, and even consider their position to be erroneous; but never question their intention and sincerity, for you will be questioned on the Day of Judgment by the Judge of all judges! - Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari.
you need to stop this. your approach is all wrong even if what you say mightbe right. its like going up to total starngers and saying all thisstuff. they'll never listen. and the prophet sallAllahu'alaihiwassalam didnt just say anything, manners and etiquettes and how you approach people is a big thing in Islam.
thats why there was only 2/3 prayers at the beginningofislam, then it increase to 5.
thats why alcohol wasnt banned straight away
thats why the mourning periods was left quite long and then later decreased.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Shaikh al-Albanee: Is the celebration of Mawlid an-Nabawi Khayr (good) or evil?
The opponent: Khayr.
Shaikh al-Albanee: So, were the Messenger of Allah r and his Sahabah unaware of this Khayr (good)?
The opponent: No.
al-Albanee: I am not convinced with your saying, 'No' because it is
impossible that this Khayr (i.e. the celebration Mawlid) if it is Khayr
- be concealed from the Prophet r and his Sahabah since we do not know
Islam and Eeman except through Prophet Muhammad r. So, how do we know a
Khayr (good deed) that he did not know of? This is impossible.
The opponent: Establishing Mawlid an-Nabawi is reviving his r memories and is a tribute to him r.
al-Albanee:This is a philosophy that we know of, and have heard from
many and read in their books, but when Allah's Messenger r invited the
people (to the Deen of Allah), did he call them to Islam as a whole or
he invited them to Tawheed?
The opponent:Tawheed.
al-Albanee:First, he invited them to Tawheed, next prayer was made
obligatory, then fasting, later the obligation of Hajj, and so on. So,
you follow this Sunnah of the Sharee'ah, (and talk about the issue under
discussion) step-by-step.
We have now agreed that it is impossible that there could be a Khayr
with us which the Prophet r did not know of. (Because) we know all the
Khayr through the Messenger r... and I believe that anyone, who doubts
in this matter, is not a Muslim.
From the
Ahadeeth of Allah's Messenger r that support this statement is, "There
is nothing that will take you closer to Paradise but that I have
enjoined it upon you, and there is nothing that will take you closer to
Hell but that I have warned you of it." [Musnad ash-Shafa'ee and others]
So, if Mawlid was Khayr and something that could bring us closer to
Allah, then Allah's Messenger r would have guided us to it. Right or
wrong. I don't want you to
agree with me except if you are convinced of every word I say. You have
complete freedom to say, "Please, I do not agree with this point." So,
do you stop at some point from what I have just said, or are you with me
The opponent:I am with you totally.
Shaikh al-Albanee:Jazak Allah Khair.
We say to everybody who approves of this celebration – Mawlid is Khayr
in your opinion, so did the Messenger of Allah r guide us to it or did
he not. If they say, "He guided us to it." We say to them, "Produce your
proof if you are truthful." [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 11] and they can
never bring a proof of it... they have no proof or argument except
(saying), "This is a Bidah Husna (a good innovation)!!"
All - those
who approve of Mawlid and those who forbid it - are in agreement that
this (celebration of) Mawlid neither existed at the time of Allah's
Messenger nor at the time of the Sahabah...
However, the supporters of Mawlid say, "What is in Mawlid? It is just
remembering the Prophet r , sending blessing upon him and similar
acts."We say, "If it was Khayr, there would have been precedence in it
(by the Salaf as-Salih). You know the Hadeeth of Allah's Messenger r,
"The best of my ummah is my generation, then those who come after them,
those who come after them." This is an agreed upon Hadeeth.
The Prophet's generation was in which he r and the Sahabah lived, then
those who followed them were the Tabi'oon, and then those who followed
them were the followers of Tabi'oon. This again is an agreed upon
So, do you think that there could be any Khayr in which we could excel them in terms of knowledge and actions? Is it possible?
