imagine if i say i will send my sallam and love to muhamamd saw by eating a 100 burgers this is the way o the sahaba ra, what would you say, probably im crazy its wrong, which it is for it is not the way of the religion its a innovation, a act according to islam, this is how mawlid is, it is not from islam but from the shia and promoted by sufis, shias used to do this act for ali ra then the sufis did the same for muhammad saw it is a combined creation from 2 deviant groups as ibn kathir and ibn hajr mentioned
bad example if someone said they were going to celebrate the mawlid by eating 100 burgers, I will stand next to you and say that that is a bad idea.
But if someone says that they will celebrate the mawlid by remembering God, learning about islam, making up missed prayers, even doing something within reason that is celebratory (making a favourite food that is halaal and consumed to within reason), learning about the life of the prophet or other such deed, all of those are different from binging on 100 burgers.
Islam is not just the 5 pillars and jihad. Those are pillars, a foundation to other things.
if the very action you mentioned was done by a person claiming it will be a second hajj will it be correct, answer is no becasue that is a new innvoation altogether, mawlid is no different, i beleive i also mentioned that in the post, their is no difference between a second hajj and mawlid as they are both innovation, neither in quran ahdith, or practiced in the first 3 generation it is a new act a new created event altogether so even if those action which are normally good are done with that intention those action at theat point are no longer valid no different to a man who creates a 6th 7th new daily prayer and prays, theirs nothing wrong with praying but with that frame of mind it becomes harram
their are only 3 celebration the 2 eids and friday eid, it cant get any simpler then that
islam is also about worshipping allah the correct way and the wya he wants you to worship, not how you want to do it by creating new ways, and besides out of all the days you need this day to do all that what happened to the other days you were too busy doing the hu hu chants or something
their is no difference between mawlid and a man showing his love by eating a 100 burgers, as they are both baseless actions one is a immitation of christians christmas the other is plain stupid, jsut created action by man attributing to islam
As for the argument that ibadat, even nafl ibadat are only at preset
times, Ummul mu'mineen Hadhrat Aisha Siddeeqa was asked about AFAIK the
chasht nafl prayer. She stated that it was not prayed at the time of the
prophet (saw), but that she would not give it up (and I think her quote
continued in words such as even if her father came out of his grave to
prevent her).""
how many times have i told you to show me the reference and you failed i ask again give us the reference anyone can say their is a hadith that says this and that
even i can say their is a hadith which says mawlid is thrash, but ic ant show it for it doesnt exist, so how about showing is the exact hadith and reference not jsut their was this and that for i exposed another lie of yours, the one which you claimed bidah is ok about jareer ra, and then when i posted the full hadith it shows you cut and pasted the hadith to twist it into your own fabricated act
In relation to number 8, it is not only not proven to be so (you will not find any verse in the qur'an banning it, nor a hadith. On the contrary you can infer that it is allowed as I have shown before...)
your references to prayers are at specific times that are expressly forbidden. What you are suggesting is that people avoid ibadat in celebration of the prophet (saw)'s mawlid - something that I think the Qur'an commands us to do and I can see no ban passed by the prophet or his messenger from carrying out ibadat at these times.
iibadat is done everyday what difference does it amke if its muhamamd saw birthday or jesues birthday or my birthday we do it anyway salah is a everyday act so is doing all islamic acts what day it is has no effect here, the matters of miraj ramadan is different
how does that make it any different to mawlid, like muhammad saw didnt pray at these times did he do mawlid? show me the hadith in which he celebrates mawlid on the very day he was born in which like eid they are having a big celebration since they didnt have cake at the time the special food was date with butter, so them having a celebration where they are eating the buttered date and feeding eachother, or reading the quran because its mawlid or studying the battle of badr and talking about it because its mawlid, having a gathering because its mawlid, if you claim muhammad saw nevver prayed at this time therefore it would be harram for us to pray at this time then how is mawlid any different as muhammad saw never did mawlid celebration so why are you doing it
what i am saying is if a person creates a new prayer during this time it is harram, now is praying a bad thing? no but praying at that time is bad, no different to mawlid, reading quran nothing wrong, doing it with the intention of mawlid is wrong, why because no different to how the man who claims praying in unlawfull times isnt bad because how can prayer be bad at that forbidden time, doing these actions in mawid is bad because mawlid is no different to the man creating a new salah in that time
you claim quran says mawlid isnt harram, i think you need to read the quran again for you didnt do that
i'll star of with thye famous incident of abdullah bin mas'ud ra, when a women said to him quran doesnt say cutting eyebrow is harram, so he said go readit agian for it does say that she did again she said it doesnt so abdullah ibn mas;ud ra said then it obvious you failed to understand what you read, for in the quran it says whatever decision i and my messenger make accept it, so he concluded muhammad saw said eyebrow sahving/cutting is harram and this fits in with the verse in which allah says obey my messengers order, so shaving is harram based on that verse,
so i say the same thing to you despite reading the quran you failed to udnerstand it for allah says in the quran
This day, those who disbelieved have given up all hope of
your religion, so fear them not, but fear Me. This day, I have
perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have
chosen for you Islam as your religion. surah maeda
so you are no different to that women for like she was failing to understand the verse in which allah says when muhammad saw makes a decision about something you obey so are you, when muhammad saw isnt ordering us to do it and he strictly said bidah is harram and it will be rejected why are you going against him
so like the women you are failing to understand how allah has told us that mawlid is harram even though he didnt directly state mawlid like he allah didnt directly say cutting eyebrow is harram, he revealed verses which are related to this mattter, firstly by muhammad saw who clearly said bidah is harram and we shoudlnt imitate the christians liking to jesus to him, and secondly by stating this religion is compelte and nothing new should be added to it yet you add mawlid to it by going against the verse directly
you say muhamamd saw didnt forbid it i say he did, when he said bidah is harram he forbidded it as it is a bidah, if a person creates a new salah and says muhamamd saw didnt forbid it id say the same thing
another example would be cigerette, where in quran and hadith is it metnioned it is harram, it isnt for cigerette didnt exist then, but their are evidence to prove it is harram as their are verses in quran and the hadith which are related to this matter which proves it is harram same with mawlid
dont be like these old fashioned people who claim cigerette to be halal becasue it isnt mentioend in quran or hadith because their will always be evidenc in islam related to that matter proving whether it is halal or harram indirectly or directly
As for the argument that ibadat, even nafl ibadat are only at preset times, Ummul mu'mineen Hadhrat Aisha Siddeeqa was asked about AFAIK the chasht nafl prayer. She stated that it was not prayed at the time of the prophet (saw), but that she would not give it up (and I think her quote continued in words such as even if her father came out of his grave to prevent her).
again i say how about showing us the exact hadith
Third, there is in ahadith a mention of creating new sunnah and how it is a good thing to do - there was a time when a sahabi acted first in a good act and then others copied. The Prophet approved and stated that when someone does a good act and others copy the original person is rewarded as long as people copy. This is how many Islamic traditions started - eg some pious person did ibadat at a specific (allowed) moment and then others copied it. It never became fardh, but a strong tradition and copying it gives reward to the originator of that good act.
(so, in essense, if mawlid had not been celebrated before today, but today I decided that doing ibadat and showing gratefulness for the birth of the prophet was a good act, today I would get rewarded. More, if people copied these good new acts today, they would also get rewarded.)
you have only quoted half of the hadith and even that incorrectly:
areer ibn 'Abdullaah al-Bajali (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The
Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: 'Whoever starts a good thing and is followed by others, will have his
own reward and a reward equal to that of those who follow him, without it
detracting from their reward in any way. Whoever starts a bad thing and is
followed by others, will bear the burden of his own sin and a burden equal
to that of those who follow him, without it detracting from their burden in
any way.'" (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, no. 2675. He said, This is a saheeh hasan hadeeth)
There is a story behind this hadeeth, which will explain what "whoever
starts a good thing" means. Imaam Muslim reported this story from Jareer
ibn 'Abdullaah, who also narrated the hadeeth itself. He said: "Some people
from the Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him), wearing woollen garments. He saw that
they were in bad shape and in desperate need, so he urged the people to
give them charity. They people were very slow to respond, and it could be
seen in his face (that he was upset). Then a man of the Ansaar brought a
package of silver, then another came, and another and another, and his face
was filled with joy. The Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) said: 'Whoever starts a good thing in Islam, and
others do likewise after him, there will be written for him a reward like that
of those who followed him, without it detracting in the least from their
reward. Whoever starts a bad thing in Islam, and others do likewise after
him, there will be written for him a burden of sin like that of those who
followed him, without it detracting in the least from their burden.'" (Reported
by Muslim, no. 1017)
Further explanation may be found in a report recorded by al-Nisaa'i, also
from Jareer ibn 'Abdullah, may Allaah be pleased with him, who said: "We
were with the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) early one day, when some people who were almost naked
(not dressed properly) and barefoot, with their swords by their sides, came
to him. Most, if not all of them, were of (the tribe of) Mudar. The
Messenger's face changed when he saw how poor they were (i.e., he
became upset). He went into (his house), then he came out and ordered
Bilaal to give the call to prayer. He led the people in prayer, then he
addressed them, saying: 'O people, "be dutiful to your Lord, Who created
you from a single person, and from him He created his wife, and from
them both he created many men and women, and fear Allaah through
Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of)
the wombs (kinship)" [al-Nisaa' 4:1].
"Fear Allaah, and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to
what he has sent forth for the morrow…" [al-Hashr 59:18].
Let a man give charity from his dinars, his dirhams, his clothing, his wheat
or his dates - even if it is only half a date.' A man from the Ansaar brought
a package which he could hardly carry in his hand, then another and
another came, until there were two piles, of food and clothing, and I saw
the face of the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) beaming with joy. The Messenger of Allaah
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'Whoever starts a good thing in
Islam will have his own reward and a reward equal to that of those who
follow him, without it detracting in the least from their reward, and whoever
starts a bad thing in Islam will have to bear the burden of his own sin and a
burden equal to that of those who followed him, without it detracting in the
least from their burden. (Reported by al-Nisaa'i in al-Mujtaba: Kitaab al-Zakaat, Bab
al-Tahreed 'ala al-Sadaqah).
From the context of the story, it is clear that what is meant by the words
"whoever starts a good thing (sunnah hasanah) in Islam" means: Whoever
revives a part of the Sunnah of the Prophet
(peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him), or teaches it to others, or commands others to follow
it, or acts according to it so that others see him or hear about it and follow
his example. This is also indicated by the hadeeth narrated by Abu
Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, who said: "A man came to the
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and he urged
the people to give him charity. A man said: 'I have such-and-such,' and
there was no person left in the gathering who did not give something in
charity to him, whether it was a large amount or a little. The Messenger of
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'Whoever
starts something good, and others follow his lead, will have a complete
reward and a reward like that of those who followed him, without it
detracting in the least from their reward. Whoever starts something bad,
and others follow his lead, will bear a complete burden of sin, and a burden
like that of those who followed him, without it detracting in the least from
their burden. (Reported by Ibn Maaajah in al-Sunan, no. 204)
It should be clear from the above, with no room for doubt, that the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was not allowing
innovation in matters of deen (religion), nor was he opening the door to
what some people call "bid'ah hasanah," for the following reasons:
The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
stated repeatedly that: "Every newly-invented thing is a bid'ah
(innovation), every bid'ah is a going astray, and every going astray will
be in the Fire." (Reported by al-Nisaa'i in al-Sunan, Salaat al-'Eedayn,
Baab kayfa al-Khutbah). Reports with the same meaning were
narrated via Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) by Ahmad, via
al-'Irbaad ibn Saariyah by Abu Dawud and via Ibn Mas'ood (may
Allaah be pleased with him) by Ibn Maajah.
The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
used to say, when beginning a khutbah (sermon): "… The best of
speech is the Book of Allaah and the best of guidance is the guidance
of Muhammad. The worst of things are those which are
newly-invented, and every innovation is a going astray…" (reported by
Muslim, no. 867)
in regards to ibn taymiyyahs view on amwlid he said it is a wrong ijtihaad
but that those who do celebrate it will be rewarded. (did you know that he was the imam of a mosque that has a famous mausoleum?) Quoting your link and the Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah reference...
And Allah MIGHT reward them for this love and ijtihad, NOT for the BIDAH of taking mawlid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as an eid.
It still says that the person might be rewarded (though I suggest that the translation has changed the emphasis of the reward in this version) and if he considered it haraam, he would not have said the above as haraam is never rewardworthy (and also haraam has strict definitions that scholars try to avoid using the term unless mandated by the qur'an and sunnah...)
if you read the full fatwa youll see he concludes with this:
"As for what they contain - i.e. these innovated festive seasons such as
the Mawlid - of benefit then they are opposed by what they contain of
the corruption of innovations that outweigh the benefit, alongwith with
what has preceded of the corruptions of belief and state - that the
hearts become content with it at the expense of a large number of
Sunnahs to the extent that you find that the elite and the general
masses preserve this in a way that they do not preserve the Taraaweeh's
or the five prayers...." mentioning many more cases.[al-Qawl al-Fasl
(pg. 102) of Shaykh Ismaa’eel al-Ansaaree]
so no he dosnt agree with mawlid he said he simply agrees while some good is done on mawlid it is still wrong and mroe of all the bad outweighs the good, and he also states mawlid is a innovated festival, again he clearly shows it is not from islam ,so firstly he said the mawlid itself is a innvoation and it also contains more bad acts, and mentions their are more innvoated festivals like this one which aslo contain bad
and he further states
"But this does not prevent one from detesting and prohibiting it and to
replace it with a legislated action containing no bid'ah.... Just as the
Jews and Christians may find benefit in their worship because it is
possible that their worship includes an aspect of what is legislated but
this does not necessitate that you perform their actions of worship or
you report their words because all of the innovations contain evil that
outweighs their good, this due to the fact that if their good outweighed
the evil then why would the Sharee'ah have disregarded it? So we depend
upon the fact that it's sin is greater than it's benefit and this
necessitates forbiddance."
and he also says in one place that if a person does it out of a certain reason such as lack of knowledge then he/she will be forgiven not that it is allowed
What bid'ah is is that you cannot make something fardh or haraam that hasnt done before (so, calling mawlid haraam is in itself bid'ah as you are adding a new haraam to religion that was not in the qur'an and sunnah.)
I am sure you are aware that the definitions of haraam are pretty stringent - which you should be aware of. SO stringent infact that the salaf rarely dared to use the word, preferring other words for most things, and creating a whole system of classification from fardh to waajib to the sunnahs, to mubah, to the disliked, to the strongly disliked to the haraam.
if something is already harram then calling it harram isnt bidah, if you say this again a smoker can make the same excuse as you by saying cigerette is not in quran and sunnha so calling it harram is bidah aswell agaisnt islam nauzubillah
today you are saying calling mawlid bidah or harram is bidah, tomorrow the smoker will say the same thing, then alcoholic will start making excuses and do the same, then the murderer and obviously sufi groups have gone to the level of now legalizing dancing and music, this shows from one evil you jsut go to the next you will keep on legalizing harram and bidah and it will go on and on as muhammad saw said:
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Among my ummah there will certainly be people who permit zinaa, silk, alcohol and musical instruments…” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari ta’leeqan, no. 5590; narrated as mawsool by al-Tabaraani and al-Bayhaqi. See al-Silsilah al-Saheehah by al-Albaani, 91).
indeed we are seeing this hadith done openly today, with the excuse of difference of opinion, you are making a bad name for this term difference of opinion used in fiqh
Submitted by Abu M (not verified) on 16 January, 2013 - 14:37 #64
My father used to be a strict follower of milad un Nabi and my mum and her family were completely against it. As a young boy I used to attend these gatherings there was many aspects which I disagree with. There is free intermingling of the sexes, Rasool is given a quality of Allah Swt of being omnipresent. A chair would be put in the gathering claiming Nabi will come sit there.
I believe it to be an innovation and do not follow it, Alhumdhulillah nobody in my family does anymore.
The History of Islam is fourteen centuries old. But the history of Meelaad
celebration is seven centuries old. The Golden ages of Islam – the era of
Rasulullah (صلى الله عايه وسالم ), of the Sahaabah, of the Taabieen, and of the
Tabe-Taabieen (Quroone Thalaathah) had long passed, yet the custom of Meelaad
was not initiated. Six centuries after our Nabi ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) an
irreligious ruler initiated this custom in the city of Mosul. Imaam Ahmad Bin
Muhammad Bin Bisri Maaliki (rahmatullah alayh) writes in his Kitaab, AL-QOULUL
“Allaamah Muizzuddin Hasan Khwaarzimi (rahmatullah
alayh) states in his Kitaab: ‘The Ruler of Irbal, King Muzaffar Abu Saeed
Kaukari, was an irreligious king. He ordered the Ulama of his time to act
according to their opinions and discard the practice of following any of the
Math- habs. A group among the learned men inclined towards him. He (this king)
organized Moulood sessions during the month of Rabiul Awwal. He was the first of
the kings to have innovated this practice.’ (AL-QOULUL MU’TAMAD)
This irreligious ruler squandered vast sums of public funds in the
organization and upkeep of these celebrations which had no sanction in Islamic
Law. Allaamah Zahbi (rahmatullah alayh) – died 748 Hijri- says: “Every year this
ruler spent three hundred thousand (from the Baitul Maal) on Moulood
celebrations.” (DOULUL ISLAM)
So, this practice of Moulood was originated by irreligious people. In the
year 604 Hijri this king, Muzaffaruddin Koukari, introduced this custom with the
aid of some learned people whose purpose was to gain the wealth and honour of
this world. A notable and a prime instigator in the origination of this custom
was one Molvi Amr Bin Dahya Abul Khattab who died in the year 633 Hijri. He was
a great supporter of the worldly and irreligious king of Irbal who introduced
this custom. The evil character of this irreligious learned man is a fact upon
which there exists unanimity among the great and pious learned men of Islam.
