how do you explain it to them? that its wrong? im trying to tell her the story and explain to her why we dont celebrate it etc.. but xmas is so gliterry and heartwarming through this so very cold spell that attachment just forms and it just wins little heart over.
i just got home from picking my lil sister up. havent even taken my coat off yet.. im a lil bit annoyed that it's IMAAN who gave her the first xmas card. kids these days..back in my days you didnt get cards in YEAR 1. do people have money to spare or sum'in?
duah it is.
what abt the xmas play? lol
and all those so-very-wrong-meaning songs, i dont mind them... trying to get them out of her head by playing nasheeds at home instead LOL.
Christmas always tends to be more 'festive' cause its embraced by so many people, plus kids get influenced pretty easily. Like in my little sister's school, Christmas seems to be all that's ever talked about. I suppose for little kids, everything always starts within the school environment, so the thought of giving out christmas cards, receiving presents, dressing up for christmas plays, meeting 'Father Christmas' etc is something they can enjoy and relate to with their friends/teachers.
Lol, the way the media advertises the joys of Christmas is another thing altogether. For me 2 weeks at home resting is heaven itself... who needs a tree...
Back in my days we didnt do this sort of stuff.
I guess times change.
But at a minimum we need to make sure they are aware that its a foreign celebration. We just enjoy it for its holidays.
For the young maybe try replicating some of the glitz etc for eg Eid?
Muslims are not the only ones tht dont celebrate Christmas and we should never (be made to?) feel bad for not doing so.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.