The opponent:Concerning knowledge - if the Messenger had informed someone at his time that the earth rotates.
al-Albanee:Please no divergence (from the issue under discussion). I
asked you about two things; knowledge and action. As a matter of fact,
this divergence of yours has been helpful to me. So, (to say in a more
clear way), my question is in terms of the Sharee'ah
knowledge and actions. It is not concerning (the knowledge of) medicine for example.
The doctor today is more knowledgeable than Ibn Seena in his age
because he was born after a long time and various experiments(were)
carried out (during this period) but this does not increase him (in
status) in the sight of Allah nor does he achieve precedence over the
best generations. Rather he possesses a superior status in the field of
knowledge he possesses. We are however, speaking about the Sharee'ah
knowledge Barak Allah Feek (may Allah bless you).
So, you have to keep this in mind. When I tell you, do we believe that
we can be more knowledgeable, it refers to the Sharee'ah knowledge not
the experimental knowledge like Geography, Astronomy, Chemistry and
Physics. In this time of ours, a disbeliever is more knowledgeable than
the other people in these secular sciences - does this bring him closer
to Allah?
The opponent:No
al-Albanee: So, now we are not talking in terms of worldly knowledge
but we are speaking about knowledge with which we seek
nearness/closeness to Allah.
Just a little while ago, we were speaking about the celebration of
Mawlid. The question again is and please reply openly without another
Do you think with the mind and intellect bestowed upon you (by Allah)
that it is possible for us, in this later time to be more knowledgeable
than the Sahabah and the Taba'een with regards to the Sharee'ah
knowledge and be hastier in performing actions and that we be closer to
Allah than the Salaf as-Salih?
The opponent: Do you mean the Tafseer of the Qur'aan by the knowledge of the Sharee'ah?
al-Albanee: They are more knowledgeable than us in Tafseer, they are
more knowledgeable than us in the Ahadeeth of Allah's Messenger -
consequently they are more knowledgeable than us in the Sharee'ah of
opponent: Perhaps today in our time (we are more knowledgeable)
concerning the Tafseer of the Qur'aan, for example the Qur'aanic verse,
"You will see the mountains and think them solid, but they shall pass
away as the passing away of the clouds. The Work of Allah, Who perfected
all things. Verily! He is Well-Acquainted with what you do." [Soorah
an-Naml (27): 88]
If the Messenger of Allah r had informed someone in his time that the
earth rotates, would he have believed him? Nobody would have believed
Shaikh al-Albanee: Do you want us to write down another divergence in your record?
Brother, I am asking about the totality and not some part, we are
asking a common question - who is more knowledgeable as a whole about
The opponent: Obviously Allah's Messenger r and his Sahabah.
Shaikh al-Albanee: This is (the answer) we want from you, Barak Allah Feek.
The Tafseer, which you keep repeating, has no relation with actions. It
relates to thinking and intellect. Those who mention this verse in
order to conclude that the earth rotates are mistaken because the verse
relates to the Day of Judgment, "On the Day when the earth will be
changed to another earth and so will be the heavens, and they (all
creatures) will appear before Allah, the One, the Irresistible.' [Soorah
Ibraheem (14): 48]
(However,) We are not discussing this subject. I accept that that the
later people are more knowledgeable about secular sciences than the
Sahabah, the Taba'een and others - but this has no relation with
righteous actions. For example, today the disbelievers are more
knowledgeable in the sciences of astronomy but will it benefit them in
any way? No. So, we don't have to plunge into this subject, we are to
speak about everything that brings us closer to Allah. We have to
discuss about Mawlid an-Nabawi.
We have so
far agreed that if there was any Khayr then the Salaf as- Salih and at
their head Allah's Messenger r would have been more knowledgeable about
it than us and enthusiastic in performing that action. Is there any
doubt in it?