Hafiz Ibn Hajar Askalaani (rahmatullah alayh) says about this Molvi who was
responsible to a great extent for the innovation of Moulood customs: “He was a
person who insulted the Jurists of Islam and the pious learned men of former
times. He had a filthy tongue. He was ignorant, excessively proud, possessed no
insight in matters pertaining to the Deen and he was extremely negligent as far
as the Deen was concerned.” (LISAANUL MIZAAN)
Hafiz Ibn Hajar Askalaani (rahmatullah alayh) further adds: “Allaamah Ibn
Najjaar (rahmatullah alayh) said: ‘I have witnessed unanimity of opinion among
the people as to him (this irreligious Molvi), being a liar and an
unreliable person.’ ” (LISAANUL MIZAAN)
Every unbiased Muslim will realise from the aforegoing discussion that the
Moulood custom was introduced by evil men and given prominence by evil men.
Islamic History bears testimony to this fact. Right from its inception all the
great and pious Ulama and Jurists of Islam have condemned this innovation and
have warned against participation in these un-Islamic functions. There exists
consensus of opinion among the true learned Ulama of Islam that the customary
Meelaad functions are not permissible.
Our Nabi ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) has warned against the introduction of
customs into the Deen of Islam. Said our Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم ):
“Whoever introduces into this Deen of ours something which is not of it, is
The Sahaabah of our Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم ) had great detestation for any
new custom which tried to raise its head in the Deen. The Sahaabah did not
tolerate in the least bit any new form of worship or custom which anyone desired
to bring into the Deen.
We shall illustrate the detestation for innovation which the Sahaabah had,
with a few examples:
1) A man sneezed in the presence of Abdullah Ibn
Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) and said:
Abdullah Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) immediately rebuked this person and
said that our Nabi ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) taught us to r
ecite: when
we sneezed. This Hadith has been narrated by Tirmizi.
The point which we have to ponder here, is Abdullah Ibn Umar’s rebuke because
this man recited after the words . In reality the recital of the sentence: is an
act of merit. The more we remember Rasulullah ( ) the more thawaab we get. In
fact, we have been commanded to constantly offer salutations to our Nabi ( صلى
الله عايه وسالم). However, despite this, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (one of the
great Sahaabah) rejected this form of recitation after one has sneezed. And, the
reason as explained by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) was that
this formula was not taught to us by Rasulullah (صلى الله عايه وسالم ).
2) “Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) was informed of a group
of people who sat in the Musjid after Maghrib Salaat. One among them would say:
‘Recite Allahu Akbar so many times; recite Subhaanallah so many times; and
recite Alhamdulillah so many times!’ The group would then do as was instructed
(by its leader). Abdullah Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) arrived at the Musjid
and when he heard what they were reciting he said: ‘I am Abdullah Ibn Masood. I
take oath by Allah besides whom there is no object of worship, that you have
innovated a dark Bid’ah, or you are regarding yourselves superior to the
Companions of Muhammad
(صلى الله عايه وسالم ).’ ” (AL’ITISAAM and
The point to note here is that these people were merely reciting Takbeer and
glorifying Allah Ta’ala with Tasbeeh and Tahmeed. Now we ask: What is wrong in
reciting Alhamdulillah? What is wrong in reciting Subhaanallah? Why did Abdullah
Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) who was among the great Sahaabah of our Nabi ( )
describe the reciting of Takbeer, Tahmeed and Tasbeeh of this group as a “dark
Bid’ah”? The only reason is that the form, the manner in which this group was
reciting the greatness of Allah was not taught by our Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم
). The Sahaabah did not recite the praises in the way this group did, hence it
was regarded as a dark and evil innovation by such a great and learned Sahaabi
as Abdullah Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu).
3) “Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) heard that some people gathered in the
Musjid and were reciting Laa-ilaaha ilallah and Durood Shareef aloud. He went to
them and said: ‘This (way of recital) was non- existent during the time of the
Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم ). I regard you as innovators’. Ibn Masood
(radhiyallahu anhu) repeated this over and over until these people were ejected
from the Musjid.” (FATAWA QAADHI KHAN)
It must be noted here that these people were only reciting Laa-ilaaha
il-lal-lah and Durood Shareef, and both these are acts of Ibaadat of a very high
order. Despite this, Hadhrat Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) had these people
ejected from the Musjid and described them as innovators because they were
reciting these two forms of Thikr in a manner not taught by our Nabi (صلى الله
عايه وسالم) and in a manner not practised by the noble Sahaabah of Rasulصلى الله
عايه وسالمullah ( ). Further, Hadhrat Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu)
“This method was not in vogue during the time of Rasulullah ( )”.
This statement of Hadhrat Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) clearly means that if a
form of worship was not instructed by our Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم) then it
will be a Bid’ah. If the Sahaabah did not entertain any new systems or new ways
of worship then we have no right whatsoever of introducing into Islam any new
way or form of worship.
4) “Mujahid says that Urwah Bin Zubair
and himself entered the Musjid and saw Abdullah Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu)
sitting near to the room of Aishah (radhiyallahu anha). Some people in the
Musjid were performing the Dhuhaa prayers (the Salaat which is performed
sometime after sunrise). We asked Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) about the Salaat
being performed by these people. He replied that it was a Bid’ah innovation.”
It should be remembered that Salaatud-Duhaa has been narrated by many
Sahaabah. It is an act of Ibaadat which carries considerable reward. We are
encouraged to perform this Salaat. The great pious men of Islam hardly omit this
Salaat. However, despite this fact, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu
anhu) described the Dhuhaa Salaat of this particular group of people as Bid’ah.
The reason for branding it as Bid’ah is the fact that these people originated a
new method of performing this prayer. They congregated and performed this Salaat
conspicuously in the Musjid, and this method of performing it in congregation
form was not instructed by our Nabi ( صلى الله عايه وسالم).
Many such examples could be cited to illustrate the dislike which the
Sahaabah of our Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم ) had for innovation. If the practice
of innovation was tolerated in Islam there would be no pure Islam left. However,
Allah Ta’ala has blessed this Ummah with righteous and steadfast Ulama who
diligently defended the pure Deen of Allah through this long corridor of
fourteen centuries against the onslaught of innovation.
The celebration of the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is an issue of controversy amongst the scholars. Thus, there were some who considered it a disliked innovation, a few even saying it reached the level of prohibition, and there were others who considered it a praiseworthy innovation.
This difference is traced back to a divergence concerning the division of innovation (bid’ah). Some scholars recognized the validity of such innovations and this was, primarily, the school of Imam Al-Shafi’i (May Allah have mercy upon him) and the head of this thought was Al-’Izzi Adin Abdul Salam (May Allah have mercy upon him). In addition, Imam Al-Qarafi (May Allah have mercy upon him) who was a Maliki, carried this same opinion, giving it great attention , explaining it in an exhaustive manner. In his discussion Al-Qarafi (ra) expanded the concept of innovation to included innovations that were commendable, highly recommended, obligatory and a disliked nature. Thus, he divided innovation into five parts: (obligatory, recommended, permissible, disliked and forbidden).
There were some scholars who failed to accept this division contending that, “Any innovation, if it appears, then it is repulsive in nature.” They did this by restricting the statement of ‘Umar (ra), regarding the tarawih prayers, “This is a good innovation” to its linguistic meaning. There was a large body of scholars who held this opinion such as Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Shatibi, in his book Al-’Itisam, and many scholars from the Maliki and Hanbali schools (may Allah have mercy upon all of them).
Finally, there were scholars who wrote in support of celebrating the Mawlid such as Al-Suyuti (May Allah have mercy upon him) and, at the same time, there were others who wrote against it. Thus, in my opinion, there is no need to drag this discussion out, nor continue to argue about it any longer.
The Ruling:
Whoever wants to celebrate the Prophet’s (sa) birthday should celebrate it and avoid doing any action contrary to Islamic Law. This act should be done with an intention that it is not a sunna nor an obligatory act. If these conditions are observed, and one is careful not to contradict Islamic Law, out of sincere love for the Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah upon him), then, Allah willing, there is nothing wrong with this action and this person will be rewarded.
Commenting on this, the Shaykh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (May Allah have mercy upon him) said, “Indeed, such a person will be rewarded because of his intention.” Likewise, for the one who shuns this celebration, seeking to cling to the sunna out of fear of falling into innovation, then this person will also be rewarded, Allah willing. It is important to note that this is not a big issue. Nor is it necessary to give it more attention then it deserves.
The Methodology:
Our attention towards this issue is directed towards uniting the Muslims and curbing these differences. We base this understanding on facilitation (for both sides) and ease. This ease is not founded on an empty premise, but is referenced directly back to the Quran, traditions of the Prophet (sa), the fundamental objectives of Islamic law, and the order of the Prophet (sa) to work towards unity between others. If a contentious issue arises pertaining to a matter, we exercise great consideration and respect for both sides. This consideration is not simply an act of being overly accommodative, as some contend, or attacking those who hold weak opinions. But, this respect and consideration for differences is guided by the fact that both opinions are based on proofs from Islamic Law. In some regards these proofs are clear, and in other regards the opposite holds true. Thus, some (scholars) have provided evidences for these acts’ legitimacy, and others hold proofs for the opposite. In conclusion, our stance is that both are on goodness, Allah willing, as long as this act is not mixed with some type of evil and the intention is correct.
Abu m and abuela are u the same person? If it's obvious that you're not then me not knowing is cuz I can't/don't read such long posts with such dodgy formatting. Please sort it out so more people read/benefit from you.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Abu m and abuela are u the same person? If it's obvious that you're not then me not knowing is cuz I can't/don't read such long posts with such dodgy formatting. Please sort it out so more people read/benefit from you.
no were not the same individuals
if you dont like formatting the links are up their click it and go their and read it
The celebration of the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is an issue of controversy amongst the scholars. Thus, there were some who considered it a disliked innovation, a few even saying it reached the level of prohibition, and there were others who considered it a praiseworthy innovation.
This difference is traced back to a divergence concerning the division of innovation (bid’ah). Some scholars recognized the validity of such innovations and this was, primarily, the school of Imam Al-Shafi’i (May Allah have mercy upon him) and the head of this thought was Al-’Izzi Adin Abdul Salam (May Allah have mercy upon him). In addition, Imam Al-Qarafi (May Allah have mercy upon him) who was a Maliki, carried this same opinion, giving it great attention , explaining it in an exhaustive manner. In his discussion Al-Qarafi (ra) expanded the concept of innovation to included innovations that were commendable, highly recommended, obligatory and a disliked nature. Thus, he divided innovation into five parts: (obligatory, recommended, permissible, disliked and forbidden).
There were some scholars who failed to accept this division contending that, “Any innovation, if it appears, then it is repulsive in nature.” They did this by restricting the statement of ‘Umar (ra), regarding the tarawih prayers, “This is a good innovation” to its linguistic meaning. There was a large body of scholars who held this opinion such as Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Shatibi, in his book Al-’Itisam, and many scholars from the Maliki and Hanbali schools (may Allah have mercy upon all of them).
Finally, there were scholars who wrote in support of celebrating the Mawlid such as Al-Suyuti (May Allah have mercy upon him) and, at the same time, there were others who wrote against it. Thus, in my opinion, there is no need to drag this discussion out, nor continue to argue about it any longer.
the author again is grossly misinterpretating everything, jsut because one single scholar agreed on something doesnt mean this si the view of the madhab, some of the hanafi fiqh scholars agreed with thigns from other madhab doesnt mean it is the ahnafi fiqh that agrees with it but its jsut that single individual or individuals
if we look into the view of the 4 madhabs for bidah its very simple
Imaam abu haneefah rh advise to Imaam Abu Yusuf (rahmatullahalayh), Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullah alayh) said: “If any person introduces a bid’ah in the Shariah, then publicly proclaim his error so that people do not become audacious infollowing him. In so doing do not be concerned with his statusand fame. In proclaiming the Haqq, Allah Ta’ala is your Aid.He, Himself, protects His Deen. Even if the king commits anerror, admonish him with clarity. If he refuses to heed your admonition, explain to him in privacy that his act is in conflictwith the Qur’aan and Sunnah. If then too he refuses to heed,supplicate to Allah Ta’ala to save you and the Ummah from hisevil.
Whoever wants to celebrate the Prophet’s (sa) birthday should celebrate it and avoid doing any action contrary to Islamic Law. This act should be done with an intention that it is not a sunna nor an obligatory act. If these conditions are observed, and one is careful not to contradict Islamic Law, out of sincere love for the Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah upon him), then, Allah willing, there is nothing wrong with this action and this person will be rewarded.
Commenting on this, the Shaykh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (May Allah have mercy upon him) said, “Indeed, such a person will be rewarded because of his intention.” Likewise, for the one who shuns this celebration, seeking to cling to the sunna out of fear of falling into innovation, then this person will also be rewarded, Allah willing. It is important to note that this is not a big issue. Nor is it necessary to give it more attention then it deserves.
this is a incomplete quote badly misinterpretated the full quote is here he didnt say it was ok he jsut said if their were 2 evils its best a person does the lesser of the 2 so if mawlid was their and another evil was their that was greater then the evil fo mawlid would be better to do as it is lesser of the 2 evils
Our attention towards this issue is directed towards uniting the Muslims and curbing these differences. We base this understanding on facilitation (for both sides) and ease. This ease is not founded on an empty premise, but is referenced directly back to the Quran, traditions of the Prophet (sa), the fundamental objectives of Islamic law, and the order of the Prophet (sa) to work towards unity between others. If a contentious issue arises pertaining to a matter, we exercise great consideration and respect for both sides. This consideration is not simply an act of being overly accommodative, as some contend, or attacking those who hold weak opinions. But, this respect and consideration for differences is guided by the fact that both opinions are based on proofs from Islamic Law. In some regards these proofs are clear, and in other regards the opposite holds true. Thus, some (scholars) have provided evidences for these acts’ legitimacy, and others hold proofs for the opposite. In conclusion, our stance is that both are on goodness, Allah willing, as long as this act is not mixed with some type of evil and the intention is correct.
if your gonna get a schoalr makesure its a real scholar
for every scholar knows the reality of tarawih, when a scholar lies about this you know somethings not right about him
suhaib webb claims tarawih is a bidah? lets see what imam bukhari in sahih bukhari says
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) led his companions in prayer (Taraweeh) for several nights, then on the third or fourth night he did not come out to them. When morning came he said: “Nothing prevented me from coming out to you except the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1129. According to the version narrated by Muslim (761): “But I feared that night prayers would be made obligatory for you and you would not be able to do them.”
After the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) prayed Taraweeh in small groups and individually, until ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) united them behind a single imam.
It was narrated that ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn ‘Abd al-Qaari’ said: I went out with ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) one night in Ramadaan to the mosque, and the people were scattered, with one man praying by himself and another with a group of men following his prayer. ‘Umar said: “I think that if I gather them behind one reader, it will be better.” Then he decided to unite them behind Ubayy ibn Ka’b. Then I went out with him on another night, and the people were praying behind their reader. ‘Umar said: “What a good innovation this is. But the prayer that they forget about and sleep is better than the one they are offering.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1906.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said, when refuting the view of those who quoted ‘Umar’s words “What a good innovation this is” as meaning that innovation (bid’ah) is permissible:
With regard to qiyaam in Ramadaan, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) introduced this to his ummah, and he led them in prayer for a number of nights, because at his time they used to pray in congregation and individually. But he did not persist in leading them in one congregation, lest that be made obligatory for them. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) died, sharee’ah was established (and would not change after that). When ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) became caliph, he united them behind one imam, Ubayy ibn Ka’b, who united the people in one congregation on the orders of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him). ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) was one of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, of whom the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I urge you to adhere to my Sunnah and the way of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs after me; cling tightly to it.” So what he did was Sunnah but he said, “What a good innovation this is,” because it was an innovation in the linguistic sense, as they were doing something that they had not done during the life of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), i.e., gathering to do this, but it is Sunnah in the shar’i sense.”
The first ever Mawlid (celebration of the prophet Mohammed’s
birthday was on the 12th of the Islamic month Rabee al-Awwal) was
organized by Shia Fatimids they belonged to the Ismaili branch of the
Shia. They ruled Egypt between the years of 297-567 Hijri year. Mawlid
was organized in the palace and only the statesmen could attend them.
The first Mawlid (celebration of the prophet Mohammed’s birthday) by
Sunni Muslims was organized by Muzaffar ad-Din ibn Zain al-Din, who was
the ruler of Irbil (in Iraq), in Hijri year of 604. Those ceremonies
which were organized with long-term preparations were attended by all
people. Muzaffar ad-Din invited Islamic scholars, student of knowledge
and Sufis from the neighbouring regions to Irbil.
