Watch The Revival Editor Bungee Jump!


(Haven't watched it yet)

Sephy why didn't you do it?! You like crazy stuff don't ya

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
(Haven't watched it yet) Sephy why didn't you do it?! You like crazy stuff don't ya

Bungee jumping is kinda tame for my standards.

Back in BLACK

So why didn't you do it?

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
So why didn't you do it?

Once you've jumped outta plane, anything less extreme is so n so.

Back in BLACK

I thought there was FOUR of you who were going to do it?

Why is there only THREE in this video?


Seraphim wrote:

TPOS wrote:
So why didn't you do it?

Once you've jumped outta plane, anything less extreme is so n so.

I meant for the revival, not the experience!

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Northen Southener wrote:

I thought there was FOUR of you who were going to do it?

Why is there only THREE in this video?

There was another brother who did the jump.

But there was too much of a crowd at the front that i couldnt get a video of him Sad

and then he didnt stick around at the end either for pics! lol

Back in BLACK

Titanium wrote:

coola! i was expecting yo be higher... but still very cool


oh the accents. very different and weird.


Arent you from Manchester too??

But yeah Ed does have a strong accent.... and he cant seem to stand still lol

Back in BLACK

Oh Ed you found it easy then! I think I'd be super scared but love the adrenaline rush at the same time :/
Lol at the heads bobbing about at first
Sephy were u the cameraman? Could've held it landscape!

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
Oh Ed you found it easy then! I think I'd be super scared but love the adrenaline rush at the same time :/ Lol at the heads bobbing about at first Sephy were u the cameraman? Could've held it landscape!

Lol he was well scared before hand.

And yes i was the camera man. And yes in hind sight i probably shud have held it landscape. My bad. Next time i will.

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:

Northen Southener wrote:

I thought there was FOUR of you who were going to do it?

Why is there only THREE in this video?

There was another brother who did the jump.

But there was too much of a crowd at the front that i couldnt get a video of him Sad

and then he didnt stick around at the end either for pics! lol

There WAS another brother (me aka NS)
I was the last one there - I didn't see anyone taking pics?

So this is your Revival name hey...



Aww NS why didn't you wait?!
Lol sephy's identity being revealed. Tell us why u find it so funny though? Blum 3

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Northen Southener wrote:
Seraphim wrote:

There was another brother who did the jump.

But there was too much of a crowd at the front that i couldnt get a video of him Sad

and then he didnt stick around at the end either for pics! lol

There WAS another brother (me aka NS) I was the last one there - I didn't see anyone taking pics? So this is your Revival name hey... Lol

LOL Ssssssshhhhhhh

We took pictures after everyone had done their jumps but you had disappeared.

I will put up the pics later on today.

Back in BLACK


Lol @ scream & swear. 

Must have taken a lot of courage to jump from such a height. Wow. 


amazing experience. yes i was a bit nervous before but felt great during the jump... and i believe i did scream a bit.... out of joy of course!

now i wanna see the rest of you jumping and raising money for the revival:-)


The long awaited day had finally come! Well done Ed and to our Revvy correspondent Biggrin 

I still think i would've stood at the top for a good half an hour and then asked the lady to take the lift down. I'm surprised you didn't die. 


Hummus wrote:

I still think i would've stood at the top for a good half an hour and then asked the lady to take the lift down.

They don't let you do that - if you haven't jumped in 5 seconds, they just push you off.


Northen Southener wrote:

Hummus wrote:

I still think i would've stood at the top for a good half an hour and then asked the lady to take the lift down.

They don't let you do that - if you haven't jumped in 5 seconds, they just push you off.

That must've been exactly what you hoped would happen. Talking from experience, are you?


Hummus wrote:

Northen Southener wrote:

They don't let you do that - if you haven't jumped in 5 seconds, they just push you off.

Talking from experience, are you?

YES - the "experience" that was the ONLY ONE that they didn't post on here...



Blame it all on our Revvy correspondent. But, where were all your spectators? Did they not cheer and video you too? Tut Tut.


Hummus wrote:

Blame it all on our Revvy correspondent. But, where were all your spectators? Did they not cheer and video you too? Tut Tut.

They did, but I don't know why it's not on here. Might just have to hack into the "correspondents" account and upload it myself...


Northen Southener wrote:

Hummus wrote:

Blame it all on our Revvy correspondent. But, where were all your spectators? Did they not cheer and video you too? Tut Tut.

They did, but I don't know why it's not on here. Might just have to hack into the "correspondents" account and upload it myself...


LOL, its not my fault! Besides everyone got their own videos of the jump from the bungee people! Where are those vids?? I know Eds posted his on FB.

If you do want to include your video. Pass it either to myself or to Ed and we will upload it to the website.

PS i shall post the pics of the event tonight.

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:

Titanium wrote:

coola! i was expecting yo be higher... but still very cool


oh the accents. very different and weird.


Arent you from Manchester too??

But yeah Ed does have a strong accent.... and he cant seem to stand still lol


strong acccent? you mean a posh accent:-)

a customer at work today said to me ' it's good to speak to someone with a strong scottish accent!!!!'


and another said i sound linke the boxer Amir Khan lol

so really nobody understands me hahhahahhaha!!!!


TheRevivalEditor wrote:

Seraphim wrote:


Arent you from Manchester too??

But yeah Ed does have a strong accent.... and he cant seem to stand still lol


strong acccent? you mean a posh accent:-)

a customer at work today said to me ' it's good to speak to someone with a strong scottish accent!!!!'


and another said i sound linke the boxer Amir Khan lol

so really nobody understands me hahhahahhaha!!!!


Lol.... dodgy geezer haha.

Ive uploaded the pics. Enjoy.

Back in BLACK

Those pictures need enlarging. Select media, upload the pictures and choose large. I think i'm becoming a pro at these things Smile


watch the official bungee jump video here:




Hummus wrote:

Those pictures need enlarging. Select media, upload the pictures and choose large. I think i'm becoming a pro at these things Smile

All the pictures are now clickable!

Each thumbnail will open up to a BIGGER version of the picture.


Back in BLACK

What a waste of time and energy, why don't you do something constructive like spend the money you made on charity instead of a stupid magazine.

Abu wrote:

What a waste of time and energy, why don't you do something constructive like spend the money you made on charity instead of a stupid magazine.

Constructive?.... Educating the youth isnt constructive? Helping spread the word of Islam isn't constructive?

Tell me, whats the weather like on the planet you're on?

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:

Abu wrote:

What a waste of time and energy, why don't you do something constructive like spend the money you made on charity instead of a stupid magazine.

Constructive?.... Educating the youth isnt constructive? Helping spread the word of Islam isn't constructive?

Tell me, whats the weather like on the planet you're on?


Yeah for sure, educate them with a conconted view of Islam, a modernist watered down view???

If I wanna learn Islam I will seek out a true scholar of Islam, not some stupid magazine which uses women without hijab for an eye catching cover page or people who sit in their fancy westernised lounges and hurl abuse at every mujahid fighting for the cause of Islam and kiss the behinds of the enemies of Islam.

Sorry but there is very little "Islam" in this magazine it's just the opinions of a few "modernist" muslims. I have quran and sunnah to learn from, don't need no westernised muslim views.

