Children grow up addicted to online porn sites: Third of 10-year-olds have seen explicit images
A 'guinea p**’ generation of children is growing up addicted to hardcore internet pornography, MPs were warned last night.
Four out of five 16-year-old boys and girls regularly access porn online while one in three ten-year-olds has seen explicit material, a disturbing cross-party report reveals.
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MPs call for automatic block on all online porn to stop the surge in children watching adult material
Internet users should automatically be blocked from accessing pornography at home to stop the surge in children seeing adult material, MPs will demand today.
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Why block them for everyone?
How about all the free channels on SKY that start at 9 block them too?
If you’re so concerned then shut down the porn industry, let poor men get angry and frustrated
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Because prevention is better than cure, so if people really want to watch porn they'll have to explicitly order it.
These "poor and frustrated" men should learn the value of being mature and disciplined when it comes to sex.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
I think we're past that stage
some of the soft porn is available for free
Its easy to say that but ask the men who don't get sex for a long time
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How can it be past that stage when it affects children who are growing up now, and will be growing up in later years - it will prevent them.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Its where ever you look its where ever you go, you can find porn in the form of bill board adverts news agents sell it and when a child goes into a news agents are you going to say cover up your eyes? news papers publish soft porn the sun's page 3 the daily star will they be asked to stop publishing it so future generations aren't affected?
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I've never noticed the porn at news agents...
It's about doing whatever you can not having the mentality of letting everything be just because there are other things that are out of your control which affect it.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Top shelf mags
But what you can do is never enough
That's what govt's do they say a lot and just let everything be because it's the easiest option and its keeps the people happy and quite
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Doesn't mean you shouldn't try, 'every little helps'.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
You can but I don't think its going to work
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If the world was full off pessimists like you, no one would try anything, and nothing good would ever happen.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Spot on Power, spot on!
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
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'How Watching pornography changes the brain' is external)
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Children do not grow up 'addicted' to online porn sites. Full stop!
And porn sites should be destroyed (even if they're aimed for adults and not little teenagers!) There is simply no need and people need to learn to control their desires!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Well, as a wise guy once wrote in an artiche titled "A guy called Ment" if someone says something to you enough times you start accepting it as the truth. (this is just a joke so please don't think I'm being arrogant or anything like that
How that links into this is - as young children we are exposed to seaxal messages without even realising it. Just one e.g is in cartoons like Tom and Jerry where the cat is chasing the mouse and getting on with it's life but when a girl cat comes onto the scene, all of a sudden nothing else matters and the guy cat just starts lusting over the girl cat.
Porn is just a natural age appropriate progression from this. If we have an issue with porn, we should also have issues with what triggers the desire from a young age.
OMG I actually stop my little cousins watching Tom & Jerry episodes when Tome is being all lovey dovey and there's all those 'seductively dressed' cats.
It may be a cartoon, but that sort stuff impacts the children and as NS said it is the start. We have to be careful in what we are feeding our children...
It's disgusting that even kids programmes have such stuff!!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Hmm.. Yeah its true, as a kid when i watched Tom and Jerry i didn't know i was exposed to sexual messages! And even till today, i personally, can't see it as 'sexual' though it can be 'lovey dovey'.. (I havn't watched them in a while now, its been many years!)
Well the investigation was focussed on the explicit material (adult kind of thing) and none of this hidden stuff in cartoons! It was the physcial actions that they said teenagers were watching in their bedrooms!
Maybe its the word 'addicted' that i have a problem with! I also think, the figures should be more specific in terms of the background/religion of the teenagers.
It really is sexual and the fact that many people don't see it as a problem is the issue.
And seriously it's true, teenagers regularly watch this stuff, esp boys! The religion doesn't really make a difference does it? So what if it's not Muslim kids doing it (though I'm sure some do) like you said porn shouldn't be seen at all! To fix a problem, you gotta first admit there is one...
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Ok, Problem Detected! So this must mean that parents should stalk their children and know what their watching? Ok, in a way they should be stricter, but then again, kids do rebel. Pretty obvious! Hmm, im trying to think of the best way to tackle this issue? Since i have admitted that Muslim kids can get trapped into all this too! In short, its sickening! Why would you wonner watch other peopleee -.-
I can answer this one - Because we've been taugh as a child that it's the "normal" thing to do. (thought Ton and Jerry / Simpsons etc)
We used to have a Geography teacher that used to encourage it. He used to try and say that it's good for ones health.
No, im not talking about the cartoons! Im talking about the obvious, actual stuff, just to confirm!
see what I was saying before is that the reason for the "actual stuff" being watched is because it's an age appropriate natural progression.
If we're successfully going to rid the world of the problem, we need to tackle it at the source.
Prevention is better than cure and all that...?
Teenagers might be curious to know what its all about, so i agree that prevention from the source is better than the cure! But what about all those poor kids who are already into watching it? They're the ones who desperately need a cure!
a FULL ban of the internet (excepth this site) may be a possible solution?
Hahahaha! But then again 'we' (on revvy) are the ones talking about this issue!
Apart from telling them offf/monitoring people/blocking the sites there isn't a lot you can do for those who're already in the habit.
In terms of prevention, education is vital. I know people will still be interested but if they've been brought up to know that it's wrong and what damage it does then it might be different. However everyone's brought up to think the sexualisation of women and everything is normal. Sexualisation sells everything from perfume, cars to ice cream! And then going on to watch porn is not big deal and it's what everyone is doing.
I know someone who masturbates and when they found out that it's haram they shocked, felt bad and whatever and wanted to stop. But obviously once you start sinning it's hard to stop so that's why education is so important.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I don't see anything wrong with porn sites as long as the peole are happy doing what their doing
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Please tell me that was joke?
Do children have understanding of that kind of thing at that young age?
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