Ahmad b. Muhammad el-Misry, wrote about Muzaffar ad-Din ibn Zain
al-Din and Mawlid in his book al-Qawl al-Mu’tamad fi ‘amal al-Mawlid, he
said about him “He was a prodigal monarch. He commanded the scholars of
his time to follow the conduct based on their own derivation and
independent thinking (ijtihad), and that they should not follow any
school of law of any master except their own. A group of scholars and a
body of the servants inclined towards him. He used to celebrate the
birthday of the first monarch to introduce this practice among the
Imam Al-Dhahabi said in Duwal al-Islam, Vol.11 p.102 “He (Muzaffar
ad-Din ibn Zain al-Din) used to spend one hundred thousand (dirhams: old
money currency) on the celebration of the birthday (Mawlid) of the
Messenger every year.”
From the above it should become clear to any Muslim that Mawlid is an
innovation (bidah) in this religion as the prophet never started nor
commanded this day of celebration, so Mawlid is haram.
The Sufi Ashari Maturidis who celebrate this day are misguided as the
Messenger of Allah said: “Every innovation is misguidance and going
astray” Reported by Abu Dawood (no. 4607), at-Tirmidhee (no. 2676) and
it is saheeh. Ibn Hajr authenticated it Takhreej Ahaadeeth Ibn ul-Haajib
(1/137). Plus the prophet said: “… and every innovation is misguidance
and all misguidance is in the Hellfire.” Reported by an-Nasaa’ee (1/224)
from Jaabir bin Abdullaah and it is saheeh as declared by Shaikh
ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo’ ul Fataawaa (3/58).
Mawlid is a rejected act of worship because it is a bidah. The
prophet said, “He who innovates something in this matter of ours that
is not of it, will have it rejected.” Recorded in, Bukhari and Muslim.
Also the prophet said, “Whoever does an act which is not in agreement
with our matter, will have it rejected.” Recorded by, Muslim.
Also the prophets sahaba who loved him more than any Muslim and who
were the most eager to follow his Sunnah did not celebrate Mawlid. Plus
the first three generations of Muslims did not celebrate Mawlid either. The
Prophet said, “The best of mankind are my generation (or my century),
then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then
there will come, a people who will not care if their testimony comes
before their oath or vice versa (i.e., they will not take such matter
seriously).” Reported by, Bukhari, Muslim and al-Tirmidhee.
Now the question is how is it possible that the prophet, his sahaba
and the best three generations miss out on the reward of Mawlid and did
not even know about Mawlid, if it is something good as the supporters of
Mawlid state. Surely all good would have come from these people (the
prophet, the sahaba and next two generations: the salaf) not from any
Muslim besides them.
The Sufi Ashari Maturidis who are the most strict, in adhering to
this celebration say Mawlid is a bidah hasanah (good innovation), this
why the prophet, the sahaba and next two generations did not know about
Mawlid. It is also the reason why the four Imams (Abu Hanifah, Maalik,
al-Shafi and Ahmad) who they believe all Muslims most follow did not
know of Mawlid either. However this addition to the religion which came
after all these great people had died could not have been good. All good
came in their time this is why their generations were the best.
Plus in Islam there is no bidah hasanah all bidah is haram. The
prophet Mohammed taught the ummah everything that was best for it. There
is no way someone can teach this ummah something else that is good for
the ummah but the prophet never taught the ummah. The
prophet said, “Never was a prophet before me, but he disclosed to his
people what he knew to be best for them, and warned them of what he knew
to be evil for them.” Recorder by Muslim. Plus every act of worship that would bring any Muslim closer to Jannah (Gardens of Paradise) the prophet taught us about it. The
prophet said, “There is nothing that would bring you closer to Jannah
(Gardens of Paradise) and farther from the Fire but it has been
clarified [by me] to you.” Recorded by Ahmad and others; authenticated
by al-Albaanee and others.
So how could Mawlid be something that leads to Jannah (Gardens of
Paradise), be best for Muslims and the prophet Mohammed never knew about
(let alone teach it) when the hadeeths above indicate all good act of
worship the prophet taught the ummah before he died. This is why there
is no bidah hasanahs (good innovations) as all good acts of worship the
prophet taught the ummah.
Thus Mawlid is bidah which means it is haram to celebrate and it is not a good bidah as no good bidahs exist in Islam.
Moreover celebrating Mawlid is haram because a Muslim is only
suppose to celebrate two festivals, Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr as these
are confirmed in the sunnah of the prophet. So celebrating this day
involves opposing the Sunnah of the prophet which is clear cut haram. Abu
Dawood (1134) narrated that Anas said: When the Messenger of Allah came
to Madeenah they had two days when they would play. He said: “What are
these two days?” They said: “We used to play on these days during the
Jaahiliyyah (before Islam).” The Messenger of Allah said: “Allah has
given you instead of them two days that are better than them: the day of
al-Adha and the day of al-Fitr.” This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by
al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
Plus the prophet Mohammed told his ummah not to exaggerate about him
as the Christians had exaggerated about Isa (Jesus). They exaggerated
about Isa by calling him the son of Allah (God), calling him Allah (God)
or he is part of trinity that make up Allah (Father (God), Son (Isa)
and holy sprit) these how they exaggerated about him. The Christian also
exaggerate about him by celebrating the day he was born (Christmas: not
in their Bible).The prophet said, “Do not exaggerate about
me as the Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam. I am only a
slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allah and His Messenger.’” (Reported by
al-Bukhari).However the Sufi Ashari Maturidis do not
follow this hadeeth and instead have exaggerate about the prophet
Mohammed like the Christians did with Isa because they celebrate Mawlid
(the prophet Mohammed’s birthday).
So by celebrating Mawlid the Sufi Ashari Maturidis are imitating the
Christians celebration of Christmas though they slightly modify it by
calling it Mawlid, changing the day and prophet whose birthday they are
celebrating. Still this means they are imitating a religion
(Christianity) which has been cursed by Allah in the Quran. As the
Christians celebrated the birthday of Jesus man hundreds of years before
any Muslim celebrate the birthday of the prophet Mohammed. Imitating
the Christians is a cause of incurring the wrath and punishment of Allah
as they are a cursed (distanced from Allahs mercy) people.
Furthermore the prophet Mohammed has warned this ummah concerning
imitating (coping) the disbelievers in any outward actions or inward
beliefs, so the one who celebrates Mawlid is imitate the disbelievers in
their outward kufr action which is haram. The Sufi Ashari Maturidis who
celebrate Mawlid are imitating the Christians (disbelievers) by
imitating their celebration of Isa’s (Jesus) birth day (Christmas). The
only differences between the two are the names of the celebrations and
which one of Allahs prophets’ birthday is being celebrated.
The prophet said, “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 3512; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani.
Ibn Taymiyyah said about this hadeeth, “This at the very least
indicates that it is haraam to imitate them, although the apparent
meaning is that the one who imitates them is a kaafir (disbeliever).
Iqtidaa al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem, 1/237. Also he said, “Imitating them in
outward matters leads to imitating them in attitude and actions, hence
we are forbidden to imitate the kuffaar…as it says in the marfu hadeeth:
‘Whoever imitates a people is one of them.’” Majmoo al-Fataawa of Ibn
Taymiyyah, 22/154.
As well as Mawlid being a bidah it is a celebration that shows those
that celebrate it are very ignorant about the Sunnah. This is because
the 12th of Rabee al-Awwal is actually not the birthday of
the prophet Mohammed; it is the day he died. The day the prophet died is
the worst day in Islam as this is when the Quran stopped being revealed
and the Sunnah ended. Thus those Sufi Ashari Maturidis who celebrate
Mawlid have taken the worst day in Islam as a day of celebration, this
is very strange and just proofs they have very little knowledge of the
Also the prophet never celebrated his birthday in fact he worshiped
Allah on that day by fasting. So it would innovation (bidah) to single
out Mawlid for fasting but it would be closer to the Sunnah than having a
celebration on that day. The prophet was asked about fasting on
Mondays, and he said, “That is the day on which I was born
(his birthday) and the day on which I was entrusted with the mission or
when I was first given Revelation.” (Reported by Muslim, al-Nisaa’i and
Abu Dawood).
Those who celebrate and call to Mawlid have abounded the Sunnah of
the messenger in this matter and have added their own act of worship to
the religion thinking it was good. However there is no good in leaving
the prophets Sunnah and adding to the religion as the Prophet Mohammed’s
guidance is the best. The prophet said, “…the best of
guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The most evil of things are those
which are newly-invented (bidah in the religion), and every innovation
(bidah) is a going astray.” Reported by, Muslim and al-Nasaai.
Additionally those who deviate from the Prophet Mohammed’s guidance are destroyed.
The Prophet said, “…. I have left you upon clear guidance. Its night is
like its day. No one deviates (by doing bidah (innovation)), from it
after me except that he is destroyed.” Reported by, Ahmad, Ibn Maajah
(no. 43) and al-Haakim. It is declared saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaanee in
as-Saheehah (no. 937).
So the Sufi Ashari Maturidis and any other Muslims who celebrate
Mawlid have rejected the guidance of the prophet in this matter.
Therefore their claim that love the prophet more than those who do not
celebrate Mawlid and that Mawlid is how they proof they love the prophet
a great deal is a lie. If this was true then they would follow the
guidance of the prophet in this matter by not celebrating Mawlid as the
prophet nor his sahaba celebrated Mawlid. Allah said, “Say
(O Muhammad): ‘If you (really) love Allah then follow me (Mohammed),
Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Aal Imraan 3:31) Here Allah
tells Muslims true love for the prophet is not by celebrating Mawlid it
is through following the prophet.
It is also haraam to help other Muslims celebrate Mawlid by supplying
any kind of food or drink, buying, selling, manufacturing, giving or
advertising etc., as this would be regarded as cooperating in sin,
transgression and disobedience towards Allah (as Mawlid is bidah). Allah says, “Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa
(righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and
transgression. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment”
(al-Maidah 5:2)
In conclusion it is established that Mawlid is haram to celebrate or
help others to celebrate from a number of angles. The words of Ibn
Taymiyyah sum up the reality of Mawlid. He said “As for
celebrating an occasion that is not one of those that are prescribed in
Islam (the two Eids), such as one of the nights of the month of Rabee
al-Awwal which is said to be the night of the Mawlid (Prophet’s birthday
on 12th Rabee al-Awwal)… (he mentions other innovated
celebrations then he said), these are innovations (bidahs) which the
salaf (the sahaba and the next two generations) disapproved of and did
not do.” Majmoo Fataawa of Ibn Taymiyyah, 25/298.
Side Point: About Abdul Khattab Umar Ibn Dihya the helper of the innovator of the Sunni Mawlid, Muzaffar ad-Din ibn Zain al-Dins
The first Mawlid (celebration of the prophet Mohammed’s birthday) by
Sunni Muslims was organized by Muzaffar ad-Din ibn Zain al-Din, who was
the ruler of Irbil (in Iraq), in Hijri year of 604, his assistant and
helper in this innovation was Abdul Khattab Umar b. Dihya. “He was
employed in the Maghrib, then travelled to Syria, then to Iraq, and then
went to Irbil in 604 A.H. and found its monarch Muzaffar ad-Din ibn
Zain al-Din who took a keen interest in celebrating the birthday of the
Messenger (Mawlid). He composed a book for him al-Tanwir fi Maulid
al-Siraj al-Munir and recited it to him. He rewarded him with one
thousand dinars.” Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya wa al-Nihaya, Vol.I3 pp.144-146
Ibn Kathir has reported on the authority of al-Sabt about Ibn Dihya:
“Ibn Unain used to defame the Muslims and disparage them. He would make
additions in his report and exaggerate. So the people gave up narrating
traditions from him and falsified him. Kamil was favouring him. When his
conduct was disclosed to him, he withdrew Dar-al-Hadeeth from him and
disgraced him.” Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya wa al-Nihaya, Vol.I3 pp.144-146
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalanl’s commented on him saying, “He was a liar, lied
frequently, and a fabricator. He often slandered the scholars and the
jurists of the past, used evil toungue, self-conceited, lacked insight
in religious matters, and looked down upon religion. This has been
reported from al-Hafiz Diya. He further says: Ali b. al-Hussain Abul Ali
al- Isbahan narrated to me – it is enough to mention his name as an
authority – when Ibn Dihya came to us in Isbahan, he stayed with my
father in the hospice. He honoured and respected him very much. One day
he came to my father with a carpet. He kissed it and placed it before
him saying, “I offered such and such thousand rak’ahs of prayer on this
carpet, and recited the whole Qur’an in the Ka’ba.” He said: My father
took it, kissed it, placed it on his head, and accepted it from him with
a great pleasure. At the end of the day an inhabitant of Isbahan came
and began to talk to us. During his conversation he said by chance: The
faqih of Maghrib who is staying with you has purchased a beautiful
carpet today for such and such a price. Therupon my father ordered to
bring the carpet. Seeing it the man said, “Yes by Allah, this is the
same.” My father kept silent, and the eyes of Ibn Dihya fell down. Ibn
Submitted by Hummus on 17 January, 2013 - 16:47 #73
Please can we put an end to this? This so-called debate can go on and on, and on and on, for years on end and maybe till the end of time. It's not going to get anywhere. Both of you have polar views and are unwilling to understand the other view, and atleast say 'yes, i understand where you're coming from but i have my view, you have yours'. No compromise is going to take place so why discuss this in the first place? You've both clearly made your points and backed it up with Hadith and evidence. We know that both of you are capable of giving reasoning to your opinions. It's coming to a point where in my opinion, Hadith are being used in places which aren't even relevant and are just being chucked in here and there. These are the words of the beloved prophet Muhammad (S) and shouldn't be disrespected in such a manner. Why don't we just leave it as it is, and stop slashing each others throats?
Submitted by Hummus on 17 January, 2013 - 16:55 #74
@TPOS. Thanks for that post. It made a lot more sense than the majority of things on this thread.
Please can we put an end to this? This so-called debate can go on and on, and on and on, for years on end and maybe till the end of time. It's not going to get anywhere. Both of you have polar views and are unwilling to understand the other view, and atleast say 'yes, i understand where you're coming from but i have my view, you have yours'. No compromise is going to take place so why discuss this in the first place? You've both clearly made your points and backed it up with Hadith and evidence. We know that both of you are capable of giving reasoning to your opinions. It's coming to a point where in my opinion, Hadith are being used in places which aren't even relevant and are just being chucked in here and there. These are the words of the beloved prophet Muhammad (S) and shouldn't be disrespected in such a manner. Why don't we just leave it as it is, and stop slashing each others throats?
brother if that was the case then ali ra wouldve allowed muawiyyah ra to ahve his way and say its different of opinion so let him do his thing
similar thing with the khawarij and the shia of his time
but ali ra didnt for the wrong ahs to eb exposed and we know what he ali did to the 3, had he not been betrayed by his followers he wouldve destroyed all 3 of the groups completely and the othe rebels of his time
Submitted by Hummus on 17 January, 2013 - 17:52 #76
abualabbasassaffah wrote:
Hummus wrote:
Please can we put an end to this? This so-called debate can go on and on, and on and on, for years on end and maybe till the end of time. It's not going to get anywhere. Both of you have polar views and are unwilling to understand the other view, and atleast say 'yes, i understand where you're coming from but i have my view, you have yours'. No compromise is going to take place so why discuss this in the first place? You've both clearly made your points and backed it up with Hadith and evidence. We know that both of you are capable of giving reasoning to your opinions. It's coming to a point where in my opinion, Hadith are being used in places which aren't even relevant and are just being chucked in here and there. These are the words of the beloved prophet Muhammad (S) and shouldn't be disrespected in such a manner. Why don't we just leave it as it is, and stop slashing each others throats?
brother if that was the case then ali ra wouldve allowed muawiyyah ra to ahve his way and say its different of opinion so let him do his thing
similar thing with the khawarij and the shia of his time
but ali ra didnt for the wrong ahs to eb exposed and we know what he ali did to the 3, had he not been betrayed by his followers he wouldve destroyed all 3 of the groups completely and the othe rebels of his time
You have done your part in trying to explain your opinions with those who disagree with you and you have made your point very loud and clear. There is not much more you can do, besides continuing to repeat yourself. I think there are some members here, who have avoided this thread, simply because they know they will not gain any benefit out of it. My advice to you would be, to not indulge yourself too much into rectifying anothers persons belief to match yours. None of us have the slightest power to change a very passionately felt opinion, held with so much love which is shared all over the world. Have i made myself clear? Understand? Remember, Allah guides whoever he wishes and reckoning is for Allah alone.
that is true but i have a obligation i must fulfill
“He who amongst you sees something abominable should modify it with the help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do it, then he should do it with his tongue, and if he has not strength enough to do it, (even) then he should (abhor it) from his heart (by always
disliking what is evil or harmful), and that is the least of faith.”
what it results in allah's decision but i must do my bit after the will and guidance of allah that is
that is true but i have a obligation i must fulfill
“He who amongst you sees something abominable should modify it with the help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do it, then he should do it with his tongue, and if he has not strength enough to do it, (even) then he should (abhor it) from his heart (by always
disliking what is evil or harmful), and that is the least of faith.”
what it results in allah's decision but i must do my bit after the will and guidance of allah that is
Err, that hadith does not apply in this context.
Celebrating the Milaad is a controversial topic. Its not forbidden, so that doesn't give you the right to try and change the opinions of others.