The opponent: No, no doubt.
al-Albanee: Do not restrict this to experimental sciences it has nothing
to do with closeness to Allah or righteous deeds. So, Mawlid was
non-existent during the time of Allah's Messenger r - as agreed upon by
everybody. So, this Khayr was non-existent during the time of Allah's
Messenger r, his Sahabah, Taba'een and the Imams. How could this Khayr
be concealed from them? We have to say one of the two things; They knew
this Khayr like we know (because) they were more knowledgeable than us.
They did not know this Khayr, then how did we know it? So, if we say,
they knew - and this saying is more in favor of those who approve the
celebration of Mawlid - so, why did they not act upon it?
Are we closer to Allah then they were?!
Why did not even one of them perform this act - a Sahabi, a Taba'ee, a knowledgeable or even a common person?
Does it suit your mind that nobody ever acted upon this Khayr although
there number was in millions, they were more knowledgeable than us,
righteous than us and closer to Allah than us?
You know the saying of Allah's Messenger r, "Do not revile my
companions. By (Allah) in Whose Hand my soul is, if any one of you
spends gold (piled up) like (mount) Uhud it will not equal a pint of any
one of them, nor its half." [Agreed upon]
Do you see the difference between them and us? They struggled in the
path of Allah with the Prophet r. They took the knowledge 'gaddan
taryan' (fresh and anew) without these many mediums that are between us
and the Prophet r.
Allah's Messenger r pointed towards a similar meaning in the Saheeh
Hadeeth, "Whoever wants to read the Qur'aan as gaddan taryan as when it
was revealed, then let him read according to the recitation of Ibn Umm
Abd (i.e. Abdullah ibn Mas'ood)."
We cannot imagine that these Salaf as-Salih and at the head of them the
Sahabah were ignorant of something that would bring one closer to Allah
and we know of it.
If we say that they knew it like we know then we cannot imagine that they ignored this Khayr.
Insha'Allah, this issue has been made clear to you after I have
repeatedly mentioned it. If the celebration of Mawlid was Khayr then it
would have been from Islam.
The opponent: al-Hamdulillah.
Shaikh al-Albanee: Jazak Allah Khair.
One more thing. There are numerous verses and Ahadeeth which explain
that Islam has been completed/perfected. I believe you are well-aware of
this and firmly believe in it – both a scholar and a common man know
this truth that Islam is complete and it is not like the religion of the
Jews and Christians in which there is alteration and modification every
I remind you of the saying of Allah, "This day I have perfected your
religion for you, completed my Favor upon you and have chosen for you
Islam as your religion." [Soorah al-Maidah (5):3]
So here comes the question and this is another way to prove that the
celebration of Mawlid is not Khayr. If the celebration of Mawlid
wasKhayr then it would have been from Islam. So are we all - those who
approve of the celebration of Mawlid and those who disapprove of it -
agreed upon this issue like our agreement upon the issue that the
celebration of Mawlid was non-existent during the time of Allah's
Are we agreed upon now that if the celebration of Mawlid was Khay then
it would have been from Islam and if it was not Khayr then it is not
from Islam?
"This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my Favor
upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." [Soorah al-
Maidah (5):3]
The day when the above verse was revealed, there was no celebration of
Mawlid. So do you think the Deen would have been complete (without this
Please be frank with me, do not think of me as those scholars who quiet
their students and common people saying, 'Be quite, you do not know and
you don't understand.'
Use your freedom to speak as if you were speaking to a person of your
age and knowledge. If you are not convinced say, 'I am not convinced.'
So, if the celebration of Mawlid was Khayr then it would have been from
Islam and if it was not Khayr then it would not have been from Islam
and we are agreed upon that Mawlid was non-existent when this verse was
I base my argument upon the saying of Malik Ibn Anas, who said, "He,
who innovates a Bidah in the religion of Islam and he considers it to be
Khayr then he has maligned the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad r that he r
betrayed the Message (i.e., did not completely convey the message)."
Notice that Malik Ibn Anas says one Bidah and not many Bidah.