Something abominable would be like smoking or having a lack of respect, and in that case you would try to 'stop' it.
that is true but i have a obligation i must fulfill
“He who amongst you sees something abominable should modify it with the help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do it, then he should do it with his tongue, and if he has not strength enough to do it, (even) then he should (abhor it) from his heart (by always
disliking what is evil or harmful), and that is the least of faith.”
what it results in allah's decision but i must do my bit after the will and guidance of allah that is
Err, that hadith does not apply in this context.
Celebrating the Milaad is a controversial topic. Its not forbidden, so that doesn't give you the right to try and change the opinions of others.
Something abominable would be like smoking or having a lack of respect, and in that case you would try to 'stop' it.
of course its forbidden its a innvoation in the religion of islam so it is a harram act
their are scholars ho say smoking isnt harram they can say the same thing you did right now that doesnt mean a certain action wouldnt apply to them
The prophet said, “Do not exaggerate about me as the
Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam. I am only a slave, so
say, ‘The slave of Allah and His Messenger.’” (Reported by
al-Bukhari).However the some peopl do not
follow this hadeeth and instead have exaggerate about the prophet
Mohammed like the Christians did with Isa because they celebrate Mawlid
Its not forbidden at all, nor is it Haraam because everything that is Haraam is clearly stated in the Qur'an, wheras celebrating the Mawlid is NOT.
I don't get why its a Bid'ah one bit. You have to know what Mawlid actually is before you say its 'Haraam'. Mawlid is simply a gathering to address people and deliver a lecture about the miracles that took place at the time of the Prophet (SAW)'s birth.
I've heard one Hadith which proves the permissibility of celebrating the Mawlid. I'll try my best to intepret it into my own words.
Sayyidina Abass (RA) approached the Prophet (SAW) and said: ''Oh beloved of Allah, I want to praise you.'' The Prophet (SAW) thus gave him permission.
This took place in a Masjid, in the presence of 30,000 companions. So Mawlid is proven, because NO-ONE claimed it was a bi'dah, shirk whatever, bearing in mind the Uncle of the Prophet (SAW) rejoiced the Mawlid in front of 30,000 Saahabas and in every line he recited, he mentioned the Mawlid of the Prophet (SAW).
This is not to say you don't recite durood shareef/send saalam on just the day he (SAW) was born, of course. That should be an everyday thing, but the fact that the birth of the Prophet (SAW) was a miracle itself, is just another reason to praise the Prophet (SAW), regardless of how it may be exaggerated. There's no limit to praise the Prophet (SAW)! Just like Eid, people decorate their houses, the Mawlid is equally as special. Surely holding a gathering to talk about the birth of the Prophet (SAW), recite praises/stories/verses from the Qur'an, as well as give Dawah to non-muslims is NOT bid'ah.
AFAIK, there were numerous companions of the Prophet (SAW) who celebrated the Mawlid, and it wasn't stopped by the Prophet (SAW) either, so what right does that give you?
You have to experience the joys of Mawlid, before claiming it Haraam without any proper justification.
The only reason why the Prophet (SAW) did not emphasize the importance of the Mawlid, is because of fear that it may become Waajib upon the Ummah. So out of his compassion, and out of his kindness, and out of his love and mercy for his Ummah, the Prophet (SAW) did not emphasize the importance of Rabbi-ul-Awwal.
However, just like we treat Friday with great respect (i.e. by doing Ghusl, wearing new clothes etc), because of the birth of Adam (AS), then surely we can express our love for the Prophet (SAW) through Mawlid? Its the least we can do as his Ummah, compared to the great extent he (SAW) has gone through for us.
I don't have enough knowledge to talk about the differing views regarding Mawlid, but I will say that when the time of Mawlid comes, everyone is filled with utmost delight and joy, solely because the birth of the Prophet (SAW) is the biggest miracle of Islam and it shouldn't be considered wrong at all. Its the one thing I look forward to more than anything. You would commemorate something to preserve the significance of the Prophet (SAW)'s birth. E.g. When you perform Hajj, on the 9th Zhul Hajj people gather on the plain of Arafat to commemorate the meeting of Adam (AS) with Hawa (AS). Arafat means = to know/recognise something. Therefore its proven throughout the history of Islam and the significance of the day on Rabbi-ul-Awwal.
I actually remember (a couple of years ago), there was a Mawlid gathering at my Auntie's house and when everyone left, she picked up a plate (which had flour in), and shown it me. In the flour there was a clear footprint outline of the Prophet (SAW), and that was just the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed. I know the flour was not touched by anyone, because it was in the same place out of reach the whole time.
I could go on about the unlimited blessings a Mawlid brings, but knowing I would never speak against the Milaad is enough. If anyone has a problem with that, then I'm in no position to judge them.
Submitted by Hummus on 20 January, 2013 - 09:51 #81
What i've found is that a lot of people have many misconceptions regarding Mawlid. What happens during and inside this celebration is what needs to be addressed. People tend to think that there's a lot of Haraam that's going on like the mixing of sexes and so on, and its these acts that we should be staying away from, (IF they are happening). A LOT of what happens is actually Halaal anyway, cause it's done at other times in the year too and it's not against the teachings of Islam.
I still don't understand the concept of Mawlid being Shirk, thats something i can't seem to get my head around. Shirk means associating partners with Allah or giving something/someone the status that Allah should have in our lives, and that's not what people are doing. Doing Shirk is the worst thing ever, so i think its just totally wrong to say that Mawlid is Shirk, because Shirk takes a person out of the fold of Islam.
What needs to be remembered is that the day of Jumuah was clearly prescribed in so many Hadith. It was obvious, out there, and a LOT of emphasis and importance was placed on it. The acts that we should do on Jumuah according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (S), durood shareef and the blessings that Allah has given to us on this day is recorded everywhere. Here's two of the many Hadith:
Abu Lubanah al-Badri relates that the Prophet (saws) said: 'The most prominent (or leader) of the days is the day of Jumu'ah and the most honored in Allah's Sight, and it is more honored in Allah's sight than the day of breaking the fast, or the day of sacrifice. It has five significant merits: Allah created Adam on this day; on this day Allah sent Adam down to the earth; on this day Allah caused Adam to die; on this day, there is a time during which if anyone asks anything of Allah it will be granted to him unless he asks for something which is forbidden; and on this day, the Hour will be established. There are no Angels close to Allah or the sky or the earth or the wind or the mountain or the sea who are not worried concerning the day of Jumu'ah (as the Hour will be established on Friday).' (Ahmad and Ibn Majah).
Abu Hurairah reports that one Friday the Prophet (saws) said: 'O gathering of Muslims, Allah has made this day (of Friday) an Eid for you, so make ghusl and use the miswak (on this day)'. (at-Tabarani).
So in my opinion, trying to use such clear and obvious evidence and trying to justify that with the celebration of the Mawlid of the blessed Prophet (S) has a bit of weakness in it. I'm sure there are no conflicts over the day of Jumuah but the conflict over Mawlid arises because it wasn't as obvious, or as clear, or as emphasised.
If it was something like 'The prophet (S) was born on this day, and on this day we were blessed by his arrival so celebrate it as much as you can', then perhaps people would definitely celebrate it, and there would be no conflict. But because that's not what was said, this whole HOOHAH and calling it Bid'ah, Haraam, and Shirk occurs.
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 20 January, 2013 - 12:53 #82
_Me_ wrote:
Its not forbidden at all, nor is it Haraam because
everything that is Haraam is clearly stated in the Qur'an, wheras
celebrating the Mawlid is NOT.
i said this to you and i'll repeat it to you now
you think the quran doesnt say it then you are rong for their as a
women who went to abdullah ibn mas'ud ra and said quran doesnt say about
shaving eyebrow being harram so how can it be harram, so he said you
havent read or udnerstood the quran for in the quran allah says whatever
his messenger saw says we obey so their is hadith which muhammad saw
said that cutting eyebro is harram and as allah says in the quran obey
his messenger, so although it directly doesnt say cutting eyebrow is
harram is has verses in the quran hich indirectly says it is harram when
we use this verse with the hadith of muhammad saw
again where in the quran does it say cigerette is harram so ho do you know cigerette is harram?
we use verses of quran and hadith indirectly related to this
again same with mawlid you say the quran doesnt say this i say to you it does in this verse and this hadith:
surah maidah:
This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion
“Do not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated about the
son of Maryam. I am only a slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allaah and His
Messenger.’” (Reported by al-Bukhaari)
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stated repeatedly
that: "Every newly-invented thing is a bid'ah (innovation), every bid'ah
is a going astray, and every going astray will be in the Fire."
(Reported by al-Nisaa'i in al-Sunan, Salaat al-'Eedayn, Baab kayfa
so tell me when rasulullah saw said every bidah is
harram along with the verse of the quran which says this religion is
complete now and muhammad saw then said do not imitate christians and
again said do not innovate anything new how does this not include mawlid
as being harram in quran like the example of cigerette and the abdullah
ibn masud ra scenario it is harram and mentioned indirectly
don't get why its a Bid'ah one bit. You have to know what Mawlid
actually is before you say its 'Haraam'. Mawlid is simply a gathering to
address people and deliver a lecture about the miracles that took place
at the time of the Prophet (SAW)'s birth.
it is the sufi version of christmas created by shia as stated by ibn kathir and ibn hajr
heard one Hadith which proves the permissibility of celebrating the
Mawlid. I'll try my best to intepret it into my own words.
Abass (RA) approached the Prophet (SAW) and said: ''Oh beloved of
Allah, I want to praise you.'' The Prophet (SAW) thus gave him
This took place in a Masjid, in the presence of 30,000
companions. So Mawlid is proven, because NO-ONE claimed it was a
bi'dah, shirk whatever, bearing in mind the Uncle of the Prophet (SAW)
rejoiced the Mawlid in front of 30,000 Saahabas and in every line he
recited, he mentioned the Mawlid of the Prophet (SAW).
a big difference between praising and celebrating, do you praise your
parents yes, do you celebrate their birthday no for that is harram or
create a ne eid for them no it is harram, praising and celebrating is
different things, im 100 sure he praised the birth of muhammad saw not
praising the celebration of mawlid, again 2 different things beteen me
praising my parents birth and celebrating their birth like eid, if the
hadith you state is even true to start with
This is
not to say you don't recite durood shareef/send saalam on just the day
he (SAW) was born, of course. That should be an everyday thing, but the
fact that the birth of the Prophet (SAW) was a miracle itself, is just
another reason to praise the Prophet (SAW), regardless of how it may be
exaggerated. There's no limit to praise the Prophet (SAW)! Just like
Eid, people decorate their houses, the Mawlid is equally as special.
Surely holding a gathering to talk about the birth of the Prophet (SAW),
recite praises/stories/verses from the Qur'an, as well as give Dawah to
non-muslims is NOT bid'ah.
their is a limit to praising
muhammad saw, are you gonna rpaise muhamamd saw in the same level to
allah? no and if their as no limit why would muhammad saw say
not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated about the son of
Maryam. I am only a slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allaah and His
Messenger.’” (Reported by al-Bukhaari)
this hadith shos theirs a
correct way and rong way you do it the rong ay like christians do they
do it ith christmas and you imitate them with mawlid
look at you
you have taken a innovation in level of eid, eid has been given by allah
malid has been created by man and you say this creation of man is equal
to a revelation of allah?
people also decorate their house for christmas and ne years day hanukah doesnt mean their special or valid in islam
verses of the quran is not but doing it in the name of malid is, if i
create a second hajj and say im praying reading quran and other action
is it valid no for theirs nothing wrong ith reading and praying but
doing it the name of a second hajj is wrong and harram same with mawlid
as muhammad saw said every innovation is bad and will end in hell
there were numerous companions of the Prophet (SAW) who celebrated the
Mawlid, and it wasn't stopped by the Prophet (SAW) either, so what right
does that give you?
the mawlid was first created by the
shia and sufis 3 centuries after the death of muhammad saw and the first
3 generation of muslims, the sahaba ra never celebrated malid nor did
the first tabieen, or the 4 imams, they didnt even kno such a thing
exists, and if the sahaba ra did celebrate malid show us those hadith
and i will accept mawlid
You have to experience the joys of Mawlid, before claiming it Haraam without any proper justification.
you sound like someone who says do the second hajj first then youll kno the beauty of it
<p>only reason why the Prophet (SAW) did not emphasize the importance of</p>
<p>the Mawlid, is because of fear that it may become Waajib upon the Ummah.</p>
<p>So out of his compassion, and out of his kindness, and out of his love</p>
<p>and mercy for his Ummah, the Prophet (SAW) did not emphasize the</p>
<p>importance of Rabbi-ul-Awwal. [/quote/</p>
<p> </p>
<p>your obviously getting taraeeh mixed up with mawlid</p>
<p>The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) led his</p>
<p>companions in</p>
<p>praying Taraaweeh for several nights, then he feared that it may be</p>
<p>made obligatory for them, so he did not go out to them. Then ‘Umar</p>
<p>united the</p>
<p>people under one imam, and it has been prayed in congregation ever</p>
<p>since. It was narrated that Ismaa’eel ibn Ziyaad said: ‘Ali passed by</p>
<p>mosques in which there were lamps during the month of Ramadaan and</p>
<p>said, ‘May Allaah illuminate ‘Umar’s grave for him as he illuminated our</p>
<p>mosques for us.” Narrated by al-Athram, quoted in al-Mughni, 1/457.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>is their any hadith like this for mawlid</p>
<p>mawlid is a celebration so if it gets obligatory it doesnt add anything</p>
<p>hard but easy to religion a day of celebration so again it makes no</p>
<p>sense and i am 100 percent sure you have no hadith to support this claim</p>
<p>either if you do show it</p>
<p>rabi ul aal is important but he didnt say celebrate it did he</p>
<p>[quote wrote:
just like we treat Friday with great respect (i.e. by doing Ghusl,
wearing new clothes etc), because of the birth of Adam (AS), then surely
we can express our love for the Prophet (SAW) through Mawlid? Its the
least we can do as his Ummah, compared to the great extent he (SAW) has
gone through for us.
again where on earth did you get
this from, the reason e do this on eid is because it is teh day jummuah,
the jummuah prayer our special day of the eek, this is the eid of the
week this is why we do this, even if the aadam as case was true then
this ould be based on a hadith, but im not sure if that even is the
case, and lastly malid is bidah so again no evidence
and the miracle of creation of aadam as is stated to be the most powerfull creation miracle even better then isa as
don't have enough knowledge to talk about the differing views regarding
Mawlid, but I will say that when the time of Mawlid comes, everyone is
filled with utmost delight and joy, solely because the birth of the
Prophet (SAW) is the biggest miracle of Islam and it shouldn't be
considered wrong at all. Its the one thing I look forward to more than
anything. You would commemorate something to preserve the significance
of the Prophet (SAW)'s birth. E.g. When you perform Hajj, on the 9th
Zhul Hajj people gather on the plain of Arafat to commemorate the
meeting of Adam (AS) with Hawa (AS). Arafat means = to know/recognise
something. Therefore its proven throughout the history of Islam and the
significance of the day on Rabbi-ul-Awwal.
the quran is a
even bigger miracle why dont you celebrate that it is the words of
allah uncreated, muhamamd saw is a creation of allah, so again do you
have a eid quran
this has been revealed by allah and his messenger
saw, it is a act of islam, not a bidah, again not a bidah but according
to quran and hadith, is the mawlid from quran and hadith not its not,
and if allah has not given anything to celebrate muhammad saw who gave
you the right to create one, second muhammad saw greatest thing is that e
should all follow him for he is the leader of prophets, hat can be
better then this to follo the best of creation, what do you do, you do
the opposite
I actually remember (a couple of years
ago), there was a Mawlid gathering at my Auntie's house and when
everyone left, she picked up a plate (which had flour in), and shown it
me. In the flour there was a clear footprint outline of the Prophet
(SAW), and that was just the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed. I
know the flour was not touched by anyone, because it was in the same
place out of reach the whole time.
their are pictures of
the cloud which has god ritten ith it, some have je some have budha,
these kinds of miracle have no value, and hats so significant about
having the foot of muhammad saw in flour? that footprint mustve been
drawn by someone and you think its muhammad saw
again their are
shapes in the moon which create certain images you trying to say those
are miracles, and besides how do you kno its the foot of muhammad saw
its a foot, all human have foot, some people ere the exact same height
as muhammad saw, some resembled him heavily
I could go on about the unlimited blessings a Mawlid brings, but knowing I would never speak against the Milaad is enough. If anyone has a problem with that, then I'm in no position to judge them.
does it bring world peace, victory for muslims in afghansitan,
palestine gaza, or some draing of a foot in a flour, in a pot of rice,
in your curry
if you want to do something for the birth of muhammad saw do this
this is found in the hadith
has been reported is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) made the day of his birth a day of worship, which is
different to celebration. He was asked about fasting on Mondays, and he
said: “That is the day on which I was born and the day on which I was
entrusted with the Mission or when I was first given Revelation.”
I was dreading you'd rip every line apart, and what a surprise.. you have done. -.-
I didn't mean to start the whole thing again, so I apologize- because I have no intention to prove whether the Mawlid is allowed or not to you, unless I'm willing to waste my time trying to debate with a brick wall.
You have your views, and I have mine. Don't forget your morals just because someone does/believes things differently. You're just stabbing yourself with a spoon.
I suppose 'Hummus' has already said it.
Just accept the fact that not everyone thinks like you or can be like you (Thank God). Everyone differs in views, so nothing you can say or do will change anything.
BEFORE YOU RIP THIS POST APART, do us all a favour and stop being ignorant about the views you disagree with. Such a foolish thing to do..
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 20 January, 2013 - 18:49 #84
_Me_ wrote:
I was dreading you'd rip every line apart, and what a surprise.. you have done. -.-
I didn't mean to start the whole thing again, so I apologize- because I have no intention to prove whether the Mawlid is allowed or not to you, unless I'm willing to waste my time trying to debate with a brick wall.
You have your views, and I have mind. Don't forget your morals just because someone does/believes things differently. You're just stabbing yourself with a spoon.
I suppose 'Hummus' has already said it.
Just accept the fact that not everyone thinks like you or can be like you (Thank God). Everyone differs in views, so nothing you can say or do will change anything.
BEFORE YOU RIP THIS POST APART, do us all a favour and stop being ignorant about the views you disagree with. Such a foolish thing to do..
The prophet said, “Do not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam. I am only a slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allah and His Messenger.’” (Reported by al-Bukhari)
Let us look at this as it is often used in the wrong context, like here. What did the Christians exaggerate?
Could Prophet Isa (as) breathe life into clay pigeons? yes.
Could Prophet Isa (as) cure the lepers? yes.
So what was the exaggeration? It was the issue of calling prophet Isa (as) the son of God. Astaghfirullah.
We do not do this. The prophet is the messenger of God. The messenger is the creation of God.
By celebrating mawlid, we celebrate the birth of the messenger (saw).
God was not born.
So by celebrating mawlid, we are acting accordance with that hadith, reminding of acts of creation as the Creator is not born and will not die.
(I think the person who quoted that hadith should also read in sahih Bukhari how the sahabahs treated the prophet (saw). There is an account of an occasion where the people would not even let the spit of the prophet hit the gound, but catch it and rub it on them for barakah.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
If either of you stop replying, we won't think either have you have given in. No, we will just think you have been wise enough to end this pointless debate.
To everyone else, just because someone finally stops commenting, does not mean they don't have an answer. It just means they know they can't convince the other person, and are praying Allah guides them, as He guides us all. You do not have to believe the person who gets the last word, rather ask scholars, listen to talks, read books and make your own decision,
Now please, please please stop these "discussions".
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by abualabbas7 (not verified) on 22 January, 2013 - 01:10 #87
You wrote:
The prophet said, “Do not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam. I am only a slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allah and His Messenger.’” (Reported by al-Bukhari)
Let us look at this as it is often used in the wrong context, like here. What did the Christians exaggerate?
Could Prophet Isa (as) breathe life into clay pigeons? yes.
Could Prophet Isa (as) cure the lepers? yes.
So what was the exaggeration? It was the issue of calling prophet Isa (as) the son of God. Astaghfirullah.
We do not do this. The prophet is the messenger of God. The messenger is the creation of God.
By celebrating mawlid, we celebrate the birth of the messenger (saw).
God was not born.
So by celebrating mawlid, we are acting accordance with that hadith, reminding of acts of creation as the Creator is not born and will not die.
(I think the person who quoted that hadith should also read in sahih Bukhari how the sahabahs treated the prophet (saw). There is an account of an occasion where the people would not even let the spit of the prophet hit the gound, but catch it and rub it on them for barakah.)
the christians exegerated him by creating christmas for him something that was created later on, bible says jesus was born in summer around august to september not december
you do the same thing with muhammad saw in a date in which muhammad saw wasnt even born although it is widely stated as being the 12th it might not even be the 12th and by the way rasulullah saw died on the 12th that is confirmed
innvoation of christmas:
Before the birth of The Messiah, Y'shua our LORD, The Romans had a pagan feast called
'saturnalia' that was observed during the early part of winter, what we now call
'December', and its heathen feast and practices fell towards the end of the month.
As a result of Roman Catholicism connecting church and state around the year 313 A.D.,
the secular and religious became in many instances one issue. It is from this point
in history that we begin to witness many pagan and lurid rituals and activities that
became lot and parcel of 'so-called' Christianity.
innovation of mawlid according to ibn kathir and ibn hajjar and other scholars
it was first created by the shias 3 centuries after the death of muhammad saw then it was marketed by muzaffar the sufi
preety much the same a act not legalized by islam same with christians
birth of muhammad saw is not to be celebrated if it was to be celebrated the sahaba ra wouldve done it so woudlve the first 3 generatation you have the eid celebrate this
and you have a weekly eid celebrate that
no your not you vant show a single hadith which mentions mawlid so how is this according to hadith again same as christians based on nothing
same as christians
christmas+mawlid=innvoation and exegeration
they didnt do that at all times the spit thing
a sahaba ra drank the blood of muhammad saw first time he allowed second time he told him off and said its harram
Submitted by abualabbas7 (not verified) on 22 January, 2013 - 01:13 #88
TPOS wrote:
If either of you stop replying, we won't think either have you have given in. No, we will just think you have been wise enough to end this pointless debate.
To everyone else, just because someone finally stops commenting, does not mean they don't have an answer. It just means they know they can't convince the other person, and are praying Allah guides them, as He guides us all. You do not have to believe the person who gets the last word, rather ask scholars, listen to talks, read books and make your own decision,
Now please, please please stop these "discussions".
this scenario is as bad as those who claim music is halal so it must be deal with
and besides if brother you did some research then he wouldve not put himself in many wrong situations like he did regarding the salatul duha scenario, and in that thread if you notice he hasnt even psoted naymore after he was proven wrong, im not saying this to embaress him, rather to make him realise that he shouldnt always rush into things rather research it properly for all he had to do was read a few hadith down and the answer was their
i myself have learned many lessons from my mistakes in this forum and will do my best to use it in future inshallah
I see that you have gone to "logic" to disprove milad, you state it was 3 centuries later but ignore the hadith from Sahih Muslim and the verse of the QUr'an from Surah Maryam (and for this instance you also raise the level required for proof from what you suggest for other actions in other topics at the same time) and while I do not consider the Mawlid an adoption of a christian event even further you accept that there was another event that the Muslims adopted from the Jews by the prophet himself.
The Christians got their christmas all messed up and are aware that that is not the time that Prophet Isa (as) was born.
We do not do the same thing.
But you still have not shown how this is the exaggeration that was guarded against - especially when there is the shirk that they added which is something that Islam was revealed to combat.
Apart from deification, we Muslims hold Prophet Isa (as) in higher regard than Christians do - many reject the stories of the miracles as later inventions (maybe because they are mentioned in the Qur'an...).
i myself have learned many lessons from my mistakes in this forum and will do my best to use it in future inshallah
Subhanallah. I have the same. On the issue of Duha prayer I was not fully aware of all the evidences.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 24 January, 2013 - 13:35 #90
You wrote:
I see that you have gone to "logic" to disprove milad, you state it was 3 centuries later but ignore the hadith from Sahih Muslim and the verse of the QUr'an from Surah Maryam (and for this instance you also raise the level required for proof from what you suggest for other actions in other topics at the same time) and while I do not consider the Mawlid an adoption of a christian event even further you accept that there was another event that the Muslims adopted from the Jews by the prophet himself.
The Christians got their christmas all messed up and are aware that that is not the time that Prophet Isa (as) was born.
We do not do the same thing.
But you still have not shown how this is the exaggeration that was guarded against - especially when there is the shirk that they added which is something that Islam was revealed to combat.
Apart from deification, we Muslims hold Prophet Isa (as) in higher regard than Christians do - many reject the stories of the miracles as later inventions (maybe because they are mentioned in the Qur'an...).
i myself have learned many lessons from my mistakes in this forum and will do my best to use it in future inshallah
Subhanallah. I have the same. On the issue of Duha prayer I was not fully aware of all the evidences.
i have already refuted those verses and hadith, doesnt say celebrate mawlid, nor does those verses of quran say celebrate mawlid, if that was the case then people wouldve created milad for tree plants, eid e mother eid e father and others
khadija ra got sallam from allah s did the prohpet does that mean she is equal to a prophet? no and this deosnt eman we celebrate this sallam she recieved
same with muhamamd saw its sallam and blessing somethig only allah did to hsi prophets not us, again aadam as got bowed down by angels will you bow to aadam as
these verses have nothing to with celebrating no different to fasting once a week and celebrating something is different
i never said muslims got ashoora from jews, you did, again you are putting words in my mouth unless you got mixed up again
funny how you say ashoora is copied from jews when it isnt, then the one that is you say it isnt one is a sunnah the other is bidah
i dont know where your logic here comes from
and if you look at history of birthday while muslims never did it pagans did
if the very action you mentioned was done by a person claiming it will be a second hajj will it be correct, answer is no becasue that is a new innvoation altogether, mawlid is no different, i beleive i also mentioned that in the post, their is no difference between a second hajj and mawlid as they are both innovation, neither in quran ahdith, or practiced in the first 3 generation it is a new act a new created event altogether so even if those action which are normally good are done with that intention those action at theat point are no longer valid no different to a man who creates a 6th 7th new daily prayer and prays, theirs nothing wrong with praying but with that frame of mind it becomes harram
their are only 3 celebration the 2 eids and friday eid, it cant get any simpler then that
islam is also about worshipping allah the correct way and the wya he wants you to worship, not how you want to do it by creating new ways, and besides out of all the days you need this day to do all that what happened to the other days you were too busy doing the hu hu chants or something
their is no difference between mawlid and a man showing his love by eating a 100 burgers, as they are both baseless actions one is a immitation of christians christmas the other is plain stupid, jsut created action by man attributing to islam
As for the argument that ibadat, even nafl ibadat are only at preset
times, Ummul mu'mineen Hadhrat Aisha Siddeeqa was asked about AFAIK the
chasht nafl prayer. She stated that it was not prayed at the time of the
prophet (saw), but that she would not give it up (and I think her quote
continued in words such as even if her father came out of his grave to
prevent her).""
how many times have i told you to show me the reference and you failed i ask again give us the reference anyone can say their is a hadith that says this and that
even i can say their is a hadith which says mawlid is thrash, but ic ant show it for it doesnt exist, so how about showing is the exact hadith and reference not jsut their was this and that for i exposed another lie of yours, the one which you claimed bidah is ok about jareer ra, and then when i posted the full hadith it shows you cut and pasted the hadith to twist it into your own fabricated act
iibadat is done everyday what difference does it amke if its muhamamd saw birthday or jesues birthday or my birthday we do it anyway salah is a everyday act so is doing all islamic acts what day it is has no effect here, the matters of miraj ramadan is different
how does that make it any different to mawlid, like muhammad saw didnt pray at these times did he do mawlid? show me the hadith in which he celebrates mawlid on the very day he was born in which like eid they are having a big celebration since they didnt have cake at the time the special food was date with butter, so them having a celebration where they are eating the buttered date and feeding eachother, or reading the quran because its mawlid or studying the battle of badr and talking about it because its mawlid, having a gathering because its mawlid, if you claim muhammad saw nevver prayed at this time therefore it would be harram for us to pray at this time then how is mawlid any different as muhammad saw never did mawlid celebration so why are you doing it
what i am saying is if a person creates a new prayer during this time it is harram, now is praying a bad thing? no but praying at that time is bad, no different to mawlid, reading quran nothing wrong, doing it with the intention of mawlid is wrong, why because no different to how the man who claims praying in unlawfull times isnt bad because how can prayer be bad at that forbidden time, doing these actions in mawid is bad because mawlid is no different to the man creating a new salah in that time
you claim quran says mawlid isnt harram, i think you need to read the quran again for you didnt do that
i'll star of with thye famous incident of abdullah bin mas'ud ra, when a women said to him quran doesnt say cutting eyebrow is harram, so he said go readit agian for it does say that she did again she said it doesnt so abdullah ibn mas;ud ra said then it obvious you failed to understand what you read, for in the quran it says whatever decision i and my messenger make accept it, so he concluded muhammad saw said eyebrow sahving/cutting is harram and this fits in with the verse in which allah says obey my messengers order, so shaving is harram based on that verse,
so i say the same thing to you despite reading the quran you failed to udnerstand it for allah says in the quran
This day, those who disbelieved have given up all hope of
your religion, so fear them not, but fear Me. This day, I have
perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have
chosen for you Islam as your religion. surah maeda
so you are no different to that women for like she was failing to understand the verse in which allah says when muhammad saw makes a decision about something you obey so are you, when muhammad saw isnt ordering us to do it and he strictly said bidah is harram and it will be rejected why are you going against him
so like the women you are failing to understand how allah has told us that mawlid is harram even though he didnt directly state mawlid like he allah didnt directly say cutting eyebrow is harram, he revealed verses which are related to this mattter, firstly by muhammad saw who clearly said bidah is harram and we shoudlnt imitate the christians liking to jesus to him, and secondly by stating this religion is compelte and nothing new should be added to it yet you add mawlid to it by going against the verse directly
you say muhamamd saw didnt forbid it i say he did, when he said bidah is harram he forbidded it as it is a bidah, if a person creates a new salah and says muhamamd saw didnt forbid it id say the same thing
another example would be cigerette, where in quran and hadith is it metnioned it is harram, it isnt for cigerette didnt exist then, but their are evidence to prove it is harram as their are verses in quran and the hadith which are related to this matter which proves it is harram same with mawlid
dont be like these old fashioned people who claim cigerette to be halal becasue it isnt mentioend in quran or hadith because their will always be evidenc in islam related to that matter proving whether it is halal or harram indirectly or directly
again i say how about showing us the exact hadith
you have only quoted half of the hadith and even that incorrectly:
areer ibn 'Abdullaah al-Bajali (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The
Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: 'Whoever starts a good thing and is followed by others, will have his
own reward and a reward equal to that of those who follow him, without it
detracting from their reward in any way. Whoever starts a bad thing and is
followed by others, will bear the burden of his own sin and a burden equal
to that of those who follow him, without it detracting from their burden in
any way.'" (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, no. 2675. He said, This is a saheeh hasan hadeeth)
There is a story behind this hadeeth, which will explain what "whoever
starts a good thing" means. Imaam Muslim reported this story from Jareer
ibn 'Abdullaah, who also narrated the hadeeth itself. He said: "Some people
from the Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him), wearing woollen garments. He saw that
they were in bad shape and in desperate need, so he urged the people to
give them charity. They people were very slow to respond, and it could be
seen in his face (that he was upset). Then a man of the Ansaar brought a
package of silver, then another came, and another and another, and his face
was filled with joy. The Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) said: 'Whoever starts a good thing in Islam, and
others do likewise after him, there will be written for him a reward like that
of those who followed him, without it detracting in the least from their
reward. Whoever starts a bad thing in Islam, and others do likewise after
him, there will be written for him a burden of sin like that of those who
followed him, without it detracting in the least from their burden.'" (Reported
by Muslim, no. 1017)
Further explanation may be found in a report recorded by al-Nisaa'i, also
from Jareer ibn 'Abdullah, may Allaah be pleased with him, who said: "We
were with the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) early one day, when some people who were almost naked
(not dressed properly) and barefoot, with their swords by their sides, came
to him. Most, if not all of them, were of (the tribe of) Mudar. The
Messenger's face changed when he saw how poor they were (i.e., he
became upset). He went into (his house), then he came out and ordered
Bilaal to give the call to prayer. He led the people in prayer, then he
addressed them, saying: 'O people, "be dutiful to your Lord, Who created
you from a single person, and from him He created his wife, and from
them both he created many men and women, and fear Allaah through
Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of)
the wombs (kinship)" [al-Nisaa' 4:1].
"Fear Allaah, and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to
what he has sent forth for the morrow…" [al-Hashr 59:18].
Let a man give charity from his dinars, his dirhams, his clothing, his wheat
or his dates - even if it is only half a date.' A man from the Ansaar brought
a package which he could hardly carry in his hand, then another and
another came, until there were two piles, of food and clothing, and I saw
the face of the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) beaming with joy. The Messenger of Allaah
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'Whoever starts a good thing in
Islam will have his own reward and a reward equal to that of those who
follow him, without it detracting in the least from their reward, and whoever
starts a bad thing in Islam will have to bear the burden of his own sin and a
burden equal to that of those who followed him, without it detracting in the
least from their burden. (Reported by al-Nisaa'i in al-Mujtaba: Kitaab al-Zakaat, Bab
al-Tahreed 'ala al-Sadaqah).
From the context of the story, it is clear that what is meant by the words
"whoever starts a good thing (sunnah hasanah) in Islam" means: Whoever
revives a part of the Sunnah of the Prophet
(peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him), or teaches it to others, or commands others to follow
it, or acts according to it so that others see him or hear about it and follow
his example. This is also indicated by the hadeeth narrated by Abu
Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, who said: "A man came to the
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and he urged
the people to give him charity. A man said: 'I have such-and-such,' and
there was no person left in the gathering who did not give something in
charity to him, whether it was a large amount or a little. The Messenger of
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'Whoever
starts something good, and others follow his lead, will have a complete
reward and a reward like that of those who followed him, without it
detracting in the least from their reward. Whoever starts something bad,
and others follow his lead, will bear a complete burden of sin, and a burden
like that of those who followed him, without it detracting in the least from
their burden. (Reported by Ibn Maaajah in al-Sunan, no. 204)
It should be clear from the above, with no room for doubt, that the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was not allowing
innovation in matters of deen (religion), nor was he opening the door to
what some people call "bid'ah hasanah," for the following reasons:
The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
stated repeatedly that: "Every newly-invented thing is a bid'ah
(innovation), every bid'ah is a going astray, and every going astray will
be in the Fire." (Reported by al-Nisaa'i in al-Sunan, Salaat al-'Eedayn,
Baab kayfa al-Khutbah). Reports with the same meaning were
narrated via Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) by Ahmad, via
al-'Irbaad ibn Saariyah by Abu Dawud and via Ibn Mas'ood (may
Allaah be pleased with him) by Ibn Maajah.