So, this is a dangerous matter. What is the proof, O Imam?
Imam Malik
said, "Read if you wish, 'This day I have perfected your religion for
you,ncompleted my Favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your
religion.'" [Soorah al-Maidah (5):3]
So, something that was not from the Deen that day is also not from the Deen today."
When did Imam Malik make this statement?
In the 2nd century after Hijrah - one of the generations that was promised goodness. So, how about the 14th century?!
This statement of Imam Malik should be carved with letters of gold. But
we are ignorant of the Book of Allah and the Ahadeeth of Allah's
Messenger r, and from the saying of the scholars whom we claim to
follow, between their example and ours is a distance equal to the
distance between east and west.
Imam Malik speaks in clear Arabic, 'something that was not from the Deen that day, is not from the Deen today.'
If it was not so then there would have been no controversy or dispute
among the scholars who adhere to the Sunnah and those who defend the
How can the celebration of Mawlid be from the Deen, when it was not so
during the time of Allah's Messenger, the Sahabah, the Taba'een and
their followers?!
Malik was from the followers of the Taba'een and was included in the
Hadeeth, "The best of my ummah is my generation, then those who come
after them, then those who come after them." [Agreed upon]
Imam Malik said, "The affairs of the later part of this ummah can never
be corrected except with that which corrected the affairs of the early
generations of this Ummah."
With what were the first part of the Ummah corrected?
By innovating in the religion and (seeking to) achieve closeness to
Allah with that which Allah's Messenger r did not prescribed??!
Allah's Messenger r said, "There is nothing that will take you closer
to Paradise but that I have enjoined it upon you, and there is nothing
that will take you closer to Hell but that I have warned you from it."
[Musnad ash-Shafa'ee]
Why did Allah's Messenger r not order us with the celebration of Mawlid?
This is a question and it has an answer, (because) there exists a
legislated celebration of Mawlid an-Nabawi in contrast to the
unlegislated celebration of Mawlid an-Nabawi. The legislated celebration
existed during the time of Allah's Messenger r in contrast to the
unlegislated one.
There are two big differences between these two celebrations;
1) The legislated celebration is a form of worship and is agreed upon
by all the Muslims (in contrast to the unlegislated one, which is
neither legislated nor a worship and is not agreed upon by all Muslims)
2) The legislated celebration comes once every week and their
celebration of Mawlid comes once a year. I do not say this without a
proof, I will relate to you a Hadeeth from Saheeh Muslim,
Abi Qatadah al-Ansaree related, "There came a man to Allah's Messenger r
and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, why do you fast on Mondays?" He r
replied, "That is the day on which I was born and the day on which I was
entrusted with the Mission or when I was first given Revelation."
[Saheeh Muslim]
What is the meaning of this statement?
The Prophet r is saying, why do you ask me this while on this day Allah
gave me life and revealed the Qur'aan upon me?! Which means that it is
required to fast on Mondays as a gratitude to Allah for His creating me
and revelation of the Wahy.
This is
similar to the fast of Aashoorah. The fast of Aashoorah was made
obligatory upon every Muslim before the month of Ramadaan. It has been
related in the Ahadeeth that when Allah's Messenger migrated to Medina,
he found the Jews fasting the day of Aashoorah and inquired about it.
They replied saying this is the day when Allah saved Moosa u and his
people from Fir'awn and his army. So we fast on this day in thankfulness
to Him.Allah's Messenger r said, "We have more right upon him than
you." So,he fasted and ordered fasting on this day and it was made
obligatory until Allah revealed this verse, "The month of Ramadan in
which was revealed the Qur'aan, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs
for the guidance and criterion (between right and wrong)." [Soorah
al-Baqarah (2): 185]
The obligation of fasting on the day of Aashoorah was abrogated later and it became a Sunnah.