The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
used to say, when beginning a khutbah (sermon): "… The best of
speech is the Book of Allaah and the best of guidance is the guidance
of Muhammad. The worst of things are those which are
newly-invented, and every innovation is a going astray…" (reported by
Muslim, no. 867)
if you read the full fatwa youll see he concludes with this:
"As for what they contain - i.e. these innovated festive seasons such as
the Mawlid - of benefit then they are opposed by what they contain of
the corruption of innovations that outweigh the benefit, alongwith with
what has preceded of the corruptions of belief and state - that the
hearts become content with it at the expense of a large number of
Sunnahs to the extent that you find that the elite and the general
masses preserve this in a way that they do not preserve the Taraaweeh's
or the five prayers...." mentioning many more cases.[al-Qawl al-Fasl
(pg. 102) of Shaykh Ismaa’eel al-Ansaaree]
so no he dosnt agree with mawlid he said he simply agrees while some good is done on mawlid it is still wrong and mroe of all the bad outweighs the good, and he also states mawlid is a innovated festival, again he clearly shows it is not from islam ,so firstly he said the mawlid itself is a innvoation and it also contains more bad acts, and mentions their are more innvoated festivals like this one which aslo contain bad
and he further states
"But this does not prevent one from detesting and prohibiting it and to
replace it with a legislated action containing no bid'ah.... Just as the
Jews and Christians may find benefit in their worship because it is
possible that their worship includes an aspect of what is legislated but
this does not necessitate that you perform their actions of worship or
you report their words because all of the innovations contain evil that
outweighs their good, this due to the fact that if their good outweighed
the evil then why would the Sharee'ah have disregarded it? So we depend
upon the fact that it's sin is greater than it's benefit and this
necessitates forbiddance."
and he also says in one place that if a person does it out of a certain reason such as lack of knowledge then he/she will be forgiven not that it is allowed
if something is already harram then calling it harram isnt bidah, if you say this again a smoker can make the same excuse as you by saying cigerette is not in quran and sunnha so calling it harram is bidah aswell agaisnt islam nauzubillah
today you are saying calling mawlid bidah or harram is bidah, tomorrow the smoker will say the same thing, then alcoholic will start making excuses and do the same, then the murderer and obviously sufi groups have gone to the level of now legalizing dancing and music, this shows from one evil you jsut go to the next you will keep on legalizing harram and bidah and it will go on and on as muhammad saw said:
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Among my ummah there will certainly be people who permit zinaa, silk, alcohol and musical instruments…” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari ta’leeqan, no. 5590; narrated as mawsool by al-Tabaraani and al-Bayhaqi. See al-Silsilah al-Saheehah by al-Albaani, 91).
indeed we are seeing this hadith done openly today, with the excuse of difference of opinion, you are making a bad name for this term difference of opinion used in fiqh
My father used to be a strict follower of milad un Nabi and my mum and her family were completely against it. As a young boy I used to attend these gatherings there was many aspects which I disagree with. There is free intermingling of the sexes, Rasool
is given a quality of Allah Swt of being omnipresent. A chair would be put in the gathering claiming Nabi
will come sit there.
I believe it to be an innovation and do not follow it, Alhumdhulillah nobody in my family does anymore.
The History of Islam is fourteen centuries old. But the history of Meelaad
celebration is seven centuries old. The Golden ages of Islam – the era of
Rasulullah (صلى الله عايه وسالم ), of the Sahaabah, of the Taabieen, and of the
Tabe-Taabieen (Quroone Thalaathah) had long passed, yet the custom of Meelaad
was not initiated. Six centuries after our Nabi ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) an
irreligious ruler initiated this custom in the city of Mosul. Imaam Ahmad Bin
Muhammad Bin Bisri Maaliki (rahmatullah alayh) writes in his Kitaab, AL-QOULUL
“Allaamah Muizzuddin Hasan Khwaarzimi (rahmatullah
alayh) states in his Kitaab: ‘The Ruler of Irbal, King Muzaffar Abu Saeed
Kaukari, was an irreligious king. He ordered the Ulama of his time to act
according to their opinions and discard the practice of following any of the
Math- habs. A group among the learned men inclined towards him. He (this king)
organized Moulood sessions during the month of Rabiul Awwal. He was the first of
the kings to have innovated this practice.’ (AL-QOULUL MU’TAMAD)
This irreligious ruler squandered vast sums of public funds in the
organization and upkeep of these celebrations which had no sanction in Islamic
Law. Allaamah Zahbi (rahmatullah alayh) – died 748 Hijri- says: “Every year this
ruler spent three hundred thousand (from the Baitul Maal) on Moulood
celebrations.” (DOULUL ISLAM)
So, this practice of Moulood was originated by irreligious people. In the
year 604 Hijri this king, Muzaffaruddin Koukari, introduced this custom with the
aid of some learned people whose purpose was to gain the wealth and honour of
this world. A notable and a prime instigator in the origination of this custom
was one Molvi Amr Bin Dahya Abul Khattab who died in the year 633 Hijri. He was
a great supporter of the worldly and irreligious king of Irbal who introduced
this custom. The evil character of this irreligious learned man is a fact upon
which there exists unanimity among the great and pious learned men of Islam.
Hafiz Ibn Hajar Askalaani (rahmatullah alayh) says about this Molvi who was
responsible to a great extent for the innovation of Moulood customs: “He was a
person who insulted the Jurists of Islam and the pious learned men of former
times. He had a filthy tongue. He was ignorant, excessively proud, possessed no
insight in matters pertaining to the Deen and he was extremely negligent as far
as the Deen was concerned.” (LISAANUL MIZAAN)
Hafiz Ibn Hajar Askalaani (rahmatullah alayh) further adds: “Allaamah Ibn
Najjaar (rahmatullah alayh) said: ‘I have witnessed unanimity of opinion among
the people as to him (this irreligious Molvi), being a liar and an
unreliable person.’ ” (LISAANUL MIZAAN)
Every unbiased Muslim will realise from the aforegoing discussion that the
Moulood custom was introduced by evil men and given prominence by evil men.
Islamic History bears testimony to this fact. Right from its inception all the
great and pious Ulama and Jurists of Islam have condemned this innovation and
have warned against participation in these un-Islamic functions. There exists
consensus of opinion among the true learned Ulama of Islam that the customary
Meelaad functions are not permissible.
Our Nabi ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) has warned against the introduction of
customs into the Deen of Islam. Said our Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم ):
“Whoever introduces into this Deen of ours something which is not of it, is
The Sahaabah of our Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم ) had great detestation for any
new custom which tried to raise its head in the Deen. The Sahaabah did not
tolerate in the least bit any new form of worship or custom which anyone desired
to bring into the Deen.
We shall illustrate the detestation for innovation which the Sahaabah had,
with a few examples:
1) A man sneezed in the presence of Abdullah Ibn
Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) and said:
Abdullah Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) immediately rebuked this person and
said that our Nabi ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) taught us to r
we sneezed. This Hadith has been narrated by Tirmizi.
The point which we have to ponder here, is Abdullah Ibn Umar’s rebuke because
this man recited after the words . In reality the recital of the sentence: is an
act of merit. The more we remember Rasulullah ( ) the more thawaab we get. In
fact, we have been commanded to constantly offer salutations to our Nabi ( صلى
الله عايه وسالم). However, despite this, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (one of the
great Sahaabah) rejected this form of recitation after one has sneezed. And, the
reason as explained by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) was that
this formula was not taught to us by Rasulullah (صلى الله عايه وسالم ).
2) “Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) was informed of a group
of people who sat in the Musjid after Maghrib Salaat. One among them would say:
‘Recite Allahu Akbar so many times; recite Subhaanallah so many times; and
recite Alhamdulillah so many times!’ The group would then do as was instructed
(by its leader). Abdullah Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) arrived at the Musjid
and when he heard what they were reciting he said: ‘I am Abdullah Ibn Masood. I
take oath by Allah besides whom there is no object of worship, that you have
innovated a dark Bid’ah, or you are regarding yourselves superior to the
Companions of Muhammad
(صلى الله عايه وسالم ).’ ” (AL’ITISAAM and
The point to note here is that these people were merely reciting Takbeer and
glorifying Allah Ta’ala with Tasbeeh and Tahmeed. Now we ask: What is wrong in
reciting Alhamdulillah? What is wrong in reciting Subhaanallah? Why did Abdullah
Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) who was among the great Sahaabah of our Nabi ( )
describe the reciting of Takbeer, Tahmeed and Tasbeeh of this group as a “dark
Bid’ah”? The only reason is that the form, the manner in which this group was
reciting the greatness of Allah was not taught by our Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم
). The Sahaabah did not recite the praises in the way this group did, hence it
was regarded as a dark and evil innovation by such a great and learned Sahaabi
as Abdullah Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu).
3) “Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) heard that some people gathered in the
Musjid and were reciting Laa-ilaaha ilallah and Durood Shareef aloud. He went to
them and said: ‘This (way of recital) was non- existent during the time of the
Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم ). I regard you as innovators’. Ibn Masood
(radhiyallahu anhu) repeated this over and over until these people were ejected
from the Musjid.” (FATAWA QAADHI KHAN)
It must be noted here that these people were only reciting Laa-ilaaha
il-lal-lah and Durood Shareef, and both these are acts of Ibaadat of a very high
order. Despite this, Hadhrat Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) had these people
ejected from the Musjid and described them as innovators because they were
reciting these two forms of Thikr in a manner not taught by our Nabi (صلى الله
عايه وسالم) and in a manner not practised by the noble Sahaabah of Rasulصلى الله
عايه وسالمullah ( ). Further, Hadhrat Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu)
“This method was not in vogue during the time of Rasulullah ( )”.
This statement of Hadhrat Ibn Masood (radhiyallahu anhu) clearly means that if a
form of worship was not instructed by our Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم) then it
will be a Bid’ah. If the Sahaabah did not entertain any new systems or new ways
of worship then we have no right whatsoever of introducing into Islam any new
way or form of worship.
4) “Mujahid says that Urwah Bin Zubair
and himself entered the Musjid and saw Abdullah Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu)
sitting near to the room of Aishah (radhiyallahu anha). Some people in the
Musjid were performing the Dhuhaa prayers (the Salaat which is performed
sometime after sunrise). We asked Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) about the Salaat
being performed by these people. He replied that it was a Bid’ah innovation.”
It should be remembered that Salaatud-Duhaa has been narrated by many
Sahaabah. It is an act of Ibaadat which carries considerable reward. We are
encouraged to perform this Salaat. The great pious men of Islam hardly omit this
Salaat. However, despite this fact, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu
anhu) described the Dhuhaa Salaat of this particular group of people as Bid’ah.
The reason for branding it as Bid’ah is the fact that these people originated a
new method of performing this prayer. They congregated and performed this Salaat
conspicuously in the Musjid, and this method of performing it in congregation
form was not instructed by our Nabi ( صلى الله عايه وسالم).
Many such examples could be cited to illustrate the dislike which the
Sahaabah of our Nabi (صلى الله عايه وسالم ) had for innovation. If the practice
of innovation was tolerated in Islam there would be no pure Islam left. However,
Allah Ta’ala has blessed this Ummah with righteous and steadfast Ulama who
diligently defended the pure Deen of Allah through this long corridor of
fourteen centuries against the onslaught of innovation.
The celebration of the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is an issue of controversy amongst the scholars. Thus, there were some who considered it a disliked innovation, a few even saying it reached the level of prohibition, and there were others who considered it a praiseworthy innovation.
This difference is traced back to a divergence concerning the division of innovation (bid’ah). Some scholars recognized the validity of such innovations and this was, primarily, the school of Imam Al-Shafi’i (May Allah have mercy upon him) and the head of this thought was Al-’Izzi Adin Abdul Salam (May Allah have mercy upon him). In addition, Imam Al-Qarafi (May Allah have mercy upon him) who was a Maliki, carried this same opinion, giving it great attention , explaining it in an exhaustive manner. In his discussion Al-Qarafi (ra) expanded the concept of innovation to included innovations that were commendable, highly recommended, obligatory and a disliked nature. Thus, he divided innovation into five parts: (obligatory, recommended, permissible, disliked and forbidden).
There were some scholars who failed to accept this division contending that, “Any innovation, if it appears, then it is repulsive in nature.” They did this by restricting the statement of ‘Umar (ra), regarding the tarawih prayers, “This is a good innovation” to its linguistic meaning. There was a large body of scholars who held this opinion such as Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Shatibi, in his book Al-’Itisam, and many scholars from the Maliki and Hanbali schools (may Allah have mercy upon all of them).
Finally, there were scholars who wrote in support of celebrating the Mawlid such as Al-Suyuti (May Allah have mercy upon him) and, at the same time, there were others who wrote against it. Thus, in my opinion, there is no need to drag this discussion out, nor continue to argue about it any longer.
The Ruling:
Whoever wants to celebrate the Prophet’s (sa) birthday should celebrate it and avoid doing any action contrary to Islamic Law. This act should be done with an intention that it is not a sunna nor an obligatory act. If these conditions are observed, and one is careful not to contradict Islamic Law, out of sincere love for the Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah upon him), then, Allah willing, there is nothing wrong with this action and this person will be rewarded.
Commenting on this, the Shaykh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (May Allah have mercy upon him) said, “Indeed, such a person will be rewarded because of his intention.” Likewise, for the one who shuns this celebration, seeking to cling to the sunna out of fear of falling into innovation, then this person will also be rewarded, Allah willing. It is important to note that this is not a big issue. Nor is it necessary to give it more attention then it deserves.
The Methodology:
Our attention towards this issue is directed towards uniting the Muslims and curbing these differences. We base this understanding on facilitation (for both sides) and ease. This ease is not founded on an empty premise, but is referenced directly back to the Quran, traditions of the Prophet (sa), the fundamental objectives of Islamic law, and the order of the Prophet (sa) to work towards unity between others. If a contentious issue arises pertaining to a matter, we exercise great consideration and respect for both sides. This consideration is not simply an act of being overly accommodative, as some contend, or attacking those who hold weak opinions. But, this respect and consideration for differences is guided by the fact that both opinions are based on proofs from Islamic Law. In some regards these proofs are clear, and in other regards the opposite holds true. Thus, some (scholars) have provided evidences for these acts’ legitimacy, and others hold proofs for the opposite. In conclusion, our stance is that both are on goodness, Allah willing, as long as this act is not mixed with some type of evil and the intention is correct.
Allah knows best.
Translated by Suhaib Webb’s-birthday/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Abu m and abuela are u the same person? If it's obvious that you're not then me not knowing is cuz I can't/don't read such long posts with such dodgy formatting. Please sort it out so more people read/benefit from you.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
no were not the same individuals
if you dont like formatting the links are up their click it and go their and read it
the author again is grossly misinterpretating everything, jsut because one single scholar agreed on something doesnt mean this si the view of the madhab, some of the hanafi fiqh scholars agreed with thigns from other madhab doesnt mean it is the ahnafi fiqh that agrees with it but its jsut that single individual or individuals
if we look into the view of the 4 madhabs for bidah its very simple
Imaam abu haneefah rh advise to Imaam Abu Yusuf (rahmatullahalayh), Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullah alayh) said: “If any person introduces a bid’ah in the Shariah, then publicly proclaim his error so that people do not become audacious infollowing him. In so doing do not be concerned with his statusand fame. In proclaiming the Haqq, Allah Ta’ala is your Aid.He, Himself, protects His Deen. Even if the king commits anerror, admonish him with clarity. If he refuses to heed your admonition, explain to him in privacy that his act is in conflictwith the Qur’aan and Sunnah. If then too he refuses to heed,supplicate to Allah Ta’ala to save you and the Ummah from hisevil.
this is a incomplete quote badly misinterpretated the full quote is here he didnt say it was ok he jsut said if their were 2 evils its best a person does the lesser of the 2 so if mawlid was their and another evil was their that was greater then the evil fo mawlid would be better to do as it is lesser of the 2 evils
the full quote can be found here
if your gonna get a schoalr makesure its a real scholar
for every scholar knows the reality of tarawih, when a scholar lies about this you know somethings not right about him
suhaib webb claims tarawih is a bidah? lets see what imam bukhari in sahih bukhari says
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) led his companions in prayer (Taraweeh) for several nights, then on the third or fourth night he did not come out to them. When morning came he said: “Nothing prevented me from coming out to you except the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1129. According to the version narrated by Muslim (761): “But I feared that night prayers would be made obligatory for you and you would not be able to do them.”
After the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) prayed Taraweeh in small groups and individually, until ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) united them behind a single imam.
It was narrated that ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn ‘Abd al-Qaari’ said: I went out with ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) one night in Ramadaan to the mosque, and the people were scattered, with one man praying by himself and another with a group of men following his prayer. ‘Umar said: “I think that if I gather them behind one reader, it will be better.” Then he decided to unite them behind Ubayy ibn Ka’b. Then I went out with him on another night, and the people were praying behind their reader. ‘Umar said: “What a good innovation this is. But the prayer that they forget about and sleep is better than the one they are offering.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1906.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said, when refuting the view of those who quoted ‘Umar’s words “What a good innovation this is” as meaning that innovation (bid’ah) is permissible:
With regard to qiyaam in Ramadaan, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) introduced this to his ummah, and he led them in prayer for a number of nights, because at his time they used to pray in congregation and individually. But he did not persist in leading them in one congregation, lest that be made obligatory for them. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) died, sharee’ah was established (and would not change after that). When ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) became caliph, he united them behind one imam, Ubayy ibn Ka’b, who united the people in one congregation on the orders of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him). ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) was one of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, of whom the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I urge you to adhere to my Sunnah and the way of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs after me; cling tightly to it.” So what he did was Sunnah but he said, “What a good innovation this is,” because it was an innovation in the linguistic sense, as they were doing something that they had not done during the life of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), i.e., gathering to do this, but it is Sunnah in the shar’i sense.”
Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 22/234, 235
(I have no interest in debating with you. I was hoping this would stop you guys going in circles but never mind.)
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
misquoting quotes and showing the middle path doesnt prove anythign right
Islamic Ruling On Mawlid (celebrating the prophet Mohammed’s birthday)
The first ever Mawlid (celebration of the prophet Mohammed’s
birthday was on the 12th of the Islamic month Rabee al-Awwal) was
organized by Shia Fatimids they belonged to the Ismaili branch of the
Shia. They ruled Egypt between the years of 297-567 Hijri year. Mawlid
was organized in the palace and only the statesmen could attend them.
The first Mawlid (celebration of the prophet Mohammed’s birthday) by
Sunni Muslims was organized by Muzaffar ad-Din ibn Zain al-Din, who was
the ruler of Irbil (in Iraq), in Hijri year of 604. Those ceremonies
which were organized with long-term preparations were attended by all
people. Muzaffar ad-Din invited Islamic scholars, student of knowledge
and Sufis from the neighbouring regions to Irbil.
Ahmad b. Muhammad el-Misry, wrote about Muzaffar ad-Din ibn Zain
al-Din and Mawlid in his book al-Qawl al-Mu’tamad fi ‘amal al-Mawlid, he
said about him “He was a prodigal monarch. He commanded the scholars of
his time to follow the conduct based on their own derivation and
independent thinking (ijtihad), and that they should not follow any
school of law of any master except their own. A group of scholars and a
body of the servants inclined towards him. He used to celebrate the
birthday of the first monarch to introduce this practice among the
Imam Al-Dhahabi said in Duwal al-Islam, Vol.11 p.102 “He (Muzaffar
ad-Din ibn Zain al-Din) used to spend one hundred thousand (dirhams: old
money currency) on the celebration of the birthday (Mawlid) of the
Messenger every year.”
From the above it should become clear to any Muslim that Mawlid is an
innovation (bidah) in this religion as the prophet never started nor
commanded this day of celebration, so Mawlid is haram.
The Sufi Ashari Maturidis who celebrate this day are misguided as the
Messenger of Allah said: “Every innovation is misguidance and going
astray” Reported by Abu Dawood (no. 4607), at-Tirmidhee (no. 2676) and
it is saheeh. Ibn Hajr authenticated it Takhreej Ahaadeeth Ibn ul-Haajib
(1/137). Plus the prophet said: “… and every innovation is misguidance
and all misguidance is in the Hellfire.” Reported by an-Nasaa’ee (1/224)
from Jaabir bin Abdullaah and it is saheeh as declared by Shaikh
ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo’ ul Fataawaa (3/58).
Mawlid is a rejected act of worship because it is a bidah. The
prophet said, “He who innovates something in this matter of ours that
is not of it, will have it rejected.” Recorded in, Bukhari and Muslim.
Also the prophet said, “Whoever does an act which is not in agreement
with our matter, will have it rejected.” Recorded by, Muslim.
Also the prophets sahaba who loved him more than any Muslim and who
were the most eager to follow his Sunnah did not celebrate Mawlid. Plus
the first three generations of Muslims did not celebrate Mawlid either. The
Prophet said, “The best of mankind are my generation (or my century),
then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then
there will come, a people who will not care if their testimony comes
before their oath or vice versa (i.e., they will not take such matter
seriously).” Reported by, Bukhari, Muslim and al-Tirmidhee.
Now the question is how is it possible that the prophet, his sahaba
and the best three generations miss out on the reward of Mawlid and did
not even know about Mawlid, if it is something good as the supporters of
Mawlid state. Surely all good would have come from these people (the
prophet, the sahaba and next two generations: the salaf) not from any
Muslim besides them.
The Sufi Ashari Maturidis who are the most strict, in adhering to
this celebration say Mawlid is a bidah hasanah (good innovation), this
why the prophet, the sahaba and next two generations did not know about
Mawlid. It is also the reason why the four Imams (Abu Hanifah, Maalik,
al-Shafi and Ahmad) who they believe all Muslims most follow did not
know of Mawlid either. However this addition to the religion which came
after all these great people had died could not have been good. All good
came in their time this is why their generations were the best.
Plus in Islam there is no bidah hasanah all bidah is haram. The
prophet Mohammed taught the ummah everything that was best for it. There
is no way someone can teach this ummah something else that is good for
the ummah but the prophet never taught the ummah. The
prophet said, “Never was a prophet before me, but he disclosed to his
people what he knew to be best for them, and warned them of what he knew
to be evil for them.” Recorder by Muslim. Plus every act of worship that would bring any Muslim closer to Jannah (Gardens of Paradise) the prophet taught us about it. The
prophet said, “There is nothing that would bring you closer to Jannah
(Gardens of Paradise) and farther from the Fire but it has been
clarified [by me] to you.” Recorded by Ahmad and others; authenticated
by al-Albaanee and others.
So how could Mawlid be something that leads to Jannah (Gardens of
Paradise), be best for Muslims and the prophet Mohammed never knew about
(let alone teach it) when the hadeeths above indicate all good act of
worship the prophet taught the ummah before he died. This is why there
is no bidah hasanahs (good innovations) as all good acts of worship the
prophet taught the ummah.
Thus Mawlid is bidah which means it is haram to celebrate and it is not a good bidah as no good bidahs exist in Islam.
Moreover celebrating Mawlid is haram because a Muslim is only
suppose to celebrate two festivals, Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr as these
are confirmed in the sunnah of the prophet. So celebrating this day
involves opposing the Sunnah of the prophet which is clear cut haram. Abu
Dawood (1134) narrated that Anas said: When the Messenger of Allah came
to Madeenah they had two days when they would play. He said: “What are
these two days?” They said: “We used to play on these days during the
Jaahiliyyah (before Islam).” The Messenger of Allah said: “Allah has
given you instead of them two days that are better than them: the day of
al-Adha and the day of al-Fitr.” This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by
al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
Plus the prophet Mohammed told his ummah not to exaggerate about him
as the Christians had exaggerated about Isa (Jesus). They exaggerated
about Isa by calling him the son of Allah (God), calling him Allah (God)
or he is part of trinity that make up Allah (Father (God), Son (Isa)
and holy sprit) these how they exaggerated about him. The Christian also
exaggerate about him by celebrating the day he was born (Christmas: not
in their Bible). The prophet said, “Do not exaggerate about
me as the Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam. I am only a
slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allah and His Messenger.’” (Reported by
al-Bukhari).However the Sufi Ashari Maturidis do not
follow this hadeeth and instead have exaggerate about the prophet
Mohammed like the Christians did with Isa because they celebrate Mawlid
(the prophet Mohammed’s birthday).
So by celebrating Mawlid the Sufi Ashari Maturidis are imitating the
Christians celebration of Christmas though they slightly modify it by
calling it Mawlid, changing the day and prophet whose birthday they are
celebrating. Still this means they are imitating a religion
(Christianity) which has been cursed by Allah in the Quran. As the
Christians celebrated the birthday of Jesus man hundreds of years before
any Muslim celebrate the birthday of the prophet Mohammed. Imitating
the Christians is a cause of incurring the wrath and punishment of Allah
as they are a cursed (distanced from Allahs mercy) people.
Furthermore the prophet Mohammed has warned this ummah concerning
imitating (coping) the disbelievers in any outward actions or inward
beliefs, so the one who celebrates Mawlid is imitate the disbelievers in
their outward kufr action which is haram. The Sufi Ashari Maturidis who
celebrate Mawlid are imitating the Christians (disbelievers) by
imitating their celebration of Isa’s (Jesus) birth day (Christmas). The
only differences between the two are the names of the celebrations and
which one of Allahs prophets’ birthday is being celebrated.
The prophet said, “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 3512; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani.
Ibn Taymiyyah said about this hadeeth, “This at the very least
indicates that it is haraam to imitate them, although the apparent
meaning is that the one who imitates them is a kaafir (disbeliever).
Iqtidaa al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem, 1/237. Also he said, “Imitating them in
outward matters leads to imitating them in attitude and actions, hence
we are forbidden to imitate the kuffaar…as it says in the marfu hadeeth:
‘Whoever imitates a people is one of them.’” Majmoo al-Fataawa of Ibn
Taymiyyah, 22/154.
As well as Mawlid being a bidah it is a celebration that shows those
that celebrate it are very ignorant about the Sunnah. This is because
the 12th of Rabee al-Awwal is actually not the birthday of
the prophet Mohammed; it is the day he died. The day the prophet died is
the worst day in Islam as this is when the Quran stopped being revealed
and the Sunnah ended. Thus those Sufi Ashari Maturidis who celebrate
Mawlid have taken the worst day in Islam as a day of celebration, this
is very strange and just proofs they have very little knowledge of the
Also the prophet never celebrated his birthday in fact he worshiped
Allah on that day by fasting. So it would innovation (bidah) to single
out Mawlid for fasting but it would be closer to the Sunnah than having a
celebration on that day. The prophet was asked about fasting on
Mondays, and he said, “That is the day on which I was born
(his birthday) and the day on which I was entrusted with the mission or
when I was first given Revelation.” (Reported by Muslim, al-Nisaa’i and
Abu Dawood).
Those who celebrate and call to Mawlid have abounded the Sunnah of
the messenger in this matter and have added their own act of worship to
the religion thinking it was good. However there is no good in leaving
the prophets Sunnah and adding to the religion as the Prophet Mohammed’s
guidance is the best. The prophet said, “…the best of
guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The most evil of things are those
which are newly-invented (bidah in the religion), and every innovation
(bidah) is a going astray.” Reported by, Muslim and al-Nasaai.
Additionally those who deviate from the Prophet Mohammed’s guidance are destroyed.
The Prophet said, “…. I have left you upon clear guidance. Its night is
like its day. No one deviates (by doing bidah (innovation)), from it
after me except that he is destroyed.” Reported by, Ahmad, Ibn Maajah
(no. 43) and al-Haakim. It is declared saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaanee in
as-Saheehah (no. 937).
So the Sufi Ashari Maturidis and any other Muslims who celebrate
Mawlid have rejected the guidance of the prophet in this matter.
Therefore their claim that love the prophet more than those who do not
celebrate Mawlid and that Mawlid is how they proof they love the prophet
a great deal is a lie. If this was true then they would follow the
guidance of the prophet in this matter by not celebrating Mawlid as the
prophet nor his sahaba celebrated Mawlid. Allah said, “Say
(O Muhammad): ‘If you (really) love Allah then follow me (Mohammed),
Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Aal Imraan 3:31) Here Allah
tells Muslims true love for the prophet is not by celebrating Mawlid it
is through following the prophet.
It is also haraam to help other Muslims celebrate Mawlid by supplying
any kind of food or drink, buying, selling, manufacturing, giving or
advertising etc., as this would be regarded as cooperating in sin,
transgression and disobedience towards Allah (as Mawlid is bidah). Allah says, “Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa
(righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and
transgression. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment”
(al-Maidah 5:2)
In conclusion it is established that Mawlid is haram to celebrate or
help others to celebrate from a number of angles. The words of Ibn
Taymiyyah sum up the reality of Mawlid. He said “As for
celebrating an occasion that is not one of those that are prescribed in
Islam (the two Eids), such as one of the nights of the month of Rabee
al-Awwal which is said to be the night of the Mawlid (Prophet’s birthday
on 12th Rabee al-Awwal)… (he mentions other innovated
celebrations then he said), these are innovations (bidahs) which the
salaf (the sahaba and the next two generations) disapproved of and did
not do.” Majmoo Fataawa of Ibn Taymiyyah, 25/298.
Side Point: About Abdul Khattab Umar Ibn Dihya the helper of the innovator of the Sunni Mawlid, Muzaffar ad-Din ibn Zain al-Dins
The first Mawlid (celebration of the prophet Mohammed’s birthday) by
Sunni Muslims was organized by Muzaffar ad-Din ibn Zain al-Din, who was
the ruler of Irbil (in Iraq), in Hijri year of 604, his assistant and
helper in this innovation was Abdul Khattab Umar b. Dihya. “He was
employed in the Maghrib, then travelled to Syria, then to Iraq, and then
went to Irbil in 604 A.H. and found its monarch Muzaffar ad-Din ibn
Zain al-Din who took a keen interest in celebrating the birthday of the
Messenger (Mawlid). He composed a book for him al-Tanwir fi Maulid
al-Siraj al-Munir and recited it to him. He rewarded him with one
thousand dinars.” Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya wa al-Nihaya, Vol.I3 pp.144-146
Ibn Kathir has reported on the authority of al-Sabt about Ibn Dihya:
“Ibn Unain used to defame the Muslims and disparage them. He would make
additions in his report and exaggerate. So the people gave up narrating
traditions from him and falsified him. Kamil was favouring him. When his
conduct was disclosed to him, he withdrew Dar-al-Hadeeth from him and
disgraced him.” Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya wa al-Nihaya, Vol.I3 pp.144-146
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalanl’s commented on him saying, “He was a liar, lied
frequently, and a fabricator. He often slandered the scholars and the
jurists of the past, used evil toungue, self-conceited, lacked insight
in religious matters, and looked down upon religion. This has been
reported from al-Hafiz Diya. He further says: Ali b. al-Hussain Abul Ali
al- Isbahan narrated to me – it is enough to mention his name as an
authority – when Ibn Dihya came to us in Isbahan, he stayed with my
father in the hospice. He honoured and respected him very much. One day
he came to my father with a carpet. He kissed it and placed it before
him saying, “I offered such and such thousand rak’ahs of prayer on this
carpet, and recited the whole Qur’an in the Ka’ba.” He said: My father
took it, kissed it, placed it on his head, and accepted it from him with
a great pleasure. At the end of the day an inhabitant of Isbahan came
and began to talk to us. During his conversation he said by chance: The
faqih of Maghrib who is staying with you has purchased a beautiful
carpet today for such and such a price. Therupon my father ordered to
bring the carpet. Seeing it the man said, “Yes by Allah, this is the
same.” My father kept silent, and the eyes of Ibn Dihya fell down. Ibn
Hajar el-Asqalani, Lisan al-Mizan, VoL 4 p.295
Please can we put an end to this? This so-called debate can go on and on, and on and on, for years on end and maybe till the end of time. It's not going to get anywhere. Both of you have polar views and are unwilling to understand the other view, and atleast say 'yes, i understand where you're coming from but i have my view, you have yours'. No compromise is going to take place so why discuss this in the first place? You've both clearly made your points and backed it up with Hadith and evidence. We know that both of you are capable of giving reasoning to your opinions. It's coming to a point where in my opinion, Hadith are being used in places which aren't even relevant and are just being chucked in here and there. These are the words of the beloved prophet Muhammad (S) and shouldn't be disrespected in such a manner. Why don't we just leave it as it is, and stop slashing each others throats?
@TPOS. Thanks for that post. It made a lot more sense than the majority of things on this thread.
brother if that was the case then ali ra wouldve allowed muawiyyah ra to ahve his way and say its different of opinion so let him do his thing
similar thing with the khawarij and the shia of his time
but ali ra didnt for the wrong ahs to eb exposed and we know what he ali did to the 3, had he not been betrayed by his followers he wouldve destroyed all 3 of the groups completely and the othe rebels of his time
You have done your part in trying to explain your opinions with those who disagree with you and you have made your point very loud and clear. There is not much more you can do, besides continuing to repeat yourself. I think there are some members here, who have avoided this thread, simply because they know they will not gain any benefit out of it. My advice to you would be, to not indulge yourself too much into rectifying anothers persons belief to match yours. None of us have the slightest power to change a very passionately felt opinion, held with so much love which is shared all over the world. Have i made myself clear? Understand? Remember, Allah guides whoever he wishes and reckoning is for Allah alone.
that is true but i have a obligation i must fulfill
“He who amongst you sees something abominable should modify it with the help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do it, then he should do it with his tongue, and if he has not strength enough to do it, (even) then he should (abhor it) from his heart (by always
disliking what is evil or harmful), and that is the least of faith.”
what it results in allah's decision but i must do my bit after the will and guidance of allah that is
Err, that hadith does not apply in this context.