It is evident from this that Allah's Messenger r participated with the
Jews in their fasting on the day of Aashoorah in thankfulness to Allah
for saving Moosa u from Fir'awn. So, the door of Shukr (thankfulness)
has been opened - even for us - in the form of fasting on Mondays
because it is the day when Allah's Messenger r was born and on this day
the Wahy (revelation) came down upon him.
Now I ask, 'These people who celebrate Mawlid, do they fast on Mondays?'
No, they do not fast on Mondays. But most of the people celebrate Mawlid an-Nabawi every year! Is this not altering the facts?
For these people, the following verse is true with regards to Jews
(alone), 'Would you exchange that which is better for that which is
lower?' [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 61]
The fast which is agreed upon by all the Muslims on Mondays is Khayr although majority of the Muslims do not fast this day!!
There are a very few people who fast on these days. So, do they know the reason behind this fast? No, they don't.
So, where are the scholars who defend Mawlid, why don't they enlighten
the people that fasting on Monday is the legislated celebration of
Mawlid (i.e., birthday of Allah's Messenger)? And why don't they
encourage the people to it instead of defending the unlegislated
Allah truly says, "Would you exchange that which is better for that which is lower?" [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 61]
The Messenger truly said, "They will follow the ways of those who came
before them, handspan by handspan, cubit by cubit, until even if they
entered a lizard's hole they will follow them." We said, "O Messenger of
Allah, (do you mean) the Jews and Christians?" He said, "Who else?"
[Agreed upon]
So, we have followed in the footsteps of the Jews, they chose that
which was less over that which was Khayr, like we have chosen the
celebration of Mawlid an-Nabawi that comes once a year and is baseless -
over the Khayr i.e., celebration (of Mawlid an-Nabawi) every Monday.
It is a legislated practice that you fast while keeping in mind the
motive behind it which is being thankful to Allah for His creation of
Allah's Messenger r on this day and the revelation of Wahy...
The opponent: Isn't reading the Seerah (biography) of Allah's Messenger an act of honoring him?
Shaikh al-Albanee: Yes
The opponent: In it is reward - this is Khayr from Allah.
al-Albanee: All of it is Khayr, there is no benefit (for your stance) in
this question so I interrupt you with a question, 'Does anybody stop
you from reading his r Seerah?'
Let me ask you a question, 'If there was a legislated worship, but
Allah's Messenger r did not assign a specific time or specific manner
for it. Is it allowed for us to set a specific time and manner for it
from ourselves? Do you have an answer?'
The opponent: No, I don't have an answer.
al-Albanee: Allah says, "Or have they partners with Allah, who have
instituted for them a religion which Allah has not allowed." [Soorah
Shurah (42): 21]
Similarly, Allah says, "They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis
and their monks to be their lords besides Allah (by obeying them in
things which they made lawful or unlawful according to their own desires
without being ordered by Allah), and (they also took as their Lord)
Messiah, son of Maryam, while they (Jews and Christians) were commanded
to worship none but One Ilah (Allah) La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the
right to be worshiped but He). Praise and glory be to Him, (far above is
He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)." [Soorah Tawbah
(9): 31]
Narrated Adee
Ibn Hatim t that he heard the Prophet of Allah r reciting the verse:
(above verse), he (Hatim) said "We didn't worship them." The Messenger
of Allah r, "Did they not make Haraam what Allah made Halaal and you all
made it Haraam, and they made Halaal what Allah made Haraam and you all
made it Haraam?" He replied, 'Certainly.' The Prophet of Allah r said,
"That is your worship to them." [at-Tirmidhee, vol. 3, p. 56. no. 247]
This shows the danger of innovating in the Deen of Allah.