Celebrating the Milaad is a controversial topic. Its not forbidden, so that doesn't give you the right to try and change the opinions of others.
Something abominable would be like smoking or having a lack of respect, and in that case you would try to 'stop' it.
of course its forbidden its a innvoation in the religion of islam so it is a harram act
their are scholars ho say smoking isnt harram they can say the same thing you did right now that doesnt mean a certain action wouldnt apply to them
The prophet said, “Do not exaggerate about me as the
Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam. I am only a slave, so
say, ‘The slave of Allah and His Messenger.’” (Reported by
al-Bukhari).However the some peopl do not
follow this hadeeth and instead have exaggerate about the prophet
Mohammed like the Christians did with Isa because they celebrate Mawlid
(the prophet Mohammed’s birthday).
Its not forbidden at all, nor is it Haraam because everything that is Haraam is clearly stated in the Qur'an, wheras celebrating the Mawlid is NOT.
I don't get why its a Bid'ah one bit. You have to know what Mawlid actually is before you say its 'Haraam'. Mawlid is simply a gathering to address people and deliver a lecture about the miracles that took place at the time of the Prophet (SAW)'s birth.
I've heard one Hadith which proves the permissibility of celebrating the Mawlid. I'll try my best to intepret it into my own words.
Sayyidina Abass (RA) approached the Prophet (SAW) and said: ''Oh beloved of Allah, I want to praise you.'' The Prophet (SAW) thus gave him permission.
This took place in a Masjid, in the presence of 30,000 companions. So Mawlid is proven, because NO-ONE claimed it was a bi'dah, shirk whatever, bearing in mind the Uncle of the Prophet (SAW) rejoiced the Mawlid in front of 30,000 Saahabas and in every line he recited, he mentioned the Mawlid of the Prophet (SAW).
This is not to say you don't recite durood shareef/send saalam on just the day he (SAW) was born, of course. That should be an everyday thing, but the fact that the birth of the Prophet (SAW) was a miracle itself, is just another reason to praise the Prophet (SAW), regardless of how it may be exaggerated. There's no limit to praise the Prophet (SAW)! Just like Eid, people decorate their houses, the Mawlid is equally as special. Surely holding a gathering to talk about the birth of the Prophet (SAW), recite praises/stories/verses from the Qur'an, as well as give Dawah to non-muslims is NOT bid'ah.
AFAIK, there were numerous companions of the Prophet (SAW) who celebrated the Mawlid, and it wasn't stopped by the Prophet (SAW) either, so what right does that give you?
You have to experience the joys of Mawlid, before claiming it Haraam without any proper justification.
The only reason why the Prophet (SAW) did not emphasize the importance of the Mawlid, is because of fear that it may become Waajib upon the Ummah. So out of his compassion, and out of his kindness, and out of his love and mercy for his Ummah, the Prophet (SAW) did not emphasize the importance of Rabbi-ul-Awwal.
However, just like we treat Friday with great respect (i.e. by doing Ghusl, wearing new clothes etc), because of the birth of Adam (AS), then surely we can express our love for the Prophet (SAW) through Mawlid? Its the least we can do as his Ummah, compared to the great extent he (SAW) has gone through for us.
I don't have enough knowledge to talk about the differing views regarding Mawlid, but I will say that when the time of Mawlid comes, everyone is filled with utmost delight and joy, solely because the birth of the Prophet (SAW) is the biggest miracle of Islam and it shouldn't be considered wrong at all. Its the one thing I look forward to more than anything. You would commemorate something to preserve the significance of the Prophet (SAW)'s birth. E.g. When you perform Hajj, on the 9th Zhul Hajj people gather on the plain of Arafat to commemorate the meeting of Adam (AS) with Hawa (AS). Arafat means = to know/recognise something. Therefore its proven throughout the history of Islam and the significance of the day on Rabbi-ul-Awwal.
I actually remember (a couple of years ago), there was a Mawlid gathering at my Auntie's house and when everyone left, she picked up a plate (which had flour in), and shown it me. In the flour there was a clear footprint outline of the Prophet (SAW), and that was just the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed. I know the flour was not touched by anyone, because it was in the same place out of reach the whole time.
I could go on about the unlimited blessings a Mawlid brings, but knowing I would never speak against the Milaad is enough. If anyone has a problem with that, then I'm in no position to judge them.
What i've found is that a lot of people have many misconceptions regarding Mawlid. What happens during and inside this celebration is what needs to be addressed. People tend to think that there's a lot of Haraam that's going on like the mixing of sexes and so on, and its these acts that we should be staying away from, (IF they are happening). A LOT of what happens is actually Halaal anyway, cause it's done at other times in the year too and it's not against the teachings of Islam.
I still don't understand the concept of Mawlid being Shirk, thats something i can't seem to get my head around. Shirk means associating partners with Allah or giving something/someone the status that Allah should have in our lives, and that's not what people are doing. Doing Shirk is the worst thing ever, so i think its just totally wrong to say that Mawlid is Shirk, because Shirk takes a person out of the fold of Islam.
What needs to be remembered is that the day of Jumuah was clearly prescribed in so many Hadith. It was obvious, out there, and a LOT of emphasis and importance was placed on it. The acts that we should do on Jumuah according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (S), durood shareef and the blessings that Allah has given to us on this day is recorded everywhere. Here's two of the many Hadith:
Abu Lubanah al-Badri relates that the Prophet (saws) said: 'The most prominent (or leader) of the days is the day of Jumu'ah and the most honored in Allah's Sight, and it is more honored in Allah's sight than the day of breaking the fast, or the day of sacrifice. It has five significant merits: Allah created Adam on this day; on this day Allah sent Adam down to the earth; on this day Allah caused Adam to die; on this day, there is a time during which if anyone asks anything of Allah it will be granted to him unless he asks for something which is forbidden; and on this day, the Hour will be established. There are no Angels close to Allah or the sky or the earth or the wind or the mountain or the sea who are not worried concerning the day of Jumu'ah (as the Hour will be established on Friday).' (Ahmad and Ibn Majah).
Abu Hurairah reports that one Friday the Prophet (saws) said: 'O gathering of Muslims, Allah has made this day (of Friday) an Eid for you, so make ghusl and use the miswak (on this day)'. (at-Tabarani).
So in my opinion, trying to use such clear and obvious evidence and trying to justify that with the celebration of the Mawlid of the blessed Prophet (S) has a bit of weakness in it. I'm sure there are no conflicts over the day of Jumuah but the conflict over Mawlid arises because it wasn't as obvious, or as clear, or as emphasised.
If it was something like 'The prophet (S) was born on this day, and on this day we were blessed by his arrival so celebrate it as much as you can', then perhaps people would definitely celebrate it, and there would be no conflict. But because that's not what was said, this whole HOOHAH and calling it Bid'ah, Haraam, and Shirk occurs.
i said this to you and i'll repeat it to you now
you think the quran doesnt say it then you are rong for their as a
women who went to abdullah ibn mas'ud ra and said quran doesnt say about
shaving eyebrow being harram so how can it be harram, so he said you
havent read or udnerstood the quran for in the quran allah says whatever
his messenger saw says we obey so their is hadith which muhammad saw
said that cutting eyebro is harram and as allah says in the quran obey
his messenger, so although it directly doesnt say cutting eyebrow is
harram is has verses in the quran hich indirectly says it is harram when
we use this verse with the hadith of muhammad saw
again where in the quran does it say cigerette is harram so ho do you know cigerette is harram?
we use verses of quran and hadith indirectly related to this
again same with mawlid you say the quran doesnt say this i say to you it does in this verse and this hadith:
surah maidah:
This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion
“Do not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated about the
son of Maryam. I am only a slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allaah and His
Messenger.’” (Reported by al-Bukhaari)
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stated repeatedly
that: "Every newly-invented thing is a bid'ah (innovation), every bid'ah
is a going astray, and every going astray will be in the Fire."
(Reported by al-Nisaa'i in al-Sunan, Salaat al-'Eedayn, Baab kayfa
so tell me when rasulullah saw said every bidah is
harram along with the verse of the quran which says this religion is
complete now and muhammad saw then said do not imitate christians and
again said do not innovate anything new how does this not include mawlid
as being harram in quran like the example of cigerette and the abdullah
ibn masud ra scenario it is harram and mentioned indirectly
it is the sufi version of christmas created by shia as stated by ibn kathir and ibn hajr
a big difference between praising and celebrating, do you praise your
parents yes, do you celebrate their birthday no for that is harram or
create a ne eid for them no it is harram, praising and celebrating is
different things, im 100 sure he praised the birth of muhammad saw not
praising the celebration of mawlid, again 2 different things beteen me
praising my parents birth and celebrating their birth like eid, if the
hadith you state is even true to start with
their is a limit to praising
muhammad saw, are you gonna rpaise muhamamd saw in the same level to
allah? no and if their as no limit why would muhammad saw say
not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated about the son of
Maryam. I am only a slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allaah and His
Messenger.’” (Reported by al-Bukhaari)
this hadith shos theirs a
correct way and rong way you do it the rong ay like christians do they
do it ith christmas and you imitate them with mawlid
look at you
you have taken a innovation in level of eid, eid has been given by allah
malid has been created by man and you say this creation of man is equal
to a revelation of allah?
people also decorate their house for christmas and ne years day hanukah doesnt mean their special or valid in islam
verses of the quran is not but doing it in the name of malid is, if i
create a second hajj and say im praying reading quran and other action
is it valid no for theirs nothing wrong ith reading and praying but
doing it the name of a second hajj is wrong and harram same with mawlid
as muhammad saw said every innovation is bad and will end in hell
the mawlid was first created by the
shia and sufis 3 centuries after the death of muhammad saw and the first
3 generation of muslims, the sahaba ra never celebrated malid nor did
the first tabieen, or the 4 imams, they didnt even kno such a thing
exists, and if the sahaba ra did celebrate malid show us those hadith
and i will accept mawlid
you sound like someone who says do the second hajj first then youll kno the beauty of it
again where on earth did you get
this from, the reason e do this on eid is because it is teh day jummuah,
the jummuah prayer our special day of the eek, this is the eid of the
week this is why we do this, even if the aadam as case was true then
this ould be based on a hadith, but im not sure if that even is the
case, and lastly malid is bidah so again no evidence
and the miracle of creation of aadam as is stated to be the most powerfull creation miracle even better then isa as virtue of friday
the quran is a
even bigger miracle why dont you celebrate that it is the words of
allah uncreated, muhamamd saw is a creation of allah, so again do you
have a eid quran
this has been revealed by allah and his messenger
saw, it is a act of islam, not a bidah, again not a bidah but according
to quran and hadith, is the mawlid from quran and hadith not its not,
and if allah has not given anything to celebrate muhammad saw who gave
you the right to create one, second muhammad saw greatest thing is that e
should all follow him for he is the leader of prophets, hat can be
better then this to follo the best of creation, what do you do, you do
the opposite
their are pictures of
the cloud which has god ritten ith it, some have je some have budha,
these kinds of miracle have no value, and hats so significant about
having the foot of muhammad saw in flour? that footprint mustve been
drawn by someone and you think its muhammad saw
again their are
shapes in the moon which create certain images you trying to say those
are miracles, and besides how do you kno its the foot of muhammad saw
its a foot, all human have foot, some people ere the exact same height
as muhammad saw, some resembled him heavily
does it bring world peace, victory for muslims in afghansitan,
palestine gaza, or some draing of a foot in a flour, in a pot of rice,
in your curry
if you want to do something for the birth of muhammad saw do this
this is found in the hadith
has been reported is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) made the day of his birth a day of worship, which is
different to celebration. He was asked about fasting on Mondays, and he
said: “That is the day on which I was born and the day on which I was
entrusted with the Mission or when I was first given Revelation.”
(Reported by Muslim, al-Nisaa’i and Abu Dawood).
I was dreading you'd rip every line apart, and what a surprise.. you have done. -.-
I didn't mean to start the whole thing again, so I apologize- because I have no intention to prove whether the Mawlid is allowed or not to you, unless I'm willing to waste my time trying to debate with a brick wall.
You have your views, and I have mine. Don't forget your morals just because someone does/believes things differently. You're just stabbing yourself with a spoon.
I suppose 'Hummus' has already said it.
Just accept the fact that not everyone thinks like you or can be like you (Thank God). Everyone differs in views, so nothing you can say or do will change anything.
BEFORE YOU RIP THIS POST APART, do us all a favour and stop being ignorant about the views you disagree with. Such a foolish thing to do..
so what did you do this mawlid
Let us look at this as it is often used in the wrong context, like here. What did the Christians exaggerate?
Could Prophet Isa (as) breathe life into clay pigeons? yes.
Could Prophet Isa (as) cure the lepers? yes.
So what was the exaggeration? It was the issue of calling prophet Isa (as) the son of God. Astaghfirullah.
We do not do this. The prophet
is the messenger of God. The messenger
is the creation of God.
By celebrating mawlid, we celebrate the birth of the messenger (saw).
God was not born.
So by celebrating mawlid, we are acting accordance with that hadith, reminding of acts of creation as the Creator is not born and will not die.
(I think the person who quoted that hadith should also read in sahih Bukhari how the sahabahs treated the prophet (saw). There is an account of an occasion where the people would not even let the spit of the prophet
hit the gound, but catch it and rub it on them for barakah.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
If either of you stop replying, we won't think either have you have given in. No, we will just think you have been wise enough to end this pointless debate.
To everyone else, just because someone finally stops commenting, does not mean they don't have an answer. It just means they know they can't convince the other person, and are praying Allah guides them, as He guides us all. You do not have to believe the person who gets the last word, rather ask scholars, listen to talks, read books and make your own decision,
Now please, please please stop these "discussions".
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
the christians exegerated him by creating christmas for him something that was created later on, bible says jesus was born in summer around august to september not december
you do the same thing with muhammad saw in a date in which muhammad saw wasnt even born although it is widely stated as being the 12th it might not even be the 12th and by the way rasulullah saw died on the 12th that is confirmed
innvoation of christmas:
Before the birth of The Messiah, Y'shua our LORD, The Romans had a pagan feast called
'saturnalia' that was observed during the early part of winter, what we now call
'December', and its heathen feast and practices fell towards the end of the month.
As a result of Roman Catholicism connecting church and state around the year 313 A.D.,
the secular and religious became in many instances one issue. It is from this point
in history that we begin to witness many pagan and lurid rituals and activities that
became lot and parcel of 'so-called' Christianity.
innovation of mawlid according to ibn kathir and ibn hajjar and other scholars
it was first created by the shias 3 centuries after the death of muhammad saw then it was marketed by muzaffar the sufi
preety much the same a act not legalized by islam same with christians
birth of muhammad saw is not to be celebrated if it was to be celebrated the sahaba ra wouldve done it so woudlve the first 3 generatation you have the eid celebrate this
and you have a weekly eid celebrate that
no your not you vant show a single hadith which mentions mawlid so how is this according to hadith again same as christians based on nothing
same as christians
christmas+mawlid=innvoation and exegeration
they didnt do that at all times the spit thing
a sahaba ra drank the blood of muhammad saw first time he allowed second time he told him off and said its harram
this scenario is as bad as those who claim music is halal so it must be deal with
and besides if brother you did some research then he wouldve not put himself in many wrong situations like he did regarding the salatul duha scenario, and in that thread if you notice he hasnt even psoted naymore after he was proven wrong, im not saying this to embaress him, rather to make him realise that he shouldnt always rush into things rather research it properly for all he had to do was read a few hadith down and the answer was their
i myself have learned many lessons from my mistakes in this forum and will do my best to use it in future inshallah
I see that you have gone to "logic" to disprove milad, you state it was 3 centuries later but ignore the hadith from Sahih Muslim and the verse of the QUr'an from Surah Maryam (and for this instance you also raise the level required for proof from what you suggest for other actions in other topics at the same time) and while I do not consider the Mawlid an adoption of a christian event even further you accept that there was another event that the Muslims adopted from the Jews by the prophet
The Christians got their christmas all messed up and are aware that that is not the time that Prophet Isa (as) was born.
We do not do the same thing.
But you still have not shown how this is the exaggeration that was guarded against - especially when there is the shirk that they added which is something that Islam was revealed to combat.
Apart from deification, we Muslims hold Prophet Isa (as) in higher regard than Christians do - many reject the stories of the miracles as later inventions (maybe because they are mentioned in the Qur'an...).
Subhanallah. I have the same. On the issue of Duha prayer I was not fully aware of all the evidences.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i have already refuted those verses and hadith, doesnt say celebrate mawlid, nor does those verses of quran say celebrate mawlid, if that was the case then people wouldve created milad for tree plants, eid e mother eid e father and others
khadija ra got sallam from allah s did the prohpet does that mean she is equal to a prophet? no and this deosnt eman we celebrate this sallam she recieved
same with muhamamd saw its sallam and blessing somethig only allah did to hsi prophets not us, again aadam as got bowed down by angels will you bow to aadam as
these verses have nothing to with celebrating no different to fasting once a week and celebrating something is different
i never said muslims got ashoora from jews, you did, again you are putting words in my mouth unless you got mixed up again
funny how you say ashoora is copied from jews when it isnt, then the one that is you say it isnt one is a sunnah the other is bidah
i dont know where your logic here comes from
and if you look at history of birthday while muslims never did it pagans did