Adapted from
cassette no 1/94 of the series al-Huda wan-Nur
Arabic text can be found on
Translated by Shawana A. Aziz
translated article taken from
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I was listening to Sh Abdul Nasir Jangda talk on the seerah and he goes "there are always people on the extreme ends, that's how we roll" lol
He also said, that there should be balance, that there were classical scholars who celebrated mawlid and there are other scholars who thought you had we had to be more cautious as it was not practiced during the time of the Prophet (saw)/ sahabah. He said no one should be condemning others for either celebrating or not celebrating and that even the scholars who did celebrate it were wary of people going too far and pointed out how it's not a sunnah. I liked that he said this, because he said his viewpoint, and his scholars viewpoint is to be more cautious, however he is not condemning those that do. I like this respect. More people need to show it.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
if a non muslims here this they will say is he a terrorist, since he rolls in the extreme ends
i as a muslim will say extreme ends in good or bad
if you listen to the last video their are 2 forms of classical scholars the ones from the first 3 generations and the ones that came after them such as ibn taymiyyah ibn kathir ibn hajr the students of the 4 imams and the rest, amongst the scholars of the first 3 generation no one had any idea such a thing like mawlid existed, when mawlid was created the first generation of scholars were fully against it, it was the second generation of that period of classical schoalrs were the difference of opinion first started some said it was ok others had the real view of the classical schoalrs whom they the classical scholars viewed as classical scholars, others said it is safer to stay away from this whether its allowed or not because that is the better option
so even then majority agreed it should not be done
so when we analyse this the dont is far stronger then the do and to say classical schoalrs had a difference of opinion about this we can see that is not true, classical didnt it was the later classical scholars and even amongst them it was the miniority who had this view majority were against it and to top it no caliph ever celebrated mawlid because they were against this bidah, they may have commited sins some of them like drinking but they knew in advanced this was a sin but when it came to mawlid they were fully against it for this was a different kind of sin
Any non-Muslims around - extreme ends of acts. These Extremes aren't even allowed in our religion. Twas a joke.
Phew. Though I don't think any non-Muslims would be spying on this type of thread
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
as muslims we will always be the ghurabah
Muslim (145) from Abu Hurayrah who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”
And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.
quran 2:120
I see that Abuwhatever got extreme stomach ache on the eid Mawlid Un Nabbi.
On the other hand others who do not think it should be done went about not celebrating it without the stomach ache as they tried to best act on Islam according to their understanding.
@ Abu - those people you quote I will never accept their words as I think they are wrong or mistaken
I also like how you think "the prophet
ONLY fasted... thats not evidence that its special, thats not a celebration". and you take the hadith and the qur'an separately and not apply them on the same thing at the same time as I suspect that will make your brain explode.
On the other hand, if we look at the Hajj, one of the events in it is going from Safa to Marwah. THis is copying what the mother of Prophet Ismail (as) did when searching for water. This event became so blesses that not only is it done in Umrah, it has become mandated in the annual hajj.
Birth's of prophets being special is mentioned in the Qur'an, there is the verse where God sends peace upon AFAIK Prophet Yunus on the day of his birth and on the day of this death, and another verse where it is mentioned that the prophet
has not been sent but as a mercy to mankind. Then another verse that has been mentioned asking us to celebrate the mercies and favours from our Lord.
Now that you may not think that is enough for you to celebrate Milad because it is not enough for you. But then getting a pain in the stomach on the day to such an extent that you mock sunnah (of planting trees, in another topic), now that is next level.
You seriously need to look at yourself and ask are you doing what you do because its what Islam asks or because you have an ego that you are feeding.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
An alternative explanation offered by the scholars on this has been that by strangeness, this is the condition that allowed the rapid acceptance of Islam.
As this condition will remain/trturn, it means that how Muslims were successful in the past, such will happen again, so the message is actually one of success and not the opposite.
Yup, the qur'an tells us to follow the prophet
and when we follow the prophet
we have already obeyed God.
As the prophet
showed, fasting in remembrance of his birth is a sunnah. and the qur'an tells us to celebrate the mercies and favours that our Lord has bestowed upon us.
If you do not think that the prophet
was a mercy or a favour upon us, by all means keep telling up your opposition and mockery of those who try to act in accordance to these ahadith and verses of the Qur'an.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
those people include ibn kathir ibn taymiyyah and many oithers who reject this act but if you never accept scholars like this what can i do
yes it is for as i metnioned fasting and celebrating are 2 different things, do you celebrate ramadan. no for it is not a celebration it is a act of worship, not a celebration, fasting once a week is not celebrating it is a act of worship, if thats the case anyone can say muhamamd saw prayed taraweeh at night so this means we can celebrate this at night
so according to your logic now af a person prays at night it means they can also fast at night for this is the evidence for it fast at night their fore its allowed to fast at night or this shows nigh is special so we can celebrate the night allah has given us nauzubillah
your teaching me how to use them both, wasnt it i who showed you the verses of quran which says thsi religion is complete then used it with the hadith do not innovate further showing mawlid is bidah and as quran says nothing in this religion should be added as it is compelte to prove this act harram, also the hadith in which muhammad saw said all innvoation are for hell, so again you should take your own advise and also look at history of islam and see what the caliphs overall did regarding this
now whats your evidence allah giving sallam he did that to khadija ra aswell, allah says celebrate his creation so celebrate the birthday of a tree then since that too fits in here
dont repeat this lame excuse over and over again
muhamamd saw sent sallam allah says celebrate his creations, again i say allah created plants he said plants are a blessing of his so again you say allah says celebrate creations, so will you now do milad un tree or eid e tomatoe
i enver mocked palnting trees i mocked celebrating it for that is harram
theirs nothign wrong with planting thigns infact itsa great deed especially if a fruit grows and others eat it you get the reward for it, but if a person celebrates the birthday or makes a celebration day for this plant then theirs a problem same with muhamamd saw birth or anyones
if allah reveals the birht of muhamamd saw in the quran he has revealed the birth of other prophets and people in the quran
was it ismail as mother who said do this in hajj or was it allah who said to do this, again twisting things about, turning the order of allah into man made things, dont you feel ashamed when you turn the orders of allah into manmade things
it was allah who ordered this and said do this becasue of this, same as eid, why do we do it? but was the eid created by ibrahim as no it wasnt, same here his wife did something and allah used this for this scenario, she never did this act for people to follow in hajj or to create a new act she done it for her neccesity no different to how ibrahim as did it for allah the scenario for eidhuladha
if you want to show love for muhammad saw follow his sunnah not do what he said was harram
how is this what you call love
it also creates enemies and why nonmuslims view muslims in a negetive light today and even when islam came and still continued until the conquest of makkah
this verse has no link to what you said here, it simply states to be aware of them for these 2 groups will never accept muslims, so again linking things verses of quran and hadith when they have no link
again you cant show a single verse of quran or hadith but rather need to twist things around to match your views, you show explanation of your quran from some modern scholars whos view do not match the real explanation from sahaba ra or the first 3 generation or classical scholars
it also creates enemies and why nonmuslims view muslims in a negetive light today and even when islam came and still continued until the conquest of makkah
this verse has no link to what you said here, it simply states to be aware of them for these 2 groups will never accept muslims, so again linking things verses of quran and hadith when they have no link
again you cant show a single verse of quran or hadith but rather need to twist things around to match your views, you show explanation of your quran from some modern scholars whos view do not match the real explanation from sahaba ra or the first 3 generation or classical scholars
@Abusomething, you need to use more punctuation, its really hard to read your long post with so less punctuation. most of us give up.
@You, theres a surah where theres many stories of the prophet told in them and at the end of each segment theres something about "the day i was born, the day i died and.." smething else. I'll look for it inshaaAllah.
just a question, are you saying that its indirectly told in the Quran that we shld celebrate the birthday of the prophet?
the one and only point that wins me over is that the Sahabas radhiyAllahu'anhum didn't do it. and there is no way i love the prophet sallAllahu'alaihiwassalaam more than them so it doesnt make sense that I shld be doing it.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Similar to what Jay K said, I know.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
he claims every creation of allah should be celebrated, so we should have a eid for trees, mawlid for plants we grow in the garden, eid for food eid for chairs and tables, mawlid for glass, mawlid for the clothes we buy, i doubt that verse of the quran is related to celebrating anyhting jsut a general verse, after all he claims fasting once a week is equal to celebrating things, tomorrow he'll says salah is equal to celebrating things, then he'll say hadithwhich says drinking zam zam shows you can celebrate zam zam and have a eid for that aswell
I guess that answers the whole of your question and the rest of your words ars based on the assumption that the wnanswer would be no. The Qur'an tells us to celebrate the mercies and favours upon us and ramadan is one of them. Look at how the Muslim world is in Ramadan and tell me that is not a celebration.
Because Mawlid is also celebrated by fasting, learning about Islam, listening to the qur'an etc.
The prophet
fasted on a weekly basis.
You do not consider that important.
So end of discussion.
(yeah, ive gotten bored of going around in circles.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
@abu, I can answer for myself thankyou very much. We should celebrate all the blessings and favours. but they do not have to be the same way. We can celebrate the strawberries by savouring their taste and thanking God for granting us with them.
My argument is more on the side of it being allowed.
Depending on which bits of what I wrote you are questioning, a verse shows that births of prophets are blessed occasions and another verse says the prophet
was sent as a mercy to all mankind. Another verse asks us to celebrate the favours and blessings upon us.
Mawlid is one implementation of these verses. I am saying that those that do celebrate mawlid in general or as an event. consider it an application of these and other verses.
Those that don't celebrate it (for the right reasons) are also acting in accordance with the verses as it is an attempt to follow the correct understanding of the sources, and what better way to celebrate a mercy and blessing on us than to act in accordance to it (ie have faith and try to be good Muslims)?
I am saying the WRONG implementation is trying to forbid people from celebrating mawlid as that adds a new prohibition to religion, one that did not exist before and as our religion is complete we cannot add new prohibitions (therefore making such a thing bid'ah).
(if someone tries to force people to celebrate, force the implementation, then that would also be wrong as it adds a new command as opposed to a new implementation of existing rules and ideas and that would not be allowed.)
On the other hand, those who find the evidence in favour of celebration of mawlid as a specific event convincing AND those who find the evidence not in favour of mawlid as a specific celebration convincing and act in accordance to either of these positions (instead of acting to antagonise followers of the other view) are both IMO acting in the right.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I know we have been antagonistic,but I hope you do realise how stupid your opposition to this is?
Not only that, it is directly contradictory to the Qur'an.
Paraphrased, "Proclaim by His favours and His mercy and celebrate"
Now if you agree with the form that is one thing. but actually mocking the idea of this verse, that is extremely dangerous.
So be careful.
Even in anger and when antagonised.
By all means don't buy into the implementation (though I personally have no issues with things like mothers day, fathers day, maybe even earth day as they are all good reminders), but avoid mocking the concept.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
see how he himself further proves my point
making a celebration for the sky he has no problem with, then he will createa birthday for the sun and the moon, and then he will celebrate the birth of his computer because it allows him to do islamic things and next it will be for his prayer amt he will create a feast for that and celebrate it
in islam muhamamd saw celebrated his victory in badr, but that type of celebration and celebration of eid is 2 compeltely different things, theirs also other way to term celebration, i celebrate when i score a goal but celebrate here is a completely different meaning and scenario
now analyse the verse of the quran what type of celebration is it reffering to, a celebration which is like winning a game or a person meeting his parents in which their simply being happy or the jihad type or festival celebration type
“Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Qur’aan and Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah), and follow not any Awliyaa’ (protectors and helpers who order you to associate partners in worship with Allaah), besides Him (Allaah). Little do you remember!”
[al-A’raaf 7:3]